Chapter 42 Great replenishment of vitality (two in one, please read it)

Chapter 42: Great Replenishment of Vitality (two in one, please read it)

Kanazawa County, Beicheng.

Chen Yongxiang is sitting in the shop, holding a ledger in his hand, calculating the harvest throughout the year one by one.

 It’s dark outside.

The oil lamp on the table only gave a small amount of light. Even if I held it under the lamp, the words on the account book became increasingly unclear.

“Forget it, let’s do it again tomorrow.”

Chen Yongxiang shook his head, his black hair already mixed with a lot of white hair.

He stood up and put away his account books, and then patrolled the store once more to make sure that nothing valuable was left behind before he slowly walked out and closed the door.

 At this time, the Spring Festival has not yet passed, and it is late.

There are not many people in the mountain city, only some mountain hunters who have not returned home. They gather in twos and threes at various restaurants to drink. There is a row of red lanterns hanging at the door of the restaurant, swaying in the wind, and they are one of the few lights.

The shops on both sides that deal in mountain goods have either closed down, or they have hired a family to do some cleaning work.

On weekdays, people come and go in the mountain city. There are only a few free days throughout the year, and the smell of the streets always has a fishy human smell.

Now it is suddenly deserted and empty, which makes people uncomfortable.

Chen Yongxiang locked the door of the shop.

  turned around and was about to leave.

Suddenly there was a rush of mixed footsteps, and I looked up and saw many torches coming from both ends of the mountain city...

  No, it’s a lot of people holding torches.

These people were holding open fires and marching in files. The torches held high in their hands formed a continuous line, looking menacing.

 In the blink of an eye.

 The swaying light of the fire has made the mountain city glow red.

Hunters who were drinking in various restaurants saw the movement and turned to the door to look carefully.

 Chen Yongxiang was even more frightened, and quickly opened the door he had just locked, preparing to hide back in the house.

Those who were cleaning the shops with their entire family also panicked and called their families to take shelter.

 Although I don’t know what happened.

 But there is nothing wrong with hiding.

In an instant, the scattered people on both sides of the mountain city hid in their houses, at most they peeked out with a pair of eyes.

 Wait until the team outside gathers into a group.

When a torch was rising up and down in the middle of the mountain city, there was no normal person in sight in the streets.

Even if an outsider occasionally passes by, they will run away in fear when they see this formation.

 “Who are these people?”

 “Has anyone offended the gangs in the city recently?”

“It looks like someone from the Dongcheng Martial Arts School is taking the lead…”

 Sanniang Restaurant.

Hunters peered out from doorways and windows, discussing who was causing trouble.

There were dozens of people holding torches, gathering together in a swarm, scanning the surroundings with ferocious eyes.

There are several particularly burly figures in the center, wearing gray clothes from the Flying Bear Boxing Gym, with a roaring bear embroidered on the back, looking fierce.

 “Fellow folks, don’t panic!”

A man came out from among the disciples of Feixiong Boxing Gym and spoke with a loud voice that spread throughout the mountain city.

This man was taller than the other disciples. He rolled up his sleeves against the cold wind, revealing the exaggerated muscles on his arms. At a glance, he looked like a big bear running out of the snowy mountains.

 “I am the senior fellow of Feixiong Boxing Hall, Weng Jinren.”

“This time we were asked by Uncle Zhisheng to investigate the cause of death of his son, Chen Xiangyuan, a disciple in our academy. This junior brother of mine was also a mountain dweller before, so he is related to everyone.

 I believe you all want to give him and his old father justice.

 While we investigate clearly, I would like to trouble everyone to understand and cooperate more! "

As soon as the words fell.

 The hunters in the restaurant were immediately in an uproar.

 Everyone looked at each other with doubts in their eyes:

“No, if he finds a murderer, what does it have to do with us?”

 “What’s he doing here in Shanshi?”

 “Are the people in these martial arts schools crazy?”

 Chen Yongxiang, who looked out from inside the store, felt even more confused.

He also heard about Asheng's son, but the officials said it was a sudden illness, but the people in these martial arts schools disagreed.

It’s okay if you don’t agree, but why are you now acting out in the mountain market?

He looked outside, feeling uneasy in his heart:

“You brought dozens of thugs across the city and crashed into this place, saying they wanted to investigate a murder case?”

 “Who believes this?”

It’s more like I’m going to use this as an excuse to do something...




 Narrow tunnel.

 A huge figure rushed straight to the cave wall, shaking down a lot of gravel and ice.

 Chen Lin, who dodged away, looked at Ghost Tooth Pig in surprise.

The blood vessels of this big guy are blocked, but it can still move around and struggle wildly, as if it has gone crazy.

“Is this a strange beast? It’s indeed a little different...”

 “Stiff and slow, fast!”

A red spiritual light flew out, and the Ghost Tooth Pig's movements immediately stiffened as it kept charging against the cave wall.

