Chapter 307 hypergravity bomb

Chapter 307 Super Gravity Bomb

 Min Chongwu and others exited the conference room.

Ji Xinghuo said straight to the point: "Zhou Bureau, when we were at the Olympia Star Gate, it was Su Qingqiu who ordered Feng Jiao to detain me."

 Zhou Yishang's face was solemn.

Of course he knew who Su Qingqiu was. It would be too serious if such a high-level soldier was bribed by the Qianyuan Society, or even a member of the Qianyuan Society.

 “Are you sure?” Zhou Yishang frowned.

Ji Xinghuo nodded.

“As long as you interrogate Feng Jiao, you can pry Su Qingqiu out of her mouth.” At that time, Feng Jiao obviously accepted Su Qingqiu’s order.

Zhou Yishang shook his head, "For what reason should we interrogate her?"

Ji Xinghuo was stunned.

Yes, the Sword Bureau has great power, but it must also abide by national laws and cannot detain citizens for interrogation without reason. Not to mention, Feng Jiao is a soldier of the Astra Militarum, she is just fulfilling her duties.

 If a trial is to be instituted, there must be conclusive evidence.

 But I don’t have it.

"If my prediction is correct, the Star Boundary Department will soon send a question to the Sharp Sword Bureau, why don't you cooperate with their work?" Zhou Yishang leaned back on his chair and sighed: "You may be prosecuted for this. , the crime is 'resisting law enforcement' and 'threat to the security of the star gate'. Even a swordsman will have a hard time getting away with it."

"Haha..." Ji Xinghuo suddenly sneered, "What a good plan."

 This is a conspiracy.

If he had cooperated with Feng Jiao and left the star gate with her and entered the military camp, the consequences would have been disastrous.

And if he refuses to cooperate, several charges will be slapped on his head.

 The Asia-Pacific Community is a legal society, and foreigners do not have any privileges, at least on the surface. In a country where 95% of citizens are ordinary people, people are very sensitive to the privileges of aliens, especially at the legal level.

 Once public opinion is triggered, no matter what the strength or status of the stranger, his reputation will be ruined.

 So, no matter what you choose, it will be difficult to break the situation.

"The Qianyuan Society has really taken great pains to deal with me." Ji Xinghuo clarified his thoughts, "Next, content will appear on the Internet to smear me and lead public opinion to make everyone think that I have committed a crime..."

Zhou Yishang said: “The Lijian Bureau will suppress these negative contents, so you don’t have to worry.”

  That's what Ji Xinghuo said, but he didn't take it seriously.

Asia-Pacific Community has a strong control over online public opinion, but the Bureau alone does not have the final say, and each department is not monolithic.

 The “Ministry of Cyberspace Information”, which is responsible for controlling public opinion, is often just a echo of other powerful departments.

Although the Sword Bureau is very powerful and is on the same level as the Astral Ministry, its influence and scale are far inferior to that of the Astral Ministry.

 Furthermore, the Qianyuan Society is likely to penetrate the Internet from other aspects and secretly influence public opinion.

 Zhou Yishang naturally knew this.

"You don't seem to be in a hurry?" He was a little surprised by Ji Xinghuo's cold reaction. If it were him, he would be anxious in the face of such a big crisis.

Ji Xinghuo smiled.

 I really don’t care about public opinion and reputation. If it really can’t be solved for the time being, at worst, I can find an opportunity to run into the star realm, come back in a few years, and use my strength to eliminate all doubts.

 Just flip the table over and stop playing with you.

Just as he was about to speak, a call came directly into the conference room, and a energetic old man appeared on the screen.


Zhou Yishang immediately stood up and shouted, and Ji Xinghuo also stood up and saluted.

The person on the screen was Li Hui, the director of the Sharp Sword Bureau. When he saw the two of them, his eyes paused on Ji Xinghuo and said, "Minister Yan personally called me and asked why my swordsmen were at the Star Gate. Violently resisting the law?"

Ji Xinghuo and Zhou Yishang looked at each other.

 The Minister Yan mentioned by Director Li is none other than Yan Wenzhu, the Minister of the Star Boundary Department.

"Director, the situation is like this..." Zhou Yishang was about to explain, but Li Hui waved his hand and looked at Ji Xinghuo, "Xinghuo, I want to hear it yourself."

  “Yes, Director.”

Ji Xinghuo once again described the previous situation, including his perceived actions of Su Qingqiu, objectively and without any personal emotions.

Li Hui said nothing after hearing this. After half a minute, he said: "What a good idea!"

His eyes showed admiration and he nodded: "If it were me, I would break into the Star Gate like you and escape back to the country through the Bhopal Star Gate, but I would definitely have to lurk in Bhopal instead of flying directly. Crossing the border, you can do it, but I can’t.”

