Chapter 232 Wangbei City is broken, Tianguan City is trapped

  Chapter 232 Wangbei City is broken, Tianguan City is trapped

   Half a day passed slowly, and Chen Qing couldn't help but sigh at this moment, Li Chonghuan's background was solid.

   After all, he is the son of Xianting, who has the support of a great religion.

  Suppressed Li Chonghuan for a long time, and kept obliterating his life source, but at this moment it has not succeeded.

  If you meet alone, I am afraid it will take several days to fight with you to decide the winner.

  When they reached this stage, their physical body and spiritual energy were extremely powerful, and the outcome of a battle could not be determined overnight.

  It's like Chen Qing, as long as there is a drop of blood left, it is difficult to die.

  Li Chonghuan is the three incarnations, and after he climbed to the second floor, almost every incarnation barely has king-level combat power.

  At this moment, what Chen Qing didn't expect was that Xuanmang actually broke into Wangwangbei City, and brought a large number of dragon troops into the city.

  Wherever the horse's hooves trod, everything crumbled.

  Long Xiang's army drove straight in, smashed into Huanglong, entered the inner city, and started a massacre between the shadow walls.

  The Longxiang army was already the best in the world, but now it suddenly rushed into the city, and it was even more unstoppable.

  The entire inner city was filled with blood.

   "At the end of the day, you are still undefeated. You fought against the three of us, but you were able to hold us back for a day with the strength of one person."

   "It's not in vain."

   "The loser is Da Yan's ghost face."

   In terms of battle, Li Chonghuan lost, after all, he didn't win any of the three.

  Strategically speaking, Li Chonghuan was undefeated, because it was the battle of the soldiers under his command that finally established the victory.

  Long Xiang's army drove straight in, invincible, and soon reached the passage of the north gate. They wanted to let the wolf monster into the city!

  At this moment, the Longxiang army was inside, and the wolf demon was outside, attacking from both sides. In less than half an hour, all the practitioners in the north gate corridor were killed.

  The snow wolf flag fluttered in the wind, and the wolf riders roared, "Enter the city!"

   "Kill them all!"

   Mighty wolf riders began to pour into the city, and blood flowed into a river, flowing out from the four portals.

  Before the west gate, Li Chonghuan looked back, and a river of blood was slowly gushing out from the gate.

   "After all, I lost."

  His expression was slightly lonely, and he glanced at the Long Xiangjun who were fighting hard in the city from a distance, "The bravery of the Long Xiang Army really lives up to its reputation."

   "Invincible in all battles and invincible in attack."

   "Where there is a war, it will be a war!"

  He pushed Hu Yao away in front of him with a palm, "See you in the future!"

  After speaking, Li Chonghuan turned into a ball of fire and disappeared in place.

  Chen Qing immediately felt that the Li Chonghuan in his belly had lost contact with the outside world, but within a quarter of an hour, he was completely refined.

   This is Li Chonghuan, a strong man who cut off his wrist and abandoned this incarnation.

  Chen Qing sat on the green bull, "It's so difficult to kill the king!"

  At this moment of the battle, Chen Qing also fully realized how much influence the king-level combat power has on the battle situation.

  Feng Qiwu in the Dead Sea is not alive, it's time for Wushang to enter the realm of death.

  Although it is a bit early, but now that the world has the support of King Wu, the situation should be stable.

   Chaotian City doesn't have a king-level seat, so I'm afraid it won't be able to stop Feng Qiwu.

  Chen Qing strode into the city, and Lu Shenglong soon came to report: "The wolves have entered the city, and they are chasing and killing the defeated army."

  Chen Qing nodded slightly, "Send an order to collect the meritorious deeds and the corpses of the Longxiang Army who died in battle. After the collection is completed, quickly evacuate. It is time for us to return to the city."

  Lu Shenglong said: "Then Xuelang Lord, we haven't seen the previous side?"

  Chen Qing said: "It is useless to see him, he is here to fight for the king."

   "Cooperating with him now is just the general trend."

   "Must be quick, while they are still chasing and killing the people of the big scorpion, try their best to **** the merits. If you have a dispute with the wolf clan, give them."

   "We are short of troops now, if they become murderous, it will be extremely bad."

  After half a day, Chen Qing looked back at Wangbei City, who was still fighting, and patted the bull's back lightly, "Let's go, go back to Chaotian City."

   "Letting that Shangtong hover around the Dead Sea for so long is really giving him face."

  While marching, Chen Qing asked the undead under his command to discuss who would really die first and who would be resurrected.

  After waiting for a day, there is finally a confirmed list.

  In this siege, although nearly 300 undead were the main attackers and were at the forefront, hundreds of people were still killed.

   This is destined to sacrifice hundreds of undead and resurrect new undead.

  One hundred and twelve people were standing in front of Chen Qing in an orderly manner.

  Chen Qing took out the jars in which their hearts were stored, and sent someone to deliver them to them one by one.

