Chapter 1850 Visualize the real dragon corpse! Ying Long appeared!

The spring water turned horizontally into a long white horse, just like a hanging Tianhe, instantly came to the top of Ling Yun's head, unbiased and poured down.


There was a loud noise.

Ling Yun did not shy away, but greeted the spring water that fell from the sky with open arms, and was directly poured into the body by the cold spring water. He felt refreshed and could not help shouting.

The spring water in Huangdi Spring was carried by Ling Yun all at once. After being injected into the pit, the water depth reached two meters, completely submerging Ling Yun.

It's a pity that the large pit that Ling Yun dug, although the area is the same size as Huangdi Spring, but the depth is nine meters, which is more than four times that of Huangdi Spring.

"Two meters deep is enough."

Ling Yun was not greedy. He had just prepared to cross his knees and sink to the bottom of the water, but at this moment, Huang Diquan's side suddenly changed suddenly.

Before, although Huang Diquan's spring eyes flowed like water, he never had a gushing state, but after the spring water was evacuated in an instant, it suddenly turned into a gushing state, as if suddenly turned into a huge fountain, a huge water flow from Spring rushed out of the eyes of the fountain, snorting, straight into the sky!

Along with the huge water column spewing out, there are also extremely flaming dragon aura and water aura, and they do not need to carry Lingyun spells, but they rush toward the big pit where Lingyun is located, and continue to pour into the pit.

The emperor's pen was sharp, and the old Tibetan Feng looked dumbfounded.

He was very angry with Ling Yun's pedantic behavior, but he never thought that a small move of Ling Yun would have gained supreme benefits!

The old man Shouben was also very shocked. He said after a while: "Ling Yun said it is really true to pay respect to the Emperor."

"After all, it is a man of destiny. Since coming here, it is naturally a fortune."

The fountain in the Yellow Emperor Spring surged continuously for an hour, before filling the big pit where Ling Yun was located.

At this moment, Ling Yun is filled with auras in the big pit where it is. This is no longer the ordinary spirit spring spirit water, but directly turned into a big pit of spirit fluid!

Since the nine-meter-deep pool is full, Ling Yun does not need to sit down. He stands at the bottom of the pit, bathes in the pool of liquid, observes his nose and his nose, and fully absorbs the dragon spirit and water spirit of the pool.

In fact, three days after the war with Ning Lingyu, the soul of the fairy, before Ling Yun went to Longhu Mountain to make alchemy, he had already adjusted his state to the peak. Because of the gathering of spirits, although Lingyun made alchemy for three days, It didn't consume too much aura. Now, with this pool of spirit liquid, he can't absorb much at all.

If you reabsorb, if you are a little careless, you will naturally enter the foundation period.

But anyway, Ling Yun now absorbs Dragon Aura and Water Aura, not for himself, but to send those auras directly into the sea of ​​eyebrows and the mysterious Dantian, all of which are transferred to the Dragon Emperor's Sword and Five Claw Golden Dragon.

This process naturally takes a very long time.

Suddenly Ling Yun thought, he suddenly remembered that he was still in the ring of Taixu, and there was a water coming from Qinglong!

This is a real dragon corpse!

Ling Yun did not hesitate to take the green dragon out of the water, remove it from the Taixu ring, and lay it directly in front of him, feeling silently.

Sure enough, just like dripping with dragon saliva, the dragon aura in the pool's spirit liquid immediately started pouring into the real dragon corpse.


There was a very slight noise, and suddenly came from the blue dragon boulder. Ling Yun saw the surface of the boulder and suddenly cracked a very small gap!

As soon as the small gap appeared, Manchi Lingye Aura seemed to find the pouring outlet at once, and immediately rushed into the small gap.

"Is this real dragon corpse going to recover here?"

Ling Yun was shocked and inexplicably excited. If there was a real dragon corpse for his visualization before building the foundation, it would be of great help to his Daoji.

The technique of imagination is originally a way of cultivation that has great benefits for the cultivation of comprehensions. After reaching the foundational level, each comprehension must find an object that suits his own mind and fits his own way. Think, then seek enlightenment once, break through to the next level.

It can be said that the practitioners who reached the later stage of Qi training continued to develop their brain domain through eyebrows and consciousness, gradually letting their five senses and six consciousnesses reach the level of decline. On the one hand, it is for visualization.

For example, the big man who reached the enlightened state of Wanfomen, who can incarnate a Buddha, relies on the technique of imagination.

Ling Yun naturally understands the technique of imagination, and now that his heavenly eyes and the eyes of Yin and Yang gods have become great, he can observe the details without waiting for the breakthrough of the foundation, without distortion.

