Chapter 227 The world is terrified

  Chapter 227 The world is shocked

   It didn't take long for the news that the demon banner appeared in the world of death, and it spread to the human world almost the next day.

   Every time a monster rises up, it is a major event that needs to be taken seriously.

  Accompanied by the news of the demon disaster, news of the defeat of the Dragon Palace also spread to the world at the same time.

  Chen Qing slashed the Shuanglong in the battle, and wiped out the entire Dragon Palace army with 800 dragons in one battle, and the world was shocked.

  Although it was said in the news that there were thousands of monster races to help out, it was obvious that practitioners did not value these monster races too much.

  The news they learned was that the Northern Territory had appeared in Zhaoyao Banner, and the main battlefield between Dragon Palace and Chen Qing was near Naihe Bridge.

  In their view, Chen Qing is the hero of the world, and the Long Xiang army is invincible.

  Following that came, there was more news about the Long Xiang Army, what about defeating Yan Xingchen in a single charge, what beheading Zhou Li, the great victory over the army led by Zhou Li and Daoist Shasheng, and so on.

  News came one after another, and in people's minds, the Dragon Army quickly became an invincible existence.

   After all, the Longxiang Army is really undefeated in the realm of death.

  Wherever they went, almost all the coalition forces were defeated in a devastating manner.

  Whether it is Nanli or Dacheng, the practitioners are talking about it.

   "Nan Li Wenzong slayed the double dragons, and personally led the eight hundred dragons to break through the ten thousand dragons, and the entire army of the Dragon Palace was wiped out!"

   "What a mighty power this is. It is said that in that battle, the world was smashed! The river hangs down from the nine heavens, and the sky is turned upside down."

   "Besides, there seems to be a demon disaster in the northern border of Daqing!"

   "The situation of Wenzong in Nanli is very good!"

  Of course, there are also a few who are more sober, "That is, the Qingxu thief has not met His Royal Highness yet. If he meets His Royal Highness, he will definitely lose."

   "His Royal Highness doesn't need to annihilate the Longxiang Army, you only need to defeat the disabled Longxiang Army, and you can lock Qingxu near the Dead Sea, so that he can't move!"

  Hearing this, Yang Ming, who was ordered to come here, took a sip from the wine cup and laughed loudly: "Joke, can Ji Dang be Nanli Wenzong's opponent?"

   "Do you know that the Longxiang Army has been invincible since its expedition, and not one person has died?"

   "In the battle with the Dragon Palace at Naihe Bridge, two thousand dragons were killed, and none of the Longxiang army died!"

  When the surrounding practitioners heard the terrifying news, they gathered around one after another, "What, no one in the Dragon Army has died in battle so far?"

   "Are they all Buddhists who are not vajra, and have vajra indestructible bodies?"

   "If that's the case, doesn't it mean that Nanli Wenzong led an army of 800 dragons, and can conquer the realm of death?"

  Yang Ming said with a smile: "This is all news from above, don't talk nonsense outside."

  He held up the wine cup, "Let me tell you in detail, that day, the whole army of the Longxiang army went out, and Wenzong made a bold statement before the thousands of troops"

  The Qi Refining Realm doesn't really care about these things, but the Foundation Establishment does.

  Because the victory or defeat in the dead world will really affect them.

  If Chen Qing wins, then Nanli's foundation establishment can be said to be a chicken dog ascending to heaven, everyone has the opportunity to cultivate to the profound entrance level, and it is the kind that does not have much risk.

  If Da Yan wins, then Da Yan will definitely give birth to many profound entrance realms within a hundred years.

   This is the authority that can actually control a realm.

   And the news of the rise of evil spirits has also attracted the attention of many people.

  Because monsters rarely appear, and there have been thousands of years of interval, some people think that it may not become a real monster.

   "This time the evil disaster is really not necessarily the evil disaster."

   "In today's dead world, the two overlords stand above the crowd, and they seem to be kings."

   "Whether it is Jidang, who broke through dozens of cities in a row in a month, or Qingxu, who led 800 dragon troops to attack hundreds of thousands of miles, beating countless enemies, they are all first-class overlords."

   "These two are geniuses who can only emerge once in a thousand years."

   "If there is a demon disaster, it may not necessarily lead to a catastrophe."

   "The Yaozu will bear the brunt of these two beings who stand on top of the world of death."

  Some people disagree.

   "Have you ever heard of the Peacock King swallowing mountains and seas?"

   "Even the great master of the ages, it was only his effort, and he was destroyed in an instant."

   "Yaozu, you have been silent for too long, you have already forgotten how terrible the monster disaster is!"

  Wu Wangcheng.

  On this day, Xuan Ping raised her head slightly, and suddenly saw a ray of golden divine light flying from the three spirit tablets in front of her and falling into her hand, forming a tear-shaped orb.

   "Is this the true spirit of the Martial Kings of all ages?"

  She had just opened her mouth when she heard King Wu's laughter from behind, "It seems that the ancestors have spirits and have already recognized your identity."

