MTL - My Abandoned Oil Town Became a New Frontier

MTL - My Abandoned Oil Town Became a New Frontier


Authors : August yellow

Status : ongoing

Genres : Urban Life

Chapters: 351

Last update: 5 months ago

- MTL (Machine Translation Literature) refers to novels that have been translated using automated machine translation tools. This approach allows for quicker translations compared to human translators, but may result in less accurate and nuanced translations.
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What is it like to own an abandoned oil town in the West? At first, Xu Xing simply wanted to provide some convenience for travel enthusiasts and camping enthusiasts traveling by car to the northwest.However, it has been out of control since thenThe stall has been upgraded to a convenience store with a unique style, the instant noodles cooked in an earthen pot have been transformed into a restaurant that provides hot and authentic beef noodles, and the shack has been transformed into a hotel that is unique in the country and can look up at the deep starry sky. The tire point has been upgraded to become a gas station and maintenance station.after that,The town unknowingly became the size of a small county townsixth tier, fifth tier, fourth tier, third tiera few years later it became the only new first-tier city in the northwest Gobi Desert - Description from Novelable

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