Chapter 244 Huang Quan springs up on Daxue Mountain, and the real phoenix appears in Fengdu City

  Chapter 244 Huangquan springs up on the Daxue Mountain, and the real phoenix appears in Fengdu City

   Dead Realm, Northern Snowfield.

  In the snowstorm, the tall and tall Wang Hun galloped into the distance under the pull of twelve green bulls.

  Thousands of monsters followed behind the team, and suddenly there was a bright red rushing from behind the team.

   That rider broke through the wind and snow and came before Wang Huan, dripping blood all over his body. He knelt respectfully and said, "Master Demon King, I beg you to forgive your recklessness!"

   "Now Ji Dang and Li Chonghuan's army is pressing down on the Daxue Mountain. If they want to refine Daxue Mountain, please help the Red Lotus Demon King!"

  Wang Huanzhong slowly stretched out a jade hand, waved it lightly, "Kill it!"

   Immediately after the order was issued, dozens of monsters surrounded him and chopped the wolf rider into pieces.

  The monkey didn't even look at the ground meat, and sat on the shaft of the chariot beside Wang Huan and asked, "My lord, is it too much to kill directly?"

  Wang Huan heard Hu Yao's slightly indifferent voice, "Mr. Xuelang is the necessary price to exchange for Feng Qiwu."

   "We must find something important enough for Ji Dang to do, so that Senior Brother Taiyi can catch Feng Qiwu with peace of mind."

   "Besides, he also has a banner for summoning demons. If he doesn't die, how can I get a banner for summoning demons?"

   "Everything is a good bargaining chip for a secret conversation."

  The monkey nodded with a smile and raised his whip, "Let's go back to the northwest!"

  The wind and snow were heavy, but there was only one corpse that was not buried. In the dead world, there were not even crows, and naturally no one paid attention.

  Central Plains Front, a rare truce.

  In the center of the battlefield, a high platform was built. On the high platform, Xu Yaofeng sat opposite the ancient dragon in black robe.

  Gu Long is a man with a sharp face, and those two pitch-black dragon horns show his noble status.

  Although he doesn't have king Gu, he is a real king-level existence because of his extremely noble ancient dragon blood.

  Gu Long put down the wine cup in his hand, "According to the time calculation, the killing of the king should have already begun."

  Xu Yaofeng said: "It's rare for everyone to sit down and have a good talk, but it's also to deal with evil disasters. It's not embarrassing."

   Gu Long raised his eyes and took a closer look at his opponent of more than twenty years.

   "I have already sensed that the aura of the king is becoming stronger and stronger. This huge realm of death, the power to control a realm, is destined to be in charge of a king."

   "Brother Xu, don't you have any interest in fighting for the king?"

  Xu Yaofeng laughed, "Needless to say, I have my own destiny."

   "Before the opportunity comes, the most important thing is to live well."

  Gu Long clapped the wine cup in his hand heavily, and said with a light smile, "Then it depends on whether Ji Dang is faster, or your Wenzong is faster."

  Da Xueshan.

  The holy land of the dead world of the wolf clan.

  In the Snow Wolf Palace on the mountainside of Daxue Mountain, Mr. Xue Lang sits on a large seat made of white fox fur, stretching out his hand to stroke the soft fur of the white fox.

  There are wolves galloping outside, delivering news of the battlefield.

   "Report! The envoy who went to ask the Red Lotus Demon King for support still hasn't returned!"

   "Report, Li Chonghuan's banner was found in the extreme north. They used Lu Xingzhou to break through the blockade of thousands of years of ice, and they have already circled to the rear of our army!"

   "Report! Ji Dang's banner has appeared in the south, and the soldiers under Ji Dang's command have begun to break through our army's outpost!"

  After listening to Mr. Xuelang, he stretched out his hand to draw the knife, and stroked the blade with his hand.

   "Oh, it's just a mirror image after all."

   "The demon king who didn't gather all the demon banners really couldn't bear the king's life of the lord of the dead world."

   "But everything will not end so easily, king, there must be a king's way of death."

   "Go down."

  One day later, the battle in Daxue Mountain became more and more intense. Li Chonghuan and Ji Dang attacked from both sides, and the entire foot of Daxue Mountain was already full of blood.

  Amidst the snowstorm, Mr. Xuelang came to the top of Daxue Mountain with a yellow gourd in his hand.

  He knelt down on both knees and put the yellow leather gourd in his hand on the highest point, "Wolf God who holds a big knife that splits the sun and the moon, can tear the sky and the earth, have you ever heard your descendants calling for you!"

   "The wolf clan will never be destroyed so easily!"

   "If the price of victory is my life, then I am willing to give my life!"

  He bowed respectfully, then got up, and split the yellow-skinned gourd with a single knife.

  The yellow-skinned gourd split open, and the turbid yellow spring water gushed out suddenly.

  The spring water gushed out continuously, endlessly, as if it was about to sweep the heaven and the earth.

  Mr. Xuelang showed a smile, "Sure enough, the wolf **** will never abandon his followers!"

