Chapter 124 There is also a 'Chen Lin' in Nancheng? (2-in-1)

Chapter 124 There is also a "Chen Lin" in Nancheng? (2-in-1)

  It was already afternoon when we returned to the small village.

It seemed to be even more lively than in the morning. Many martial artists from the Kanazawa Martial League gathered here, about twenty of them.

These Jin Jin each brought their junior brothers and junior sisters, and nearly a hundred people gathered together.

Xiaoluobo and other children in the village shuttled around among the crowd. Occasionally, some martial arts masters wanted to scold them, but they were immediately suppressed by their companions next to them.

 Just pointed at Chen Lin's house.

These noisy children suddenly became popular in the eyes of everyone.

The most eye-catching among the martial arts masters is Wen Guangyuan, who is sitting in a rocking chair at the tea stall, surrounded by several dedicated disciples who are constantly waiting on him, with a pleasant smile on his face.

As the only aura around, many people have their eyes firmly fixed on Wen Guangyuan.

This man seemed to have been used to this for a long time, and he was stroking his long beard in a leisurely manner.

 Until I saw Chen Lin come back.

He suddenly stood up to say hello, with an inexplicable smile on his face:

 "Chen Lin, you are really... tsk tsk!"

 “What’s the matter, Library Master?”

Chen Lin looked at him and looked like he was going to talk about the He family.

“Chen Lin, I had a long talk with Magistrate Ren last night and managed to suppress your matter. Who knew something would happen again today..."

 “Do you know what happened at noon today?”

 Chen Lin shook his head.

Wen Guangyuan twirled his beard and said, “Someone killed someone in the street in Nancheng Fishing Market!”

“No one will frame me as the murderer, right?”

 Chen Lin rolled his eyelids and planned to provide his alibi at noon today... No, he was staying with Lao Niu in the mountains. Even if he saw someone, it was not his own face, so it really couldn't be proved.

Unexpectedly, Wen Guangyuan immediately laughed: "It is true that people are not killed, but in the final analysis, you are the bad leader."

“The murderer in Nancheng is named Meng Xie. He was originally a single fisherman. He spent all his money to learn boxing and kicking in Dongcheng, but finally returned without success.

 In recent days, he has been forced by the gangsters in the fish pen to catch treasure fish for sacrifice, and yesterday he went out of the boat with others. "

"Unexpectedly, they really caught up this time and met a hundred-year-old dragon fish! The other fishermen were capsized and drowned, but the crab was lucky enough to catch the dragon fish and eat it on the spot. inside!"

 At this point, Wen Guangyuan couldn't help but exclaimed.

“Ten years of eating dragon patterns can lead to great achievement in the three realms, fifty years of strength, and a hundred years old...”

 “Aura?” Chen Lin rushed to answer, and his tone couldn’t help but be surprised.

 This is also the first time he has heard of such an opportunity.

Wen Guangyuan smiled and ended the topic directly:

 “Hey, hey, it’s also exciting.”

“It’s just that when the medicinal power is integrated into the body in the future, it is inevitable that the crab will reach the Qi state.”

 “I’m afraid he was not even twenty-five years old at that time.”

As he said that, Wen Guangyuan glanced at Chen Lin with ulterior motives.

 Chen Lin just pretended not to understand.

This library owner has always been very curious about his unexpected opportunity to get interested, and he has tried it overtly and covertly, but to no avail in the end.

 After all, even he himself didn’t know what that opportunity should be.

There was no response at the moment.

Wen Guangyuan had no choice but to continue:

“At noon, as soon as Meng Xie’s boat docked, he immediately went to find the gangsters in the fish farm, beat three people to death in the street, and two others were seriously injured and escaped.

The Meng Xie refused to let go and chased him home. In front of their 80-year-old mother, he chopped off the heads of the two brothers. The old man and he were frightened to death on the spot..."

"As soon as this incident came out, it caused an uproar in the city, and even the He family's affairs were overshadowed. He stole most of your limelight today."

 The limelight doesn't matter, it's a good thing to have one more person to divert attention.

that is…

“Beheading in front of the old man is a bit violent.”

Chen Lin frowned. It might be better if he changed to a gentler way of killing.

But he has not been bullied by gangsters, so it’s hard to say much in this regard.

 Heard what he said.

Wen Guangyuan grabbed the beard on his chin and opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment.

“…You don’t really think that punching someone to death in a painting or a private room won’t make you look violent, do you?”

He once wanted to say this.

Furthermore, he knew that Chen Lin once beat the flesh and blood of a Flying Bear Fist disciple to pieces in the mountain city, flying all over the ground, and then dragged the half-disabled disciple through the market...

Not to mention the He family nurse who had his arm broken by a punch in the Xicheng restaurant recently.

Isn’t this violent?

However, look at Chen Lin’s serious look...

 Oh, forget it.