  The person at the front was about to break his own heart, but saw Chen Qing wave his hand slightly, "Brothers!"

   "You follow me into the world of death, and there will be endless wars!"

   "But we won!"

   "We are invincible in all battles, and all battles are always ended in one battle!"

   "In today's dead world, I am the only one who dominates the world!"

   Long Xiangjun, who already had the will to die, was also filled with pride at this moment.

   Yes, they were going to die, but they won and made a name for themselves.

  Chen Qing continued: "All the monarchs have descendants, so they are eligible to join the Dragon Army."

   "I, Qingxu, hereby promise that every member of the Longxiang Army who died in battle can choose one person to enter my mountain gate!"

   "If you have a good cultivation talent and can become a foundation builder, I guarantee that he will become a grand entrance!"

   "If I become king, your family will guard the royal city for generations!"

  Chen Qing waved, "Serve the wine!"

   Bowls of wine were served in front of the dying Long Xiangjun. Chen Qing held up the wine bowl, "Masters, it's a good journey on the road to Huangquan!"

  The undead of the Longchamp Army at the front drank the wine in the bowl in one gulp, "Wen Zong promises, a thousand dollars will not be exchanged!"

   "I believe in Wenzong!"

   "Now that the wife and children have made proper arrangements, there is nothing to worry about!"

  He smashed the wine bowl, and a tear fell from his eye, "I only hate, I only hate that my strength is low, and I don't have the chance to see the day when Wen Zong becomes king!"

  After speaking, he brazenly drew his gun, pierced the jar, and inserted it into the beating heart.


  In just a split second, he was turned into ashes and blown away by the wind.

  The undead of the Longxiang Army, after saying their final farewell, they also killed themselves one by one.

  Chen Qing's heart was slightly touched. In the fight for the king in the dead world, I must win!

  At this moment, he is no longer just for himself, but for thousands of people.

  Resurrecting the Longxiang Army who died in the previous battle, Chen Qing went on the road again, and there were repeated battles. He also needs a moment of rest at this moment.

  He took out a dream flower, put it into a piece of uninjured hair, lit it slowly, and fell asleep smelling the smoke.

  Entering the dream, Chen Qing pushed open the void door, and one could see that the uninjured subject of the dream was the Linglong Shrine.

  He opened the door and entered it, walked left and right, and came under the Immortal Feathering Tree, "Unfortunately, it's just the Immortal Feathering Tree in the dream, and it can't achieve the effect of enhancing martial arts."

   After waiting for three hours, Chen Qing finally saw Wushang appear here.

   Seeing Chen Qing appearing, Wushang was very pleasantly surprised, "Big brother, big brother came to see me!"

  Chen Qing smiled, "Is the world still safe?"

   Wushang smiled and said: "Brother, you are invincible in all battles in the realm of the dead. The Longxiang army has traveled more than 100,000 miles, besieging cities and destroying troops, invincible."

   "With great martial arts skills, the world is terrified. Most of those young people chose to surrender."

   "The rest of them chose to hide away. Now, everything is safe in the world."

  Chen Qing nodded and said: "That's good, you should prepare to enter the realm of death within three days, the sooner the better."

   Wushang asked curiously: "Brother, didn't you win all the way in the dead world? Why do you still need me to go?"

  Chen Qing said: "After several battles in the dead world, I have already realized the horror of the king class."

   "In the Dead Sea, Feng Qiwu from three hundred years ago may have come back to life."

   "Now I am in the north, and it may take another three months to return to the vicinity of the Dead Sea."

   "During this time, if Feng Qiwu suddenly raids Chaotian City, I'm afraid that Su Yi and Wang Yuan won't be able to stop them."

   "I don't feel relieved if there is no king rank in Chaotian City."

   Wushang nodded and said: "If so, I will rush back to Jiuhe City as soon as possible and enter the realm of death."

   "By the way, the eldest, fifth, and sixth members of the Wuwang family gathered a team of 500 dead soldiers, and they are going to come to help elder brother. I will also bring them along."

  Chen Qing said: "Since you have chosen to cooperate with King Wu, don't doubt his strength."

   Wushang continued: "Also, my sister-in-law has obtained a ray of the true spirit of the previous kings of King Wu, and I will bring it along with me."

  Chen Qing said: "Okay, this is the most important thing!"

   "Tell Si Si to prepare to build the Dragon Army again. When I return to Chaotian City, I will send someone to send back the Gu worms of the Dragon Army that died in battle."

  After finishing the order, Chen Qing paid more attention to Wushang and Yan Sisi, then exited the dream.

   Opening his eyes, Chen Qing finally felt relieved. In this way, even if Feng Qiwu made a surprise attack, he could be relieved if he was not injured.

  The wolf demon has entered the city, but Feng Qiwu near the Dead Sea in the south has also entered his backyard.

   It seems that for a long time, there will be no way to fight Ji Dang.

