Chapter 703 end three

 Chapter 703 703 End Three

The Cult of Nihility.

 The huge black and purple vortex is the only residence of nothingness in the black sea.

  Nothingness is a concept between chaos and unknown, and is the fundamental basis of the mother of nothingness.

  But in Li Chengyi’s self-destruction, this side was also severely damaged.

 At this time, the huge vortex is at least hundreds of times smaller than its original volume.

The body of the Mother of Nothingness has long since disappeared. Most of it has been transformed into the original object, while a small part remains and transformed into this huge body with a diameter of about thousands of light years.

 When she broke through the boundaries, this part of herself also completely turned into pure nothingness.

“The so-called nothingness is just a lie.” Li Chengyi floated above the vortex, overlooking the base camp of the originally hostile sect.

“Nothingness is originally the space created in the middle after the original object leaves our conscious perception.” Erdai said coldly.

 A group of light red fluorescence suddenly lit up in front of him.

Even the previous master, Tian Xuanzi, could not return to all things and could only create a new era.

 A group of people belonging to the Behemoth Sect emerged and stared at this side.

As soon as Li Chengyi appeared in the huge whirlpool directly in front of him, he sensed it, and a large black giant beast rose into the sky and pounced towards him.

“Since it’s a lie, it’s better to leave everything to me. The power of evil is endless, and only I can reshape everything in this world.” Li Chengyi said calmly.

There will be no link between the unknown and the unknown. Only the space formed by the combination of the known and the known will have the concept of distance.

 “Let’s do it again”

 Until the end, the last touch of black and purple completely disappeared into the black sea, leaving no trace.

 “It’s you.” Li Chengyi’s mood did not fluctuate much. "There is nothing we can do about it. All obstacles must be eliminated."

Wherever consciousness reaches, it can appear.

 But as the explosions spread, the vortex became smaller and smaller.

The leader was none other than Professor Miman.

Li Chengyi’s body quickly lit up with layers of colorful lights.

 But at least the brilliance is equally beautiful.

"What are you going to do now?" Xie Rong asked, "The last consciousness of the Mother of Nothingness itself has long since disappeared, and what is left here now are dead things driven by original objects and concepts."

 “I feel a part of the only power. Even though it is very weak.”

 “Are you really going to do this?”

Li Chengyi's body recovered again and reappeared in the Black Sea intact.

“.” Xie Rong was speechless.

Although this explosion is many times more powerful than a supernova explosion.

 Different individuals will no longer be differentiated from each other, which is equivalent to all known things being closely together.

Immediately afterwards, the colorful ring of light from the first explosion had not dissipated, and a new explosion started again.

 There is no distance, no concept of length, width, height, etc., everything only needs to provide energy, and then it can appear there.

When he reached this state, he discovered that there is no time change and spatial structure in unknown matter, so how fast his consciousness can be, how fast he can be.

 But he can.

 The continuous explosions caused the entire void vortex to howl in pain like a living creature.

There are also evil sources of unlimited energy.

“You are no longer needed for everything in the new era”

 He can see concepts, weave a network of rules with concepts, and then reproduce all things in the language of flowers.

 There is also the self that has now reached the pinnacle of totality.

 Li Chengyi nodded slightly when he heard the words.

 He was right.


Another huge piece of colorful light, like a supernova in the universe, flooded the entire vortex of nothingness in the blink of an eye.

 He said with a calm expression.

Without waiting for him to talk nonsense, Li Chengyi flashed across a large amount of unknown matter in the Black Sea and appeared directly in front of the vortex of nothingness.

 Because he still has the flower of evil.

Behind it, there are still a few remaining ultimate void beasts, carrying the strong aura of the Mother of Nothingness, glaring at them eagerly.

“The Mother of Nothingness will be injured due to the self-destruction of Chaos, which means that this part of her essence has not truly transformed into the original object. Because the original object is immortal.”

 Boom, boom, boom! !

He even said that because there is no concept of location, far and near have no meaning.

“It’s not a dead thing.” Li Chengyi retorted. "Dead things have no desire or fear. But it doesn't really matter. As long as I kill everyone who is still alive, I will be the only one left in this world."

“Collect all the unique ones?” Although Miman is not strong, she is extremely knowledgeable, otherwise she would not be valued by Aifa.

 “I want a peaceful and peaceful life, but for all this, I need to deal with all kinds of external interference.”

 “In order to deal with interference, I need to strengthen myself.”

“Strengthening oneself will naturally bring more influence.”

