Chapter 304 life and death

 Chapter 304 The rush of life and death

 Most of the 49 kings in the world are well known to everyone, and only a few of them keep a low profile.

Ji Xinghuo recognized at a glance that the person in front of him was Naraj Singh, the "elephant master".

There are three kings in the South Asian League, and Xiangshi is the lowest ranked at 46th, almost at the bottom among all kings.

However, no matter how weak the king is, he is extremely dangerous.


In an instant, Naraj Singh pierced the air with a gun, forming a huge tube-shaped air explosion with a diameter of more than two meters. Before the tip of the gun even touched Ji Xinghuo, it had already caused horrific damage comparable to that of an artillery strike.

The Vientiane Star Pupil is automatically activated and enters the state of Vientiane Star.

 The world has become quieter and slower!

Even so, Naraj Singh was still as fast as a train in Ji Xinghuo's eyes. If this shot had hit him, he would have been seriously injured even if he was not dead.

The electromagnetic induction spread out and scanned the surrounding situation instantly.

This is the Bhopal Stargate.

The five countries of the South Asian Alliance jointly use this star gate. Just like other star gates on the earth, they have built a huge fortress outside the star gate, protecting the star gate layer by layer, and deploying a large amount of weapons and firepower.

There are also the most elite alien troops stationed there, and a king of heaven is always on guard.

 “Return to the Stargate?”

“Or should we just break out and fly back to the Asia-Pacific Community from the border?”

Ji Xinghuo's thoughts changed rapidly.

When he broke into the Star Gate in the Star Realm, his idea was to get back to Earth as quickly as possible, and he must not stay in the Star Gate Square. Otherwise, he would have to fight head-on with the six heavenly kings guarding the star gate, and be surrounded by dozens of legendary powerhouses.

 It is certainly impossible for all the six heavenly kings to be driven by the Qianyuan Society, and perhaps none of them is even a traitor.

 They just abide by their duties, maintain order and protect the Star Gate.

 As early as the 21st century, when various countries joined forces to retake the Stargate, they jointly signed the "Stargate Security Convention", which strictly prohibited anyone from fighting in the Stargate, especially the Olympia Stargate, which was related to the safety of the entire earth and mankind.

 No matter what conflicts there are, they must be resolved far away from the star gate.

 The Qianyuan Society used this convention to secretly instigate the star forces of the Asia-Pacific Community in an attempt to control themselves.

 Ji Xinghuo didn't want to sit back and die, nor was he willing to have a conflict.

With so many kings and legends, it is difficult to escape from Olympia, and a fight may result in casualties, so unwarranted charges will be confirmed.

Breaking into the star gate and returning to Earth is the fastest and safest way.

 But you cannot return to the three star gates of the Asia-Pacific Community.

Ji Xinghuo was not sure whether the Qianyuan Society had deployed manpower and traps at the three star gates to target him.

So we chose Bhopal Stargate.

First, the sector-shaped area of ​​the Bhopal Star Gate is adjacent to the Chaka Star Gate. It is the closest and can be broken in the fastest.

Second, the diplomatic relationship between the South Asian Association and the Asia-Pacific Community has always been extremely poor. Although it is not an enemy country, due to geopolitical relations, the South Asian Alliance, from high-level to the private sector, is extremely hostile to the Asia-Pacific Community.

Hence, the possibility that Qianyuan would set up an ambush at the Bhopal Star Gate is low.

Unexpectedly, the guards of the Bhopal Star Gate reacted so quickly, and the defensive fire opened fire on them immediately.

 It seems that I have been waiting for a long time.

 A heavenly king who attacks himself without saying a word.

Ji Xinghuo had a feeling that his reaction had been clearly planned and everything was planned, and coming to the Bhopal Star Gate felt like he had fallen into a trap.

"If I return to the Star Gate, I will fall into a trap for the second time. I may not be able to escape Olympia."

 “Must rush out!”

“Contact the Sharp Sword Bureau, and it will be safe as long as you return to the country.”

 In an instant, Ji Xinghuo made a choice.


Najira Singh's huge spear point pierced the air, and the surrounding firepower also lost its target. His spear swept across, strode across more than ten meters, and stabbed into the air on the side, appearing in the violent air waves. A figure.

 It is Ji Xinghuo.

  His instant step was ten meters, and the elephant master's spear followed him like a shadow.

The firepower deployed on the surrounding walls poured out again, as dense as raindrops. Although it failed to penetrate Ji Xinghuo's flow barrier, the huge force also shook his body, and his instantaneous step was interrupted.


 In the sonic boom, Ji Xinghuo disappeared again, and the elephant master's spear only caught his afterimage.

 Najrat Singh turned around suddenly, but only saw Ji Xinghuo's back.

Ji Xinghuo has already flown into the passage.

 “Activate the defense network!”

He shouted an order and strode to catch up with him. However, in just one sentence, Ji Xinghuo had already disappeared from sight.

The guards blocking the road only felt that their eyes were blurred, and the strong wind was blowing in their faces, and they could not even see the shadow of the enemy.

