Chapter 29 Buy a house! !! !!

Dongshan Garden, Lu family.

Not only did Zhou Fu go out early in the morning, but even Lu Shao, who is currently in a half-work and half-vacation state, did not see anyone early in the morning.

Only Lu Boyang, Xing, Zhi, and Lai, who had planned to be charming in front of his third uncle, brushed WeChat group chats.

[Group chat: The landlord family]


[Lu Jia Er Silly]: What does the circle of friends sent by Uncle San last night mean?

[Lu Jiashuai]: I want to know too!

[Lujia is the most handsome]: But I don't know!

[Lu Jia Er Silly]: Me too, when I touched that circle of friends yesterday, I was shocked! It's a pity that I didn't realize it all night, did Primary Six know? Lujia Primary Six

[Lu Jiaxiaoliu]: Yes, but you have to ask the third brother, now he is in front of the third uncle.

[Lu Jiaxiao Liu]: But I guess he hasn't got up yet, I'll try Lu Xiaoyang

[Lu Xiaoyang]: Whoever said I didn't get up, I didn't sleep!

[Lujia is the most handsome]: Yo, really online, what about uncle?

[Lu Xiaoyang]: I don't know, I went out early in the morning.

[Lu Xiaoyang]: But don't ask me about the circle of friends, I'm still in the clouds and fog.

[Lu Boxiao]: Isn't that just a circle of friends, what are you excited about?

[Lu Jia Er Silly]: Let me go! The boss actually appeared!

[Lu Jiashuai]: +1, aren't you the boss on the development project in Nepal?

[Lu Boxiao]: It's noisy because of the news message you chat with, isn't it?

[Lu Xiaoyang]: I thought you had blocked our group news for a long time.

[Lu Xiaoyang]: However, boss, you are afraid you don't know. It was a year and 5 months before the third uncle's last circle of friends, and he reposted Lu's New Year message.

[Lujia is the most handsome]: If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

[Lu Jia's silly son]: Slippery?

[Lu Jia Er Silly]: Fourth child, are you 4 silly? Can I share the evaluation with the slide?

[Lu Jia's silly son]: Yeah, what does it mean that the uncle shared that article?

[陆伯 萧]: Just one article, / Khan

[Lujia is the most handsome]: Boss you don't understand! It is very important to understand the meaning of leadership in front of the Devil!

[Lu Jia Xiao Liu]: Right!

[Lu Jiaxiaoliu]: On the major contribution of genetics to growth, do you say that Uncle San would not want to pass this article and boast of us in disguise? After all, like our uncle, we are all from the Lu family's genes, hahaha.

[Lu Jia's silly son]: It makes sense.

[Lujia is the most handsome]: It makes sense, but do you think that Uncle San would praise us?

[Lu Jia Er Silly]: It doesn't exist. Unless he is in a good mood?

[Lujia is the most handsome]: Lu Xiaoyang, is your uncle in a good mood?

On the sofa, Lu Boyang held the mobile phone and very carefully recalled yesterday, from the time when Uncle went home, until Zhou Fu came and went back, and then at night, Uncle came down to eat.

It seems that Uncle San is in a good mood!

Although it's not obvious, when he received a phone call from a company assistant at the dinner table yesterday, he cursed swear words. The third uncle didn't even look at him.

Enough to see that yesterday Uncle San was in a good mood.

[Group chat: The landlord family]


[Lu Xiaoyang]: According to my naked eyes and brain analysis, it seems to be okay.

[Lu Jia Xiao Liu]: My God! Really, in my lifetime, I can still get the approval of my uncle, although this recognition is not obvious!

[Lu Family is the most handsome]: How do you know that you are talking about / despising

[Lu Jiaxiaoliu]: Not who else can I be, in this world, who else besides us is the closest to the third uncle gene?

[Lu Jia Xiao Liu]: I'm going to take a closer look at the content of that article, hahaha.

[Lujia silly son]: I will go too!


Lu Boyang outside the group chat also exited the group, while opening the article shared by Lu Shao yesterday, while remembering in his mind whether he had done something that made his uncle more satisfied recently.

Is it because the air-conditioning system at home has been replaced?

Over there, Lu Jiazhong's fools were in a state of being unable to extricate themselves from the second circle of friends.

On the other side, Su Ran, who has stayed at home and has become a vagrant again, is also making friends.

Of course it will not be Lu Shao's soft article sharing.

Although Su Ran's WeChat friends are not many, the enthusiasm of parents for sending friends is still very high.

One night, Lu Shao's circle of friends had long wondered which corner he had been squeezed out of.

Originally, in these circle of friends, most of them were shopping agents, canvassing links of relatives and children, etc. Recently, they have become camping-related, with their own equipment, and some practical camping strategies to share.

