Chapter 380 Upper Class

Chapter 380 People are better than others

From the sky to the earth, the sky is divided into two, like two worlds.

On one side is a huge city built on the plateau. The continuous buildings extend to the end of the field of vision. Even with Ji Xinghuo's eyesight, the boundary cannot be seen in any direction, at least thirty kilometers!

There are countless people gathered in this half of the city, and the density is extremely high. The number of people scanned within a six-kilometer radius alone exceeds one million.

 And this is only a small part of the entire city.

The city has criss-crossed streets and tall buildings, which are no less than the super metropolises on earth, and there are many races.

 A rough estimate is that the proportion of all human branches is less than half.

There are countless strong ones.

Ji Xinghuo has never seen so many strangers above level 4. Level 5 legends are very common. Of course, level 6 legends are still rare. There are only a few occasionally, and most of them are surrounded by people, and their status is extraordinary.

These were not enough to shock Ji Xinghuo. What really opened his eyes was the other half of Cangdu.

 The red sky seemed to be on fire, reflecting the volcano below.

Not long after, another true dragon soared from Cangdu and flew high into the sky. When it was close to the jump array, the dragon master shot a ray of light from his hand, activated the jump array, and immediately formed a passage to fly in.

Cang Fire Dragon and Phosphorus Flame Dragon both belong to the "flame dragon species".

They live in volcanoes. Some are sleeping by the lava river, some are playing with other baby dragons, and some blue fire dragons are soaking in the lava pool, with only their heads exposed, enjoying themselves very much.

 The main residents of this half of the city are true dragons.

Ji Xinghuo withdrew his gaze.

A silver true dragon with a body length of more than fifty meters jumped out from it, with a dragon master sitting on its back. After the true dragon jumped out, it flew into the volcanoes and quickly disappeared among the exquisite buildings between the mountains.

However, the heat emitted by the volcano was blocked by an invisible wall, which separated the city. After the erupted material flew into the sky, it gradually cooled and fell, sinking into the lava lake, and seemed to return to the volcano again. Bottom, enter the loop.

Even ordinary dragon masters are not qualified.


There was a muffled sound in the sky.

 It looks like a natural volcano. If you look closely, you can find that the blue-white mountain is made of a kind of material.

These are all active volcanoes, very densely distributed. The height of each volcano is more than 3,000 meters, erupting lava all the time, flowing from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, and converging between the mountains to form lava rivers and numerous lava lakes.

On the top of the 10,000-meter-high volcano, there is a white city.

The Blue Fire Dragon King is the king of this huge city and the surrounding astral territory of at least 10 billion square kilometers. There are dozens of star gates on this land, and the planets they lead to also belong to the Blue Fire Dragon King.

 Cang Huolong likes heat.

The dragon masters who came and went just now were all sixth-level powerhouses. They were called "Dragon Marquis" in the True Dragon Dynasty.

Ji Xinghuo looked up and saw a huge jump array high in the sky. A circular structure with a diameter of more than three hundred meters emerged from the void.

 This is a huge man-made volcano!

The Cang Fire Dragon's dragon scales are bluish-white, and its body is also slender than that of the Phosphorus Flame Dragon.

Most of their nests are built in volcanoes, and half of the city in Cangdu has been transformed into a dragon nest for the cultivation of blue fire dragons.

One of the volcanoes was more than 10,000 meters tall, continuously releasing thick smoke and flames into the sky, burning the sky red.

Ji Xinghuo looked far into the distance and could not count how many volcanoes there were.

However, the average strength of the Dragon Lords is obviously much higher than that of the Heavenly Kings, because in addition to themselves, they also have a powerful real dragon. If they fight against the ordinary Heavenly Kings, it is equivalent to two against one.

Ji Xinghuo didn't take a second look. As the ruling family of the Canghuo Territory, there must be a Dragon King in the Canghuo family, that is, the Saint of the Shepherd.

Furthermore, many planets are connected together in the Milky Way, and the star field within hundreds of light years is the territory of the Dragon King.

That's where the Canghuo family is.

The jump array in the sky calmed down and slowly hid back into the void.

With a random sweep, Ji Xinghuo found hundreds of blue fire dragons in his field of vision. The obvious difference between them and the phosphorus flame dragons was the color of the dragon scales.

The public array is located in the center of Cangdu, on this side of Changwen City, not far from the invisible wall of separation, while the sky array is on the other side of Volcano City.

 On earth, the Dragon Lord is equivalent to the King of Heaven.

 He rode Qinghong out of the public array and walked aimlessly on the street.

With such a huge territory, the Dragon King has unimaginable resources. Not only does he have terrifying power, the Dragon King family has an army of Dragon Lords, as well as countless armies composed of dragon warriors, strangers, and aliens.

The alien races on these planets also surrender to the Dragon King.

