Chapter 892 Food crisis, zero waste awaits!

Lack of food is more intuitive than other difficulties at any time.

Like now.

Although Chen Shen exaggerated the seriousness of the food shortage, the figure of only 40 days still made everyone feel thorny.

"We have no choice, this is the safest and the greatest limit."

Shen Ke, the material supervisor, stood up and confirmed the correctness of the data just now with her own identity.

Ideally, it would not be unacceptable if this number could rise to 60 days, or around 70 days.

After all, the territory is not just spending every day.

The few greenhouses that are being built, the large tracts of excavated land, and the rice leaves purchased from the neighbors next door can all increase this number slightly in the future.

It's just that no one thought that Sumo could bring all the refugees back to the territory in one go.

The sudden surge in the number of people still brought unavoidable pressure on the territory's material reserves.

"It's too difficult for us to grow food in a short period of time. I suggest setting up an expedition team immediately. As long as we can knock down a dwarf fortress, the supplies we get will last us a lot longer."

A thin man with shining eyes stood up and said, "My name is Zhong Hao. I am from the Origin Camp. I am currently the deputy director of the Strategic Division of the Village Armed Forces Department."

A familiar name, and it is also the name engraved on the war monument of Tianyuan Territory in the future wasteland.

As early as the most difficult period in the territory, there were many fierce people with tenacious fighting will and love for war.

This Zhong Hao's ranking is not low. Su Mo vaguely remembered that it should be the end of the year when there was a large-scale alien war. He forcefully led 300 people out to break through the encirclement, and finally managed to escape by beating the enemy Xiao Yiqian.

It was just that later, due to bad luck, they met a wandering team outside, and they died early.

But in this time period, he immediately thought of fighting the dwarves to ease internal conflicts.


"How many people do you need?"

Having become the lord of tens of thousands of human beings, it is impossible for Sumo to waste his energy and time on wars just for supplies, leading his own people to go out.

It is undoubtedly better to let these fierce men in the territory lead the team out.

One can get supplies back to make up for family expenses, and two can baptize morale in the war to form a stronger team.

It is impossible for Tianyuan Territory to have foreign wars in the future. Whether it is against foreign races or those ambitious people who are gradually waking up from the ground, it is good to start training troops now.

"Lord, give me two hundred men, twenty guns, and one thousand rounds of ammunition. Give me another ten days... No, just give me seven days of rations, and I can take people out immediately."

"I'll send you 300 people, 50 guns, and 4,000 rounds of ammunition. The rations are still seven days old. There are not many. Can you find a way to solve it yourself?"

The guns currently used in the territory were rubbed out with special machine tools before the real survival version was updated.

Now that it has been used up and used up, there are only a few hundred M-1 standard rifles left, and only 30,000 rounds of bullets in stock.

The combination of 50+4000 is considered extremely luxurious before the territory returns to normal productivity and has the ability to produce weapons and ammunition again!

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Zhong Hao stood up abruptly, his face flushed with excitement.

As the armed captain before the origin camp, he hasn't been so rich for a long time.

The guns used by everyone before were all homemade earthen guns, so there was no fighting power.

Now all of them have been replaced with standard rifles. Not to mention the fierce firepower, the key is not to worry about blowing the gun with one hand and affecting morale.

And once you arrive in a new territory, you can be so trusted by the lord...

"Swear to the death to complete the task." At the end, Zhong Hao did not forget to change his words and repeated, which immediately ignited the atmosphere in the entire conference room.

"Lord, it made sense to use the basic public distribution system when our territory was small, but now that the number has exceeded 10,000, I suggest that we start to make some reforms!" Another person stood up.

He has a burly figure, no matter how he looks, he looks like a macho who goes in and out of the battlefield.

But the first time he spoke, his voice was refined and refined, which sounded very comfortable.

"My name is Qiao Yuansheng. I used to be the deputy dean of the Social Studies Department of Jingnan University in the Age of Civilization, and now I am the director of the distribution department of the village labor union in the territory."

"Hey, Jingnan University? That's one of the top ten universities in China!"

"It's not the dean yet, I heard that the vice deans are all very powerful."

"However, the reform of private ownership cannot be sloppy. It is easy to unbalance the gap between the rich and the poor within the village."

"A lot of people are still suffering from injuries and illnesses. If they directly restore private ownership, they may look down on illness and food..."

Sitting below and listening to Qiao Yuan's identity as a student, many people whispered in low voices.

As for his ability, everyone present certainly affirmed it a hundred times. After all, you are the dean of Jingnan University, and you can't justify it without two brushes.

But there are actually not many people who support the policies he wants to implement.

Including Su Mo himself, he was also looking for this name in his mind.

But unfortunately, Qiao Yuansheng did not leave any traces in the wasteland of the future, and there is a high probability that he died before dawn.

"You tell me what you think."

Su Mo raised his left hand and pressed it down slightly.

