Tony Stark

Edited by Tony Stark

IronMan is a superhero of Marvel Comics, created by Stan Lee, LarryLieber, DonHeck, and Jack Kobe. It debuted in "Suspense Story" ( Tales of Suspense) No. 39 (March 1963). See. Mao. Line. Chinese. Chinese. Netname Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark (AnthonyEdward "Tony" Stark), is the chairman of Stark Industries (STARKINDUSTRIES) due to a conspiracy kidnapping With a shrapnel in his chest, his life was at stake. To save his life, with the assistance of the kidnapped physicist YinSen, Tony built an ark reactor that prevented shrapnel from invading his heart, and escaped a disaster. Later, he used the ark reactor as a source of energy operation, secretly manufactured a set of high-tech armor, and used it to escape from the siege, and then became the "Iron Man" to defend the world. [1]

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man is played by Robert Downey Jr. [2]

Chinese name Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark [1] Foreign name AnthonyEdward "Tony" Stark [1] Alias ​​IronMan (Iron Man, Iron Man) [1] Nationality United States [1] National American [1] Height 6 Feet 1 inch (186cm) [1] Weight 225 pounds (102kg) [1] Place of birth United States-Long Island, New York [1] Chairman and Superhero of Professional Stark Industries [1] Graduate School of Massachusetts Institute of Technology [1] Brokerage company STARKINDUSTRIES [1] Representative works "Iron Man" series, "Avengers" series [1] Main achievements: Participated in the establishment of the Avengers Alliance, manufactured armor "MARK" series, participated in the establishment of the Illuminati [1] ] Affiliated team Avengers, SHIELD, Illuminati [1] Main abilities Steel armor, manufacturing various high-tech equipment [1]

table of Contents

1 character introduction

Publishing history

Personality characteristics

2 character experience

3 Ability settings



4 Character Equipment


iron Man

Ability value

5 Interpersonal relationships

6 character quotes

7 Generations of Iron Man

8 film and television performance

the film

Character introductionedit

Publishing history

IronMan was co-authored by several Marvel authors, including editor and screenwriter Stan Lee, editor Larry Lipper, painter Don Heck responsible for drawing early Iron Man stories, and designing the first set Iron Man armor and JackKirby drawing the debut cover manuscript. Heck designed the face of Tony Stark and his secretary PepperPotts. Stan Lee designed Stark's personality with reference to Howard Hughes, explaining: "Howard Hughes is one of the most colorful people of our time. He is an inventor, adventurer, billionaire , Playboy, or a lunatic. "[1]

Tony Stark's Steel Warrior

Tony Stark's Steel Warrior

Iron Man's early stories are mostly thirteen pages, but sometimes they turn into eighteen page adventure stories. The rest of The Suspense Story is mostly short science fiction and spooky stories. The first appearance of Iron Man was wearing heavy gray armor. In the second story (40th issue, April 1963), Iron Man's armor was redesigned into a similar-looking but gold-colored version, and Iron Man's familiar gold and red streamlined armor now appears in issue 48 (December 1963), and was painted by Steve Ditko (but he or he Jack Kobe, who designed this version of Iron Man alone or in collaboration, is still unknown).

Since the fifty-ninth issue (November 1964), Iron Man and Captain America have respectively led the "Suspense Story" comics which have been revised into a book and two stories. After the last issue of Suspense Story (99th issue, March 1968) was published, the comic was renamed "Captain America"; Iron Man appeared in the single comic "Iron Man and the Deep Seaman" ( In the first issue of IronManand Sub-Mariner, it appeared for the first time in the first issue of TheInvincibleIronMan, an exclusive comic book dedicated to himself.

Tony Stark and steel armor in the movie

Tony Stark and steel armor in the movie

Iron Man was originally portrayed as a hero against communism. In subsequent Iron Man comics, technological evolution and national defense were common themes; however, Stark gradually evolved into a more complex and vulnerable character in later comics. The story includes Stark's alcoholism and other personal problem.

Screenwriters often portray Iron Man as a symbol of human creativity and human deficiencies. He often became a friend of Captain America, a comparison between Thor and Thor, the former highlighting the difference between interventionism and cooperative compromise, and the latter highlighting the difference between science and spirit. He has been a member of the superhero group Avengers for most of Iron Man's past history and has appeared in several comic journals named after Iron Man. [1]

Personality characteristics

Tony Stark, who many people see in the media, is just a self-centered playboy. Tony almost always fights proudly. But even if he behaves like a cocky man, he always does his best to protect his teammates. Tony is also a well-known genius who built an arc reactor from scratch in Afghanistan. His wisdom earned him the title of "Contemporary Da Vinci". Because of his tense relationship with his father, he also showed great disrespect for authority figures.