 As if it has become a clockwork machine.


Chen Lin fanned the dust in front of him with his hand, thinking that no matter how powerful this big pig was, it would only be like this.

Who knew that a few clicking sounds suddenly came from the bones of the Ghost Tooth Pig, as if some kind of boundary had been broken.

 The huge body started struggling on the spot again.

It’s just that the struggle didn’t last long. As soon as the second Zombie Slowing Talisman was in hand, the Ghost Tooth Pig’s movements slowed down, and then slowly stopped moving.

 Until his legs kicked off and his tongue stuck out, he died completely.

Chen Lin walked over and saw the big pig's eyes were red, the madness before death was still there, the iron-like huge body was tense, and the prickly quills were still trembling slightly.

He frowned and looked at the zombie slow-moving charm in his hand, and casually threw one at the corpse:

“This pig is too big, weighing probably over a thousand kilograms, and it is also a strange beast. It is not an exaggeration to say that the force it erupted in its death struggle was nearly ten thousand kilograms, which has exceeded the limit of the stiff wood slow movement charm..."

 The enter-jin martial artist can break through the talisman with the help of vitality and inner strength.

 Fantastic beasts can also break through restrictions with sheer force.

“The talismans in "Introduction to Talisman" are becoming less and less useful. Next, we have to find materials suitable for making talisman paper quickly and try to use spiritual liquid to draw talismans to enhance the effect..."

“But now we have to deal with the pig in front of us.”

 Huge pigs weighing over a thousand kilograms are very troublesome to handle.

 Chen Lin had already thought about it before coming here.

 It is impossible to move out.

 The tunnel down was fine for him to drill alone, but it was impossible to go up with the pig.

 Besides, he didn't learn any "giant power technique" in the world of immortality, so he couldn't move it at all.

 “But there’s no need for me to move the meat out.”

“It’s starting to get warm outside, and this is a natural ice cellar. I just need to cut the pork into pieces and freeze it all here.”

“At that time, it will be enough to carry out a few days’ worth of food each time you come here.”

The fingertips popped out a Geng Gold Star Sword and circled around the body, drawing a circle of gold and silver sword tracks, and then started cutting against the ghost tooth pig's body.

 First pull out the ten-inch-long "ghost teeth" by their roots.

There was a faint dark red blood stain on the ink-colored fangs. I don’t know whether it was from another animal or from Lao Chai.

 This pair of tusks alone is worth dozens of taels of silver in the mountain market.

Especially the pair of ten-inch-long ones in his hands now, which look like a pair of natural daggers.

 Excluding flesh and bones, this is the most valuable part of the Ghost Tooth Pig. Taking it out will definitely attract fierce competition from martial arts schools and blacksmiths in the county.

However, he does not intend to sell this thing, but wants to keep it to see if he can use it later.

 After removing the ghost teeth, the next step is hair removal and bloodletting.

 The work of hair removal is very easy.

 And the hair of the Ghost Tooth Pig can also be sold, but it is not particularly valuable.

Chen Lin put it aside and planned to wait for the right time to make a move.

 On the contrary, it is very difficult to bleed a pig weighing over a thousand kilograms.

 When pigs were killed and bled outside, several big men worked together to rack the pigs up so they could be drained cleanly.

 And he alone didn’t say that the pig still weighs a thousand catties...

  It's impossible to do it at all.

 In the end, we can only make do with it hastily and open a few more wounds on the blood vessels to let the blood flow out as much as possible.

  Part of the released pig blood was put into several jars brought with it, and kept fresh for use in drawing talismans. The remaining pig blood that could not be filled was simply poured onto the ground to prevent the blood from remaining in the meat and affecting the quality of the meat.

 The meat of Ghost Ya Pig is very nourishing and warm in nature.

 This is the most important thing to him.

 The rest are just details.

 Finally finished these tasks.

 Then the big pig had to be cut into several large pieces and dragged piece by piece to the big snake cave.

 The temperature there is lower and drier than here, which is more conducive to preservation.

Moreover, there is still the aura of the big snake remaining, and ordinary creatures dare not approach it.

 As for whether the big snake will come back?

That guy doesn’t know where he will spend the winter yet.


 When it is difficult to tell the difference in the cave.

 Chen Lin only knew that it took him less than two minutes to kill the ghost tooth pig, but it took four cloud-moving and light talismans to prepare for its funeral.

 The effectiveness of each spell lasts about half an hour.

 “That’s two hours, a full four hours!”


 “I’m so exhausted…”

By the time he walked out of the windy **** outside the ice cave with a basket of pork on his back and walked back through the snow, the full moon was already high in the sky and everything in the mountain was completely silent.

The small village was also silent, with Uncle Ping's house and the herb collector's family turning off the lights.

 Open the door of your house gently.