  The words reach the point where there are no words.

Chen Lin suddenly heard a familiar greeting.

 The location of the village entrance.

Uncle Xiang was driving a donkey cart and kept waving to him.

“Alin, come here quickly, I’m exhausted from giving you these things.”

Uncle Xiang’s voice came from afar, with a sense of excitement and pride mixed with exhaustion.

Chen Lin cupped his hands and said goodbye to Wen Guangyuan, and walked over quickly. Before he even got there, he could already smell a strong fishy smell.

"This is?"

There are two large baskets on the donkey cart.

 The basket was filled with all kinds of river fresh food, including blue-legged crabs, red wave carps, green grass carps, and sturgeons... I am afraid they weighed more than 200 kilograms.

Little Carrot and a few of his friends also came over. Looking at the big fish jumping and twitching one after another in the basket, they couldn't help but drool.

Uncle Xiang jumped out of the donkey cart and looked at him with a pair of old eyes:

"Early this morning, fishermen came to my door one after another. They were talking all over the place. They couldn't speak clearly, but they all had a few fish in their hands. Ask me, an old man, to bring them to you."

“I thought it wouldn’t be a big deal, but when I turned around to get a bamboo basket, people carrying fish were already standing at the door, and I wanted to change to a bigger basket...”

“But when I turned around, more fishermen came. In the end, I simply changed to a larger basket. In just half a morning, I loaded two baskets.”


The fish in the basket are still very fresh, and some tenacious fish will flutter from time to time, splashing a little fishy water on people's faces.

Xiaoluobo and other children in the village were splashed in the face. They rubbed their eyes and screamed and backed away, while still laughing.

Chen Lin also wiped the water droplets from his face and thought about it:

 “Is it because of the He family’s affairs?”

The He family was rooted in the fishing market and controlled countless fishermen. He killed the He family's father and son himself, not only to help these people escape from the sea of ​​suffering, but at least to relieve their anger.

“Yeah!” Uncle Xiang nodded heavily, stretched his waist, and gently leaned over: “Alin, are you sure the government won’t cause trouble for you?”

The way he was about to speak but hesitated.

I arrived at Shanshi early this morning, and before I opened the door, I heard that Chen Lin had committed another double murder, and the person he killed was a wealthy man in Xicheng.

 One punch, two lives!

  It was frightening to the point of trembling in his heart.

His intuition told him that this was a big mistake, but looking at the current situation, it seemed that there was no movement from the government office.

 Chen Lin understood Uncle Xiang’s concerns and patted him on the shoulder:

 “It’s okay, some seniors helped me take care of the matter.”

  It is better to tell your direct elders that you have a backing than to say a thousand words to reassure you about this kind of matter.

 He carried out Madman Zhao, Master Three Sticks, and Wen Guangyuan one by one.

Even though Uncle Xiang had never been in contact with him, he knew he was a big shot in the inner city, so he was immediately relieved.

 “That’s good, you are still grumpy...”

 Just chatting for a little while, and then started talking about building a house. Chen Lin has a lot of secrets and has no plans to move to a crowded county.

The location of the village is very good now. It is not too far or too close to the county seat. It is neither too remote nor too lively.

So the new house is located on the edge of the village, only about a hundred feet away from the current house.

 The land has been secured and construction can begin immediately.

 The house can be built before winter.

 Chen Lin’s view on this is very straightforward:

 “Just ask Uncle Xiang!”

He bowed his hands in thanks and took out fifty taels of silver from the small treasury with a white spear head as a secondary reserve to get away from these mundane things.

By the way, he asked every household in the village to share the fish in the basket.

 Two large baskets and at least 200 kilograms of fish caught. It would be troublesome for him to eat them all by himself.

And there is no legendary Lumengze treasure fish here, they are just ordinary fish, not of much value.

Each household said thanks and happily distributed the extra fish, and then returned the baskets, leaving a portion for Uncle Xiang.

Uncle Xiang was not in a hurry to go back to guard the shop. He stayed by the borrowed donkey cart and talked about Meng Crab.

 What was said is not much different from what Wen Guangyuan said just now.

It’s just a different perspective.

Chen Lin listened calmly with a smile on his face.

 On the contrary, Uncle Xiang harbored resentment:

 “Alin, you don’t know.”

“Now the people in the county say that Meng Xia is a hero, and his reputation has become very famous in a short time. The more I hear about it, the more I feel wrong.”

“Obviously I just killed a few gangsters, can I still be called a hero?”

“You didn’t even have such a great reputation when you killed the owner of the Flying Bear Fist. Some people still accused you of killing people indiscriminately. How come it’s different when it comes to this person..."

Uncle Xiang spoke faster and angrier.

The words were also mixed with a lot of hearsay information:

"I also asked specifically about it. That Meng Xie was also a half-rascal before. He wanted to get in, but no one wanted him, so he could only fish hard."

