MTL - Eternal Sacred King

MTL - Eternal Sacred King


Authors : Snow-filled Bow Saber

Status : completed

Genres : Xianxia, Action

Chapters: 3373

Last update: 5 months ago

- MTL (Machine Translation Literature) refers to novels that have been translated using automated machine translation tools. This approach allows for quicker translations compared to human translators, but may result in less accurate and nuanced translations.
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He is a young man without a spirit root. It is believed that this denies him the chance at cultivation. However, a mysterious lady imparts a Supreme Demon Classic to him and from then on, he starts his path of cultivation. He undergoes a total transformation to emerge as the most fearsome and powerful fiendish demon in his era, that even immortals and fiends are fearful of him, and saints are at his beck and call. Mastering the Supreme Demon Classic is the turning point in his life. He is able to unleash his immense and divine power from within, illuminating the entire universe! - Description from Novelupdates

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