  Both of them must settle the evil disaster in their own backyard as soon as possible.

   After walking for half a day, Chen Qing suddenly saw a large number of people on the opposite side of the Bone River.

   Judging by the strength of the royal air, it must be Ji Dang.

  Chen Qing came to the bank of the river, saw Ji Dang get off the green dragon from a distance, and faced him across the river.

  Chen Qing waved, "Bring Shen Changye and Wangji here."

   Soon, Monk Wangji and Shen Changye were brought behind Chen Qing.

  Ji Dangfang said: "You invited me to fight at Naiheqiao before, why didn't you wait for me?"

  Chen Qing laughed loudly, "Hahahahaha, Mr. Xuelang's kindness is hard to turn down. He invited me to meet in Beidi. I was so itchy that I went to meet him for a while. I'm really sorry!"

  Biyou Dragon Girl quickly moved Ji Dang a seat to make him more dignified. Ji Dang sat down and said, "To be honest, I kind of want to fight you here right now."

  Chen Qing said with a smile: "Mr. Xuelang also thinks so. Although the people you came here are all elites, my dragon army is now the best in the world. Although we fought a big battle, we can still fight!"

   "If you and I fight in the wild, no one will have an advantage. We must fight forever. The Snow Wolf Lord is not far away, leading tens of thousands of wolves to watch over us."

   "At that time, I'm afraid you won't be able to escape!"

   Ji Dang said in a deep voice: "Then wait for the next day, clean up the dust in the house, and then compete with you in the Central Plains!"

  Chen Qing pointed at Monk Wangji and Shen Changye, "I have two captives under my command now, I can let one go, and you can choose."

   Ji Dang's eyes turned cold, "May I ask what the conditions are?"

  Chen Qing said: "The one left behind is loyal to me, you must promise not to move the forces behind them."

   Ji Dang shouted angrily: "You want Shen Changye so much?"

   Obviously, it is impossible for Ji Dang to give up Monk Wangji, who represents the Buddhist sect in Ximo.

  In order to show neutrality, the Western Mo Buddhism sent two monks, one on each side.

  If Monk Wangji is also turned to Chen Qing, then it may mean that the Western Desert Buddhist Sect is also coming to an end.

   Ji Dang said coldly: "What if I don't choose?"

  Chen Qing smiled and said: "Then I will kill them all!"

  Yangmou, outright conspiracy.

  If Chen Qingquan is killed, then the world will only blame him, Ji Dang.

  Because he clearly has a chance to return a prisoner.

  If you want one, you will offend the other.

  Neither, offend both sides.

   Ji Dang hardly thought, "You can keep Master Wangji."

  After speaking, Ji Dang got up directly, boarded the green dragon again, and walked away.

  Chen Qing chuckled, stretched out his hand to grab, mentioned Shen Changye, and went back home.

  The two most powerful people in the dead world meet here today.

   When we first met, they didn't make any big moves.

  Because of their home, either wolves came or mice entered.

  Chen Qing and Shen Changye chatted while walking, "Now, you can justifiably rely on me."

  Shen Changye said: "My sword servant."

  Chen Qing opened his mouth and spat out Shen Changye's sword servant, "Work hard in the future."

   "If you make great achievements, I will teach you a supernatural power of swordsmanship!"

  Shen Changye finally showed joy, "In this way, it won't be a loss."

   "Anyway, my family is just a thousand-year-old family, and it's the same to follow anyone."

  After only three days of walking, Chen Qing was exchanging swordsmanship with Shen Changye, when Xuanmang hurried over, "Oh no, Wen Zong, something is wrong!"

  Chen Qing frowned, "What happened, hurry up!"

   Xuan Mang said: "Chaotian City was attacked by rat monsters. Those rat monsters dug through the Dead Sea underground in Chaotian City, and secretly pierced through the four pillars under Chaotian City."

  His face became paler, "Chaotian City, fell into the Dead Sea!"

  Chen Qing felt dizzy for a while, "Say it again!"

   "I obviously called Wushang to resist!"

   Xuanmang said: "Oh, it is true that Master Wei entered the realm of death, but Lord Wei did not know the specific situation when he first arrived, although the defense was properly arranged."

   "But who would have thought that the group of rat demons had been digging tens of miles underground in Chaotian City for hundreds of years, and secretly communicated with the Dead Sea?"

   "Master Wei and Su Yi Wangyuan tried their best to resist, but they still couldn't stop Feng Qiwu's plot."

  Chen Qing sighed: "Could it be possible that my army of thousands of people can be wiped out just like this?"

   "Feng Qiwu, I will kill you!"


  Chen Qing suppressed the anger and sorrow in his heart, "Absolutely not, Wushang bears the king's Gu, and has the king's life in his body, so he will never fall so easily."

   "Send the order, march quickly, hurry back to the Dead Sea!"

  (end of this chapter)

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