To reform the system, it took four full years for the Tianyuan Territory in the future wasteland to gradually transition to an incomplete private distribution system.

And in the following five years, there were no major changes, which continued until the advent of the Age of Gods.

Regarding this aspect, before leaving the ruins, Sumo had discussed with many old professors from the Academy of Sciences who specialized in economics.

The result is no exception. Almost every professor is convinced that the benefits brought by the public distribution system are actually far greater than the private distribution system, and they have given certain social experiment data.

They believe that under the public ownership system, the entire territory is like a clenched fist, which can always place the most powerful fist in the right place and concentrate on accomplishing great things.

Under the private system, the entire territory is like an open palm, which can only hold the target location in the hand. It seems threatening, but it is actually useless.

Coupled with frequent natural disasters, it is easy for speculators to gain a large amount of territorial wealth, causing a serious imbalance in the gap between the rich and the poor. Once the managers intervene, they will lose their credibility.

Therefore, if Tianyuan Territory is given another chance, the best choice is to strictly implement the public distribution system from beginning to end, and hold important production materials and speculative opportunities in our hands from beginning to end.

At that time, Su Mo could not deny this view, and did not give his own opinion.

After all, going all the way down the Changlong Xianjiang, there are too many territories that implement different systems, and it is difficult to see that a certain system is significantly ahead of other systems and has irreplaceable advantages.

Now that Qiao Yuansheng is willing to stand up and speak out his thoughts, he will naturally not resist.

"It's like this. After joining the villagers' trade union in the village recently, I visited and surveyed 850 representative families during the rest time when everyone was off work, and investigated the personal demands of 2,100 single people. I came up with a It is enough to represent the data at the general level of our entire territory."

The muscular Qiao Yuansheng took out a thick stack of straw paper and spread it slowly on the table.

"We discuss all the data one by one, but the highest one is very representative at present. It is not the problem of food and clothing, medical care and health that everyone imagines, but the rate of everyone's desire for a private space of their own is 96.7%. In other words, among the 11,259 people in our territory, nearly 10,900 people want a room or even a house that belongs only to themselves or their families."

It is more acceptable to have an argument represented by data than to speak directly and without evidence.

"To be honest, this is not a bad thing, but a good thing." Qiao Yuansheng said softly: "It is clearly stated in sociology that only when creatures feel safe and warm in a gathering place, will they give birth to the appeal of settling down , hoping to take root here for a long time to develop and thrive. And as this sense of security continues to rise, the demands for settling down will also rise.”

"Conversely, if their biggest appeal is food or other scarce resources, it means that they can only feel uneasy here, and urgently need to hoard enough resources to meet the needs of sudden migration."

"It is impossible for us to build houses for everyone. Whether it is now or in the future, we are in short supply of a large amount of building materials, which need to be used in more practical public buildings." Chen Shen frowned and immediately retorted.

Shen Ke also hurriedly followed: "In fact, our current living environment is much better than other places, and it can fully meet the needs of 10,000 people."

Su Deben: "It is not uncommon for us to live in the days when 30 people squeezed eight square meters. Now that food and clothing are not solved, where can we find the energy to build more vacant houses?"

Chen Kai: "That's right, the data is meaningless, I still want to live in a luxurious Dabie!"

Yu Wen, who was sitting with Feng Tianmin in the corner, raised her head: "I really want to have my own house, but I also think that now is not the time to repair a house."

Feng Tianmin: "That's right, most of the independent space is a brainstorming decision. Didn't the origin camp let people repair houses at will, and I didn't see where they were happy. Instead, we collectively provide heating and everyone can sleep comfortably. .”

People who can live to this time period have all suffered rounds of hardships.

Regarding the appeal of the enjoyment type, before Qiao Yuansheng could continue to explain, he was interrupted by arguing.

Not to mention an independent house, even an independent room does not have to be discussed.

If you really think you can do it yourself, that's fine, as long as you don't use the building materials in the territory, you can find them outside.

Get it back and build a house, you can live as you want, no one cares about you.

"Ahem, stop and stop, keep listening."

The scene was thrown out of control, and the "sociology" of Dean Qiao was useless in the face of the oily people present.

In desperation, Su Mo could only cough twice to mediate.

"Don't worry, everyone. Listen to me and finish the rest of the data and analysis first. I promise that I will never blindly advocate the territory to solve the demands." Taking advantage of the quietness of the scene, Qiao Yuansheng quickly stood up and promised.

He rummaged through the desktop for a while, and took out a few pages of straw paper with numbers that could not be read clearly and continued:

"Setting up a family is a seemingly subdivided, but in fact, huge appeal. It basically covers most of the links that we want the village to develop in the future. We can slowly discuss the details."

"But in the data I've investigated, the number two demand right now is... proper education!"

"Don't get me wrong, the education here is not for children to go to school, nor is it for adults to be recreated. What everyone wants is definitely not to go back to the classroom and receive earnest teaching."


