Chapter 689 The successor of Lan Qi's legendary seal master

Chapter 689 Lan Qi’s successor to the legendary seal master

 At close to five o'clock in the morning, the entire Huadu Parrieu was still shrouded in chaos and fear.

 The few remaining street lamps were swaying in the strong wind, like candles that might be extinguished at any time.

 The sanctuaries and temples were filled with frightened people.

“Mom, will there be a hero to save us?”

 A mother and daughter were hiding under a narrow porch. The little girl hugged her teddy bear tightly, tears streaking her immature face.

  “There will be.”

Her mother hugged her tightly, her eyes empty, and she comforted her in a low voice, her voice trembling.

The moment she heard others say that Loren's appearance was a misunderstanding, her hope seemed to be shattered.

 At this moment, most of the citizens in the temple are very depressed.

 Many people asked in panic and confusion.

“[Original Slate-Seal] According to the information, the current holder is the Cardinal of the Resurrection Church in the Northern Continent, Asksan…”

“I can’t see clearly. Even the reporters on the front line are inconsistent with their statements, but it seems that the high priest did not come in person.”

Whenever two black dots collide, the screen will shake violently, accompanied by a harsh noise.

 At the other end of the temple, the Paladins were trying to work together to carry their injured companions to a safe place.

 “But isn’t Askosang suspected to be dead?”

In the camera lens, you can only vaguely see two black spots moving on the roof of the building, erupting into black and gray mist. The invisible impact can generate air waves, making them unable to stand even though they are several kilometers apart.

"What kind of slate is that? Why haven't I seen it in the book?"

At this moment, another dazzling lightning flashed across the night sky, illuminating the entire city.

Now the situation in Huaduparieu has become a mess. First there are judgments, and then mysterious figures appear one after another. It is completely difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

"No, I seem to have seen this kind of divine writing in the magic genealogy class of the Holy Education Research Institute. This is a seal-slate?!"

The rain hit the lens, blurring the picture.

 Although I really want to give my companions some reassuring words, the reality is so cruel.

Perhaps silently praying to gods for blessing, or holding the hands of people around you tightly, so that you can get some comfort.

Her sudden change in expression made other citizens a little nervous for a moment.

This scene was captured by reporters several kilometers away.

The injured priest kept moaning and blood flowed from his forehead.

Even though the picture is not clear at all, everyone can feel the power penetrating the lens.

Bishop Annihilation was feared by the creatures in the Northern Continent, and his reputation even spread to the Southern Continent.

To the people of the Northern Continent, its terrifying level is no less than that of Perlman, who is causing turmoil and almost massacres the city.

 The news that spread from the Northern Continent some time ago, but it is unknown whether it is true or false, all mentioned the Bishop War of the Resurrection Church.

The demon reporter braved the violent storm and once again tried his best to set up the equipment.

  Their faces were covered with sweat and dust, and every step they took was extremely difficult.

 “What’s going on over there on the North Shore?”

 As one of the supreme cardinals of the Resurrection Church, every sealing and cursing technique he mastered has sown the seeds of death into the world.

Asksan, Bishop of Annihilation, symbolizes fear, despair and torture.

In the picture of the Posen Demon World Channel, two fuzzy little dots seemed to be fighting on the distant skyscrapers!

If Loren really comes, it will not be Perlman chasing Loren, but a storm will sweep across the entire Huadu Parrieu.

 “Another tablet bearer?”

 There was a priest in the temple who stared at the crystal curtain and suddenly screamed in surprise.

 Wherever the lens reaches, a place too far away to be seen, above the endless night, heavy rain, and ruins, it seems as if the gates of **** have been opened.

“It’s an eighth-order battle. The newly confirmed unknown eighth-order begins to fight against Perlman!”

According to legend, Askosan's sealing technique is silent but more deadly than any killing magic. In just a few hours, he can turn a large and prosperous city-state into a silent purgatory, regardless of the strong or the weak. Unable to escape from his confinement, this Cardinal sees no compassion or humanity, only a morbid fascination with death and annihilation.

 “Perhaps the intelligence is false? He is actually still alive?”

But because the distance is too far, and the constant interference from heavy rain, lightning, lightning and thunder in the dark night, the picture is sometimes clear and sometimes blurry, like a dream with unstable connections.

 “Who is it...?”

At the same time, there was a burst of discussion among the people in the church who were still looking at the unstable scene.

 The priest had a complicated expression on his face. It didn't seem that he didn't know the answer, but that he didn't dare to mention a certain "forbidden word" that was ominous.

 A change of bishops in the Resurrection Church may have occurred some time ago.