“Besides, the other people who went out with him on the boat this time drowned, so there’s no telling what’s going on behind this!”

 Chen Lin heard this and quickly reminded him: "Uncle Xiang, this is not something to be said outside."

“Of course I know, so I’ll mention it to you here.”

"Blessed is everyone. Even if he is really harmful, he can't harm us, so we don't have to worry about it."

Chen Lin patted Uncle Xiang and watched him drive the donkey cart back to the county town.


 The next day.

 The village is much less popular than yesterday.

 ‘I handed the half of the medicine book into the hands of Sword Master Xu yesterday, and Wu Meng should also know about it by now. ’

The evil deeds have all been revealed, and they probably can guess that Bai Qiantou is already in danger.

 So there are many fewer Rujin martial arts masters coming to join in the fun today.

  Most of them were martial arts apprentices chatting at the tea stall at the entrance of the village with great interest, just like those who checked in at Internet celebrity places in previous lives, without knowing what they were looking for.

Pei Zhongjie is still here.

 Because yesterday Wen Guangyuan made inquiries among the hunters and took a few people into the mountains.

He said he was searching for traces of Bai Qiantou, but secretly he probably didn't mean to drink.

 In addition to Pei Zhongjie, Fan Yoshi is also here today.

Sitting next to Pei Zhongjie, he could talk to others from time to time, which was much better than the previous situation where he was like a transparent person in the library.

Chen Lin greeted him and chatted casually.

I discovered that the Meng Crab I heard about yesterday is still the focus of the county town.

The trend has even gotten worse. Some people have begun to call Meng Daxia. Even the government officials said that Meng Xie’s killing in the street yesterday was a Jianghu matter and that they would not pay more attention to it...

 As long as someone brings up this topic.

Everyone present could not help but look in Chen Lin's direction, secretly making comparisons in their hearts.

 And then you feel that there doesn’t seem to be much comparability between the two?

 Chen Lin acted very calmly under the gaze of many people and did not react much.

 Another day passed in the blink of an eye.

In addition to practicing these two days, Chen Lin also went outside Jubao Mountain to collect lamp oil tree bark.

 Compared to before, it is much harder to find tree bark that has the potential to carry first-level low-grade spells.

 He spent half a day and only found about twenty pieces.

They are all drawn into talismans, which can probably block two white spear heads in a hole in the ground.

 Coupled with the eight fire thunders, it should be no problem to deal with the two flying tigers.

In addition, he also took the time to study the improvement of the phantom talisman.

The current version of the Phantom Talisman has no problem with disguise.

Only in the concealment of sound and breath, there are still some shortcomings.

  The new version of the Phantom Talisman focuses on solving these problems. After the effect is hung on the body, not only the sound will be distorted, but even the breath can be easily changed.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Chen Lin hummed twice, his voice rough and hoarse.

Now call that Jiuyin Spear disciple over again, make sure he can't hear it.

 “Chen Lin!”


Chen Lin's eyelids twitched, and he subconsciously wanted to draw a sword. Then he realized that someone had recognized his disguise.

 Just someone looking for me outside the door.

 The sound sounds like Gu Wenqin.

 He released the effect of the phantom amulet and opened the door, and found that a man and a woman were walking towards him outside.

 “Your place is much more lively than before!”

Gu Wenqin was jumping up and down with a smile on her face.

Hong Guan followed her with a cold face as usual.

There was no place to sit in the hut, so the three of them went to the tea stall at the entrance of the village and bought three bowls of tea from the shop for free.

Gu Wenqin drank it all and then wiped the corners of his mouth: "I asked my uncle to place all the children I rescued from the He family!"

 “Well, I’m sorry for bothering Miss Gu.”

 Chen Lin sincerely thanked and praised.

 The Gu family's willingness to contribute in this matter is 90% due to the daughter of the Gu family in front of them.

 After all, the current head of the Gu family is this girl’s uncle...

“You’re welcome!” Gu Wenqin touched her head sheepishly and smiled, showing a pair of tiger teeth.

 “My uncle said, these are all trivial matters!”

"I originally wanted him to meet you, but for some reason, he doesn't seem to like you very much..."

She held her head with one hand and talked all kinds of nonsense heartlessly.

 Hearing this, Chen Lin felt a black line in his head.

If you want the head of the Gu family, the richest family in the county, to recognize you, that head must be open-minded and always smile.

Hong Guan folded his arms and crossed his chest. Hearing this, he reminded:

"It was because of the He family's affairs that Chen Lin killed the rich man. In the final analysis, he broke the rules."

 “Ah! So that’s it?!”


“Well, the Meng Crab two days ago was actually just a tool used by the wealthy people in Xicheng to downplay the He family’s affairs.”

 Happy New Year and good luck in the Year of the Dragon



 (End of this chapter)

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