 People respect him as the "Blue Fire Dragon King".

Although it was Ji Xinghuo's first time seeing this kind of real dragon, he could still recognize it at a glance.

The appearance of the two is similar, with extremely strong bodies, four limbs and broad and powerful wings. The dragon's head is ferocious and terrifying. The body length of the young dragon is more than ten meters, the adult dragon is more than twenty meters, and the dragons of thirty or forty meters are more than 10 meters long. Not a few either.

Ji Xinghuo understood clearly that the jump array in the sky was obviously not the same system as the public array.

Its manufacturing technology and level are even higher, like highways, connecting the vast True Dragon Dynasty, forming a jump network covering the territory of the dynasty, but only the Dragon Lord can use it.

There are many buildings on the volcano that can be lived in, but most of them are dragon nests!

 “So that’s how it is.”

 “Blue Fire Dragon!”

The seemingly ordinary urban area actually contains a lot of etheric technology. The ground is clean and tidy, and the building materials are also very strange. Even a tree on the roadside seems to have something hidden behind it, but it is the pedestrians who make Ji Xinghuo most curious.

There are too many races!

Most of the races have never been seen before. Ji Xinghuo can't even tell whether they are natives of the star realm or alien races.

There are more than a dozen kinds of human forms alone.

 Due to convergent evolution, whether in the star realm or the galaxy, similar natural environments will always evolve similar races, with limbs and five senses, and walking upright, with only differences in some appearances and parts.

Of course, even if they look alike, not all races of the same race will have reproductive isolation.

The difference is even greater among those races with strange shapes.

 But regardless of race, strength or status, pedestrians on the road would get out of the way when they saw Ji Xinghuo, or they would take a long detour.

 The pseudo-dragons they encountered all bowed respectfully.

 Looks like freedom, but is actually very hierarchical.

Just based on appearance, Ji Xinghuo felt like a superior person in the True Dragon Dynasty.

 At this moment, he suddenly realized that the appearance of earthlings and real dragons were really very similar!

In terms of height, body shape, facial features, skin, etc., Earthlings are almost identical to True Dragons. The biggest difference may be their demeanor, the True Dragons’ innate pride and confidence, and their perfect appearance. Ordinary Earthlings It's hard to imitate.

 But as long as the people on earth dare to pretend, especially handsome men and beautiful women, with better figures, and fusion with alien species with the breath of real dragons, it will be enough to confuse the fake ones with the real ones.

 The other thing is the eyes.

The pupils of a true dragon have a kind of look, with different colors and a sense of oppression.

 Normally, Ji Xinghuo's eyes are very restrained, and there is nothing abnormal about the black pupils. However, in order to pretend to be a real dragon, he slightly activated the "overload", so that there was always electric current in his eyes, and his true gaze was like electricity!

Even if there is another real dragon in front of you, it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity from the fake.

  Not to mention other races. "I wonder, is there reproductive isolation between Earthlings and True Dragons?" Ji Xinghuo had an idea in his mind.

 Suddenly, I felt a little surprised.

The Yiren of Tianyu Royal Court are so afraid of the people on earth. Is it related to the racial image of the people on earth?

 The Titanium Cobalt Dragons of the Asia-Pacific Community are not a secret, and the Winged People must also know about them.

The Yiren are afraid of the people on Earth, but they don't dare to invade blatantly. They can only use the Qianyuan Society to make trouble secretly. It is probably because of the existence of the Titanium Cobalt Dragons that the Yiren wonder what the relationship between the Asia-Pacific Community and the Titanium Cobalt family is. relation.

 Based on what the head of state told him, this should be the case.

 “It’s time to go shopping.”

Ji Xinghuo came back to his senses, and his electromagnetic induction was always scanning. Along the way, he seemed to be walking casually, but in fact he avoided those powerful people of level 5 and above to avoid causing trouble.

Qinghong turned into a street with less traffic and walked. After several turns, she came to a deserted place.

Ji Xinghuo jumped down immediately, letting Qinghong shrink and put it in his pocket.

 This time he breathed a sigh of relief.

With a flash of the flashing boots on his feet, Ji Xinghuo teleported tens of meters, walked out from the other direction, quickened his pace and left the area, took off, and landed on an air corridor connecting two buildings.

 Go through the sky corridor and enter the mall.

Ji Xinghuo walked around randomly for two times and finally saw a store and walked in casually.

 “Your honorable lord!”

 An employee greeted me warmly.

Ji Xinghuo glanced at the other party. He was as thin as Zhuwu, with dark green skin. He had two pairs of arms, one of which was like a blade. He looked like a mantis walking upright, but his huge eyeballs contained the light of wisdom and reason. .

 He didn't recognize what race it was, and his face was indifferent, "I'll see for myself."

 “Yes, my lord.”