 Not only the temple, but also the remaining signal sources in every corner of the Huadu city-state, countless figures were sitting upright, their eyes focused on the screen.

The demon female reporter took a breath of cold air and her voice trembled.

 But no matter what, they can only hope that the sudden appearance of strong men can stop Pearlman.

 “Why, first Loren, then Asksan?”

Sitting on a long bench, platinum-level card maker Bruton pushed up his glasses, frowning and muttering to himself.

 He was also protected in the temple by the Posen Kingdom for the first time.

As a platinum-level card maker from the Kingdom of Aloran, he has more information about the situation in the Southern Continent than ordinary citizens and priests.

 Compared to the fact that someone can appear unexpectedly at a critical moment, their appearance itself is accompanied by weirdness.

 If you are not immersed in the joy of grasping at straws and think about it carefully, you will find a strong sense of violation.

 Some time ago, there were actually rumors from the Northern Continent that were not sure whether they were true or not, saying that Askosan was dead.

And the scene of his death is also related to Loren.

  I didn’t think this information was correct at first, because the great priest Loren wiped out a group of the Destruction Branch that actively launched an attack very recently, proving that Loren was most likely actually in the Southern Continent.

 Or rushed back at an extraordinary speed, almost as if he could predict the future.

In the past six months, more and more postmen from the north and south have talked about the turmoil among the bishops in the Protos Empire, and they have confirmed that Loren is indeed active in the northern continent, and the news of Asksan's death has become more and more real.

 As a normal person with the ability to think independently, Bruton gradually frowned.

 Could it be that…

Who has secretly unified part of the Resurrection Church and remotely ordered them to act as secret agents from thousands of miles away to make the world situation run as he expected?

Just thinking about this thought gave him a chill down his back.

 Asxan, who appeared here even less logically than Loren, appeared.

Perlman's coup tonight is a change for the entire eastern region and even the southern continent, going against the script expected by everyone or some people.


 Someone came to wipe it out.

This kind of unusual help is more like a "correction" than a rescue!

With such preparations in place, is it time for the Creation Empire to go to war next? The stage for the birth of a hero will also unfold?

 Bruton didn’t dare to think about it any more.

 He just felt scared.


 The other side of the south bank of Huadu.

The demon holding the cursed magic book paused and looked at the giant open-air screen behind him.

At this moment, he no longer changed into the appearance of Ifatia, but returned to his vague male face.

Ever since he crossed the Disaster Land to the Northern Continent, and then crossed the sea to the Southern Continent, he has never seen such a strange thing today.

 Every time the plan is close to success, it will deviate slightly.

Although it doesn't seem to have much impact, he and Perlman have an absolute situational advantage in terms of pure combat power and victory conditions, but there always seems to be an uncertainty that cannot be eliminated.

 “Rocky McCarthy…”

Beelzebub took off his gray hood and looked toward the distant north in the heavy rain.

He learned from his contact with Perlman that Loren was disguised as Rocky McCarthy, and now he is not sure how much ability Rocky McCarthy has.

 The key to the defense center of Huatu Parrieux City has been obtained so far.

Originally, he planned to go to the last Duke's Mansion on the South Bank to get the remaining keys to the South Bank, and then go to the Demon World on the North Bank to join Perlman.

After thinking about it, Beelzebub changed direction and headed to North Bank Area 4.

To be on the safe side, it’s better to make sure that Rocky McCarthy can be eliminated first.


 North Shore District 10.

A gray blush on the skyline is gradually deepening, like a marshmallow soaked in blood, slowly revealing a soft dark red.

Rainwater flowed freely along the glass curtain wall of the building, and winding silver snakes were reflected in the lightning light, dancing gracefully in the darkness.

 Thunder then exploded, echoing in the buildings.

Perlman, the rebellious demon lord, and the man in gray suddenly appeared, fighting for the second time in this small sky.

Perlman waved his hands, and the black ink-like telepathy surged out like a tidal wave, heading straight towards the man in gray.

That thought power is thicker than a rainstorm, as if it wants to swallow up all the remaining light, dragging the whole world into endless darkness.

 But the man in gray did not flinch.

The next moment, a ray of emerald green light burst out from around him, and the scenery barrier and black malice collided fiercely in mid-air, erupting with a deafening loud noise.

 Powerful air waves stirred up strong winds, and the building under their feet began to collapse. The rainwater formed a huge vortex around them, like the eye of a typhoon.

 “There are no original slate-style special effects this time?”

Perlman pushed hard with both hands and asked.