Prior to the abduction, Tony was an egocentric, arrogant person who did not take care of the feelings of others. In these years, Tony has matured to become a member of the team and is no longer so arrogant. He even started to open up and started a real relationship with "Little Pepper" Potts. After the battle in New York, Tony developed a strong sense of fear. In this new world with "God" and "Aliens", he could not protect his loved ones, and he gradually became paranoid and anxious. He loves heavy metal and rock music groups such as Black Sabbath, AC / DC and Queens. [2]

Role experience editing

Born in Long Island, New York, Tony Stark entered the MIT Department of Electrical Engineering at the age of fifteen and graduated with the highest score. Howard Stark at the age of 21

Howard Stark

Howard Stark (4 photos)

Died in a car accident (actually a conspiracy, said in Captain America 3). Tony Stark's mother is Maria Stark. Stark inherited Stark Industries, which was owned by his father, and the first thing he did after taking over the company was to buy the company that made the defective brake system on his parent's seat and fix its design flaws. During a trip to Vietnam (later updated to the Gulf War) to inspect his company's new microchips to help the US military on the battlefield, Stark was mistakenly trapped and captured. His captive was a Vietnamese warlord named Wong-Chu. Stark's heart was killed because of the trapped fragments. The only way to survive was to capture Nobel, who was also a captive. The award-winning famous physicist YinSen (later known as HoYinsen) collaborated to make weapons for Wang Qiu. However, Stark and Yin Sen privately used the factory to secretly design and manufacture a set of power armor. This pair of iron exoskeleton armor gave Stark tremendous power and other capabilities, which not only allowed his heart to continue to beat, You can let him escape. Yin Sen sacrificed his life to give Stark enough time to put on this bulky armor. Stark, who became Iron Man, killed Wang Qiu and his men. On the way out, Iron Man met an injured US Air Force helicopter pilot, Jim Rhodes, who claimed to be Stark's bodyguard, and the two teamed up to resist the following North Vietnamese chasing troops until they reached the US Army. front. After returning to the United States, Stark continued to improve the armor, establishing a dual identity of adventurer and iron man. He also made extensive use of his father's legacy, including the Rubik's Cube, and expanded Stark's legacy, which was later renamed Stark International.

Iron Man uses Stark ’s personal bodyguards and corporate mascots as camouflage. Enemies include big villains who threaten his company or such as Black Widow, Crimson Dynamo, Titanium Man, etc. Represents the adversaries of the communist country and independent enemies such as Madarin. Both Black Widow and Fei ~ Red Mecha finally surrendered to the United States. In the past, Hawkeye of Black Widow's partner even turned into a member of the Avengers. Because Stark deliberately created his image as a rich **** and entrepreneur, no one doubted that he was Iron Man. During this period, Stark had two important supporting actors: the driver Harold HappyHogan and Virginia PepperPotts. Revealed his dual identity. The early Iron Man comics had a strong anti-communist color. This attitude gradually softened after the rise of the anti-war trend during the Vietnam War. This change involved a series of stories that made Stark carefully rethink his political outlook and the moral positioning of making arms for the military; although Stark has the image of a playboy, his personality and political outlook have always been Very conservative. He often shows pride and seeks for results regardless of the process, which makes him often conflict with those around him in both civilian and superhero status. [2]

Stark, a very wealthy and well-known philanthropist, donated his childhood hometown and transformed it into an Avengers Mansion operated by the Avengers; it was named after his mother Maria The Maria Stark Foundation, established as a non-profit trust and investment fund operating organization, provides considerable operating capital for the Avengers. The foundation is not affiliated in any way with Stark International Enterprises and Stark's business, and its operations will not be affected even if its business is suspended. Stark also provides other superhero technical support, including designing several replacement shields and armor and firearms equipment for Captain America, the Quinjet used by the Avengers, the display used by the X-Men, And Spider-Man's second suit.