One brush every day has become Su Ran's habit.

Zhang Xiaoxue mother shared the article: "Dry goods! Outdoor Travel Practical Anti-mosquitoes ", very practical, share with everyone!

Well, this is not bad, it's a favorite.

Zhang Hao's father shared an article: "What to do in the wild? 》

Xijiao Park should not be regarded as a wild place, but it should be kept in reserve.

Du Wentao's mother: A parent-child windbreaker specially prepared for this camp! / Photo / photo / photo


Su Ran silently commented in his heart, but still liked it below.

Later, Su Ran saw Du Wentao's mother forward these photos to the parent group.

[Mr. Du Wentao]: Before I had any camping experience, I bought a windbreaker for camping. Please help me to see if this works. / Photo / photo

Su Ran: Hehehe.

Is this for everyone's reference? Are you sure you are not showing off?

Isn't it to show off Su Ran, but since the mother Du Wentao sent those pictures, there has been a wave of sending equipment photos in the group.

It was not until the head teacher, Teacher Wang, appeared and issued a notice that the wave finally stopped.

However, this matter is not over.

in school.

Du Wentao and Su Han are at the same table.

Before, he always felt that this same table was a bit scary, so he didn't talk to Su Han very much, but as his mother taught him at home every day, he should get along well with his classmates, especially Su Han, a good student with a good sample. The concept, this weekend played a basketball class with Su Han.

In the past two days, the relationship between Du Wentao and Su Han was also familiar.

"Ah, ah! I'm going crazy!" Du Wentao arrived at the school early in the morning, mourning beside Su Han.

In this regard, Su Han just glanced at the other side slightly, and continued to bow his head.

Seeing this, Du Wentao did not care, and continued to complain to Su Han: "Su Han, do you know? My mother actually bought me a huge ugly windbreaker! Really, ugly! The kind of ugly sky ugly!"

"Really ugly?" Su Han asked.

"Really! Not very, it's huge! Don't believe me to show you."

Du Wentao took out his mobile phone, flipped out a photo, and handed it to Su Han.

This was taken by his mother last night. In the photo, Du Wentao and his mother wore the same windbreaker. His mother looked obviously very happy. As for Du Wentao next to him, he was forced to open his business with a look .

As for that windbreaker.

It is true that there is something to say.

"Yes, isn't it ugly."

"...", Su Han wanted to say something very ugly. However, thinking of what Su Ran said before, don't talk to others so directly. After a pause, Su Han gave a less offensive evaluation: "Not very suitable . "

"That's it! I'm a boy, how old are my moms, and my mother asked me to wear this kind of clothes. Look at this, the pattern is actually a rose! I'm going crazy!"

Before, his mother asked him to send this picture to the circle of friends, but he didn't. If he sent it, he would definitely be ridiculed by the group!

Du Wentao couldn't imagine how many people would laugh at wearing this suit to Su Tuo.

"By the way, Su Han, did your family buy sun protection clothing?" Du Wentao thought of it, and suddenly looked at Su Han with hope.

His mother said that his family had invited him to form a team with Su Han's family. If Su Han's family didn't buy it, he might persuade his mother to go with Su Han's family and buy another set.

Unfortunately, the facts are doomed to disappoint Du Wentao.

"Buy." Su Han nodded.

"Ah ... I already bought it."

"What did your family buy?" Du Wentao asked quietly after a while of sorrow.

"Nothing special, it's the normal one, there are a few decorative lines on the shoulders, sleeves and trousers, that's all." Su Han said.

Although Su Ran also collected some cool and trendy camping clothes at the beginning, in the end, when ordering, Su Ran and Su Han both tacitly chose the simplest one.

"I want this too!" Wen Yan said, Du Wentao was even more desperate.

He doesn't want anything right now, normal is the biggest expectation.

Can only say that the same world, different mothers, different aesthetics.

Su Han thinks so too.

I glanced at the flowery windbreaker on Du Wentao's mobile phone, and thought about the two sets of clothes I had received last night that had been washed and dried by Su Ran.

Su Han suddenly felt a little lucky.

Fortunately, that woman's aesthetics are still okay.

If Su Ran likes Du Wentao's mother, forcing him to wear that style of clothes ...

Thinking of a certain scene, Su Han suddenly got a little creepy.

Giving Du Wentao a sympathetic look, Su Han looked back and continued reading.

However, just as Su Han bowed his head, a strange feeling suddenly struck his mind.

As if feeling something, Su Han suddenly looked up and looked in the direction of the classroom door.

Feeling too quiet next to him, Du Wentao turned his head and was about to talk to Su Han, and saw this man staring intently at the doorway.

