Chapter 349 Rising star

Chapter 349: Star Rising Instrument

 “Director Ke.”

Ji Xinghuo found Ke Mingshan in a laboratory of the Ether Research Institute, who was watching the operations of several researchers intently.

"Xinghuo." Ke Mingshan was a little annoyed at first, but when he turned around and saw Ji Xinghuo, his face immediately turned into a smile. He looked Ji Xinghuo up and down, guessed his purpose, and asked, "Are you ready?"

Ji Xinghuo nodded, "Yes, I'm sorry, Director Ke."

 “It’s so fast!” Ke Mingshan sighed.

 A few days ago, Ji Xinghuo told him that he was about to be promoted and asked him to prepare in advance.

After the last round-the-world marathon, Minister Yan Wenzu of the Astral Department specially asked him to go to the office to convey the instructions of the head of state. No matter what Ji Xinghuo's requirements were, the Ethereum Research Institute must meet them at any cost.

More than one Aether Research Institute, all departments under the Astral Ministry must serve Ji Xinghuo.

This order is only circulated among high-level officials and must not be leaked.

"plz follow me."

Ke Mingshan started making preparations as soon as he received the notice from Ji Xinghuo, just waiting for Ji Xinghuo to come to him.

After multiple identity verifications and blast-proof doors, the two went deep into the underground of the Ether Research Institute.

 After a while, enter another laboratory.

  In the clean, tidy and bright room, there is a huge instrument in the middle. It is similar in shape to a fusion reactor. It is cylindrical in shape, about five meters high and more than ten meters in diameter. It has pipes laid out one after another, which looks very complicated.

 “This is a ‘rising star instrument’.”

With a bit of pride on his face, Ke Mingshan introduced: "It is one of the most significant research results of the Ethereum Research Institute in recent years."

 “What’s it for?” Ji Xinghuo asked.

“Of course it will help you advance to legend.” Ke Mingshan said with a smile: “The principle of the star ascending instrument is very simple. It is to compress the alien’s star power, enhance and transform the star power form, thereby triggering the evolution of life.”

Ji Xinghuo looked at this huge instrument. Electromagnetic induction scanned the inside of the machine. The structure was extremely sophisticated and complex.

 He couldn't understand it, but he was greatly shocked.

"More than fifty years ago, our country obtained the drawings of a star-rising instrument from an alien civilization in the star world, but it requires an extremely high level of science and technology and knowledge of ether technology. I have been studying it since I graduated from university and have studied it all my life. , and finally mastered the manufacturing method of the star rising instrument." Ke Mingshan's face was full of emotion and pride.

  He took Ji Xinghuo to the control platform, and there was a projection screen in front of him.

 “This is the only star rising instrument on Earth.”

“However, it is currently only a demonstrator and only has a small part of the functions of a complete star riser.”

“In that design drawing, the highest-end star rising instrument is very large, comparable to an asteroid with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers, and can assist the king of heaven to be promoted to the saint of the shepherd!”

 “It’s a pity that I can’t understand them all.”

“It’s impossible to create it with Earth’s technology. It would require at least a level six civilization to master it.”

Ke Mingshan said this with infinite longing in his eyes.

Ji Xinghuo can understand the ideal of a scientist, but it is too far away. The earth is currently only a fourth-level civilization, which is far from a fifth-level civilization.

“Sooner or later the earth will reach level six civilization,” Ji Xinghuo said.

Ke Mingshan regretted: "I won't be able to see that day."

He is a top master in ether knowledge and cultivation theory, but his talent is very mediocre, and he devotes most of his time to scientific research. He is almost sixty years old and is only an intermediate alien, and he can live to be over a hundred years old at most.

 For such a talent, the country will definitely find ways to extend his life.

 But it cannot be extended for many years.

"Perhaps Director Ke will have different opportunities." Ji Xinghuo thought that he could help him if there was a suitable opportunity.

 “Haha, you don’t need to comfort me, everyone has his own destiny.”

Ke Mingshan was very open-minded. He brought the topic back to the instrument in front of him and continued: "Our star-rising instrument can only help super aliens to become legends at most."

Ji Xinghuo’s eyes lit up, “That’s great too.”

If the instrument that assists super aliens in becoming legendary becomes popular, the number of legendary experts in the Asia-Pacific community will explode.

 The number of super aliens in the country is close to 200,000.

 But there are less than 800 legendary strong men.

 On average, for every 125 super aliens, only one is promoted to legend. This shows how difficult it is to break through this bottleneck.

Ke Mingshan guessed what Ji Xinghuo was thinking as soon as he saw Ji Xinghuo's expression. He shook his head and said, "Don't be too happy too early. The Star Rising Instrument will not be widely used in the short term."