  Yellow Spring surged and swept down the mountain.

   An hour later, Ji Dang inspected the entire army and asked loudly, "How many people have you lost?"

  Biyoulongnv said: "It has been washed away a lot, and now there are 3,000 people left on our side, and Li Chonghuan doesn't know."

   Ji Dang was a little angry, and suddenly the sound of howling wolves sounded in his ears. Thousands of wolves rode on the wind and snow, and charged again with the might of an invincible army.

  Wherever it passes, everything is frozen.

  The coldness froze the world.

   Ji Dang waved his gun, pointed at the galloping wolf rider in front, and shouted: "Shicha Army, line up!"

   "In a desperate situation, the brave wins!"

  On his shoulder, a cicada slowly landed and began to sing.

  The Shicha army started to move, the sword light was like a forest, and shadows flew among the people, as if time was cut, and afterimages appeared one after another.

  Among countless afterimages intertwined, the 800 Shisha army is like a thousand troops at this moment.

  The great battle broke out immediately.

  Dozens of hundreds of years of practice, proud talent, at this moment, all turned into cold blood and corpses.

  Feng Qiwu's army is advancing secretly, and Shu Wanli and the aging Fei Lie are at the end.

   Passing by the last hidden dead marsh, Fei Li suddenly said: "General Shu, I think we should destroy this dead marsh."

  Shu Wanli was a little surprised, but immediately thought of the art of war, "Flying hyena, what do you mean, cut off the back and fight to the death?"

   Feilu said: "I am also a rat demon myself, I know the character and habits of the rat demon."

   "Timid and afraid, greedy for profit."

   "If you don't cut the back road, it will be difficult for the rat demon to go all out."

   "And the most critical part of our battle is to be fast!"

   "Only by putting yourself in a desperate situation can the Rat Demon unleash its strongest fighting power."

  Shu Wanli thought for a while and said, "I'll report to the king."

After Feng Qiwu heard that this was Fei Lie's suggestion, and at the same time Shu Wanli also expressed his concern about the courage of the rat demon, he immediately nodded and said: "Okay, destroy this dead swamp, so as to show my determination to wait for the north! "

  The dead marsh that stretched for hundreds of miles collapsed, revealing the silent Dead Sea within.

  The five-year excavation project completely disappeared at this moment.

   Feng Qiwu's attack on Fengdu was extremely smooth, even a little scary.

  Feng Qiwu walked into the city and laughed, "Sure enough, as Fei Xi guessed, this is an empty city at all."

  Fei Lian, who was getting old, came to the screen wall in the inner city strangely at this moment, and reached out to feel for something.

   Other parts of the city were still fighting, at this moment, someone came to report: "Report! A banner of Xuanmang appeared in the north!"

   "Report, the banner of Shen Changye appeared in the west!"

   "Report, Su Yi's flag appeared in the east!"

   "Report, in the northwest direction, Wei Qingchen's flag appeared!"

   "Report, in the northeast direction, the flag of Lu Shenglong appeared!"

  Feng Qiwu roared: "What are you talking about?"

However, at this time, there was another battle report, "Report, the flag of Wushang appeared in the south. Wushang is too strong, we can't stop him at all. He has killed all the way and blocked the way out of the city." road!"

  Feng Qiwu reached out and grabbed a spy, "Quickly tell me, where are the other gates in Fengdu?"

  The spy tremblingly said: "Other city gates, other city gates have been blocked by the generals under Qingxu."

   "At this moment, all the generals under Qingxu are leading the army to quickly strangle our army!"

  Feng Qiwu just felt dizzy, lost, is that how he lost?

  He looked at the flying hyena in front, "Sir, you have no plans, and I have made a divination, why is this happening?"

  However, at this moment, Fei Lian didn't listen to Feng Qiwu's words at all. He groped and seemed to have finally discovered something.

  He twisted the mechanism, and the huge screen wall collapsed immediately, stirring up a cloud of dust.

  Flying hyena gradually turned into Nie Fei's appearance, bowed slightly towards Feng Qiwu, and saluted respectfully, "I would like to dedicate this thing to my king, and fill in the most colorful strokes for my king's funeral."

  Behind the collapsed screen wall, the eight hundred dragon troops marched forward in unison, with cold lights shining from the tip of their spears, the dragon's power was boiling, and the dragon's aura was curling up like wolf smoke.

  The dragon horse is taking heavy steps, and there is a thunderous sound when stepping, and air waves are sprayed out from his nose.

  Above the inner city, Chen Qing jumped down and sat on the green bull. Chen Qing drew his sword, his eyes were as cold as snow, "Slay!"

  At this moment, how could Feng Qiwu not understand.

   "It turns out that there has never been an exhaustive plan, and everything has been arranged by you."

  "The seven-year winning streak has created your supreme achievements and my trust in you."

   "Likewise, cast my day of death"

   "But you guys have finally underestimated me, Feng Qiwu!"

   "Hahahahaha, today, I will let you know what the real King Gu is!"