Iron Man in the movie

Iron Man in the movie (55 photos)

Ke's heart problem was finally discovered by the public and he was cured with an artificial heart. However, Stark has since developed a habit of relying heavily on alcohol to anesthetize himself. The problem of alcoholism first came to the surface when Stark found out that the long-term cooperative defense agency God The SHIELD has long acquired stakes in its company, in order to control his company to ensure that Stark will continue to design weapons for them. At the same time, Stark's business rival Justin Hammer hired several super villains to attack Stark; while the armor being used by Iron Man was once taken away to murder an ambassador to a foreign country. Although Iron Man did not become the object of suspicion at the beginning, Stark was still forced to surrender power armor to the relevant authorities. In the end, Stark and Jim Rhodes, who has become his personal pilot and close friend, investigated and defeated the black hands behind the scenes, but Hammer will still return to threaten Stark in the future. Finally, with the support of friends and employees such as BethanyCabe, his girlfriend at the time, Stark survived this difficulty and once overcome the problem of alcoholism. [1]

Ability setting edit


In addition to the capabilities that the armor gave him, the invented genius Stark continued to create new technologies and constantly improve the existing ones. This trait continues until he encounters powerful enemies and crises, allowing him to use his armor in an unusual but effective way.

Model40 liquid ~ body metal armor

Model40 liquid ~ body metal armor (2 photos)

He is also highly respected in business and can draw people's full attention when talking about economic issues. He is extremely loyal to his subordinates, but at the same time requires his subordinates to be equally loyal to him and possess the highest standards of corporate ethics. He twice immediately fired employees who had engaged in highly profitable illegal transactions with Dr. Doom and the evil organization A.I.M.

Stark is proud to be a futurist.

When Stark was unable to use his armor for a time, he asked Captain America to train him in combat skills, so he was very physically fit. Once killed a pair of terrorists. [1]


Latest armor

Latest armor

Iron Man was seriously injured after fighting with his opponent, Mallen, who was strengthened by the Extremes virus. Stark injected the modified biochemical technology virus into his nervous system (called ExtremesProcess), which saved For his own life, he also fuses his armor with his flesh. This allowed him to store the inner layer of Iron Man's armor in the hollow part of his bones, and to control it directly with his brain's thoughts. Stark can control the inner layer of armor under his skin, allowing the armor to emerge through several outlets on the limbs, forming a golden nerve interface under the skin. When Stark enters this state, he can remotely control the iron armor with telepathy, and Stark can still dress at any time, even if the armor is a hundred miles away. In addition, Desperate Transformation has also enhanced Stark's physical healing ability; he can also connect external communication systems remotely, such as satellites, mobile phones and computers around the world. Because the armored control system is now directly connected to Stark's nervous system, the response speed of the iron armor has been greatly improved. Stark also has "Phera-Sense" capabilities. Stark analyzes the neurophysiological information collected by Spider-Armr to Spider-Man and not only creates himself The version of "Spider-Sense" also allows Spider-Man's Spider-Sense to send false alarms, rendering Spider-Man's induction useless, and Iron Man has also received from Captain America, Black Panther, and Black Widow , Qi training and others can defeat five Skruel soldiers with bare hands, or fight naked with several ninjas. [1]

Character Equipment Edit


Iron Man's armor gives Tony Stark super power, super endurance, flying ability and multiple weapons. This armor was designed by him and was worn most of the time. Tony Stark is an American billionaire and arms maker known for his unique lifestyle and his ingenuity and genius inventors. Other people who have been Iron Man include long-time partner and close friend Jim Rhodes (War Machine), cronies Harold "Hapi" Hogan, Eddie March, and Michael Oub Ryan (MichaelO'Brien).

Iron Man's appearance and capabilities have continued to change as Stark continues to transform and update its equipment, especially his power armor. Stark's armor was gray at first, but Stark found that this appearance would cause panic among the public, so he repainted the armor to gold (forty issues of Suspense Story). This bulky armor was modified into a more personal design in the forty-eighth issue of Suspense Story, and the color was also changed to red and gold. This shape became the basic style of Iron Man in the future. However, the "SilverCenturion" suit is a special case with gold and silver shapes. This suit is designed to oppose Obadiah Stane's IronMonger armor. Tucker continued to use this suit until the end of the first Armor War. [1]

Iron Man's power and ability comes from the advanced power armor he wears. This armor slowly evolved from the original heavy iron armor to update the molecular rearrangement. The crystalline iron was strengthened by a magnetic field and covered several layers of other metals, such as titanium. Functional shell. Iron armor gives Stark Superman strength and flight capabilities. Its energy comes from the sum of multiple sources, including solar energy, batteries, and built-in generators that absorb beta particles as fuel. Iron armor can also absorb surrounding energy such as heat and kinetic energy and convert it into electricity, or even directly absorb electricity to charge the battery. Stark was also equipped with jet thrusters enough to drag an entire train forward, and small goggles could protect Iron Man's eyes in an emergency. In addition, the armor can also be completely isolated from the outside world, allowing Iron Man to operate in a vacuum or under the sea. It has a built-in life support system and can block radiation. Also, if the missile comes, it can shoot infrared interference **** to explode the missile in advance.

