Chapter 363 Face Ishi Hiroki

Chapter 363 Confronting Shi Hongyi

The phone ringing echoed in the spacious and elegant bedroom. After more than ten seconds, a white jade hand stretched out from the quilt.

Zhao Manying glanced at the phone screen, sat up straight, revealing her beautiful figure.


Ji Xinghuo, who was lying behind him, was also awake, with his eyes half closed.

Last night, I attended the championship celebration party of the Emperor Star Club. After returning home, I continued to have fun with Zhao Manying. I didn’t go to bed until dawn. She complained: “I called you so early in the morning, disturbing my dreams.” He held up his hand while speaking. He reached under the quilt and felt the tight elasticity.

 “It’s my mother.” Zhao Manying replied.

Ji Xinghuo's hand suddenly stopped, with a bit of embarrassment on his face. It had been more than a year since he had confirmed his relationship with Manying, but he had yet to meet her mother.

Zhao Manying chuckled, casually put on Ji Xinghuo's shirt, and then answered the phone.

 “Hello, mom.”

“I’ve asked all my anonymous friends, but they don’t know where he is,” Zhao Manying said.

Zhao Manying also quickly dressed up. Ji Xinghuo put his arm around her waist and flew out from the balcony. In a blink of an eye, he entered supersonic flight and shuttled quickly between high-rise buildings. In less than a minute, he arrived at Zhao Cangming's apartment building.

 Zhao Manying's family are all handsome men and beautiful women.

 Zhao Manying and Zhuo Yanran also watched closely.

Ji Xinghuo entered Zhao Zangming’s name, locked the target, and the tracking data and results were displayed immediately.

Zhuo Yanran said quickly: "I made an appointment with him to go shopping together in the morning, but his phone call didn't go through, and I didn't see anyone at his house."

 He logged into the tracking system of the Ministry of Public Security directly.

Every time you walk, you will leave traces.


 Zhao Manying said: "Let me confirm first."

This is an investigation network throughout the Asia-Pacific Community. It tracks the whereabouts of citizens in real time through tens of billions of cameras installed in streets, public places, vehicles, mobile facilities and buildings across the country, as well as orbiting satellites, and combines mobile phone signals and The data generated can be described as a dragnet.

 The two landed on the balcony, walked into the living room and saw Zhuo Yanran.

The mobile phone projected an extremely beautiful woman whose facial features were similar to Zhao Manying's, but she was much older. She looked about forty years old. It was obvious at a glance that she and Zhao Manying were mother and daughter.

"Last night at the championship party, hiding one's name seemed normal." Ji Xinghuo thought about it and found nothing unusual.

Zhuo Yanran himself has become a well-known fashion designer in the industry.

Zhuo Yanran was startled, and then noticed the young man next to her daughter. Ji Xinghuo quickly called out: "Auntie, I am Ji Xinghuo, this is the first time we meet."

Zhuo Yanran nodded and hung up the phone.

 As long as you are active within the country, it is impossible to escape the tracking and recording of this system.

 But at this moment.

"This is…"

Ji Xinghuo was already dressed at this time, "Let's go to Zang Ming's house."

“Mom, don’t worry, I’ll ask my unknown friend.” Zhao Manying comforted him, “Maybe his phone is broken.”

  She is a very typical independent woman. After her husband passed away, she quickly got over the grief. After her children grew up, she focused on her own career. The company expanded in size and was running well.

 Her father was a super handsome man during his lifetime, and her mother Zhuo Yanran was also a top beauty. She perfectly combined the excellent genes of her parents. When she first became famous, she became famous all over the world with her peerless beauty and captured countless fans.

Zhuo Yanran is engaged in the fashion industry and has opened a clothing design company.

 She immediately called several good friends that Zhao Zangming often interacted with, but the replies she received were that they were not there.


Ji Xinghuo stopped her, "Auntie, don't worry, I'll check."

Zhuo Yanran looked at him and nodded slightly.

 Ji Xinghuo operated quickly on his mobile phone.

  Ji Xinghuo often sees photos of her and her family on Zhao Manying’s cell phone.

In the past, when Zhao Manying was on the phone with her mother, Ji Xinghuo would avoid being in the camera and didn't know much about Zhuo Yanran.

Zhuo Yanran looked confused, what does query mean? Zhao Manying knew that Ji Xinghuo had entered the innermost power circle and had extremely high authority, so he shook his head at her, "Mom, let's listen to Xinghuo first."

 Zhao Manying scanned the apartment, trying to find some clues. Ji Xinghuo's electromagnetic induction had already scanned it. There was no one else in the apartment, and no signs of a fight were found. Everything was normal.

Zhao Zangming is not the kind of person who likes to fly pigeons, let alone his mother. He has always been very filial. In this era, the battery life of mobile phones is at least 60 days, and the possibility of losing contact due to power outage is very low.

