Chapter 219 Lushan Jianzhong Shen Changye

  Chapter 219 Lushan Jianzhong Shen Changye

   "This military adviser, I don't know if we have changed direction at this time, but we are going to Tianlong City?"

  Chen Qing asked kindly, communicating with Hu Yao's subordinates should not be as casual as talking with his own subordinates.

   Monkey finally felt the long-lost respect. Hu Yao was always careless, shouting and shouting.

   Monkey is not angry either, he knows this is Hu Yao's character.


   But at this time, he felt Chen Qing's respect.

  Chen Qing seems to understand that he is the brain of this monster army.

  Besides, as soon as Chen Qing opened his mouth, he directly stated his future intentions, so he is a smart person.

   Being valued by smart people made him overjoyed.

  The monkey cupped his hands immediately, and performed the standard etiquette of paying homage to the king, "King Wen, we are just preparing to go to the Northland, but it is not Tianlong City, but Wangbei City."

  Chen Qing didn't pay too much attention to what monkeys called him. The monster race is more casual, and there are kings everywhere.

   "Why Wangbei City?"

  Monkey explained: "King Wen didn't know that there were tens of thousands of wolf demons going south in the north, and Li Chonghuan led the practitioners who later entered the realm of death to resist them."

Chen Qing suddenly became interested, pulled the monkey over, and sat down next to him and Hu Yao, "You mean, we attack Wangbei City from the south line, defeat Wangbei City together with those wolf monsters in the north, and let them go." Going south?"

  Houzi thought to himself that this is different from what a smart person would say, but then he thought that if his master mixed up with this King Wen, he wouldn't even know if he would be sold out?

  He recalled the scene when Chen Qing handed the sword to Hu Yao and asked Hu Yao to cut off his head.

   This is a friendship that can allow the other party to cut off his head, just like those brothers and sisters who have been in the same sect for decades.

  In the practice world, this is a friendship comparable to blood relatives.

   Fortunately, there is such a King Wen, otherwise the monkey is really worried that Hu Yao also participated in the battle of chasing the king.

  Chen Qing's feelings for Hu Yao are actually more complicated, and there must be no love between men and women.

   It is more of a relationship between a teacher, a father and a brother.

  As the beginning, it is like their master.

  As Taichi, he is more like their senior brother.

  Monkey sat halfway on the chair, and said: "That's right, letting those wolf monsters go south can drag down the large-scale forces of Da Yan."

   "In this way, whether it is King Wen's return journey or my return to the northwest, it will be much smoother."

  Chen Qing nodded slightly, and asked carefully: "I'm a little unclear about the situation of those wolf monsters."

  The monkey stretched out his hand to stroke the non-existent beard, and then waved his sleeve robe, "Your Excellency, King Wen, you should know that the Yaozu rarely get together, and everyone usually walks alone."

   "Even if it is a big monster, there are only a dozen little monsters under its command."

   "In the monster clan, there are only five clans that can form groups. One is the wolf clan, the second is the ant clan, the third is the bee demon, the fourth is the mouse demon, and the fifth is the bone spirit."

   "Leaving aside the ants and bee demons, it is too difficult to become a demon, so it is generally very rare."

   "Bone Bone Essence is different, it is a bone-type Gu insect that becomes essence and attaches to the bone, which is even rarer."

   "The Great Bone Sage, who only appeared once in hundreds of years, was also beheaded by Na Ji Dang."

   "The only ones that can maintain a group state for a long time are wolf monsters and rat monsters."

   "The rat demon has always been all over the world, haunting and haunting."

   "The wolf demons are mostly in the snowy plains, and are divided into hundreds of groups by the dragon clan to prevent them from gathering together."

   "But now, things seem to be beyond the control of the Dragon Clan."

  Chen Qing continued to ask: "What are the habits of the wolf clan?"

  Monkey said: "Cruel and tyrannical, bloodthirsty and vicious, cunning and changeable, only trusts the same race, and extremely vengeful."

  Chen Qing frowned, she didn't know whether it was good or bad to let such a group of wolf monsters into the big cave.

  However, Ji Dang should be more concerned about this issue.

  The wolves and the dragons are feuds, and the wolves are extremely retaliatory. Once they enter the Central Plains, the dragons will definitely bear the brunt of it and become their target.

  Chen Qing asked again: "How many monsters do they have?"

  Monkey shook his head, "I don't know about that. Rumors say there are tens of thousands, but where are there actually so many wolf demons?"

   "If there are really tens of thousands, Li Chonghuan should not be able to stop it even if he has King Gu."

   "It is estimated to be around three thousand."

  Chen Qing finally felt relieved, about three thousand is enough for Ji Dang to drink a pot.

   "Then trouble the military division to settle the army under my command."

  Houzi left in a sensible manner. Seeing Houzi leave, only Chen Qing and Hu Yao were left on the bow of the boat again. Chen Qing said: "I got the news about Longmen."