Ji Xinghuo instantly reached his cruising speed.

  220 meters per second!

 And it continues to accelerate.

The defensive fortress of the Bhopal Star Gate is similar to the Chaka Star Gate. It has seven layers from the inside to the outside. Each layer is made of alloy walls tens of meters thick. There are multiple passages and exits, but the gates on the wall are not in one. Online, but staggered from each other.

 The entire fortress is like a huge maze, with firepower covering every corner and no blind spots.

There are also a large number of alien guards guarding every gate and exit.

  No matter how fast the enemy is, if they want to break out of the fortress through the star gate, they will be attacked by a lot of firepower, and their speed will inevitably slow down.

 However, Ji Xinghuo is an exception.

 He ​​was flying at full speed, and every time he was about to hit a wall, he would instantly turn 90 degrees. Not only did his speed not slow down, but he actually got faster!

 Electromagnetic induction masters the layout of the entire Stargate Fortress and the enemy's movements.

 After several consecutive turns, the gate in front is falling.

 Bang bang bang…

More than a dozen machine guns on both sides of the gate were spitting out tongues of flame, and two small laser turrets were accumulating energy, with their muzzles glowing red.

Ji Xinghuo's body continued to turn left and right, erratically and flying in a weird route.

Most of the bullets and lasers missed, a few of them hit him and were blocked by the manifold barrier.

 There was lightning in his eyes.

An invisible yet violent electromagnetic pulse erupted, sweeping across a thousand meters. Sparks erupted from the machine guns and turrets, and the firepower was cut off. The closing gate also malfunctioned and stopped motionless.

Ji Xinghuo passed through the gate smoothly and turned around again. A figure suddenly jumped up from the front and blocked him.

 This is a legendary strong man!

However, Ji Xinghuo didn't even look at the other person, and turned twice in an instant, throwing the other person behind him.

 In less than ten seconds, he flew to the gate of Stargate Fortress.

 There were a large number of alien guards in front of the door, standing ready. As soon as Ji Xinghuo appeared, countless attacks and firepower were fired, almost saturating the attack. There were also several legendary strong men who rushed up shouting and waving weapons.

The fortress gate is closing, leaving only the last two or three meters of gap, and it is about to be completely closed.


Ji Xinghuo rushed forward despite the firepower without slowing down at all, and let out a thunderous roar from his mouth.

 The dragon roars!

 The sound waves bombarded the hearts of dozens of aliens, and most of the alien guards were immediately affected, their whole bodies stagnated, and they couldn't help but stop attacking.

Of the few legends who came up to us, two of them were distracted.

Ji Xinghuo entered the Vientiane Senluo again, and a stream of light appeared in front of his eyes. He made two weird turns in a row, cleverly avoiding the enemy's attacks, passed through the middle of the legend, and flew past the heads of the alien guards.

Half a second before the fortress gate closed, Ji Xinghuo passed through the last half-meter gap and flew out of the Star Gate Fortress.

The eyes suddenly become clear. It’s daytime outside, surrounded by a huge city.

Ji Xinghuo continued to accelerate, but did not fly into the sky. Instead, he flew close to the ground to avoid being targeted by anti-aircraft fire.

 With a few breaths, he left the open space outside the Star Gate Fortress and flew into the city.

This is Bhopal.

The largest city in the South Asian Union, located in the center of the subcontinent, has a permanent population of more than 200 million. However, the entire city is divided into three parts, belonging to the "Kingdom of Indy", the "Republic of Dharavida" and the "Federation of Bangladesh". Each has one-third jurisdiction and jointly owns the Bhopal Star Gate.

The city of Bhopal is lined with high-rise buildings as far as the eye can see, but they clearly show class distinctions.

The upper floors of high-rise buildings are bright and clean, but the lower they go, the more dilapidated and outdated they appear. The city appearance on the ground is even worse, with garbage everywhere and a large number of people walking through the crowded streets.

 Being in the same city, it seems like two worlds.

Ji Xinghuo was about a hundred meters above the ground. Maintaining this height, he flew between the buildings at high speed, and the scenes on both sides quickly receded.

The strong wind blew against my face, and the sound waves roared.

 Overclocking thinking has been turned on to 500%. Ji Xinghuo's reaction is the fastest and his mind is extremely clear.

 There are superconducting highways at this height, and there are also flying cars from time to time.

Ji Xinghuo can always avoid it in advance. A layer of white water vapor appears outside his body. This is a sound barrier formed by high-speed compression of air.


 There was a loud sound!

Ji Xinghuo's speed exceeded 340 meters per second, breaking the speed of sound, and his speed soared sharply.

Pedestrians below heard the sonic boom and raised their heads, only to see a black lightning disappearing from the horizon. Then violent sound waves spread to the ground, like thunder on the ground, stinging the eardrums and breaking the glass on the street.

People were panicked and didn't understand what was happening.

 Any strangers who saw it clearly were dumbfounded.

Ji Xinghuo is still accelerating, without any hesitation in consuming star power, and has already determined its direction, heading north, towards the border of the Asia-Pacific Community.