Although it is unimaginable and unheard of to forge the unique brilliance of the Gods in each piece of the original slate, it is the fact that when the opponent uses the immunity field to neutralize his attack for the second time, there will be no special effects of the original slate style this time.

The other party is obviously a habitual fraudster, and he is really easy to deal with.

The violent black power of thought is pressing down like a mountain and a tsunami, and it is unstoppable.

“As we all know, there cannot be two kinds of original stone slabs at the same time. Once I start using the sealing stone slab, I won’t use the wind stone slab.”

Lanci smiled leisurely and responded sincerely. The rock layers on the earth fell off one after another, and countless cracks swayed and extended, turning into an abyss. Black flames climbed up from the ground along the skyscrapers, shooting at Pearlman from all directions.

 It almost bound Pearlman's soul and burned his thoughts to death.

  Perlman summoned the power of thought into a black energy ball, wrapping himself in it.

The black flames emitted a harsh buzzing sound on the mental barrier, unable to penetrate this layer of defense.

 Taking advantage of this interval, Lanci threw a sealing magic card surrounded by a gloomy mist in order to teach Perlman a general lesson on magical genealogy.

The rain on the sky became extremely oppressive at this moment, almost solidifying, and the sound-enclosed space echoed with mournful wails like tears of blood.

 Countless ghosts appeared from another dimension. Their figures overlapped and it was impossible to distinguish individuals. Like the choir, they were filled with rain and fog.

The wailing sound pierced the boundary between reality and nightmare, bringing the obsidian-like soul power of the sealing slate!

 All this was just noise in Perlman’s ears.

Having a spiritual attribute, he is extremely resistant to mental interference such as music.

These ghosts can only slow down his movement speed a little.

Perlman's telekinesis shield suddenly spread out like wings, and the wind pressure alone dispersed this group of undead chorus demons.

 “Do you understand? You can only bring one original stone tablet.”

 Lanqi emphasized seriously.

“You pretended to be a fake slate, do you think I will be fooled a second time?”

Perlman originally thought that he was a demon with a good temper, but now he also felt that the other party was very annoying.

If the opponent uses this summoning object with great special effects, there is no other use except to show him the light effect of the sealing stone slab.

 A spiritual shock fell from the sky and enveloped Lanqi straight. Wherever the invisible magic power passed, the raindrops began to flow again, but Lan Qi's body slowed down instantly.

 “It’s true this time.”

Lan Qi explained as if he didn’t want to fight him.

He did not panic, and quickly stabilized his figure between the ground and mid-air. The square magic emblem on the dark gray coat began to erupt with dark purple cracked thunder and lightning, and it spread out in front of him just like the innocence in his eyes. The invisible magic barrier resisted Pearlman's telepathy, causing metal buzzing and air waves to rise in circles!

Thalia had already read Perlman's fighting intention. He would try to attack with spiritual magic, so she cast similar spiritual spells with him in advance.

As expected, her mental magic and Perlman formed a control offset.

 The remaining damage was resolved by her magic shield, and the accessories Lan Qi gave her were triggered.

  【Silent heraldry】

  【Category: Equipment Card】

 【Grade: Pink Holy】

  【Class: 5】

【Effect: Automatically triggered when receiving a high amount of damage, absorbing 50% of the damage and sealing 50% of the attacker's attack attributes for 5 seconds. It can be triggered five times every 24 hours. 】

  【Note: Both the appearance and the inside are true. 】

To a certain extent, the two of them deliberately took Perlman's move, because using this piece of equipment could delay Perlman and make him give up the pursuit while the attack was weakened.

 “Tata, are you okay?”

 Lanchi conveyed a momentary thought in his heart.

The mental attack just now was entirely handled by Thalia for him.

When he faced Sigrid's sneak attack in Bandera City on the northern border of the Protos Empire, the legendary seal master resisted several times, but Sigrid couldn't kill him. Later, when sorting out his inheritance, he discovered that he had This kind of jewelry equipment.

“Yes, your teacher Lao Sang is indeed very kind to you. He even gave you this kind of card.”

Thalia felt fine and acknowledged.

Having said that.

 But if the fight continues like this, she doesn't see much chance of winning.

In the state of possession of Lan Qi, her output is limited, and she can only barely perform at the eighth level. Now she is able to control Perlman in the mad state, all thanks to the two of them's nine seals against Perlman. Super high stakes devil special attack.

If she is summoned, she can attack with all her strength, but the mana consumption will also increase a lot, and she will not be able to fight Pearlman for long.

No matter what, she decided to listen to Lan Qi tonight and treat her as Lan Qi's beloved poet and fight him to the end.

  High in the sky in Posen District 10.