“With great influence, I am destined to receive more attention and interference.”

“So in order to avoid more interference, I had to continue to improve my own strength. So, it goes round and round until I get to where I am today.”

"Therefore, there is only one possibility for an absolutely peaceful life. That is for everything to become one's own backyard. Nothing in it can threaten oneself. Only when everything is in one's absolute palm can one achieve absolute peace. Peace," added Myman.

 “You’re right.” Li Chengyi nodded.

“It may seem like a plain wish, but in reality, it is so arrogant that it regards all things as its own back garden. It is worthy of the third generation.” Mi Man sighed.

“So, what’s your choice?” Li Chengyi looked at the other party.

 The Cult of Nothingness is gone, and next is the Cult of Behemoth.

 In order to achieve the only life, he must collect the vitality of all conscious things.

It would be better if the other party knows his identity, but if he does not, it would be better.

 “I can probably guess what you are going to do,” Miman nodded. "Great decision, then. Since it is the new supreme order, we should obey it."

 They are fanatically yearning for the existence of chasing giant beasts, and death is nothing to them.

 “Very good.” Li Chengyi nodded.

 He looked at the group of believers, watching them bow slightly to him and salute.

Then he recited unknown verses, and his body gradually shattered into countless dark red light spots.

 All points of light quickly turned into chaos, and then were invaded, polluted, and swallowed by the unknown, leaving no traces.

“Next, there’s the temple.” Li Chengyi raised his head and looked in the direction of the Temple of Behemoths.

over there.

Pope Aifa and all the remaining believers stood at the highest point and were loudly singing hymns praising the giant beast Asladuni.

Their bodies self-destructed one after another, their consciousnesses completely dissolved, turned into countless dark red light spots, and were swallowed up by the unknown.

 Not long.

 In the entire Behemoth Temple, there are only a few omniscient remnants who are hiding and taking refuge.

Li Chengyi's expression remained unchanged, he teleported over and blew himself up.

 Boom! !

 Amidst the huge shock, the temple slowly decomposed and shattered. Together with the hiding omniscience, it completely decomposed into a part of chaos, was infected by the unknown, and disappeared.

 The entire Black Sea has truly returned to its original state.


 The center of darkness.

 A group of colorful lights expanded rapidly and returned to Li Chengyi's tall body wearing the flower god's clothes.

 “Now, I’m the only one left”

 He watched quietly, sensing everything around him.

 “There are no more us.” The voice of the first generation sounded.

"You don't need to tell me, we will do it ourselves." Second Xie Rong said.

 “Okay” Li Chengyi nodded slightly. "Well, see you later."

"See you later." Erdai breathed out, and his last trace of consciousness completely disappeared into the source of evil.

 The first generation was silent for a while. “How do you plan to organize the new era?”

 “There is no new era.” Li Chengyi replied. "As it was before, so it will be in the future."

 The first generation understood, and with a clear understanding in his heart, the last trace of his consciousness completely disappeared and self-destructed.

This time, it is truly complete, everything that has been born has disappeared.

 Only Li Chengyi is left, floating in the Black Sea.

 All lives, all other uniques, all converged on Li Chengyi after the first generation finally completely self-destructed.

 The only one alive.

  Naturally, it condensed into a colorful cylinder with extremely complex and luxurious patterns in his consciousness.

 The cylinder is constantly turning from the inside out, as if a section of the large intestine is being turned over.

 It is the same inside and out, with a large number of tiny, squirming colorful particles attached to it.

  ‘Is this the only life? ’ Li Chengyi sighed.

 Feeling that the consciousness is completely surged under the influence of this unique life.

At this moment he truly had the so-called feeling of infinity.

  After all, even the complete theory relies on the huge power of consciousness to realize other infinities.

 And he, now relying on the only life, has the source of consciousness, and naturally has endless consciousness.

 Closing his eyes, Li Chengyi thought quietly.

 His consciousness expanded from time to time, to the point where it was as exaggerated as countless light-years. Sometimes it shrinks, becoming smaller than the tiniest particle.

 But no matter how big or small, at this time, his self-will is no longer affected by anything.

 He can even adjust the tenacity of his will, making it stronger and weaker.

 All things can be affected by omniscience, and omniscience can be affected by consciousness.

 At this time, all the consciousness belongs to him and becomes the origin.

 He just floated quietly in the unknown.

for a long time.

for a long time.


 He suddenly opened his eyes.

 Raise your right hand.

The Flower of Evil disk on the back of the hand buzzed and lit up with colored lights.