The real dragon corpse in front of me has long been dead. I don’t know how many years, and the resurrection is naturally impossible, but the dragon corpse is preserved intact. Once the real body is revealed for Ling Yun to visualize, the benefits for Ling Yun to build a foundation are simply. Inestimable!

The most rare thing for the cultivator to visualize is for him to visualize. The only requirement is to be true! It's almost impossible!

Dahong and Xiaohei can only be regarded as Jiaolong now, not real dragons, so of course it is impossible for Ling Yun to visualize them.

"Click, click, click..."

On the surface of the real dragon corpse, there are more and more cracks on the cyan boulder, which are getting denser and denser.

"It's too slow, I'll help you!"

Ling Yun Shen thought, using the technique of moving mountains, directly carrying the real dragon corpse out of the water, and then took out the magic gourd, facing the real dragon corpse, pouring the dragon saliva!

The dragon's spirit is pervasive, and it can't be turned away. This is the most extravagant time since Ling Yun won the dragon saliva. At least a hundred pounds were poured out at once, and the whole body of the dragon's body was spilled.

More than a hundred pounds of dragon saliva, one drop did not sprinkle, poured on the dragon corpse, immediately flowed along the dense cracks, and quickly integrated into the dragon corpse.

Suddenly, Ling Yun saw that the real dragon corpse bulged abruptly!

"Wow la la..."

Countless inches of thick stone pieces fell from the body of the real dragon. A real dragon with a length of tens of meters was winding and spiraling to life, and the real body appeared in an instant!

Dragon body, dragon horn, dragon eye, dragon beard, dragon scale, dragon claw... and even dragon prestige!

"It's made! It's really profitable now!"

Ling Yun knew at a glance that this was a dead real dragon!

With more than a hundred pounds of dragon saliva, I got a real dragon, even if it was dead, it was a huge profit.

In the face of the two great spirits, Ling Yun held up the real dragon corpse with one hand, shook off all the gravel on his body, and then threw it into the water of the spirit liquid pool with a bang, then flew down.

Without the stones on the surface, the real dragon corpse enters the water again, and it will no longer sink to the bottom, but will sink and float in the spirit liquid pool, just like a living dragon.

After Ling Yun entered the water, it was like the old monk sitting in the water, away from the real dragon corpse, and also floating up and down, showing his eyes and starting his own vision.

Cultivation has no years, and once you start to visualize, time will pass by quickly.

After a whole day, Ling Yunfei came out of the pool of spirit liquid, took out the magical gourd, and sipped the ambergris.

After a quick drink, Ling Yun entered the pool again and continued to visualize.

Another day later, Ling Yun flew out of the spirit liquid pool again, still drinking dragon saliva to hunger, but this time, after drinking, he took out a large group of golden dragon blood!

This is the blood released by Long Tian!

Long Tianfang is a real indestructible true dragon body. In the mid-autumn moon night, after the end of the Demon Assembly, Zeng and Ling Yun fought in the Poyang Lake, and he was continuously injured and blood spilled into the sky. His real dragon blood was collected by Ling Yun. Woke up and did not take it out until today. (See Chapter 1510 for details)

There was a big ball of golden dragon-blooded rounds and bumps, and Ling Yun slammed it, and at least he weighed more than two pounds. He smiled slightly and raised it to the top of his head, poof!

Squeeze the mass of dragon blood directly and pour into the whole body!

Visualize the real dragon corpse, absorb the dragon spirit, drink the dragon saliva, and the blood of the dragon!

This is not over. After Ling Yun was bloodied, he did not rush into the water again. Instead, he took out the thirty-six dragons from the Dragon Palace in Poyang Lake and threw them into the spirit pool.

In the end, Ling Yun took out the best piece of dragon crystal! This is also from the Dragon Palace.

The best quality dragon crystal, but it is hundreds of times better than dragon saliva. This is Ling Yun's hand. In addition to the real dragon corpse, the best dragon-related material is the best.

He directly threw the best dragon crystal into the spirit liquid pool, and then prepared to fly into the water for the last observation before foundation.

But at this moment, Ling Yun suddenly saw a flower in front of him, and found that there was actually a black man in front of him.

He appeared out of thin air, his body was dark, his appearance was very weird, his face was very long, and there were only two extremely long beards on his mouth, floating around...

These are not important, the important thing is that Longwei is flourishing in this person!

This is real Longwei, he is a...real dragon!

Although the other party's dragon is vigorous, there is no fireworks in the world with indifferent eyes, but Ling Yun can feel that the other party is not malicious.