"What are you looking at?" Du Wentao also looked at the door.

"My mother! Old Liu is here, and you didn't even say a word to me, it's too boring." Looking at the English teacher who was walking into the classroom, Du Wentao quickly drew his mobile phone into his pocket and opened it in front of him. Book, bowed his head, and pretended to look.

Was the English teacher just now?


Su Han glanced at the English teacher who had reached the podium, and turned her eyes to the classroom door.

Su Han frowned, his eyes stayed tight in a certain direction for a long time, until the English teacher said that he wanted to dictate, and then he looked back.

However, there was still a little doubt in his eyes.


At the same time, at home, lying on the sofa, Su Yan, who brushed the circle of friends and parents in the morning, finally felt a bit boring.

Exiting WeChat, Su Ran got up, walked into Su Han's room, took the unused draft of Su Han from the table, and took another pen.

Turning out the bank text messages during this time, Su Ran saved the balance of each account to the draft one by one, and then put some other odds and ends, such as the remaining small change on WeChat and the wallet All the money is good, and everything is written up.

200w + 40w + 237.73 + ... + 769 5 hairs.


"It's 3.7 million." Su Ran looked at Jiahe on the phone and silently thought about the number.

Because I got 200w before and after Yu Lele's studio, and accidentally added Mr. Lu to buy music, Su Ran's assets in recent days have skyrocketed.

So Su Ran once again put the matter of buying a house on the agenda.

For such "touching" house prices in city b, it is definitely impossible to buy a full house for more than 3 million. However, if you choose a house with a slightly less good location, you should have no down payment .

Just do it.

Su Ran searched on the Internet for several real estate properties that met her requirements, and then read other people's evaluations to determine a few places. Then she changed clothes, painted a light makeup, and carried a bag. The ground went out.

When Su Ran went out, she happened to meet, carrying several boxes, Grandma Dabao coming up from the corridor.

Seeing Su Ran, Grandma Dabao seemed hesitant, then twisted her head a little awkwardly, lowered her head by herself, and climbed upstairs with her suitcase.

Grandma Dabao didn't find it strange that Su Ran had this reaction.

Before, after Su Ran came, the people in this building would say hello to Su Ran or something, and the unfamiliar would nod with a smile.

However, since the gang of debt collectors came to the door that day and were sent away by Su Ran, and heard that Su Ran was going to move away, these people never said hello to Su Ran again.

I do n’t know if it ’s because he did n’t want to talk to Su Randuo that day, but he still feels like he's not thinking about it, and it feels a little awkward.

Grandma Dabao is probably the latter.

After all, after taking Su Ran's stuff and selling it to the countryside, Grandma Dabao encountered Su Ran again, and she was generally enthusiastic.

However, Su Ran did not care about such a neglect.

After all, the original body did not leave a good impression on the other party, and she and the son were really about to move away.

However, Su Ran stood at the door and watched Grandma Dabao climb up.

Probably because the box seemed too large to get stuck on both sides of the narrow corridor, it was particularly difficult to lift it up.

Su Ran sighed and stepped forward, pulling Grandma Dabao and lifting the box up.

Seeing Su Ran help himself to pull up the box, Grandma Dabao stunned and looked at Su Ran's complexion instantly.

"Well, Xiaosu, what, thank you." Grandma Dabao thanked a bit awkwardly.

Su Ran nodded.

"So what are you going to do?" Grandma Dabao asked again.

"Well, go and see the house," Su Ran answered.

Hearing Su Ran said that she was looking at the house, of course Grandma Dabao would not think that Su Ran was going to the sales department to see the house. After all, the house prices are so expensive now that a few people can afford it, let alone Su Ran.

She also only used Su Ran to find a newly rented house.

Suddenly, Grandma Dabao felt a little embarrassed again, and always felt that they were driven away by their neighbors and other places.

Speaking of which, this mother and child are also pathetic.

"Well, Xiaosu, in fact, that day's matter, maybe we are talking a little bit more. In fact, it is good for you to live here. This neighbor and the neighbors support each other ..."

After hearing that, Su Ran froze for a while and probably understood Grandma Dabao's meaning.

Su Ran smiled and explained, "It's not because of the past, but mainly because Su Han is a big kid. It's inconvenient for us to live in a single room."

"That's the way it is," Grandma Dabao breathed a sigh of relief, nodded, and said, "Also, this boy is too big to rent a bigger house."

After hearing that, Su Ran did not explain the issue of buying and renting to Grandma Dabao, and nodded toward the other side, and Su Ran was about to leave.

"Yeah, Xiao Su and so on. This orange is quite sweet. You can eat it on the way."