  Zhou Li's Gu worms were bred by Longyuan King Gu, and have a great relationship with the Dragon Clan, so Zhou Li also knows some secrets of the Dragon Clan.

  From Zhou Li's memory, Chen Qing vaguely knew how to open the Dragon Gate, but still needed to verify it.

  Hu Yao suddenly became excited, "Is there any news about Longmen?"

   "I'm only short of the opening of the dragon gate and a complete ancient dragon skeleton!"

  Chen Qing said again: "Three hundred years ago, the ancient dragon of the Dragon Clan died in battle, and his bones should have been left in Tianlong City."

   "We are going to the north. If we are lucky, we might be able to get that ancient dragon skeleton."

  Hu Yao can't wait now, if her natal Gu is promoted to the king rank, her strength will be greatly improved.

   Moreover, it is very possible that she will be the first in the party to promote her natal Gu to the royal rank!

  Before being surpassed by others, this time, she will also walk in front of others and have a good time.

   Yes, her idea is that simple.

  She glanced at the sky, suddenly a little anxious, "The party is about to start, I'm leaving first."

  Chen Qing pretended to be curious and asked: "Party, what kind of party?"

  Hu Yao said: "That's right. Er. It's unspeakable."

   "Anyway, I'll excuse you for a while."

  Seeing Hu Yao leave, Chen Qing smiled, and also came to the room arranged for him by the monkey, ready to attend the party tonight.

   Putting on the bronze ghost mask, Chen Qing once again appeared on the cloud platform in the posture of Taichu.

  Looking at the other four people, they have all arrived early.

   After a short greeting, Chen Qing put his right hand on the table, quietly waiting for other people's inquiries.

  Others may not ask, but Hu Yao may ask again.

   Sure enough, as he expected, Hu Yao bowed slightly to Chen Qing, "Senior Taichu, can you tell me again how my natal Gu can be promoted to King Grade?"

  When the other people heard Hu Yao's question, they all looked at each other, and saw a sentence from the eyes of others:

  This girl's natal Gu has a chance to be promoted to the royal rank!

  Chen Qing smiled and said softly: "It doesn't matter."

   "Nine turns in the road, when the dragon gate opened, a complete ancient dragon skeleton, a dragon soul, and ninety-nine wisps of Dragon Tomb King Qi."

  Hu Yao smiled and nodded, "Thank you senior, Honglian has remembered."

  Seeing that no one wanted to ask, Chen Qing leaned back slightly and sat more comfortably, "Now, you can start chatting."

   Seeing that everyone else was looking at her, Hu Yao took the lead and said, "By the way, I met Taiyi."

   "He performed the decapitation technique for me, and I cut off his head with a single sword, and he can still talk to me, so amazing!"

  Ji Ru's face changed slightly. When she met Chen Qing, there was no such thing.

   This girl is really bold.

  But in my heart, I couldn't help feeling a little envious.

  Seeing Tai Yi again in the future, she will try it too.

   If Taiyi agrees, will this become a strange custom for future Taichu members to meet?

   After meeting, let the other party cut off your head first?

   It's really weird.

  Xu Yaofeng also thought about it, beheaded and survived, is it a king Gu or an extremely rare spirit Gu?

   With this identity, it should be King Gu, right?

  In his eyes, Taiyi, an ordinary Nanli grassland, has gradually become the leader of Nanli's foundation building. He doesn't believe that the senior Taichu didn't help in secret.

  As a senior member of the Aurora Sect, he is actually more able to understand what happened to Tai Yi.

  In his opinion, Taiyi is the future leader of the free-range seniors in the early days.

   and Li Chonghuan have the same status in Xianting.

   It's just that the training methods are different.

  And in ancient times, there were more free-range leaders.

  He secretly glanced at Chen Qing, this is an ancient existence, which makes more sense.

   Besides, I have never heard of the name of Taichu Sect. It seems that if Senior Taichu wants to train a leader, he can only raise them free-range.

   Withdrawing his thoughts, Xu Yaofeng said: "Since Taiyi has arrived, we now have a way to break the situation."

  Hu Yao continued: "By the way, Taiyi doesn't seem to know about the party."

  Xu Yaofeng confirmed it even more at this time, this is definitely the future leader of free-range farming!

  Senior Taichu arranged everything behind the scenes, just waiting for Taiyi to go through this journey, and finally convert to Senior Taichu, and become the first leader of Taichu Sect.

  Xu Yaofeng said cautiously: "Then don't tell Taiyi about the meeting."

  They are all pawns in the hands of Taichu, leading Taiyi step by step to the end.

  As for these pawns, one of them, natal Gu, will soon be promoted to King Grade and become King Gu.

  The kings are pawns, they really are the characters that the predecessors in the early days should have.

  Being able to become king is something Xu Yaofeng can only dream of.

   And now, the Primordial Ones are making this a reality.

  As for Zhenjun, Xu Yaofeng never thought about it.

  In his imagination, Taiyi, the first generation leader of Taichu Sect, might have the hope of becoming a true king.