Iron Man's armor control system works by reading Stark's brain waves from the neuromechanical interface in the helmet. Stark's own high-tech computer with an artificial intelligence control system called Jarvis uses internal and external sensors to provide strategic information and real-time status reports of the mech. Stark had set up protection systems to ensure that the mech did not voluntarily run away, but these systems were once damaged.

The armored weapon system has also evolved over time, but Iron Man's standard attack weapon has always been the RepulsorRay emitted by the glove palm. Built-in weapons in each generation of armor include a single-beam cannon (Uni-Beam) fired from the chest; as the pulse light that absorbs the surrounding kinetic energy is run, the longer the distance, the more powerful it is; Energy shield. Other functions include the emission of Ultra-Freon, the manufacture and manipulation of magnetic fields, the use of sonic cannons, and the holographic maker for making bait.

In addition to the general-purpose functional armor worn in the general period, Stark has also developed several sets of special-purpose armor to allow him to adapt to space travel, deep-sea diving, and stealth stealth. Stark also used extra components he called Modular Armor to transform such as "Hulkbuster" heavy armor, designed to enhance the strength and endurance of the armor enough to single him out Hulk. Later, there was also a set of armor specifically used to counter Thor's Thor, which was transformed based on Thor's old enemy Destroyer, using secret energy. Stark developed an electronic box during the Armored War, which could burn down mechanical paralyzed armor when placed on armor using Stark technology. However, this electronic box was not effective for later models. [1]

iron Man

(Note: only the armor worn by Tony is listed. For other iron suits, see the entry for "Iron Man suit")


It is the most original MK armor, with incomplete functions, and the power system can only maintain about 50 minutes. The main weapons are left-handed flamethrowers and right-handed missiles. The disadvantage is that many key operating belts are exposed. Therefore, The belt was easily broken after being shot, and the legs could not move after being broken. It ’s all on its own.


After Tony escaped, he developed the first armor, improved the power system and flight stabilization system, and strengthened the outer steel armor. The disadvantage is that the material is not very mature, using steel, can not fly too high, "Iron Man 1" barely fly to 8000 meters after freezing, and then lose power.

This armor was later taken away by Tony's friend James Rhodes and converted by the US military into a new armored "war machine."


Tony has improved the materials used in the armor, and the outer layer is made of gold-titanium alloy used by military satellites. The weight has been reduced, and it has not been frozen, and some weapons such as anti-tank missiles on the arm and shotguns on the shoulder have been strengthened. As for the idea of ​​red and gold color matching, a car from Tony's collection, gold and red. Scrap in battle with Iron Overlord.


It completely improves the shape on the basis of MK3, changes to more streamlined to the human body, and is a springboard for MK6. It is roughly equivalent to MK3 in weapon settings, because the shape is improved, so the weight is reduced, so the flight speed for MK3 There is a certain improvement. Once played against Rhodes' MK2.


This is a portable Iron Man armor specially made by Tony. Usually it is only a box. After activating the box, it can cover the whole body and become Iron Man armor. The disadvantage of this armor is that it has only one layer of armor, it is thin, and it has a flight system, but it is flying There are restrictions on height and speed. It is very convenient to carry around when you need to activate it. It is necessary to activate the box to transform into Iron Man at all times. Generally speaking, it is much weaker. The weapon is only a laser gun. Although the armor is weak, it is really convenient. After being flicked with a few whips, the armor was unsightly.


It can be described as a technological innovation. Tony has developed a new Ark reactor, which has more energy and no side effects. Tony reassembles the Iron Man armor and adds a laser weapon on his wrist. Similar to a laser knife, it can cut a lot. Iron enemy, but this weapon consumes a lot of energy and can only be used once, but it is also very powerful and has a large killing range.


This set of armor is the new armor appearing in the movie "Avengers". The main feature is that as part of the assembly, Tony can use an infrared sensor bracelet to cover his body with steel armor anytime, anywhere, and at the same time change the shoulder weapon With the development of small-scale distributed missiles, the power of the laser weapon has been increased for a long time. The back thruster has also been modified to fly out of the atmosphere. [3]


Mark VIII (Mark 8) is the eighth set of armor created by Tony Stark, appeared in the movie "Iron Man 3." Mark 8 is an improved version of Mark 7, which is more flexible and operable than Mark 7, and it is equipped with a large number of weapons. Mark 8 retains the famous red and gold shades. It has a slightly different appearance from Mark 7 and has a unique, smooth mask design.

