MTL - Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

MTL - Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard


Authors : short-tailed civet

Status : ongoing

Genres : Fan-Fiction

Chapters: 697

Last update: 5 months ago

- MTL (Machine Translation Literature) refers to novels that have been translated using automated machine translation tools. This approach allows for quicker translations compared to human translators, but may result in less accurate and nuanced translations.
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One sunny afternoon, Kyle finally received the admission notice he had longed for and came to Hogwarts, a prestigious school with thousands of years of history.Here, Kyle lived a very fulfilling life. In addition to studying every day, he would also use his spare time to plant vegetables and flowers, or go to a dark underground chamber to provide psychological counseling to a small animal that had been abandoned for thousands of years. .Dumbledore: Kyle is a good boy who is upright, brave, kind and sincere.Professor McGonagall: The Headmaster is right, Kyle never breaks school rules.Snape: Ah, yes, yesQuirrell originally thought so, but until one day, he pushed open the trap door and jumped into a room full of biting cabbage - Description from Novelable

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