Chapter 41 (500 red envelopes)

Ye Ye and Gu Ren rushed to the next challenge site and saw Song Ye standing in the center. Not far from him was a wall full of balloons.

Song Kun held a gun in his hand and aimed at the balloon. However, Song Yan's expression was a bit ugly. Sheng Man stood and looked at her. Her expression was also very ugly, and it seemed very unsuccessful.

Ye Yan and Gu Ren went to understand the challenge rules.

A microphone is placed in each of the four orientations on the wall, and the voice of one of the partners will be heard in the microphone. The challenger will shoot the balloon in that orientation according to the direction of the sound.

But the point is that the challenger must blindfold and discern the direction by sound alone.

And there are many balloons around the four microphones. Only three balloons are blue. You must hit the blue balloon to be successful. If you hit other balloons, you will not succeed in the challenge.

Four directions, blindfolded, hit the four target balloons respectively in the prescribed time, only to be successful.

The staff member said, "Song Ye has challenged twice, but neither has succeeded." Song Ye didn't even hit a balloon.

Ye Yan looked at Gu Ren: "This task is a bit difficult." Not only is it invisible, but he must hit four balloons in a row.

Gu Ren groaned for a moment, and ended with a sentence: "But you can try it."

What suddenly Ye Ye thought of, she said directly: "I'll challenge this task."

Other people think about whether Gu Ren will hit all the balloons in the future, but Ye Yan is worried that if Gu Ren blindfolds, will he think it is night?

Gu suffers from night blindness. Will he feel uneasy because of this?

Gu Ren shook his head: "I'll do it."

Ye Yan was worried that Gu Ren could not understand her meaning, and she suddenly said: "Then you remember, when the cloth was covered, although the eyes were dark, it was not the real night.

Ye Ye's sentence sounds a bit unclear, so I don't understand what it means, but only the two of them know what it means.

Ye Zheng reminded Gu Ren that even if he couldn't see it, it wasn't because of night blindness. He didn't need to worry.

Gu Ren understood Ye Ye's words instantly, his eyes darkened a bit: "I understand."

Gu Ren raised his hand, pointed to his ear, and said something meaningful: "Judge by hearing, not by sight."

Ye Ye knew that Gu Ren understood what she meant, and she felt a little loose.

These two conversations between the two people, others will find nothing wrong. Gu Ren is Ye Ye's partner. Gu Ren is about to play. Ye Ye has explained a few words before that.

Now that Gu Ren has decided to complete the project, Ye Yan is going to record what he said. She walked into the studio, thought about it, and recorded a sentence.

Ye Yan opened his mouth: "Gu Ren, I'm here."

I'm here, so you don't need to be afraid even if darkness comes.

After Ye Ji recorded this sentence, he returned to the venue. Gu Ren prepared in front, and she stood watching in the distance.

Gu Ren took the black cloth handed to him by the staff. He held the black cloth and slowly covered it around his eyes.

The black cloth covered Gu Ren's deep eyes, as well as his dark black eyelashes. The exposed jaw was cold and thin, with smooth lines, like a sculpture.

The moment he covered the cloth strips, Gu Ren's eyes fell into darkness. Not only the light, but even the sound, seemed to have left him.

Gu Ren raised his hand, his slender hand covered one of his eyes, and touched it lightly. The cloth had a rough feel and a very thick texture.

Then, Gu Ren slowly removed his hand. He raised his hand in front of his eyes, and slowly extended his fingers, still unable to see anything.

The completely opaque black cloth strips made him feel as if he were in the dark night without a trace of light.

Gu Ren seemed to think again. When he knew for the first time that he had night blindness, his heart suddenly felt blank and kind.

But he remembered what Ye Ye said, and she told him that he was now completing the project, not the real night.

Thinking of this, Gu Ren's eyes gradually calmed down.

In the case of temporary failure of vision, the hearing becomes abnormally sharp, and any subtle sounds will be captured.

At this moment, a male voice suddenly came from the microphone: "Please be prepared, the challenge will begin immediately."

The air was extremely silent, and the microphone in the upper left corner rang Ye Ye's voice. Her voice was clear and cold.

"Gu Ren, I'm here."

Gu Ren shook his heart. The phrase "Gu Ren, I'm here" seemed to break the condensed darkness and dispel all the restlessness.

Gu Ren understands why Ye Ye recorded such a sentence, and she understood her concerns and her concerns.

Gu Ren could even imagine how Ye Ye looked when he said this sentence. She must be afraid. He couldn't overcome the fear of darkness.

But how did he let her down?

Gu Ren turned his head to the side, and he seriously recalled the moment Ye Yesheng sounded. After a few seconds, Gu Ren raised his hand and pointed the gun at the upper left corner.

Gu Ren held his gun straight, but he didn't move. The hand stayed in the air, maintaining such a silent posture.