   "What is a real king!"

  Feng Qiwu let out a long roar, and manifested the real body of the phoenix as a phoenix with a wingspan of thirty feet, radiating golden light all over his body.

  Feng Qiwu opened his mouth, and endless phoenix real fire gushed out, sweeping towards the Longxiang army.

  Chen Qing waved his sleeves, holding the universe in his sleeves, collected the endless phoenix real fire, leaped up and spread out the Fatianxiangdi, then quickly cast Xumi Gu, turned into a height of thirty feet, and walked towards Feng Qiwu.

   "I'll deal with him, you go to strangle the Rat Demon, be sure to kill him!"

  The Longxiang army was dispatched immediately, and began to charge and kill the Rat Demon in all directions.

  Chen Qing immediately used his dragon-capturing hand to grab Feng Qiwu's neck, and swung Feng Qiwu like a giant with a sledgehammer, hitting Fengdu, causing the whole Feng to vibrate.

  Feng Qiwu turned into Phoenix True Fire to escape from Chen Qing's hands, and immediately fought with Chen Qing.

  Feng Qiwu knew that Chen Qing was the real master, and he would definitely lose in a battle with Chen Qing, so he immediately flew to the north gate.

   Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the north gate, he was shot back by Xuanmang who was sitting on the three-eyed thunder dragon, and he fought with Chen Qing again.

  Feng Qiwu rushed to the west gate again, but found that Shen Changye had appeared, and was cut to pieces by the Phoenix True Fire with a sword.

  Feng Qiwu rushed left and right, dripping blood all over his body, but he couldn't get out no matter what, Chen Qing refused to give up, and caught up with him again, and wrestled with him.

  Feng Qiwu was furious, "Fight, if you want to fight, come here, we are both immortal, I want to see how long we will fight before we can decide the winner!"

   "I will kill all of you one by one except you!"

   "Qingxu, let's see how many lives you have to fill!"

  Chen Qing laughed, "You seem to be looking down on Grandmaster."

   "Do you know what a master is?"

  Chen Qing made a move, and each sword pointed directly at Feng Qiwu's life gate, "Don't worry, take your time, and let me grind all your Gu worms one by one!"

  The two began to fight again. Chen Qing relied on the swordsmanship of the master level to face Feng Qiwu, which can be said to have an absolute advantage.

  Feng Qiwu could only do his best at this moment, fighting with Chen Qing.

   But an hour later, Lu Shenglong entered the city covered in blood, holding Shu Wanli's head in his hand, "Report! Wenzong, Shu Wanli has been beheaded by the last general!"

  Feng Qiwu only felt that his hostility had increased dramatically!

  Slightly lost his mind, the Wuqing fan in his hand was smashed by Chen Qing's sword.

  Another half an hour passed, and Zhang Shen came in carrying Sha Jingye's head, "Report, Sha Jingye has been beheaded by the last general!"

  Feng Qiwu really felt at this moment that the general situation was over, the back road, the back road had already been cut off by his order.

  Now, it is the end of the mountain.

  After another three hours, Wushang came in with a big smile, "Brother, the enemy army has been completely killed, I will help you!"

   Shot without injury, with a burst of brilliance in his hand, Taizu's long fists were punched out one by one, with great force and power, showing divine power.

  Feng Qiwu received a punch and was immediately sent flying.

  At this moment, Chen Qing and Wushang went into battle at the same time, Feng Qiwu naturally had no power to resist.

  The reason why Feng Qiwu is tyrannical is that he can support the monster race with his immortal body and the royal city of Sumeru Gu.

   But in the final analysis, Sumeru Gu is not a fighting style Gu, but a production-oriented kingly Gu.

  Chen Qing is different. He can't help but have an immortal body and the realm of a master.

   Now here comes Wushang again, the guy who possesses the holy body of the gods, so naturally the only thing left is to be beaten.

  Chen Qing and Wushang attacked vigorously. It was also the first time for Chen Qing to see Wushang attack with his own eyes. His whole body exuded a golden light, and the mysterious acupoints in the human body were opened in his body, gestating the gods.

  In terms of the physical body alone, Wushang is no less than Feng Qiwu who is approaching perfection in endless nirvana.

   Even stronger than his physical body!

  Chen Qing said: "No injury, let me take a good look at your skills!"

  Laughed Wushang, and immediately cheered up, "Shengmen, open!"

  With a loud shout, the whole person seemed to have escaped from some kind of confinement of heaven and earth, not in the five elements, and jumped out of the world. His whole body erupted with spiritual energy, sweeping the audience like a wave.

  The whole body was crackling, the bones were shifting, the muscles all over the body were tense, and the terrifying power waves were rippling.

  Supernatural Ancestor Taizu's long fist was full of supernatural power, even Feng Qiwu took out all kinds of treasures and insects to resist, but he couldn't match the power of Wushang's punch.

   "What about all kinds of treasures, just look at my holy body, I can break all magic with one punch!"

  (end of this chapter)

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