  ‘Flower language. ’

His voice was deep and powerful, even though he was the only one who could hear it.

“Use all my strength to activate the language of flowers—the ultimate state of eternal memory!”

Hum! !

In an instant, countless huge consciousnesses, infinite consciousnesses, were crazily poured into the Flower of Evil disc.

The ultimate flower language belonging to the wetland forget-me-not, lit up with a pure blue halo at this time.

 The dark blue light overwhelmed all the colored lights and became the only light source on the Flower of Evil disk at this time.

  ‘Please select the restoration tense? ’ The Flower of Evil’s inquiry came out.

 “In the beginning. Before I came, the starting point of everything.”

 Li Chengyi replied.

Hum! !

 The bright blue light turned into a dazzling sun, expanding and expanding in the blink of an eye, accelerating to cover all the unknown matter around it.

 The power of the evil source, instilled by Li Chengyi’s infinite consciousness, exploded with terrifying transformational power.

 A steady stream of unknown substances are transformed into known substances.

Wherever the blue light passes, everything returns to its original appearance in the known area of ​​the Black Sea.

in a blink.

The blue light spreads all the way to the original size and scope of the known area of ​​the Black Sea.

 The huge blue light stopped, solidified for a while, and then slowly dimmed and dissipated.

The original Black Sea, as if nothing had ever happened, once again appeared in front of Li Chengyi's eyes.

 He floated quietly in the black sea, feeling the dead spots that had reappeared.

Tianju Pavilion, Lianchenghui, Nihility Sect, Behemoth Sect.

 Everything reappears.

 All living things in the Black Sea, as long as they are conscious individuals, are recreated.

Even unconscious dead objects are perfectly restored by the restoration of flower language ability.

Even the omniscient ones were resurrected and restored under the high status of the source of evil.

 Ordinary omniscience has no memory of Li Chengyi at all.

 Only the top few still have faint traces.

 “That’s good.” Li Chengyi’s always cold face finally showed a slight smile.

Even though he was covered by the mask, the consciousness that was constantly exuding from his body also revealed a faint sense of relaxation.




 Suddenly, huge consciousness bodies appeared in the void next to him.

Those are Tian Xuanzi, Ai Fa, and other omniscient thoughts of Liancheng Hui.

 They seemed to be looking for something, looking for Li Chengyi's figure at this time.

But Li Chengyi, who has achieved the only life, is in charge of all consciousness at this time.

Just a thought can make them never find themselves.

 Even if he walks in front of the other party, the control of consciousness can make them blind to themselves and unable to recognize themselves.

 “That’s good.”

 He knew that Tian Xuanzi and the others still had impressions of him. But it doesn't matter.

 “Next, how to settle the first and second generations.”

 This is a very serious question.

 Li Chengyi's heart moved slightly.

 Suddenly, two consciousness bodies quietly appeared in a large blind spot in the black sea.

On a planet in the starry sky within a blind spot, the first generation and the second generation were reincarnated into two ordinary humans.

Their former power allowed them to still preserve their own memories, but their realm and sources of evil were gone, and so was the royal city system.

 The two of them can only start from scratch.

“It’s because of people like you in this world who have gained too much that they are too busy to pursue anything beyond the limit.”

Li Chengyi said calmly.

“Isn’t it good to live a good life? You must like to fight and kill.”

“War is only one of the means of seeking a better peace. But it is also the most extreme and inferior means.”

 After doing all this, he gently took out the Earth, Moon and Star from his body, put it back in place, and then released the seal.

 Then adjust everyone’s consciousness to restore the last point to its original position.

 Everything is restored as before.

 He was the only one left, floating in the void.

 “Next, it’s my turn”

 Ignore the Mother of Nothingness and the Behemoth who have crossed the boundary. They have long lost their self-awareness. Just part of the original.

Li Chengyi jumped and flew to the earth and moon again.

 Now that everything has been restored, no one died, no one was injured, and everyone can live peacefully and peacefully.

 All things follow his will and operate quietly.

Then, he should also go and see what is beyond the so-called boundary.

 Especially the small black flower he saw in his previous life.

 ‘Perhaps, by returning to the world where I lived in my previous life, I can find clues beyond the boundaries.'

The only one who has mastered it in life, he can sense the connection between the deepest part of his consciousness and the anchor point of his previous life.

 For the peak of Qunli, it is still the only and strongest existence.

 As long as there is a connection, there will be traces and we can return to the source.

 (End of this chapter)

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