 The distance from Bhopal to the border is about one thousand kilometers, and the entire journey is within the Kingdom of Indy.

 Soon, Ji Xinghuo flew out of Bhopal.

His speed has reached 700 meters per second, exceeding Mach 2 (twice the speed of sound), which is the upper limit of his speed.

 But the altitude is still lowered, sometimes even only ten meters above the ground, flying completely close to the ground.

At this time, the South Asian Alliance troops must have triggered the alarm.

 Especially the air defense system!

Nowadays, major countries on the earth have built nationwide air defense systems to defend themselves against nuclear strikes. Trading space for time, there are low-Earth orbit satellites in the sky, and monitoring stations and anti-aircraft missile bases on the ground.

 The earth swept back quickly like light and shadow, drawing out streaks of light in the field of vision.

  Ji Xinghuo remained calm.

During the flight, he took out his mobile phone. As soon as he turned it on, it started buzzing and he received a lot of messages.

These are all sent by family and friends when I was in the star realm in the past year.

 He had no time to check, so he opened the Lijian Bureau app and entered the background, and pulled out Zhou Yishang's phone.

 It only rang once and was connected.

 “Xintian?” Zhou Yishang’s voice was full of surprise.

 “Zhou Bureau, it’s me.”

Ji Xinghuo described his current situation in the simplest terms, "I was ambushed by the Qianyuan Society at the Olympia Star Gate. I broke into the Bhopal Star Gate. I am now flying from the Kingdom of Indy to the border of our country and will arrive in about 22 minutes." national borders.”

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a second, as Zhou Yishang seemed to be digesting the information.

“My suggestion is to stop flying first and find a place to hide.” Zhou Yishang said immediately, “otherwise it will be difficult for you to safely pass through the air defense system.”


Ji Xinghuo has already thought about it.

“I suspect they were prepared in Bhopal and would be targeted by their king if they stayed in the South Asian Union.”

Although there are only three kings in the South Asia Alliance, their strength rankings are not high, and they are not necessarily related to the Qianyuan Society. However, the Qianyuan Society can drive other kings. If you stop, you will be in trouble once you are entangled.

It's better to give it a try and use speed to fly into the country before the enemy can react.

At Mach 2 speed, it is indeed difficult to penetrate the air defense system.

 However, air defense systems are generally aimed at missiles, and they can fly lower than the missiles, greatly reducing the probability of being locked by the system.

 Zhou Yi Shang no longer hesitated: "I will send someone to meet you immediately."


 Ji Xinghuo hung up the phone.

 When making a satellite phone call in another country, the signal will be captured and the location may be directly targeted to launch an attack.

 After hanging up, he turned off his phone and focused on flying. He dropped to less than ten meters above the ground.

At such a low height, accidentally hitting something, even a branch, may have serious consequences. If you lose your balance and hit the ground, you will be seriously injured in an instant even with your own physical fitness.


 Wherever Ji Xinghuo flew by, it was like a thunderous explosion, and the violent air flow lifted up the dust and grass roots on the ground, raising smoke and dust all over the sky.

five minutes later.

 He is already more than 200 kilometers away from Bhopal.

 Suddenly, Ji Xinghuo sensed a huge danger coming from above his head.

He turned his body over and faced up. He zoomed in and saw three ground-attack missiles falling from a distant low-Earth orbit, dragging out tail flames hundreds of meters long, like a string of meteors streaking across the sky.

 The acceleration of gravity and the rocket engine work together, and the speed of the missile easily exceeds Mach 5 and is still accelerating.

 “Hypersonic missile!”

Ji Xinghuo felt awe-struck.

This kind of hypersonic missile launched from orbit can easily exceed Mach 20 when approaching a ground target.

 Judging from the trajectory of the missiles, they were targeting themselves. One minute later, they would bomb right in their own flight path.

Ji Xinghuo immediately changed his flight direction.

 However, the missile also followed the vector maneuver and changed its attack direction simultaneously, getting faster and closer.

 “Can’t get rid of it.”

"It's hard for me to avoid the bombing." Ji Xinghuo's face was solemn.

With your own defense power, as long as you are not in the center of the missile explosion, you should be able to withstand it, and you will be seriously injured at most.

 But three consecutive missiles, as long as they are affected by the explosion of the first one, and the next two missiles hit and bomb immediately, it would be too dangerous.

 “Since you can’t avoid it, then destroy it!”

Ji Xinghuo took off the black eternal crystal battle bow from his back, grabbed three heavy tungsten-core arrows in his right hand, nocked an arrow on it, and continued flying.

 His eyes were fixed on the sky.

More than 50 seconds later, the missile is about 20 kilometers away from the ground, its speed exceeds Mach 15, and it will hit itself and explode in a few seconds.

 Ji Xinghuo entered the all-encompassing state.

Countless lights and shadows evolve in front of your eyes, as if you are seeing the future and finally freeze it.

In an instant, his hands were like phantoms, and he fired the bow three times in a row. The bowstring vibrated and made a sound, and he shot three heavy tungsten-core arrows into the sky.

 (End of this chapter)

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