Gu Ren tilted his head slightly, and his jaw deflected a little inward. The light reflected his skin tone, and the jade-like cold white tone appeared.

Gu Ren recalled the scene just now, and he frowned. His intuition was a bit wrong. It should be in this direction, but it seemed to be a little worse.

The senses had no effect here, and he relied on his intuition to judge where Ye Ye's voice had just come.

Gu Ren's thin lips clenched and he bet once. To win, or to lose, is in his mind.

At this time, Gu Ren's hand moved slightly upward, and almost no difference was visible to the naked eye. Only Gu Ren himself knew that his hand had changed direction.

At this time, the top microphone on the ceiling sounded a warning sound. Remind Gu Ren that if he does not shoot again, after the time has passed, he is equivalent to giving up this opportunity directly.

The cold mechanical sound sounded: "Five or Four ..."

Ye Yan's heart lifted up. She was worried that Gu Ren was because of night blindness and had a shadow in her heart, so she didn't shoot.

Just now she proposed that she should complete this project by herself. Gu Ren rejected her. She knew that she should desperately stop it.

Ye Yan was extremely worried, and her palms had been covered with cold sweat.

Time passed quickly, and the icy mechanical female voice continued to count down: "Three, two ..." One second is left, Gu Ren is equivalent to giving up the opportunity directly!

The next second, Gu Ren's index finger slightly bent and pulled the trigger. With a bang, the blue balloon in the upper left corner was instantly broken.

Hit the target balloon, Gu Ren won the bet.

As long as Gu Ren's hand moves a little bit, he will make a mistake. But Gu Ren didn't, he hit the balloon without fail.

Ye Yan smiled.

Gu Ren had no time to think about whether he had hit the target balloon. Because at this time, the microphone heard Ye Ye's voice again.

Gu Ren tilted his head and listened intently. Ye Yan's voice fell clearly into his ear, and another "Gu Ren, I'm here."

The same tone, the same voice. This time, the sound came from the microphone in the upper right corner.

Gu Ren bowed his head slightly, his gaze was lowered, but his hands slowly raised, pointing to the upper right corner.

Gu Ren adjusted the angle. This time he didn't think about it for a long time and fired quickly. The gunfire broke the air and hit the blue balloon directly under the microphone.

Gu Ren also hit the second target balloon.

Song Song and Sheng Man were watching as Gu Ren challenged. Although they had failed twice in the challenge, the other task was too far away and they were not ready to go.

They are ready to try again after taking the challenge.

Song Ye didn't think Gu Ren would challenge success before, but when Song Ye saw Gu Ren hitting two balloons in succession, he was not calm.

Gu Ren was able to hit two balloons? You know, he challenged twice, but none of them hit.

Song Yan sank his face, did all the remaining balloons Gu Ren hit? This is simply impossible.

The challenge rule is that if one of the four target balloons is missed, the challenge fails. How could Gu Ren do this?

He firmly believes that Gu Ren will fail.

After seeing Gu Ren hitting the balloon, Sheng Man felt that Gu Ren was very capable, but unfortunately he was not his partner.

Sheng Man glanced at Song Yan, with distaste in his eyes. Unexpectedly, Song Ye was so useless that he couldn't even hit a balloon, and he didn't win.

People outside the field have different minds, Gu Ren blindfolded, still standing in the center. In the silence, another "Gu Ren, I'm here."

Gu Ren raised his hand, the gunshot dropped, and the blue balloon in the lower right corner was hit again.

Sheng Man Song Yan's face was ugly, and Ye Yan's lips increased in smile.

Gu Ren knew that there was only one balloon left, and he must take it more seriously. Ye Mi's nice voice sounded from the microphone in the lower left corner.

"Gu Ren, I'm here."

Gu Ren raised his gun for the fourth time, his expression relaxed and a slight smile on his lips. Compared with the first uncertainty, this time, he has the confidence.

Gu Ren smiled, he pulled the trigger calmly, the gunshot fell into the air, and he also hit the last target balloon.

Four target balloons, all hit, not bad.

After Gu Ren took off the black cloth strip, the light poured into his eyes. He closed his eyes and closed his eyes. When he got used to the light, he looked up at the wall full of balloons.

The balloons in all four directions were hit, and as he expected, he won.

Gu Ren turned around and met Ye Yan's eyes.

Seeing Gu Ren's challenge successful, Ye Yan subconsciously wanted to run to Gu Ren. But now she's recording a show, she can't act too strongly.

Ye Yan quickly walked to Gu Ren. She looked at Gu Ren, and she couldn't hide her surprise: "You succeeded."

Gu Ren looked down at Ye Yan, pulled his lips, and emphasized the words, "We succeeded."

This challenge is indeed difficult, but the point is that if he is familiar with Ye Ye, he can accurately recognize her voice, and the problem will be solved.