  Quickly light the fire in the stove, grab a handful of snow from outside and put it into a clay pot to boil it into water.

 Then wash and slice the Guiya pork you brought back.

The Ghost Tooth Pig obviously looks black all over, but its meat is crystal clear and snow-white. The fat and muscles under the skin are particularly distinct, and the layers of texture are clear. It is particularly beautiful and makes people very appetizing.

When placed on the cutting board, just push it gently and the whole piece of meat will sway from side to side, making it extremely elastic...

With the pork, a handful of onions, **** and garlic are put in the water to remove the smell.

 Then continue to boil over high heat until it is out of the pot.

 Chen Lin took advantage of this time to prepare a sauce. It was just ordinary cooking oil, onion, garlic and soy sauce, which are not many seasonings at home.

 It is usually eaten as a dip when grilling meat.

 Now it seems that it is not worthy of the meat of Ghost Ya Pig.

“Forget it, I’ll go to the mountain market to buy some goods another day.”

The clay pot on the stove is already steaming, and now it's too late.

 Open the lid.

 A special aroma suddenly filled the room.

Chen Lin picked up a piece, lightly dipped it in soy sauce and put it in his mouth.

 Suddenly his eyes lit up.

This bite of pork skin is tender and smooth, and the fat is evenly distributed. It is even more fragrant and delicious after stewing, and the meat is extremely elastic. When chewing, you can clearly feel a special delicacy and fullness, filling between the lips and teeth, as if it is beating in the mouth. .

 More importantly...

 After swallowing the pork in the mouth, it has just arrived in the body, and without any need for digestion, the piece of meat magically disperses into strands of heat, penetrates into every part of the body, and keeps traveling around.


 “It turned directly into vitality!”

 Chen Lin was really shocked now.

 He hurriedly put a few more mouthfuls into his mouth without even dipping it in soy sauce, and quickly determined that he had not felt wrong just now.

 The vitality in the body has directly increased a bit, and there is a warm current flowing all over the body, urging the mana in the body to run faster.

 The energy deficit during the previous breakthrough was quickly filled at a completely unexpected speed...

The originally thin muscles and bones quickly became stronger under this kind of nourishment, and there was a faint creaking sound, as if strength had grown out of thin air. The whole person became energetic and his posture became a little straighter.

  It is not the kind of spirit that relied on mana to boost before, but a direct change from the deepest level of the body.

“No wonder the ghost-tusked pig was robbed by the martial artist before. This effect is indeed extraordinary!”

“I’m afraid that the ordinary spiritual birds and beasts in the world of immortality can’t match the effectiveness of this ghost-toothed pig!”

 Chen Lin put it into his mouth one after another.

  There is no need to add extra flavor at all.

As long as the meat of Ghost Ya Pig is cooked, it is already a delicacy in the world. It is more delicious than any kind of meat he has eaten before.

 And this thing barely takes up any space in your stomach.

 After eating it, you will automatically activate your vitality soon.

 Originally I planned to eat a day's worth, but in the end I could only sustain one meal.

Chen Lin was so breathless after eating that he could feel the heat all over his body. He lay on the bed with satisfaction and patted his belly.


“The vitality from the previous cultivation breakthrough has been completely replenished, and it’s more than enough. It’s almost the same as a normal person!”

 Close your eyes and read the "Flaming Wood Sutra".

 Attempt to refine mana.

  The emptiness and lack that was vaguely entrenched in the bone marrow before was gone after this meal.

  If a normal person's vitality is five to ten, then he is at least six level now.

Originally, the vitality in the body was like a piece of scattered tassels, but now it is initially gathered into one, and then it is about to be twisted into a thick rope.

“If I continue to eat, my vitality foundation may be comparable to those of powerful martial arts masters!”

“However, a martial artist can only turn vitality into internal energy, but I want to refine this vitality into magic power.”

Chen Lin sat cross-legged on the bed, feeling the thirty newly refined mana powers in his body, and his clothes were faintly stirring.

 Compared to blasting out the vitality directly.

It is undoubtedly more cost-effective to mix the vitality with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and refine it into mana.

And from the current point of view, although the vitality and inner strength are more than enough to kill, it is obviously not as good as the monk's magic power in terms of energy level.

If he could have as strong vitality as Hong Guan, he would not even know how much mana he could extract now.

 When the time comes, he will go to the world of immortality to learn more spells. When fighting, he will have a golden bell hanging on his body, and the sky will be full of flying swords. Even ten ordinary martial arts masters will not be able to get close to him!


 “Nothing else to do next, just eat meat!”

“Let’s gather enough energy first before we talk!”

The temperature has warmed up in the past two days, and I have lost weight in clothes. On the contrary, I have caught a cold. My head has been hurting all day long, and the pain is excruciating if I shake it even slightly.

   Everyone please pay attention to wearing more clothes...



 (End of this chapter)

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