 Zhao Manying looked back at Ji Xinghuo. He had already gotten up. The two looked at each other and saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

"No." Zhao Manying was stunned for a moment. "After the party last night, he went home and was not here with me. What's wrong?"

Zhuo Sezi's face was filled with eagerness, "Manying, do you have a hidden name?"

If it were normal times, she would definitely have a few words with Ji Xinghuo, but now is not the time.

“I’ll call the police immediately.” Zhuo Yanran said anxiously.

 Zhao Manying's expression immediately became serious.

Zhuo Yanran was shocked.

She looked at the system interface on the screen and immediately understood how high the authority was to be able to retrieve citizens' whereabouts data at will.

 However, she is more concerned about her son's whereabouts now.

Ji Xinghuo said: "From the anonymous mobile phone signal trace, he did not go home after the party last night, but took a flight to South America."

 Flight information was also retrieved. The plane landed in Asuncion three hours ago.


Zhao Manying frowned, "Why did he go to Asuncion without his name? Even if he is abroad, he can still use his mobile phone as usual."

Ji Xinghuo had a bad premonition.

 There are two star gates in South America, one in the Eternal City and the other in Asuncion. This stargate city is also extremely chaotic. It is also the base of the Latin Revolutionary Army and the center of the South American resistance to American rule.

 In history, the Latin Revolutionary Army fought for control of the Star Gate and fought in Asuncion, sacrificing millions of lives.

 The control of the Stargate has changed hands many times.

 In the past ten years, the Asuncion Stargate has been under the control of the Latin Revolutionary Army.

After Ji Xinghuo entered the inner circle, he received a top-secret briefing every week. Only then did he realize that the Latin Revolutionary Army was secretly supported by the Asia-Pacific Community, so it was able to compete with the United States. After repeated defeats, it failed again and again. Survived the siege and suppression, not only was it not eliminated, but it became stronger and stronger.

Hence, the Asunción Stargate is also indirectly controlled by the Asia-Pacific Community.

The tracking system of the Ministry of Public Security also covered Asuncion, but Zhao Cangming’s mobile phone signal disappeared after the plane landed.

 The airport cameras captured him leaving alone.

   Then it was discontinued.

The security and power in Asunción are very complex, and the coverage of the tracking system is not perfect. Zhao Cangming has obviously disguised himself and is missing.

“Will Zangming enter the star realm from Asuncion?” Zhuo Yanran guessed.

"It's very possible." Zhao Manying also had the same guess, but was puzzled: "Why should he go through the Asuncion Star Gate to enter the star realm? Instead of going to the Chaka Star Gate, which is only a few hundred kilometers away from Chang'an, he has to fly half way Earth to South America.”

 She looked at Zhuo Yanran, "Mom, did Zangming tell you that he was going to the star realm?"

"I mentioned it several times, but I didn't agree." Zhuo Yanran replied, "The star realm is so dangerous, and he has the support of your sister and no shortage of resources, so he doesn't have to risk his life. His father died in the star realm, I don’t want to see him go down the same path.”

 Zhao Manying didn't know what to say, so she could only remain silent.

Ji Xinghuo didn’t speak either.

As far as he knew, Zhao Zangming did not go to work after graduating from university and concentrated on training. However, his talent was far different from that of his sister. Zhao Manying invested a lot of resources in him. He had no shortage of alien species and expansion rare items, and he was still an intermediate alien. .

 Actually, this is not slow anymore. The 22-year-old intermediate alien is far superior to most of his peers and is also very powerful.

 But Zhao Zangming showed impatience many times.

Ji Xinghuo said: "Even if Zangming wants to go to the star realm, he can go in directly through the Chaka Star Gate. You can't stop him. There is no need to go to Asuncion."

 “That’s right!”

 Zhao Manying winked at Ji Xinghuo.

Ji Xinghuo immediately understood. What she meant was, could this have anything to do with the Shi family? A few months ago, she noticed some signs from Shi Renzhong's changes.

 Because Zhuo Yanran was present, it was difficult for the two of them to speak directly. She did not know the real cause of her husband's death.

"I'll check again." Ji Xinghuo was not sure.

 He called up the records of the Asuncion Stargate in the past three hours, as well as the cameras arranged around the Stargate.

 However, Zhao Cangming's name is not in the record, and he is not seen in the video.

 “Didn’t enter the star gate?”

Ji Xinghuo was a little confused, or was Zhao Cangming pretending?

 Zhao Manying also read the entire surveillance record. With her real eyes, she could not tell who was Zhao Zangming in disguise.

“Either he entered the Star Boundary under his name, or he is in Asuncion.” Zhao Manying said, “It’s useless for us to call the police. We can only go to Asuncion to find him in person...”

 At this point, she looked at Ji Xinghuo for a moment.

Ji Xinghuo also reacted.