“Do you know what the Star Boundary Department said?” Li Hui asked.

Ji Xinghuo shook his head.

"Minister Yan showed me the report he received." Li Hui said calmly: "The Astral Army has noticed that a very powerful stranger is approaching the Star Gate, but he is very unfamiliar and has not been recorded, so please cooperate. Identity investigation, but you violently resisted the law, forced your way into the Star Gate, and threatened public safety."

Zhou Yishang looked angry and said in a deep voice: "Director, do they want Li Jian Bureau to hand over someone?"

"That's not true." Li Hui shook his head, "Minister Yan meant to calm down the matter, and he also realized that something was wrong."


Zhou Yishang was surprised. This sentence revealed a lot of information.

 “I want proof!”

Li Hui looked at Ji Xinghuo and said seriously: "The other party acted completely legally and reasonably, without any flaws. Even if there are more doubts, I can't report to the head of state without any basis and ask to detain a deputy commander for interrogation."

Zhou Yishang's eyes also fell on Ji Xinghuo. He had asked many times before that there must be another reason why Qianyuan would attack Ji Xinghuo again and again.

 This time, they even laid an ambush at the Star Gate, and even did not hesitate to expose important members.

Ji Xinghuo thought for a while, "Can the director come to the base?"


 Li Hui immediately cut off the call.

 Zhou Yishang's eyes showed surprise, "Can you provide evidence?"

"Not sure." Ji Xinghuo didn't know what Shen Yucheng was talking about, or even whether what he said was true or false, but he could only give it a try.

 Ten minutes later, Li Hui walked into the conference room.

"Director." Ji Xinghuo stood up and said, "You two, please go out with me, but don't take a ride. Can you fly?"

 Li Hui replied: "I can."

"I can't." Zhou Yishang's expression was not good, "But you can use the rocket backpack."

Ji Xinghuo shook his head, "That's too slow. Let me take you flying, Zhou Ju."


The three of them walked out of the conference room and onto the landing platform of the base. The cover of the overhead passage slid open. Ji Xinghuo grabbed Zhou Yishang's back belt and took off. In a blink of an eye, he rushed out of the passage and flew into the sky.

  Bringing a person with him had little effect on Ji Xinghuo's speed, but he did not accelerate at full speed and only entered his own cruising speed. Even so, it reached 220 meters per second, entering subsonic speed.

 At the back, Li Hui quickly caught up and went hand in hand. Ji Xinghuo took a look at the old director. There was a pair of gray wings on his back, which should have been fused with the feathers of a wingman. After years of training, he was very fast and could easily keep up with his own flying speed.

 “Where are we going?” Li Hui asked.

“Lishan Park.” Ji Xinghuo recognized the direction, accelerated again, and broke through the sound barrier with a bang.

The distance between Lijian Bureau Qinling Base and Lishan Park is almost 100 kilometers, and it only takes a few minutes to get there.

 It was already evening and the sky was getting dark.

Many ancient buildings in Lishan Park were lit up, and there were still many tourists going up or down the mountain. The most famous attraction was the "Huaqing Pool". Ji Xinghuo slowed down and scanned the entire park with electromagnetic induction.

Shen Yucheng said he buried "something" under a tree and marked it.

 “Over there.”

Ji Xinghuo found the tree beside a remote trail, and electromagnetic induction also found something buried in the ground under the tree.

He took Zhou Yishang down, and Li Hui also flew down.

 Due to its remote location, it did not alarm tourists.

After Zhou Yishang stood firm, he couldn't help but ask: "What is your flying ability? You can fly so fast. If you were an ordinary alien, you wouldn't be able to withstand the change in inertia caused by acceleration alone."

Li Hui also cast a curious look. On the surface, he followed easily, but secretly it was very difficult.

 “Shock turbulence and acceleration.” Ji Xinghuo answered casually.

The two of them became even more confused after hearing the answer. They had heard about shock waves and turbulence, but not so fast?

 As for acceleration, I have never heard of it.

Ji Xinghuo didn't explain much. He walked to the tree and the electromagnetic induction locked the position of the "thing". It was buried about two meters deep in the ground. The main structure was metal and it was very small, about the size of a fist.

 He tried manipulating metal to dig things out of the ground, but found that his psychic powers had no effect on it.

Electromagnetic induction cannot penetrate into its interior, and the magnetic field is blank.


Ji Xinghuo muttered.

He did not shy away from the two of them. His Spirit Sword bracelet fell off and turned into four sharp blades. He quickly dug under the tree, like an excavator digging a hole in a few strokes and stopping when he was about to dig it.

 Half of the things underground were exposed. Ji Xinghuo and the others frowned after seeing it clearly.