  Xuan Ping quickly got up and saluted respectfully, "It's all taught well by my father."

  Wu Wang waved his hand slightly, and then said: "Soon, people from the sect of the Four Great True Monarchs may come to call you to pay homage to the True Monarch. You should make some preparations."

   Xuan Ping asked curiously: "Father, please tell me about these four true kings in detail."

  Wu Wangdao: "There are four true monarchs under the seat of God Miao, they are the true yuan manifesting and transforming the evil ruler, the real martial arts Yuyang swaying demons, the Zhenqing Liangyi awe-inspiring true ruler, and the real and free Jiuxuan true ruler."

   "True Monarch Du'er has always ignored world affairs, True Monarch Slaughtering Demons is jealous of evil, Chen Qing has formed an alliance with the demon clan, and True Monarch Swinging Demons doesn't like it."

   "Then the rest are Zhenjun Haoran and Zhenjun Jiuxuan."

   "Jiuxuan Zhenjun is a female figure, there are many methods of dual cultivation in the sect, and most of the disciples are female cultivators."

   "But Zhenjun Haoran is also good at the art of law of heaven and earth."

   "If you want to choose a True Monarch for your husband, it is best to be the True Monarch Haoran."

   "Zhen Jun Haoran knows everything from the past to the present, claiming that there is nothing unknowable."

   "And there are similarities between him and your husband, that is, they both master the law with writing and use law to defend martial arts."

   "That is to practice magic arts through classics, delve into the avenues contained in Gu worms, and control martial arts with magic."

   "It's just that your husband has written many Gu books. If you go to visit and bring your husband's Gu books, True Monarch Haoran will be overjoyed!"

  Xuan Ping nodded slightly after listening, "My father taught me, and my daughter has memorized it."

   "I just don't know, which true king does the father worship?"

  Wu Wang smiled and shook his head, and slightly cupped his hands in the direction of Longevity Hill, "I don't worship the true emperor, but the Miao God!"

  Xuan Ping suddenly understood.

   Now this Martial King is indeed powerful.

  Chen Qing can only call himself the God of Miao, but this Martial King can call himself under the seat of God Miao.

  Wu Wangdao: "If your husband really succeeds in being crowned king and is out of the realm of death, you should also choose a true monarch's disciple to go to practice."

   "Now it would be great if we could gain the respect of Grand Master Haoran."

   "Only after completing the training under the True Monarch's sect, can you successfully ascend to the throne and become the new king."

   "If it is really canonized as King Wen, there is also a chance to be valued by God Miao."

   Xuan Ping bent slightly, "Daughter understands."

   Only two days later, Xuan Ping got Tong Bing, and the Four Great True Monarchs sent people to call her.

  Let her bathe and burn incense before going to pay her respects.

  Xuan Ping did so, but after a while, he saw four Taoist priests wearing different Taoist robes.

  Among them was a man wearing a scholarly robe, nodding slightly towards her.

  The Taoist, who looked very serious, cut to the chase and said: "Zhenjun summoned Qingxu, but Qingxu is not here at the moment, so you will go to visit Zhenjun instead of him."

   "You can choose to meet one of the True Monarchs. When you have made up your mind, tell us and we will take you there."

   Xuan Ping said quietly: "I've already made up my mind, I want to visit Zhenqing Liangyi Haoran Zhenjun."

  The man with the appearance of a scholar smiled and nodded slightly, "I knew a long time ago that Sister Ping'er would definitely choose us Haoranguan for Qingxu!"

  Xuan Ping looked up slightly in surprise, but heard the man say: "Sister Ping'er, don't be surprised, I am the eldest son of Wu Kingdom. Since you are the righteous daughter of the father, you are my righteous sister."

  Xuan Ping felt a little relieved, "Thank you Brother Nine."

  The other three Taoists snorted softly and left angrily.

   Xuan Ping said: "Ninth brother, they are so angry, nothing will happen, right?"

  Wu Zhao shook his head with a smile and said: "Don't worry, they are just disciples in the view of the true emperor, and they are not descended from the true emperor's lineage, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

   Xuan Ping asked curiously: "Then Brother Ninth, are you the true emperor's heir?"

  Wu Zhao said embarrassingly: "It's not true, I can hardly be regarded as a real emperor's registered disciple."

   Xuan Ping said in surprise: "Ninth Brother, you are a dignified son of the Wu Kingdom, but you are only a registered disciple?"

  Wu Zhao sighed, "No way, Zhenjun doesn't like my frivolous temperament, always saying that I am not stable enough to inherit the throne."

   "But my father loves me, and I can't do anything about it, so I have no choice but to stay in Haoran Guan."

   "Stop talking, I heard that my brother-in-law wrote Gu books?"

   Xuan Ping said: "I wrote some."

  Wu Zhao suddenly became interested, "Hurry up and let me have a look, in the Taoist temple, you will be suffocated to death."

  Wu Zhao picked it up and looked at it for a while, and then repeatedly praised: "Wonderful, wonderful, worthy of being called Wenzong, my brother-in-law is a capable person!"