"The Star Rising Instrument only assists in breaking through the bottleneck, but it also has requirements for the super alien itself, and the star power must meet the requirements." Ke Mingshan operated on the console, and a value appeared on the screen, saying: "This number is the star power index, the reaction The level of star power of an alien."

 “The higher the value, the stronger the star power.”

“After years of testing and research, when a super alien reaches its upper limit, the star power index must reach at least 3,500 points before it is possible to break through the bottleneck and be promoted to legend.”

Ke Mingshan shook his head as he spoke.

“With a star power index of 3500 points, it is very difficult.”

"The strength of star power depends on the number and quality of the fused alien species, as well as whether they have powers related to star power. For most super aliens, when they reach the upper limit, their star power index is below 3,000 points. If they can no longer If you fuse more alien species, you can only rely on long-term practice, dripping water through stone, and breaking through the upper limit bit by bit."

“Super aliens who reach this standard are considered outstanding.”

 “There will be about one in ten super aliens.”

“And 3500 points is only the minimum standard for using the Star Rising Instrument, and the success rate is less than 10%. If you want to ensure a success rate of more than 50%, the star power index must reach at least 4000 points.”

Ke Mingshan looked at Ji Xinghuo and saw that he was listening very seriously. He smiled and said, "Xinghuo, you must have met the standard."

With his eyesight, even without testing, he knew that Ji Xinghuo's star power index was far beyond that of an ordinary super alien.

 Anyone who can climb the ladder to heaven can reach the standard.

Ji Xinghuo was certainly not worried about himself. What surprised him was the "star power index", which sounded very similar to Wanxiang Xingtong's "star power" value.

I don’t know. Are the two values ​​​​common and using the same units?

A star power index of 4000 points is considered excellent.

This number is very close to my previous estimate of the star power of other aliens.

As Director Ke said, Ji Xinghuo has seen many super aliens, but the proportion of those who can reach 4,000 star power points is very low. This restricts the widespread use of the star rising instrument and cannot be popularized.

 “You test it first.” Ke Mingshan said.

Ji Xinghuo nodded: "Okay."

"In addition to the star power index, you also need to test other data, including strength, speed, nerve response, star power output, etc." Ke Mingshan said, "The star rising instrument must be calibrated based on your data to obtain the best auxiliary effect. .”

 Following the instructions, Ji Xinghuo took off his clothes and was only wearing a pair of shorts, revealing his strong and well-proportioned muscles. Even a layman can tell at a glance that this body contains powerful power.

 There are more than a dozen researchers in the laboratory, both male and female.

 The men were okay, the female researchers couldn't help but peek at Ji Xinghuo's figure, and some of them admired it openly.

Ji Xinghuo’s expression remained normal. He stood on an instrument that looked like a scale, and a light circle scanned from head to toe. It took him half a minute to get the result.

“Star power index: 16103!”

 The scan results were displayed on the big screen, and the entire laboratory became audible.


 Several researchers couldn’t help but gasp.

Ke Mingshan wiped his eyes and confirmed that he saw it correctly. Ji Xinghuo's star power index reached five digits!

  16103 points!

This is definitely not an error in the star power scanner. His eyes when he looked at Ji Xinghuo changed, as if he was looking at a monster.

 The researchers present are very familiar with the Star Power Index. They have scanned aliens of all levels and collected data for research.

The most powerful super alien before was the Titanium Cobalt Dragon from the Great Xia Army. He is now a legendary powerhouse. His star power index before promotion was more than 5,200 points, which was already astonishingly high. Ji Xinghuo's The star power index is more than three times his!

 More than 16,000 points, higher than the legendary level.

Many second-stage aliens in the Legend have lower star power index than Ji Xinghuo, who is still just a super alien.

 “No wonder…”

Ke Mingshan was shocked and suddenly realized, "I had already guessed that your star power index would be very high, but I didn't expect it to be so high. But it's no wonder, you are the number one on the ladder, even the Sun King can compete with you. , it is normal for the star power index to exceed 10,000."

 The researchers felt relieved when they thought about Ji Xinghuo's deeds.

 Everything is explained.

Ji Xinghuo himself was very calm. What he cared about more was that the measured star power index had some discrepancies with his own star power value.

However, the difference is very small, and the two can barely communicate with each other.

“Director Ke, what is the unit of the star power index?” Ji Xinghuo asked curiously.

"One point of star power index can be roughly understood as the energy produced by the annihilation of 1 nanogram of matter and antimatter." Ke Mingshan explained this concept. Popular understanding is that 1 point of star power is equivalent to the energy released by the explosion of 22 grams of TNT, which is about 92,000 joule.

 “So that’s it.”

Ji Xinghuo guessed that the numerical unit of star power in Wanxiang Star Pupil is different from the definition on earth.

 Next, he continued with other tests.