The green alien didn't dare to have any dissatisfaction. After saluting again, he retreated to the side in an orderly manner, but his attention was still on Ji Xinghuo, waiting for Ji Xinghuo's call at any time.

Other people in the store, whether employees or customers, all looked sideways, but they didn't dare to look at the real dragon man.

 This is a "book" store.

However, what carries the content is not a book in the conventional sense, but an artificial spar, about ten centimeters long, one finger wide, very thin, similar to the bamboo slips on the earth, but its capacity is much larger than the bamboo slips. Ten thousand times.

This is a "stone slip" made with ether technology. It can be used normally in the star realm, but its reserves are far less than electronic chips.

 One stone slip can store about ten books.

And it is limited to text information. There are requirements for reading and writing. Star power must be consumed and ordinary people cannot use it.

Even so, stone slips are the best storage medium in the star realm.

Ji Xinghuo picked up a stone slip and injected a ray of star power into it, and the contents on the stone slip were displayed before his eyes.

 It was written in real dragon text. I glanced at it twice and realized it was a novel.

 So put it down.

He browsed randomly in the bookstore for a while, holding some stone slips he was interested in as a cover. Finally, he stopped in front of the "Geography and History" bookshelf, and saw the titles of several stone slips at a glance. It's what you want.

 "History of the Dynasty", "Biography of the Dragon King", "Evolution of the Division of Dragon Territory", "Appraisal of True Dragon Breeds", "Bloodline and Genes", "Geographical Analysis of the Candle Star Dragon Territory", etc.

Ji Xinghuo has already learned some of these contents.

 But it is certainly incomplete.

Even if the contents of these dozen books are relatively superficial and do not touch on the real core, they are enough to give you a deeper understanding of the True Dragon Dynasty.

Ji Xinghuo pretended to flip through the stone slips in his hand casually, then picked a part and held it in his hand. He continued to walk to other bookshelves, selected a few more stone slips, and browsed the entire bookstore.

"How much?"

 He put all the stone slips in front of the employees.

The green foreigner quickly calculated the price of the stone slips and said with a smile on his face: "Sir, the total is 62,000, you can give me 50,000."

 The unit is naturally the True Dragon Coin.

The exchange rate of True Dragon Coins on Earth is very high, but in True Dragon Dynasty, the purchasing power is far less than that on Earth, because the productivity here is more than one order of magnitude higher than that on Earth, and the stone slips themselves are also very expensive.

Ji Xinghuo paid 50,000 true dragon coins expressionlessly, took the stone slip and left.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't even look at the bookstore or other people, and he acted very arrogant, but everyone present was used to it.

 That's what true dragon people are like.

 In fact, Ji Xinghuo didn't dare to say much for fear of exposing his secret.

Ji Xinghuo walked around for a while after leaving the bookstore and walked into a restaurant. As expected, he received special courtesy. He asked for a private room and asked the waiter not to disturb him after serving the food. Then he took out the stone slip and looked at it carefully.

 A large amount of text content is displayed in the field of view, and pages can be read quickly.

 His eyes never blinked.

Under overclocking thinking, Ji Xinghuo's reading speed can reach more than ten times that of ordinary people, and his understanding ability has also greatly increased. Many of these content knowledge have been learned before, and the absorption and understanding are very efficient.

 It took him more than an hour to read several stone slips.

Qinghong ate all the food on the table. Ji Xinghuo didn't take a bite. After paying the bill, he moved to a restaurant farther away and entered the private room to continue watching.

 Half a day later.

Ji Xinghuo came out of the third restaurant.

He has read through all the stone slips he purchased, and gained a lot of knowledge about the True Dragon Dynasty in his mind. Although he could not fully digest it for a while, his understanding of the True Dragon Dynasty has reached a higher level, and it is no longer a general impression. , but have a clear understanding.

 This makes the probability of being exposed for pretending to be a true dragon even lower.

Ji Xinghuo looked east.

"From the Canghuo Territory to the Yuanci Territory, we have to pass through the Tungsten Mountain Territory. The fastest is of course the jump, but I am not a Dragon Lord. I must choose the safest one from the three paths. It will take at least three days to fly, but it cannot be too fast. .”

 The route map appeared in his mind, and after careful consideration he chose the road with a medium distance. Just as he was about to make a move, he suddenly became alert.

 Looking up, he saw three blue fire dragons descending from the sky.

Amidst the strong wind, three blue fire dragons surrounded the street where he was, and more troops were approaching. Ji Xinghuo's heart pounded, and he didn't understand what was wrong.

 A loud voice came from the back of the largest Cyan Fire Dragon: "Pretending to be a true dragon noble deserves death!"

 Holy shit!

Ji Xinghuo didn't expect that his secret would be revealed so quickly. He turned around and ran away without hesitation, shooting towards the distance.

 (End of this chapter)

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