In addition to the slightly different appearance of the Mark 8 than the Mark 7, other parameters, such as weapons and equipment, defensive armor, are basically the same. It is also a heavy armor specially designed for combat. Some performances and appearances of the Mark 8 have been processed. Compared with the previous Mark 7, the Mark 8 is more powerful, more flexible and more operable.


MarkIX (Mark 9) was created by Tony Stark as the ninth set of armor, appearing in the live-action movie "Iron Man 3." In addition to the redesigned helmet, buttocks and legs, Mark 9 has many similarities with its predecessor, and it also retains the most classic gold and red color scheme.


Mark 10 armor enhanced chest armor and redesigned some plates and helmet masks. It is more advanced than any previous armor and can reach higher altitudes. Mark 10's armored belly area is flanked by additional, powerful anti-gravity devices to increase flight speed and strength.

It also redesigned the armor sole propeller to make it more advanced and more powerful, helping the armor to further improve flight stability and flight speed. Mark 10's flight speed was at least three times faster than the previous armor, making it the fastest armor at the time.

Mark33 (Silver Centurion)

The Mark33 Silver Centurion has a slight protective force field that uses magnetic field polarity to attract or repel objects. Capable of firing pulse cannons (Mark6's chest cannot launch shock waves), intensifying further action. In the final battle, Tony was wearing the first set of armor, at this time Tony was talking to Rhodes: "Sorry, the armor only fits my body." After being rescued, Chili was attacked, and chest energy was damaged. At the same time, Jilian's left hand was cut off. After being abandoned.

Mark40 (shotgun)

Super high speed armor. It is designed for hypersonic speed. The Mark40 can travel at speeds in excess of Mach 5. At the same time, Tony is wearing the third set of battle armor in this battle, at this time is fighting hard with Gillian. After being split by the hand blade.


Mark42 has the ability of automatic assembly. The advantage is that it can be remotely controlled and automatically assembled. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. MK42 is easy to be damaged because the automatic assembly eliminates many screws on the link parts. In addition to the basic hand of the weapon A small impact gun and a chest impact gun carry small missiles in the forearm. More for melee. It is the most "cheating" of all Stark armors: Tony kept dodging during the first wearing; Tony was already "fully armed" because of a leg part. The helmet and other parts were scattered. Jarvis also said, "It's a pleasure to watch your work." I can imagine how "naughty" this set of armor is; it was hit by a large truck when it turned around after flying to save people. It was thin (Tony was not in the armor at this time). Later, when landing in the final battle, because his right foot tripped on the ship's handrail, it fell down and fell apart (Tony was not in the armor at this time). ), Tony also said "not at all cheeky". It can be said that the "IQ" of this Warframe is "not enough", and it was born for fun (see "Iron Man 3" for details).


Mark43 appeared in the early part of Avengers: Age of Ultron and is an improved version of Mark42. Increased shotgun on shoulders.

Mark 43's armor is the exact opposite of Mark 42's. It is mostly dark red and few in gold. It also has radiation-resistant lined armor, which can work for long periods in nuclear-contaminated areas, extreme temperatures, and extreme environments, as well as underwater operations. It can also perform sub-orbital flight (sub-orbital flight refers to flying at an altitude of 35 to 300 kilometers from the earth, but is still being pulled by the gravity of the earth.)


That is anti-Hulk armor. Appears only in Avengers: Age of Ultron, and is designed to fight Hulk. It is usually carried on a satellite, flying in low-Earth orbit, and launching to the required position when in use. It's huge, even bigger than Hulk, and can wrap other armors. It adopts a combined structure and comes with a flight equipment library. When damaged, the damaged parts can be separated and repaired with spare parts.


Mark45 appeared later in Avengers: Age of Ultron. At this point the system has been changed to "Friday" with a female voice. (Jarvis and Phantom are integrated)

Like Mark43, the two machines are mainly red, but the red painting area of ​​45 is larger. As the main face of the helmet 45, the face shape of the helmet is changed for the first time. Basically, no matter how the face of the main armor changes, it will not change. It is to avoid changes in aesthetic fatigue.


MarkXLVI (Mark 46) is the 46th set of armor created by Tony Stark and appears in the Marvel movie Captain America: Civil War. Mark 46 is also known as Civil War Armor, and its color scheme is red and gold.