Speaking, Grandma Dabao vacated a hand and didn't know which box he picked out a few oranges from, and stuffed it to Su Ran like last time.

Seeing this, Su Ran is not good.

Exactly, let ’s eat when there is a traffic jam on the road.

Downstairs, Su Ran was going to take a taxi.

However, considering the amount just calculated, Su Ran decided to take the bus because of a slight change in her taxi.

The first stop is Happiness Lane.

This is Su Ran's first choice, because there are already existing homes for sale there, and it is very close to Su Han's school. The most important point is that it is on the outer ring side and the price is cheaper.

Get off at the station.

Su Ran quickly opened the map and found Xingfuli District.

If those little assistants in the previous life let her know that the boss who was "raised" by them almost still had such a grounded and self-supporting day, it might be very moving.


"Hello madam, are you looking at the house?" Su Ran just entered the door of the sales department, and the sales lady greeted her very warmly.

"Yes, I want to find a two-bedroom house." Su Ran nodded with a smile on his face.

When I passed by a sales office before, Su Ran also went in to watch the bus to hide from the sun.

However, at that time, the assets were negative. Listening to the introduction of the sales lady, Su Ran didn't have any waves in her heart, and she even wanted to leave.

This time it's different.

With 3 million on his body, Su Ran was very confident.

Upon hearing Su Ran's answer, the sales lady immediately understood that the customer was sincere in wanting to buy a house, and she immediately brought Su Ran to the apartment model area.

"Ma'am, look, there are a lot of two-bedroom houses on our side, including six units. Here are the three units that sell the best. You can take a look first. If you are not satisfied, There are three other sets of house plans. I'll get them for you. "

"No," Su Ran said, looking at the three models.

The set in front of her is very good. There is a home garden, which is just right. If you buy a bicycle for Su Han, you can put it here, so Su Han is very convenient to go to school.

But the other one is also good. Although the two bedrooms and the two sides of the living room are a little far apart, they seem to be suitable for their home. At that time, a soundproof wall will be added, and she will not affect Su Han when she composes.

"Is the lady dissatisfied?" Seeing Su Ran frown slightly, the sales lady asked.

"No, I just have some tangles between these two sets." Su Ran said.

Both sets are good, she really doesn't know which one to choose.

Why not let Su Han choose?

Regarding the question of choice, Su Ran has already discovered these two days. Su Han is very decisive and generally does not have difficulty in choosing.

Therefore, when buying Suto on a certain treasure before, the question of which order was selected last is usually left to Su Han to make a decision.

"Otherwise, since you have the intention of both sets of ladies, I have made a price calculation for you in both sets so that you can also compare and contrast."

"Okay, that's bothering you."

"You're welcome. Come, Madam, please."

"it is good."

Su Ran has already decided. After waiting for Su Han to leave school, he will go directly to the school to pick him up and take a look here.

You can also become familiar with the way to school in the future.

"Are you a loan or a full payment?"


"Commercial loans or provident funds? We also offer mixed loans here."

"Uh, commercial loans."

What are five insurances and one gold fund? Never before, never in this life, seemingly none in the last life.

"Okay, we have cooperation with Bank X, and we have a 5% discount on commercial loans."

"What's boxed here is the remaining unsold ones. How many floors do you want?"

"17th floor."

Probably because I was thinking of No. 17 recently, I thought too much. The other person asked, Su Ran thought of 17 in the first reaction.

Su Ran was answering the question from the sales lady, while holding a cell phone and preparing to send a text message to Su Han.

However, think about it, it seems that the class teacher said in the group last time that the school does not confiscate the mobile phone, but it does not support students' frequent use of mobile phones in the school.

Thinking, Su Ran simply stopped texting.

Anyway, it's still early, she just passed by and waited at the entrance of Su Han school.

In this happiness, Su Ran is very satisfied, and the price of those two houses is also affordable for her. Elsewhere, Su Ran has not considered it.

Out of the sales department, it was too early to see that Su Ran was n’t sitting, so he walked to Su Han ’s school.

The author has something to say: 1. This chapter first sentenced Mr. Lu to a suspended death sentence, and the next chapter will be sentenced to death.

2.5900+, rounded up to 6000, ha ha ha

3. Today, I changed the bug in the first 9 chapters to catch bugs. I found that there is really a good place. I didn't pay attention to it when I wrote it. The next chapter will continue to be revised tomorrow. ~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: Liang Qi 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

Hualuo, 2174098920 bottles; I heard that the author of the punch card added Jiageng, flowers blooming, anmohh, "eese╮ 玳 唁 5 bottles; 36266780, in the chat, Fanbo 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard! 2k novel reading network

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