   "This article is even more wonderful, it is almost similar to the Gu book written by Zhenjun!"

   "If you bring these Gu books along with you, Zhenjun will be overjoyed!"

   "With such a predestined relationship, maybe you will become a personal disciple of Zhenjun's seat!"

   "It's a great honor to enter the hall!"

  Hearing this, Xuan Ping felt more relieved, "If that's the case, let's go to see Zhenjun quickly, so that we can get Zhenjun's support earlier."

  Wu Zhaodao: "No, what are you in a hurry for? I just came back, and am I ready to enjoy myself before going back?"

   "You don't know that I will almost become a monk in the days when Guanli Qingdeng Ancient Buddha was in view."

  Xuan Ping bent slightly, "My husband is in the realm of death, fighting for the king with his life, I am really worried, and I ask brother Jiu to take me there as soon as possible."

  Wu Zhao had no choice but to say: "Come on, let's go, my brother-in-law's situation is really worrying, let's go, we will set off now."

  In the back garden of the palace, Immortal Chiyu watched Wu Zhao and Xuan Ping fly away, and looked at King Wu beside him, "So, this is the reason you planted for Xiao Jiu, the reason why she chose Zhenjun Haoran?"

  Wu Wang sighed: "It's just an added layer of insurance. The boss and the old five and the sixth have already begun to deploy troops to enter the dead world to help Chen Qing."

   "As the prince, Xiao Jiu must do something."

   "Otherwise, if I die one day, how will his son sit on the throne?"

  Akabane said: "Uncle Wu Wang, what are you talking about? I'm waiting for you to become a true king, so you can take care of me."

   "If you are a true king, you will live forever, where will you die?"

  Wu Wang sighed: "Zhenjun, it takes ten thousand years of creation, Wu Guoguo Zuo is only six thousand years old, how can I ask about the position of Zhenjun?"

  The realm of the dead, the river of bones.

  On the boat above, Chen Qing asked seriously: "Second brother, you mean, after the Longxiang army contracts the Dragon Soul Gu of the Dragon Palace, the spear will have a dragon shadow, and the strength will increase greatly?"

   Xuanmang said: "It is not possible to greatly increase. According to Ao Huanxiu, all of our Longxiang army are at least the first level of martial arts. If there is Dragon Soul Gu, at least 10% of the strength can be increased."

  Chen Qing said: "If that's the case, let them start the contract. The Gu worms obtained from the people who died in the Dragon Palace should be enough."

   "Come, give priority to those who are still alive."

   Xuanmang cupped his hands and said, "Yes!"

   After walking for another three days, Chen Qing stood at the forefront of the building boat, stretched out his hand and pointed to the majestic city with eighty-one long dragons in front of him, "Is that Tianlong City?"

  Hu Yao said: "Brother, now, you should tell me how to open the Dragon Gate, right?"

  Chen Qing said: "It's not because I'm hiding it, I don't want to tell you, the Dragon Ball is needed to open the Dragon Gate."

   "After I swallowed Ao Feng, I also learned about the situation in Tianlong City. There were only three Dragon Balls in Dragon City that day."

   "To open the Dragon Gate, four Dragon Balls are needed."

   "It seems that the time has not yet come."

  Hu Yao reached into her bosom, touched it, and took out a shiny jade-white bead, "Brother, are you talking about this kind of dragon bead?"

  Chen Qing: .

   He is really a lucky person.

  He stretched out his hand and took a look, "It's really Dragon Ball."

  Hu Yao was very pleasantly surprised, "Then senior brother, can my Gu worm be promoted to king rank?"

  Chen Qing said: "Now it seems that the time has come."

   "Come here, tell Ao Huanxiu to go and convince the rest of the Dragon Palace to open the city gate!"

   Xuanmang went immediately, and Wei Qingchen and Lu Shenglong, who had already broken through, stood behind Chen Qing, and began to analyze: "Wen Zong, could Ao Huanxiu be a false surrender?"

  Chen Qing said: "It doesn't matter, if it's a false surrender, I can take his life at any time!"

  Wei Qingchen said: "The main force of the Dragon Palace has been wiped out, and now they only have two or three hundred people left. If they don't surrender, they will die!"

  Chen Qing is calm and composed, it is not difficult for him to win Tianlong City.

  Hu Yao's road to be promoted to the king rank by King Gu is extremely smooth.

   Unlike Xu Yaofeng, he had no idea where the laurel tree was.

   It's not like Ji Ru either, it also needs a King Grade River Gu.

  Among these requirements, only Ji Ru has the highest requirement for promotion to the king rank, which requires a king Gu.

  However, according to Chen Qing's guess, once Ji Ru's King Gu is promoted, it is likely to be one of the strongest King Gu whose limit is the twelfth floor.

  Based on this calculation, it is not a loss to use a King Gu whose limit is only the tenth floor or the eleventh floor to be promoted to a King Gu whose limit is the twelfth floor.

   Next, it depends on when Ao Huanxiu can persuade Dragon Palace to surrender.

  (end of this chapter)

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