Ability value

Intelligence 6 Strength 6



Stamina 6

Energy Launch 6 Combat Skills


Attachment: MARVEL comics official ability reference





Ability to think and process information

⒈ Slow / Weak, ⒉Normal, ⒊Learned, ⒋Talented, ⒌Genius, ⒍Super Genius, ⒎omniscient


Ability to lift / bear heavy objects

⒈ Weak (can't bear objects of the same weight as itself), ⒉ Normal (can bear objects of the same weight as itself), ⒊Ordinary person's limit (can bear objects of 2 times its own weight), ⒋Exceeds ordinary people (800pt ~ 25t), ⒌Exceeding ordinary people (25t ~ 705t), ⒍Exceeding ordinary people (705t ~ 1000t), ⒎It is difficult to calculate (more than 1000t)


Ability to move around the earth

以下 Below normal, ⒉Normal, ⒊Beyond normal people (but not more than 700 miles per hour), ⒋Sound speed (Mach 1) ⒌Supersonic speed (Mach 2), 速 Light speed (1860000 miles per second), ⒎Speed ​​distortion (Super light speed)


Ability to fight or recover

⒈ Weak, ⒉Normal, ⒊Enhanced, ⒋Renewable, ⒌Bulletproof, ⒍Exceeded, ⒎Near-dead

Energy emission

Ability to release energy outside the body

⒈ can not release energy, ⒉ releases energy through contact, ⒊ releases a single energy of a short range in a short time, ⒋ releases a single energy of a medium range in a short time, ⒌ releases a single energy of a long range in a long time, ⒍ can release Multiple energy forms, ⒎ can release multiple energy forms almost infinitely

Combat skills

Degree of unarmed combat and combat ability

⒈Unskilled, ⒉General, ⒊Some trained, ⒋Experienced fighters, ⒌Proficient in one fighting method, ⒍Familiar with several fighting methods, ⒎Familiar with all fighting methods

Interpersonal relationship editor

Hostile forces


Iron Man's biggest enemy. Heavenly ambition. Asia's largest underworld leader. The true identity of the descendants of the self-proclaimed Genghis Khan is unknown. However, it is said that he had been in control of the real power of the heavenly dynasty, but was positioned as the leader of a terrorist organization when the Communist Party was in charge. Call it "the enemy of the country." Born in the wartime melee of the early 20th century, similar to Iron Man, he was also a wealthy young master born with a golden spoon. He could not spend more money in his next life. When he was very young, he expanded his family business to a wealthy country State, with the help of its strong economic strength, has entered China's political economy and other fields and has grasped China's real power. But when he was about to become the king of China, he retreated quickly, chose to live in seclusion, and devoted himself to the study of ancient fantasy, gradually fading out of people's vision. There are ten magic rings obtained from aliens, with ten powerful killing tricks such as flame, freezing, whirlwind, material transformation, material destruction. Wisdom is bottomless, and countless terrorist acts have been launched to destroy the world. Has killed 95% of the world's population with ambitious weapons. The level of terror is difficult to estimate. Now it has become "the enemy of the world" and "one of the most terrifying people on earth." He has been fighting with Iron Man since 1964. [1]



M · O · D · O · K (Mordor)

The most impressive and most famous villain in the Iron Man series is the current leader of A.I.M (Pioneer Technology Company), who often opposes Iron Man. Features: The head and body are connected, and the body and small limbs are covered with metal



FinFangFoom (Extraordinary Dragon)

Alien creature, the spaceship he rode a hundred years ago crashed. China, later called by the Manchurians, became its Iron Man version of Iron Man, a tool to destroy the world, amazing destructive power, and has fought with numerous heroes. One of the most representative giant monsters.

Extraordinary Dragon

Extraordinary Dragon


The devastating heavy combat armor made by the Soviet Union against the United States. The body is equipped with numerous high-fire weapons. The operator has been changed many times (up to 12 people), so the armor itself is more representative of the role than the operator.

Scarlet ~ Red Mecha

Scarlet ~ Red Mecha

MadameMasque (Madam Mask)

The count's daughter, a Soviet spy, is also a cruel and aggressive terrorist. In a conflict with Iron Man, the count's daughter was disfigured, put on a mask and claimed to be a mask lady, and had a pathological fascination with Iron Man. Love him and love him. Cut him into pieces.

Mask lady

Mask lady


The son of Manchu, who was abandoned by his father in a temple on a snowy mountain. The life and death of Mandarin after losing his hands are unknown. Temugin knew the resentment of his father and Iron Man, and devoted himself to revenge for his father. He inherited the title of Manchu. The war with Iron Man ended in failure, and later lost his hands in a battle with other characters (inherited from the shame of his dad). Now he has a pair of robot hands. He has an extreme admiration for his father. Unfortunately, yes It is said that the man's ambition is everything, and this son has so far turned a blind eye.