Watching Perlman's terrifying telepathy attack again, Lan Qi's figure almost turned into a shadow under the dark gray coat. His knuckles twisted slightly, and the entire skyscraper terrace was instantly enveloped in ominous fluctuations.

Dark gray vine branches and leaves bloomed from his palm and spread quickly. The living vine suddenly enlarged and turned into a giant predatory net, hooding Perlman's head.

The lines of every vine exude the brilliance of the dark age of gods that makes one's soul tremble.

Not only did it trap Perlman, it began to shrink continuously, as if isolating him in an inescapable void!

 【Splendid and beautiful flowers】

  【Category: Summoning Card】

 【Grade: Pink Holy】

  【Class: 8】

  【Effect: The vines will surround and block the locked target. The vines have high damage immunity and return multiple waves of damage to the enemy when they receive damage. 】

  【Note: There are flowers but no reality, there are leaves but no branches. 】

This is the card used by the legendary seal master in the last battle of his career. It can seal himself or the enemy. At the same time, it is a seal card that is extremely resistant to [Fusion Wolf].

“Do you think you can delay my madness just like this?”

Perlman continued to exert mental suppression on Lanqi, while resisting the vines, and did not directly destroy it with high-value attacks.

Even though this time he was convinced that Rocky McCarthy could use eighth-level magic, he was still seriously unmatched by the slate holder and could only barely stop him.

Moreover, guys like Rocky are the type of opponents he hates the most. He will neither provoke nor show true pride or embarrassment in battle. All that can be seen is that he keeps showing off his weakness, as if he is accompanying someone. The opponent plays normally.

 At some point he might strike back.

 But it is also possible that he has no means of counterattack at all.

 Being in a state of mind all the time.

“It seems like I’m really at a disadvantage and I’m about to lose.”

Lanci couldn't tell how long Perlman's madness would last. He only found that this madness and the [Palroni's Resentment] curse had an unchanging characteristic, which was that it would continue to consume life.

 After fighting for a while, he consumed a lot of mana, and Perlman consumed a lot of life, making both of them weaker.

 If he continues to spend money, it is indeed impossible for him to win.

Even if Perlman's madness is lifted, Perlman still has mana, but Lanqi has no mana, and he will still lose.

 But it doesn’t matter.

 He felt it was almost time to decide the winner.

“Tata, don’t worry about me, just go for it with all your strength!”

Lan Qi said in his heart.

 The moment when no one notices it.

Orange feathers of light dispersed in the dark night of heavy rain, and a girl who looked like a fairy in a flower had already settled in the air.

 It was a long moment that seemed like eternity had arrived.

Her dress is chic, her figure is graceful, she has a faint floral fragrance, and she has an angel-like face, but there is no smile on her face.

At this time, Perlman's attention was all on Lan Qi, and he didn't even notice that there was a stronger full-power demon in him!

Even when Talia appeared and controlled Pearlman, Pearlman didn't react. He just suppressed Lanqi.


Thalia focused her magic power on her fingertips, and the air in the direction she pointed was gradually distorted, forming dark gray cracks. The objects swallowed by it seemed to be crushed instantly.

Although Perlman has not been dragged out of his mad state, she knows that Lan Qi's judgment is that if he continues to delay, he will definitely not win, so it is better for her to fight Perlman to the death with all her strength.

 Gray lines cordoned off Pearlman at the edges of the vines.

  【split open string sound】

  【Category: Equipment Card】

 【Grade: Pink Holy】

  【Class: 8】

[Effect: Twelve sealed cracks can be created in the space within 60 seconds after being cast. Once an enemy touches it, it will trigger an explosion that ignores defense. The cracks can also be actively detonated after they exist for more than 1 second. The cooling time is 150 seconds. 】

  【Note: Doubt, hatred, fear, pity. Your presence makes humans more restrained. 】

Even the cat boss in the shadow is familiar with this magic.

Not only the legendary seal master has used it, but the Holy Son also has a youth version, but because it has dual attributes of seal and space, a pure seal master cannot learn it, so he has to bring a card.

If you accidentally touch those gray lines that look like cracks in the sky, they will cause them to expand rapidly and explode in staggered ways.

This is almost the strongest card in the legacy of the legendary seal master, except for the slate. As for the epic sealing technique he masters and the epic magic cards he holds, it cannot be picked off, except for the epic cards of the original slate series. , if there is no special description, it will be lost in history when the holder dies.

 If you want it, you can only wait for the shadow world of the next era to be reproduced.


The moment Thalia appeared with her manic eighth-level magic power, all the demons within several kilometers of Posen District 10 had the urge to kneel down to her.