  He, just being king is enough.

  Hu Yao said: "I'm not stupid, so naturally I won't tell him."

   "By the way, what's going on over there?"

  Xu Yaofeng thought in his heart, how did you say that I am not stupid?

   "The situation on my side is fine now. That Gu Long led an army to besiege the city, and Shang Tong is just about to make a move."

   "Fortunately, they haven't launched an attack for a long time, it's just a small-scale test."

   "I guess, Ji Dang is likely to go after Taiyi."

  Hu Yao said: "Yes, Tai Yi also said the same."

  Xu Yaofeng was a little relieved, "From this point of view, Ji Dang should not be here. If Ji Dang is not here, I should be safe here for the time being."

  Xu Yaofeng turned his head to look at Ji Ru, and asked, "What's going on in the world?"

  Ji Ru is now the only way for their party to understand the human world, "Nan Li, Wushang has cleared away the ghosts in Lin Guo."

   "It's a pity that after the Taiyi left, rebellions broke out everywhere, and many forces that had been silent for a long time rose up and refused to accept Li Bingwei's rule."

   "I guess, it has a lot to do with the Kingdom of Water."

  After listening to Chen Qing, he thought that this country of water is really a wicked one.

  Your Guozuo will end, what does it matter to me, Li Bingwei?

   Why don't you think about how to continue Guozuo and trouble me, Li Bingwei, all day long?

   It really is that the entanglement is getting deeper and deeper.

  Ji Ru continued: "By the way, the latest news from Nanli, with the help of a mysterious Nanhai king, King Wu decided to accept Taiyi's wife as a righteous daughter."

   "Specially conferring the chief princess, the ceremony is extremely grand, and the degree of honor is only lower than that of the son of King Wu."

   "Afterwards, King Wu ordered the clan to take Xuan Ping to pay homage to the kings of all dynasties and enter the ancestral temple."

   "It can be seen that King Wu also attaches great importance to this matter."

  Chen Qing didn't have any expression on his face, and his eyes were not moved at all, but he was moved in his heart.

   Xuan Ping only cares for her own good, even if she is wronged, she doesn't care.

   Is this to unite with King Wu?

   It's just that I don't know what chip Ping'er is offering.

   "Then, King Wu ordered the destruction of Fengchao and the monster races near Jiezi Mountain, among which the rat monsters were the most."

   "It is said that after the order of King Wu, the surrounding area of ​​Jiezi Mountain was covered with blood for thousands of miles, and a handful of soil was randomly dug up, and there was blood inside."

   "Fengchao up and down, the fire burned the sky, the mountains were burned by the fire, and it has not been extinguished yet."

   "Because the matter is too big, it is impossible to hide it, so the news spread quickly."

  Chen Qing was slightly puzzled, it was true that Jie Zishan and Feng Chao had rejected him at the beginning, and they were the first to reject him.

   But there is no need to destroy his sect and his descendants?

  Wu Wang is the most honorable title among the kings, and those who can secure this position are definitely not ordinary people.

  But why did you issue such an order?

   Among them, he couldn't figure out the cause and effect.

   I only know that King Wu's move must have deep meaning.

   After the party is over, I should ask Pinger in my dream to see if I can get any news.

  Xu Yaofeng and Hu Yao took it as something new, and Hu Yao asked curiously: "Isn't Fengchao the ten thousand-year-old sect of Yan Kingdom? King Wu crossed the border to kill Fengchao, and King Yan didn't care?"

  Ji Ru said: "It is said that King Yan has already gone to Longevity Mountain to pay homage to Miao God, but now it is not clear what happened."

   "However, among the kings of Nanli, only the two kings, Wen and Wu, are the most expensive, and now only the king of Wu is the most expensive."

   "For such an existence as King Wu, he would not act recklessly."

  Hu Yao laughed and said, "It's really interesting."

  Chen Qing: .

   Well, this girl is really the only one having fun at the party, purely for fun.

   Speaking of this, Hu Yao suddenly asked: "By the way, what is the origin of that Shen Changye? Taiyi and I may meet him recently."

  Speaking of the name Shen Changye, Ji Ru was silent for a moment, showing a strange expression, "This person, what should I say? It's weird."

   "He comes from the Lushan Sword Tomb. He is known as the number one swordsman in Dayi. He is also valued by many ancient families. He is praised for his appearance as a king. He is born with the king's fate, but he has not yet encountered the king Gu that he hits."

   "Even Emperor Donghua said that he is the most promising person in the millennium to become king."

   "It's just a pity that Shen Changye seems to have a strange disease."

  Chen Qing was slightly puzzled. Didn't the information say that Shen Changye was aloof and suspicious?

  Why can't you match?

  Hu Yao asked curiously: "So powerful?"

   "That's really easy to deal with. From your description, it seems to be similar to Li Chonghuan's strength."

   "He's still sick, what kind of sickness?"

  (end of this chapter)

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