Like the extraordinary dragon, they belong to the alien product (only one is a creature and one is a machine), and has been politely owned by Mandarin to wage war. It is huge in size, has both offense and defense, and once singled out the US Army and the Avengers.

Titanium man

He is a Ukrainian spy who challenged Iron Man and made a titanium alloy machine armor. Having fought many times with Iron Man, in short, he was a villain connected with politics.

Mourning whip

Needless to say, this person is the crazy whip whip in the movie version of Iron Man 2. He is also one of the big villains in the Spider-Man series, and was later changed to look like an 18Xsm male.

Ukrainian Iron Man

Justin Hammer

Evil businessman who opposes Iron Man company. He is arrogant and arrogant, and has no secret contact with Mandarin. In the second part of the movie, it was him who attracted the whip mass production of Iron Man. Generally speaking, the comic is not a particularly important enemy . But bad personality is impressive.


The final BOSS in the first movie (very strange why the movie always chooses the second and third tier characters and the protagonist in the comics) About his background, in fact, anyone who has seen the first movie should not be unfamiliar. The ending is the same as the movie. Now it is a dead man. The comic is a tragic villain that has been used and lost.

Obadea Steine

Obadea Steine

WongChu (王秋)

The man's men. The huge warlords in China's local armed forces. It was the man who abducted Tony in the original comic, and then forced Tony to make weapons. As a result, Iron Man was born thanks to him. Finally, Iron Man took him and his bandits The nest was all sent to Xitian. Although this person was dead at the time, he was often pulled out of the whip in the comic content recalled by many Iron Man. Huge ones are also perverted.

Wang Qiu

Wang Qiu


A genius scientist who worked for Dr. Doom, and later invented this armor on his body, betraying Dr. Doom. After the crime started, he will fight against Iron Man.




A new villain who debuted in 2008. He is the son of ObadiahStane. He is smarter and more cruel than his dad, and he is a super scientist. Use your own weapons to carry out terrorist activities. Later, he also put on an iron suit and a decisive battle with Iron Man.

Siege Steiner

Siege Steiner

Family relationship

Howard Stark

It is a character of American Marvel Comics, the father of Iron Man Tony Stark, a rich man, an arms dealer, and a genius. He created Stark Industries in one hand in the early years and was one of the participants and designers of the American Rebirth Plan (Super Soldier Plan) (the plan successfully created Captain America). Assisted in the creation of the SHIELD (S.H.I.E.L.D) after the war. He died in a car accident caused by Hydra.

(In the film "Captain America: Civil War", the video material played by Baron Zemo learned that Howard Stark was killed by the Winter Soldier)

Maria Stark

It is Tony Stark's mother and Howard Stark's wife. She and her husband died in a car accident, and Tony inherited Stark Industries. [4]

Girlfriend \ former assistant

Little pepper

A trustworthy person in Tony Stark's life, his beautiful and capable assistant Pepe Poz "Little Pepper". She takes care of everything, but often disagrees with Tony and causes disputes.


James Rhodes

Often referred to as Roddy. He is an officer and fighter pilot of the United States Air Force. He was called a machine of war while wearing heavy armor of the Hanmo industry, but during AldrichKilliansWar, his alias was temporarily changed to Steel Patriot. He is a close friend of Tony Stark and a point of contact for Stark's Industrial and Military Purchasing Department.

The Avengers


Nick Fury

As the legendary commander of the top-secret peacekeeping organization SHIELD, Nick Fury often acts in person in response to world crises. When the SHIELD learned that an evil force would threaten the safety of the earth, Frey ran to mediate, bringing together the most powerful superheroes on the planet to form the Avengers Alliance, the strongest team on the ground.

team leader

Captain America

The just-blooded Captain America was originally a thin and ordinary soldier during World War II. He participated in the "Super Warrior Rebirth Plan" and became the only successful experimenter. During World War II, he made great achievements, but in the final battle to expel the Red Skull, Rogers was severely damaged and frozen. He woke up only about 70 years later. He later joined the Avengers.



Non-Earth human members of the Avengers love and hate their younger brother Rocky. Sol is the biological son of Odin, heir to Asgard's throne. He was young and vigorous, reckless and upright, and was once exiled to the earth for his own conceit. Sol's main concern is to maintain peace in the nine worlds, including Asgard and Earth, and to improve relations with his brother Rocky. Woe does not come by itself. Both things are in trouble at the same time.