Ling Yun didn't need to think about it at all, and immediately knew that the other party must be the black dragon living in Huangdi Spring, at least five thousand years old.

One person, one dragon, standing relatively, Ling Yun's golden blood poured out, and the black dragon was so dark, his eyes widened.

Ling Yun thought for a long time and felt that he should say something, so he tilted his head: "Hello?"

"Boy, you should enter my dragon pond directly. If you come here, it will cause me such trouble."

As soon as the black dragon opened his mouth, a powerful dragon breath kept spraying on Ling Yun's face. It was too lazy to cover up, or had no idea in his mind at all.

Ling Yun accuses her and scratches her head: "That's embarrassing..."

"What's the use of pouring this half-true and half-dragon blood on your body?"

During the speech, regardless of whether Ling Yun agreed or not, he just opened his mouth and sucked, and saw that all the dragon blood on Ling Yun's body left him and was swallowed into the abdomen by the black dragon.

Ling Yun: "..."

Dad, it’s not easy for me to collect, okay? You swallowed me a bite? Don’t know how to say hello?

The black dragon's eyes looked back into the spirit liquid pool, and the two dragon eyes showed disdain: "Also, what is so good about such a dead dragon's body? You haven't seen enough after two days and two nights?"

As soon as the black dragon caught his hand, he saw that the water in the spirit liquid pool was tumbling, and the real dragon corpse broke out of the water, and it instantly shrank to the size of a slap and was ingested by the black dragon.

Ling Yun looked dumbfounded and stunned, this time it really became the dragon's body......

I haven’t read enough yet!

The Black Dragon glanced at the real dragon corpse, and when he lifted his hand, he threw it into his mouth, and then paused for a moment, then pondered a little: "Forget it, see you so rare, then leave it to you, it is still somewhat to you. usefulness."

I thank you!

Ling Yun was almost grateful!

Heilong casually threw the miniature real dragon corpse to Ling Yun, and then said: "If you want to visualize the real body of our dragon clan and learn about the dragon's five-element transformation technique, although it is still a little earlier, it can barely be. "

The black dragon suddenly broke through why Ling Yun visualized the real dragon corpse.

"However, you don't think they make much sense, you have to look at me."


What can Ling Yun say, can only be said casually.

Brother, you are now transfiguring a nondescript human figure, how do you make me think?

"The man who is destined to be robbed is Lord Tiandi who asked me to wait for you here."

"I have waited for you for thousands of years, but fortunately, it is not too late for you to come. The emperor said that you can come when I sleep for three sleeps. As a result, I only sleep for two sleeps and you come."

Suddenly the black dragon spoke again, and Shi Potian was shocked: "It’s no problem to give you dragon blood for you to visualize. However, your current state is too low, your body can’t stand my dragon blood pouring, and your heavenly eyes can’t see it. Understand my true body."

"I think you have been here for two days, and the aura in the pool is basically absorbed. You must pack up and go to the city where Emperor Tiandi will break the ground first. After you break the ground, I will find it myself. body."

Before leaving, the black dragon turned his head and glanced at the two great spirits.

"Goodbye Lord Yinglong."

The emperor's pen, the emperor's book, the two great spirits, bow at the same time, and be careful.

"Is it possible for Lord Tiandi's sword to reappear, if you can't handle it..."

"Master Yinglong is assured."

The old man in black dragon looks indifferent, and disappears instantly.

"Ying Long? Really the legendary Ying Long? Real body?"

After it disappeared, Ling Yun immediately asked the two great spirits with his heart.

Neither of the two great spirits answered, but nodded insignificantly.

The dragon blood released by Long Tian has been swallowed by Ying Long, and the real dragon corpse has now become the size of a slap. It is impossible to visualize it.

So Ling Yun stopped decisively and continued to practice ~www.~ two days and two nights and nights of non-stop visualization, let Ling Yun gain huge!

The eyebrow dragon emperor magic sword has condensed the real dragon soul! Can be advanced to become a magic weapon of immortality at any time

Within the mysterious Dantian, the five-claw golden dragon is already the same as the real living dragon!

If you compare Lingyun's Dantian to a small universe, this five-claw golden dragon is naturally the ancestral dragon of this universe.

The whole body of the body is gleaming with golden light, shining brightly, and its rigidity has not lost the true keel.

This also made the Golden Emperor Dragon Slash that Ling Yun had already practiced to the Great Consummation. Further, the Golden Dragon Gun advanced in advance became the magic weapon of the Need for Taoism.

The dragon spirit in Ling Yun's body was so flamboyant that he could no longer hold the next trace.

It's time to build the foundation.

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