He is 182 centimeters tall, and has grown by 2 centimeters in the past three years; he weighs 140 kilograms, but you can't tell he is that heavy from his body shape, because his muscle, blood and bone density have evolved several times and have been fused with related alien species, which has made him much taller. to normal people;

Bench press 180 tons without equipment, resistance, speed, nerve response, etc., various test data have created super extraordinary records.

Each time after measuring a piece of data, the researchers were amazed.

This doesn’t look like a super alien at all!

Most of the legendary powerhouses tested by the Ether Research Institute are not as good as Ji Xinghuo. Only a few legends are slightly better in some aspects, but they are also very limited.

 Compared with comprehensive data, Ji Xinghuo is already comparable to the King of Heaven.

What puzzles Ke Mingshan the most is Ji Xinghuo’s “star power output”. This data is determined by the star gland.

 The higher the power, the more star power can be exploded in a short period of time, and the stronger the combat effectiveness.

 And Ji Xinghuo's star power output is simply outrageous.

 An order of magnitude higher than the King of Heaven!

Ji Xinghuo himself knew what was going on. This was the effect of the "Magnetic Spirit Star Core". He had never noticed it before, thinking that it was just adding electromagnetic properties to the star power. Only now did he realize that it had so many advantages.

In addition, the three etheric resonances also play a huge role.

 “Your astral gland is unique and powerful.”

Ke Mingshan said thoughtfully, "With such a high output power, its input power and energy conversion rate are certainly not low. Even without a star-rising instrument, you can quickly become a legend."

Ji Xinghuo nodded silently.

Ke Mingshan stopped talking.

If he could get Ji Xinghuo to cooperate with him in his research, he might be able to produce some results. However, since this involved Ji Xinghuo's secrets, he was very sensible and didn't ask any more questions.

 Originally, Ji Xinghuo was asked to report the alien species he had fused, but now he has given up.

 The data collected is enough for Ji Xinghuo to be promoted.

 “Get ready to start.”

Ke Mingshan's researcher opened the "Star Rising Instrument" and Ji Xinghuo walked in. Inside was a spherical space with a diameter of about five meters. In the middle was an ergonomic chair similar to the ether energy gathering chamber. He lay down on it.

The researchers fixed Ji Xinghuo's limbs on the recliner. Ke Mingshan said beside him: "The process of rising to the star will be painful. You try not to move. If you really can't hold on anymore, press this button and stop it immediately."

 “Can’t we get anesthesia or something?” Ji Xinghuo asked.

Ke Mingshan shook his head and said: "Pain is the most important protective mechanism of the human body. Anesthesia is equivalent to removing the protection. Life is easily in danger when you are promoted."

As he spoke, the researcher picked up individual metal wires.

The tip of the thread was a sharp needle. It tried to insert into Ji Xinghuo's limbs, chest, shoulders and head, but the holy scale armor was triggered, and the three-color scales emerged from under the skin, popping the needles away.

 “Please cooperate.”

 A female researcher touched Ji Xinghuo's firm skin and whispered.

“Sorry, it’s a natural reaction.” Ji Xinghuo quickly removed the holy scale armor, controlled the softening of the skin, and allowed the needle to penetrate smoothly.

At this time, five aliens came outside the star rising instrument, and the electromagnetic induction swept across them, two legends and three super aliens.

Ji Xinghuo asked: "Who are they?"

 “They all assist you in your promotion.” Ke Mingshan explained.

These five people are all auxiliary aliens trained by the Ether Research Institute, and each of them has integrated "ether affinity".

In addition, they each incorporate an "Ether Echo", "Energy Amplification", "Shaping Star Ring", "Condensation" and "Star Power Resonance". Together, these five powers are an indispensable part of the Star Rising Instrument. Huan, help foreigners get promoted.

The Ether Research Institute has trained more than a hundred strangers like them who assisted in promotion.

 These five are the best today.

 A researcher came over with a tray with several drugs on it.

“Drink all these medicines.” Ke Mingshan said: “They are all medicines that can help you improve your conversion efficiency and success rate.”

Ji Xinghuo drank the potion without saying a word.

Ke Mingshan led the people to retreat.

The star rising instrument is completely closed. Ke Mingshan directed the researcher to bring in four boxes of ether crystals, each containing fifty crystals. They were all installed in the outer card slot of the star rising instrument as a source of ether energy.

Just because of the consumption of these ether crystals, the Star Rising Instrument cannot be popularized, and ordinary super aliens cannot afford it.

 Instruments, medicines, researchers, auxiliary aliens, ether crystals, and the super alien itself must meet the star power index standard.

Taken together, there are only a handful of people in the world who can meet these conditions.

The instrument is extremely quiet.

Ji Xinghuo lay on the recliner inside, motionless, and quickly calmed down. The five auxiliary strangers outside also took their respective positions to operate part of the star rising instrument.


As Ke Mingshan's voice came in, the star rising instrument started with a slight vibration.

 (End of this chapter)

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