Su Mo raised his head slightly, his eyes became more interested.

"I don't know if you have noticed, but the work efficiency in our territory is simply too low. It's extremely low. Take the most frequent snow clearing and hoeing missions issued by the mission department these days as an example. The person with the highest completion rate The gap with the lowest person can reach a full eight times!"

"I deliberately found these two people to track and quantify their time and work in a day. Then I found a very interesting data. The former is obviously very efficient but consumes much less energy than the latter.

That is to say, the person who does less work obviously spends more effort, but the result he makes is eight times worse than the person who works less! "

"Why is that?"

"It's very simple, I can tell you the reason directly." Qiao Yuansheng let out a sigh of relief: "This man named Bi Qiqi, he can't use a hoe, and he has never done similar physical work on the earth. He has spent his whole life He has never been exposed to work that requires hands, what he is best at is sitting in front of the computer and fiddling with those colorful figures, and earning enough money from the deficit in the stock market to support his daily life.”

"Can't do physical work? It's been more than half a year, can't you justify it?"

"Can such a person live until now??"

"What's going on, didn't he report his expertise to the territory?"

"It's useless. Stock trading is not a specialty. I have read his personal information sheet a long time ago."

Seeing that the situation was close to getting out of control again, Qiao Yuansheng behaved himself this time, and quickly interrupted: "It may be luck that such a person can join our territory, but we can't demand that everyone can complete the tasks they have never come into contact with. past work."

"Bi Qiqi is actually a very hardworking person. This is a comprehensive record of his day's schedule that I observed closely from the side, as well as my own narration. You can circulate it for a look."

Qiao Yuansheng took out the two forms of scrap paper and passed them to Chen Shen.

"Read it, let everyone listen." Su Mo nodded slightly.

By now, he has understood that the level of Qiao Yuan's students is worthy of the level of the dean of Jingnan University.

These data can indeed teach the current young managers of the territory a good lesson.

"Bi Qiqi, male, 34 years old."

"At 5:09 in the morning, I woke up from the bed, and recalled the task arrangement I received yesterday under the dim light above my head. From the beginning to the end, I frowned, and I was very dissatisfied with my performance yesterday, but there was still some Excited that a person as bad as myself has not been eliminated by the territory."

"At 5:20 in the morning, I was rushing to get up and go out at the earliest time. I put on my clothes on time, packed my bedding, and left the dormitory. I went to the first mission point of the day, the kitchen in the cafeteria."

"At 5:30 in the morning, I started to work! Today's task is to chop vegetables again. This is one of the jobs I am most afraid of, because I have to cut evenly and neatly according to the chef's needs, but in fact every time I cut it out It can’t meet the requirements at all, and can only be counted as completing one-third of the task progress.”

"At 6:50 in the morning, my first task was finally stuck. Sure enough, the chef only gave me a 40% progress score for the task, but he unexpectedly praised me today, saying that I have improved ,that is really good!"

"Eat breakfast from 7:10 to 7:30 in the morning. Today's breakfast is still rich. The stewed white radish soup is really delicious. I ate a large whole grain steamed bun and was very satisfied."

"At 7:50 in the morning, I started the second task of the day. I went to clear the snow outside the territory and turned the frozen ground with a hoe."

"At 12:10 noon, I was hungry. I sat down to rest for a while. I finished eating a steamed bread with whole grains brought out in the morning, and drank more than half of the pot of boiled water that was almost cold."

"At 2:5 in the afternoon, I finally completed the task of clearing the snow and hoeing the ground, and I got blisters on my hands again, but the problem should not be serious."

"At 2:50 in the afternoon, I started the third task of the day, transporting manure to evenly fertilize the overturned land. This work is very challenging for me, not because it smells bad, but because every time I They can’t be evenly distributed, and they can’t get a complete progress score from the inspector.”

"At six o'clock in the afternoon, the dinner bell in the village rang, and I hurried back to the cafeteria to have dinner. On the way, I saw many people resting and chatting. I was very envious. Their working ability is really strong."

"At eight o'clock in the evening, the bell for work in the village rang on time. Although the work was still unfinished, I was finally able to go back and catch my breath."

"At 8:30 in the evening, I got a weighted score of 102% for today's task. It's so dangerous, I almost failed again!"

"At nine o'clock in the evening, I finished washing and returned to the warm room. I saw many people praying in the corner, and I joined them, grateful for being alive, grateful for the territory, and grateful for my efforts."

"At 9:30 in the evening, I finished my prayers and went back to bed. After habitually swiping the game panel for ten minutes on UU Reading, I became sleepy."

"At 9:50 in the evening, I fell into a deep sleep, ending a tiring and fulfilling day."

"Total working time: 15 hours and 20 minutes."

"Total job evaluation: So-so, every task is far below the normal level"

"Task weighted score seven-day average: 103%"


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