It was an icosahedron, about ten centimeters in diameter, with a silver-grey texture. Each face was an equilateral triangle. It seemed to be seamlessly cast. Each edge shone with a light blue shimmer. It was very inconspicuous. You have to look carefully to find it. .

 Zhou Yishang asked: "What is this?"

"have no idea."

Ji Xinghuo had never seen it before, but when he saw it for the first time, his eyebrows suddenly stung, and a huge warning sign of danger arose in his mind, just like the feeling when he was almost exploded by a nuclear explosion on the Earth Abyss Star, and even Even scarier.

 He subconsciously took a few steps back and exclaimed: "This thing is very dangerous!"

Li Hui had been staring at the metal ball in the pit with his brows furrowed. When he heard Ji Xinghuo's reminder, his face suddenly changed as if he remembered something.

 “Hypergravity bomb!”

“Don’t touch it!” Li Hui shouted loudly, “This is a hypergravity bomb. If it detonates, we will all die.”

Ji Xinghuo was horrified and immediately carried Zhou Yi Shang and flew up.

He has seen records of "hypergravity bombs" before. This is an extremely terrifying weapon that can only be produced by a few top civilizations in the galaxy. When it is detonated, it instantly generates hundreds of thousands of times of gravity, similar to a white dwarf star. environment of.

In just an instant, all matter within the scope of action is sucked into the center of the explosion and is highly compressed, even atoms will be crushed.

 This is similar to creating an artificial black hole.

But it will only last for a very short time, and then the gravity will return to normal, and the compressed material will release terrifying energy, and the explosion power is more terrifying than nuclear weapons.

 Everything ceases to exist!

However, Li Hui stayed where he was.

Ji Xinghuo had no choice but to stop. Zhou Yishang said anxiously: "Director, let's evacuate first and then deal with it."

Li Hui stared at the bomb in the pit, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and turned around and said: "I overreacted. A supergravity bomb requires a gravity stringer to detonate. There are no gravity stringers on the earth, so you can rest assured for the time being."

 You didn’t tell me earlier...

Ji Xinghuo complained and landed again.

 Li Hui jumped into the pit and observed carefully. Under the frightened eyes of Ji Xinghuo and the other two people, he reached out and picked up the metal ball. Nothing happened.

 “Let’s see.”

Li Hui flew up from the pit and said, "This super-gravity bomb has been buried here for so long. It shows that the other party cannot easily detonate it."

 As he spoke, he handed over the metal ball.

 Zhou Yishang carefully caught it, looked at it twice, and handed it to Ji Xinghuo.

Ji Xinghuo held the metal ball and found that it was extremely dense and weighed more than three tons despite its small size. Most people couldn't pick it up at all. He didn't know how Shen Yucheng brought it back to the earth from the star realm and buried it in the sky. here.

Li Hui looked at Ji Xinghuo and asked, "Where did you know this location?"

 “It was said by Shen Yucheng.”

Ji Xinghuo answered truthfully: "I met Shen Yucheng on the Bloody Plateau, and he told me after questioning."

So, he told all the information he had learned from Shen Yucheng's interrogation.

Li Hui and Li Hui were more and more shocked.

"The power and harm of the Qianyuan Society is greater than what I had guessed before." Li Hui said in a deep voice: "I thought it was just a group of young people doing some small things secretly for their own benefit, but I didn't expect that Yi Ren was behind it. cause trouble."

Zhou Yishang also suddenly realized, "No wonder Qianyuan has been chasing you for this super-gravity bomb. Then their purpose..."

 The three of them looked at Chang'an.

Standing on the mountain of Lishan Park, you can see most of Chang'an, which looks like a city that never sleeps at night.

"Our country's air defense system can intercept the enemy's nuclear weapons. Chang'an is the most heavily defended place, and all transportation methods cannot avoid monitoring and interception." Li Hui said, "But if it is a hypergravity bomb..."

Ji Xinghuo looked at the metal ball in his hand.

Such a small size, but it has more terrifying power than a nuclear bomb. As long as it is brought to the center of Chang'an and detonated, the consequences will be disastrous.

Going further, if it is brought to the head of state and detonated during an important meeting, it will directly bring down the blame on the top leaders of the Asia-Pacific Community.

 The most powerful nation on earth can fall apart in a day.

 This is a huge conspiracy!

Thinking that if Qian Yuan succeeded, it would lead to terrible consequences, cold sweat broke out on Li Hui's forehead, "I will go to see the head of state immediately."

He looked at Ji Xinghuo and said, "To be on the safe side, take the supergravity bomb away from Chang'an and fly west into the desert no-man's land, and wait for my notification."

  “Yes, Director.”

Ji Xinghuo flew into the sky with the metal ball and disappeared into the sky with a bang.

 (End of this chapter)

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