Gu Ren's eyes were quite meaningful, and how could he ... can't recognize her voice?

Gu Ren succeeded in the challenge. After getting the pass, Ye and Ye quickly rushed to the next location.

After completing several tasks, they rushed to the final location. The host is waiting for everyone at the end.

There were two people in front of me. The host looked at it carefully. It was Gu Ren and Ye Ye. The host smiled: "Congratulations, you are the first team here."

Next, the second winners were Qian Hong and Liu Cong.

The third one was Sheng Man and Song Yan. After seeing Gu Ren's challenge successfully, they both gave up decisively and rushed to another venue to complete the task. Fortunately, they had time to get here.

With a single dive towards Heng, Yue Xiong stopped and rushed. The last one was the model group.

The first episode was over. After the second episode was recorded, the cumulative minimum score of the two episodes was eliminated.

After the first phase of the show, the show team had the guests stand together to take pictures.

When taking pictures, the partners naturally stood together. The models were in a group, and they were single dives to Hengheng ... Therefore, Ye Ye and Gu Ren also stood together.

When everyone was about to find a good position, Shengman directly ignored his partner Song Kun, and his eyes accurately aimed at the middle position, c position.

I don't know if it is because Shengman habitually puts herself in the most important position, or because she usually has too much actual combat experience, she is very slippery to grab the c-position.

When Shengman was standing in the c position, in the next half minute, Shengman successfully gained the attention of everyone in the audience.

Gazes from Ye Yan and Gu Ren: They were both speechless, but their faces were not revealed.

Xiong Zing's attention: He is the person with the deepest qualifications in the performing arts scene, and Sherman is indeed a bit speechless.

Yue Yue's anger: How did she make her debut three or four years earlier than Sheng Man?

But Shengman was not afraid of everyone's eyes, his feet were nailed to the ground. Regardless of her seniority and identity, she will occupy the most prominent position.

c must belong to her.

When the guests stood there, Gu Ren suddenly stepped slightly, and when he was crooked, he was about to fall.

Ye Yan was standing next to Gu Ren. Others didn't notice it, but she noticed it keenly. Ye Xuan bent down slightly, and supported Gu Ni's body with his hands.

Gu Ren stood firm, he looked down, and met Ye Yan's solemn gaze, Gu Ren was a little strange.

Ye Yan looked at Gu Ren. She stretched out her white fingers and pointed it slowly to the ground. Gu Ren looked in the direction of Ye Yan's finger, holding her slightly.

On the ground not far from Gu, somehow there was a raised nail. Very inconspicuous, you can't recognize it without looking carefully.

If Gu Ren fell just now, he would be stabbed by this nail, and the situation is very serious.

Ye Yan looked up to Gu Ren's eyes, and both looked very dignified. The nail that appeared for no reason left a shadow in both hearts.

No one noticed the actions of Ye Yan and Gu Ren, and then began to take pictures.

After the shooting, the photos were posted on the Internet, and the netizens were furious and scolded. Most people's thoughts can be summarized in one sentence.

Sheng Man dared to stand in c. What is her identity? Are all people present dead?

"I want to ask fans of Shengman. Do your idols have cancer c?"

"There are more than one who is better than Shengman. Why is she standing in the middle?"

"Sorry, this is a variety show. Please don't use the c-position theory in the entertainment industry. Shengman just stands there casually. If everyone is dissatisfied, our fans apologize for her."

Shengman's fans strive to explain that this is just a variety show, we don't need to be so real.

But soon, some netizens summed up the group photos that Shengman had participated in in the past, and they found more details. It turned out that it wasn't just this variety show that she had won the C position.

Red carpet, group photo on the show ... Regardless of whether or not someone else is bigger than her, she always asks others to stand aside.

People dare to grab the c-position of an international famous guide. How can they put others in their eyes? The fans who washed Shengman for a night were okay, so they just went back to wash and sleep.

Netizens who brainstormed ideas gave Shengman a very appropriate title.

c-bit cancer.

Because of Sherman's death, netizens ignored that the male and female masters were standing together, and the anger was directed at Sherman.

While Sheng Man was being scolded, at this end, Gu Ren and Ye Ye returned home, and they all felt that today's things were not right.

Ye Yan looked serious: "If you fall today, the nail will hit you."

Gu Ren frowned slightly, and said slowly: "In theory, there will be no nails in that venue." The staff will check in advance.

Gu Ren groaned for a moment. This matter could not be explained by common sense, but it appeared out of thin air. It seems that ... there is only one reason to explain it.

Gu Ren raised his eyes, looked straight at Ye Yan, and called her name: "Ye Ye."

Ye Zheng looked to Gu Ren.

Gu Ren's black eyes flew for a moment, he spit out clearly, his voice fell into the air: "Did you forget to spend money recently?"

The author has something to say: I commented and sent 500 red envelopes ~ 2k novel reading network

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