Perlman's gaze, which was originally focused on Lan Qi, suddenly moved in shock to this gray-haired female demon who was full of oppressive aura.

 But she just made a simple sound, and the magic sound seemed to be entangled in his mind, amplifying his shock and doubt at the moment to the point that the entire brain was almost overloaded and could not think.

Even so, amid the chaos, Perlman seemed to be getting closer to the answer.

 “O Demon King, why do you want to commit yourself to a human being?”

Perlman gathered all the magic power in his body. It was unrealistic to avoid a frontal attack with the Demon King due to interference from the vines. At this moment, he had to fight the real enemy for the final blow!

It seems that the other party is betting on Lan Qi as an abandoned child to attract his attention, and let the gray-haired devil sneak attack him at the critical moment.

Even though Perlman never thought that she would have to fight the Demon King, fortunately, this Demon King must be the weakest deformed Demon King in history. Regardless of the Demon King's special attack on the Demons, she is surprisingly weak!

 “The answer is simple, he is mine.”

Thalia said to herself coldly, but at this moment, her voice sounded domineering like a demon queen.

 The entire space began to distort. Dark gray vines fell from the sky and gray cracks rose from the ground. Pearlman was about to be swallowed up in an instant.

At this time, Perlman sneered, and the black energy ball around him suddenly expanded and turned into a huge black hole.

Although his brain is still a little dizzy, he can be sure of one thing, that is, the other person is flashy.

 The wind stone tablet is fake, the sealing stone tablet is also fake, and even the devil's aura may be fake!

When encountering an opponent who likes to play tricks on his mind, the best thing to do is destroy him head-on. The more he thinks, the easier it is to fall into a trap.

 Besides, if the opponent only has this strength, even he can defeat the Demon King!

In an instant, Pearlman's whole body was emitting almost translucent black light and shadow, and even his pupils turned into black liquid, and the mist drifted away, as if he had entered a new state of selflessness, throwing out an unprecedented violent flow of thought power. Collision with dark gray chains.

A terrible vortex gathers at the center of the black hole, trying to swallow everything.

The vines collided with the mental black hole in mid-air, erupting into billions of more violent explosions than black and white.

The light is so dazzling, as if the eternal night and the eternal day meet here.

The entire high-rise building in District 10 of Posen Demon Realm trembled from the collision of this force, all the glass shattered, and there were bursts of roars.


On a distant tall building, District 7 Lord Astros and District 8 Lord Eureka are still watching this battle that they cannot intervene in but will determine the fate of Huadu Parrieu.

The wind roared around them, tearing at the edges of the umbrella and making a sharp whistling sound.

 The heavy rain was like a rapid drumbeat, beating **** the umbrella surface, splashing countless tiny water droplets, flying and spinning in the air, just like their heartbeats.

 “This is…the devil…”

Eureka’s eyes widened and she almost dropped the umbrella in her hand.

The moment they saw Tata appear, Eureka and Astros finally knew Rocky's true identity.

Originally I thought the Demon King was just a legend from the ancient demon world, but I didn’t expect to see the living Demon King with my own eyes today!

 This will probably be the decisive blow.

Even Rocky chose to risk his life and let the demon king who possessed him appear and face Perlman face to face.

"Contrary to Perlman, who has absolute suppressive power and continuously superimposed braking effects, and attacks violently in a frenzied state, he chooses to delay again and again, and his defense becomes sluggish. He is full of fakes. Without the Demon King, even Rocky McCarthy, who is unable to control and offset the mental magic and is quite fragile..."

Eureka looked at the city shrouded in heavy rain and the center of the battlefield in the distance, with a look of regret mixed in her complicated eyes.

 “That is to say…”

 Astros looked at her.


Eureka nodded,

 “Perlman won.”



  Not only Perlman fell to the ground with his eyes open, but also Talia was stunned.

  She thought Lan Qi’s sealing tablet was fake.

 When she used it, couldn’t it be that it was not a [fake slate-seal] but the real thing [original slate-seal]? !

And she is Lan Qi's summon. After the secondary attribute was switched from curse to seal due to the card matching, as a seal summon, she can get the seal slate bonus all over her body, and the seal magic she releases, because she shares Lan Qi's slate, the spell itself can receive another bonus.

 The power of the sealed magic she released scared even herself.

On the ruins at this moment, in addition to Perlman lying on the ground, not far away stood the calm Lan Qi, and Talia floating behind him.

 “That’s admirable, Perlman.”

Lanchi looked at Perlman who was seriously injured on the ground.

    䱱 is the third opponent I will never forget.”

 (End of this chapter)

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