  Zhao Zangming was probably a bait, and his real goal was to catch his own big fish. He was in Chang'an, where there were so many masters, even if the Sun King took action, it would be impossible to kill him, but if he went to South America and stepped into a trap, it would be dangerous.

"The possibility of targeting me is unlikely." Ji Xinghuo shook his head. This plan was too clumsy.

The biggest flaw is that Zhao Zangming didn’t need to detour through Asunción to enter the star realm. It was completely unnecessary.

"Why did Zangming do this?" Zhao Manying asked in confusion, "Did he do it voluntarily or was he coerced?"

Ji Xinghuo didn’t understand either.

However, my intuition tells me that coercion is more likely.

Zhao Zangming is only an intermediate alien. It is too easy to control him. Any super psychic hacker can do it without leaving any trace.

"I'll check who he has been in contact with recently. Maybe there are clues." Ji Xinghuo expanded the search scope in the tracking system and retrieved Zhao Cangming's call records and network traces. After only reading a few pages, his expression suddenly became awkward. .

 There are a lot of inappropriate content in the browsing history, including videos and virtual companions, and the tastes are very mixed.

  Zhao Manying and Zhuo Yanran both turned their heads.


Ji Xinghuo held a second of silence for Zhao Zangming. Fortunately, he was not present, otherwise he would have died.

 He quickly skipped these contents and performed conditional filtering.

 The clue was quickly found.

Since last year, Zhao Zangming has frequently called and chatted with a person. Judging from the content of the conversation, the relationship between the two is very close and they seem to be boyfriend and girlfriend.

 Zhao Manying asked doubtfully, "Zang Ming is talking about his girlfriend again?"

“He didn’t tell me.” Zhuo Yanran shook his head.

Ji Xinghuo immediately called up this woman's information and was stunned when she saw the name.

 “No stone is allowed!”

 Zhao Manying was also surprised.

Ji Xinghuo had an impression of this person. When she had a discussion with Shi Renzhong last year, Shi Bu was also present. She was Shi Daoyuan's daughter and Shi Hongyi's granddaughter. Since Shi Daoyuan was executed, Shi Buo rarely visited the Emperor Star Club.

Zhao Cangming actually got together with his enemy's granddaughter.

Ji Xinghuo also retrieved the room opening records of the two of them, which were densely packed on a page, hundreds of times in more than a year.

Zhao Manying looked stunned.

 She felt helpless because her younger brother didn't know that the Shi family were enemies.

 “That’s not right!”

Ji Xinghuo suddenly said, "It's normal to fall in love. Why should you hide your name from your family and not let others know?"

 Zhao Manying also guessed it immediately. This was obviously something Shi could not ask for.

 Why did Shi Keke do this?

 A name flashed in their minds—Shi Hongyi!

Ji Xinghuo retrieved the flight records and found Shi Ke's name in the passenger list. She was also on this plane, heading to Asuncion with Zhao Zangming, and then disappeared into the star gate city.


 Zhao Manying clenched his fists, took a deep breath, and suppressed the anger in his heart.

"What happened to the Shi family?" Zhuo Yanran was confused. She naturally saw that her daughter was very angry at this time, but she couldn't understand the conversation between her daughter and her boyfriend. "Did Zang Ming be brought into the star realm by the Shi family? ?”

“Mom, I can’t tell clearly at the moment.” Zhao Manying didn’t want her mother to worry too much, “We will solve it.”

 Then he looked at Ji Xinghuo.

 “Should we go to Asunción to find someone, or…”

"No need to go to such trouble." Ji Xinghuo interrupted Zhao Manying, "It's too slow to find someone, so just ask Shi Hongyi for someone."

He searched for Shi Hongyi in the tracking system, and the results showed that Shi Hongyi had just arrived at the headquarters of Quartz Group fifteen minutes ago and had not left yet.

“Auntie, please go home and wait for news from us.”

Ji Xinghuo said to Zhuo Yanran, put his arms around Zhao Manying's waist and flew out, disappearing into the horizon with a bang.

Zhuo Yanran looked at the sky with a blank look on his face.


A skyscraper standing in the central business district appeared in front of us, with a height of more than 1,500 meters. The four characters "Quartz Group" flashed on the outside of the building, which was very conspicuous even in the daytime.

Ji Xinghuo, who was flying at high speed, turned on electromagnetic induction and immediately found Shi Hongyi, who was in the office on the top floor.

"Where is he."

Ji Xinghuo not only did not slow down, but accelerated to Mach 2, leading Zhao Manying like a fighter jet as he swooped towards the top of the building.


The glass curtain wall exploded. Ji Xinghuo crashed through the wall and flew into the office. He suddenly stopped in front of Shi Hongyi. The distance between the two was less than three meters. The strong airflow blew the office into a mess, like a ruin.

 (End of this chapter)

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