Hulk Hulk

Scientist Dr. Bruce Banner was accidentally injured by gamma rays in an experiment, and he later discovered that when he was in a mood of anger or fear, an uncontrollable acceleration of his heartbeat could turn him into a large, powerful person. An endless but uncontrolled green giant. Dr. Banner was always on the lookout for how to treat this "lesion," and he was drafted into the Avengers for his terrible power.

Black widow

Originally a Russian female detective who secretly organized SHIELD, she was in good shape, with a clear mind and agility, she was extraordinary and tough, and was an elite agent of SHIELD. Natasha was originally placed undercover inside Stark Industries to oversee Iron Man Tony Stark, and later officially joined the Avengers. She is also the only female member of the Avengers this time. He is also Tony's former assistant. [5]

Hawk eye

An orphan who grew up in the circus, he was beaded by SHIELD commander Nick Fury for superb archery and joined the Avengers. Hawkeye acts quickly and decisively, has a low-key and steady personality, and is extremely good at sniping. In the Marvel comics story, Hawkeye had a scandal with the Black Widow. In the movie "Thor", Hawkeye was arranged to shoot Thor at a high altitude.

Fast silver

Fast silver, whose real name is Pietro Maximov, has lightning speed. Quicksilver has a strong desire to protect twin sister Wanda. He is willing to pay any price in order to guard the small town where the war is frequent. He and his sister were both volunteers for Baron Citker's mysterious experiment, and obtained extraordinary superpowers from an unknown energy body.

Scarlet Witch

Formerly known as Wanda Maximov, she is beautiful and mysterious, possessing the ability to manipulate human hearts. As a Scarlet Witch, she can control the enemy's heart and destroy the enemy from the inside out. Wanda and elder brother Pietro are the result of a mysterious experiment by Baron Seatrik.


Phantom vision is a mysterious and powerful mechanical organism with dangerous and difficult to control power.


Jarvis, Friday

Iron Man's intelligent steward, super-intelligent software, can think independently, and will help the host to handle all kinds of affairs, calculate all kinds of information, Iron Man's mech development and the update of the Ark reaction furnace can not do without its assistance.

Character Quotes Editor

IronMan Ability Value

IronMan Ability Value

Note: (Extract only part)

1. You can take my house and my equipment and toys, but there is one thing you can't destroy-I'm Iron Man! [6]

2. I have never had a chance to say goodbye to my father. I have a question and I want to ask him. I want to ask him how he feels about what his company is doing, if he has ever felt contradictory, and if he has any doubts. Or maybe he is the one we can see from the news clip.

3. A great man once said, "We always plant the bane by ourselves." Who said this? What does it mean? It doesn't matter, because we all feel deeply about it. Now that he is also a celebrity, two celebrities have said this now. I'm not ... well. Let me repeat it

4. Okay, okay, the truth is this ... I'm Iron Man [7]

Iron Man of all ages

In addition to Tony Stark introduced in this entry, Marvel has others who have briefly served as Iron Man.

James Rhodes (War Machine)

VictorvonDoom is Dr. Doom and is currently in the comic book Iron Man. [1]

Film performance editor

the film

In the 2008 movie "Iron Man" played by Robert Downey Jr.

In the 2010 movie "Iron Man 2" played by Robert Downey Jr.

In the 2012 movie "Avengers" played by Robert Downey Jr.

In the 2013 movie "Iron Man 3" played by Robert Downey Jr.

In the 2015 movie Avengers: Age of Ultron, played by Robert Downey Jr.

In the 2016 movie "Captain America 3" played by Robert Downey Jr.

In the 2017 movie Spider-Man: Homecoming, played by Robert Downey Jr.

In the 2018 movie Avengers: Infinity War, played by Robert Downey Jr. [2]

Entry Atlas More Atlas

Entry picture

Entry Picture (52)

Iron Man in the movie

Iron Man in the Movies (55)

Howard Stark

Howard Stark (4)

Model40 liquid ~ body gold ...

Model40 liquid ~ body gold ... (2)


1. Marvel Heroes-IronMan. Marvel

2. Iron Man. Marvel Movie Universe Information Station [reference date 2016-11-25]

3. Brief introduction of Iron Man armor. Baidu Library [reference date 2015-04-18]

4. Maria Stark. Marvel Universe Information Station [reference date 2016-11-25]

5. Iron Man 2 Movie. Iqiyi [reference date 2016-11-25]

6. Iron Man 3 movie. Iqiyi [reference date 2016-11-25]

7. Iron Man Iqiyi [reference date 2016-11-25]

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