Chapter 61 For my big boy

"I feel late." Su Han frowned and looked at Lu Shao coldly in the car, saying very dissatisfied.

"That's because you have poor understanding." Lu Shao fluttered lightly.

On hearing that, Su Han's eyes widened sharply.

"You said that my understanding is too poor ?!" A pair of eyes stared straight at Lun Shao, and Su Han gritted his teeth, and said, "It's because you said it too badly."

Say he has poor understanding? Huh, what a joke!

He understands very well. Obviously it is the man himself, a simple noun that needs so much explanation?

He didn't understand, cut!

Su Han snorted coldly in his heart.

Hearing that, Lu Shao glanced at the boy with a stinking look beside him, and he did not care about this boy.

On the other side that Su Han couldn't see, however, Lu Shao's mouth was still narrowing, and there was a slight gap.

"Don't worry, you won't be late." Lu Shaocai said a moment later.

The tone is very positive.

Ten minutes later, until Lu Shao's car drove all the way into the dedicated parking lot of the program group building, Su Han didn't know why the guy was so determined not to be late.

"Get out of the car." Lu Shao opened the door and continued. When he got out of the car, he also glanced at Su Han with a kind of intentional look.

"Cut!" Looking at someone's proud gaze, Su Han snorted very uncomfortably.

"There are 2 minutes left. We will start early when we walk by."

"Not important," Lu Shao said calmly, waiting for Su Han to refute, and said, "It's not time for your mother to play."

Su Han: ...

Although I really wanted to refute the surname Lu, the other party made a lot of sense what to do.

In some ways, this is a very consistent view of father and son.

It doesn't matter how other people are without the competition of their own women.

Even so, however, because Lu Shao took Su Han through the internal passage and did not walk through the ordinary entrance passage, the two still reached the recording site very smoothly and unobstructed.

"So, are you calling the back door?" Su Han murmured suddenly on the road.

In his mind, he was wondering, through what relationship did this guy get the tickets for the game? And there are so many privileges.

On the side, hearing Su Han's words, Mr. Lu's footsteps hesitated for half a second, but he soon returned to normal.

"You can understand it this way," Lu Shao said without concealing anything, paused, and said, "But you should know that only those who have the ability can open the back door."

Hearing that, Su Han pouted, but did not refute.

At the same time there was a touch of reflection on the fundus.

Suddenly thought of something, Su Han looked up at Lu Shao with a strange look: "You don't even plan to open any back door for my mother's game?"

Hearing that, Lu Shao's mouth was slightly drawn.

Your mother doesn't need to open the back door.

Lu Shao originally wanted to answer Su Han this way, but changed his mind after seeing a twist in Su Han's expression.

"What? You want me to open the back door for your mother?"

"How is it possible!" Su Han retorted subconsciously.

Regardless of Su Ran, this person does not need to open any back door.

Moreover, he thought his mother was good and didn't need to open the back door.


Suddenly, Su Han frowned slightly, his eyes flashed with worry.

"Cough, if it is really needed, it is not impossible." Su Han coughed and whispered.

Seeing that woman pays so much attention to this game, if she doesn't get a good result, will she ...

Hearing Su Han's words, Lu Shao suddenly muffled and laughed twice.

Without refuting it, Lu Shao just glanced at Su Han leisurely and threw out a sentence: "You should know more about your mother's strength."

"Or", looking towards Su Hanto with a slightly scornful look, Lu Shao said: "Improve your music appreciation level."


The meaning of Lu Shao's words Su Han understood, but does not mean that he will not be unhappy with this person.

"In the past, the seats were over there." Without waiting for Su Han to say anything, Lu Shao already pointed to somewhere in the audience area, 100 seats, and said.

"Where?" Su Hanshun landed in the direction pointed by Shao, and sure enough, he saw two empty seats in the middle of the audience area.


"Since you have the ability to walk through the back door, why not take the first row?" Su Han glanced at Lu Shao and muttered.

Looking at the seats in the first row in front, I couldn't help but have a hint of envy in this age.

"You can do it yourself," Lu Shao said with a calm expression on his face.

"As for why I didn't do this", after a pause, Lu Shao squinted at Su Han and said, "You are too ugly. Sitting in front, I'm afraid you will shame your mother."

"You're ugly!"

Say he's ugly? Is he a hundred times better than the handsome Lu?

Su Han murmured in dissatisfaction in his heart, but he completely disguised Lu Shao's disgrace and wrote it on his face.

For his son's return, Lu Shao didn't care.

He did not allow Su Han to sit in front of him for consideration.

It is one aspect that Su Ran does not want to be affected by suddenly seeing them.

More often, Lu Shao is considering Su Han.

Perhaps in the future, Su Han will become, or even be more awe-inspiring than, the Lu family. But now, after all, Su Han is only 13 years old and should not be exposed to the public's vision too early.

Because of the "back door" just now, when the two arrived, the game had not yet officially started.

Therefore, Lu Shao and Su Han watched the opening of a show completely.


Before coming here, Lu Shao had already got the playing order of the game in advance.

Su Ran still got 17th this time and played in the backcourt.

Mr. Lu didn't care about the performances of the contestants who played before Su Ran. However, out of respect for the game, Lu Shao occasionally made a focus and looked at the players on the stage.

However, the expression on Lu Shao's face was always indifferent, and even occasionally he frowned dissatisfied when he heard the tune that displeased him.

As for Su Han next door, it was even more straightforward.

Liu Yangyang finally sent the contents of the holiday homework to Su Han.

[Liu Yangyang]: Brother Han, the two photos I just sent you are all my holiday homework.

[Liu Yangyang]: Brother Han, let me tell you, I did n’t send it on purpose now, do n’t hit me.

[Liu Yangyang]: I told you that my grandma had been led to an old country house in the past two days. There was no Internet at home and the traffic was all e. I finally found a small shop with a network at home. I'll send it to you.

Regarding Liu Yangyang's explanation, Su Han didn't care, but when he saw the word "two days", Su Han was slightly surprised.

[Han]: Two days?

If you remember correctly, today should be the first day of normal vacation.

[Liu Yangyang]: Oh, you don't know yet, Han Han!

[Liu Yangyang]: Let me tell you, this time our school is simply too humane and kind!

[Liu Yangyang]: You didn't come the next day. We originally came to school on time the next day. As a result, guess what?

As soon as he arrived in the class, Mrs. Wang came to inform him that for the safety of the students' holidays, the school decided to take a day off in advance. Everyone remembered their homework and went home.

[Liu Yangyang]: Everyone was crazy.

Originally, Liu Yangyang also envied that his brother Han could take a holiday "8 Days of Fun", who knows that their happiness also came so suddenly.

Since then, Liu Yangyang has sent several more news, probably saying that their school is better than other schools and more thoughtful than other schools.

Su Han didn't care.

However, looking at Liu Yangyang's message before, Su Han's eyes dropped slightly, a flash of doubt flashed, and a subconscious glance at Lu Shao next to him.

At this time, Lu Shao glanced at Su Han next to him.

"Before you don't have the ability to make everyone dare not beak, you have to do what you should do." Lu Shao said in a deep voice, but with a little seriousness.

"Cut, preach!" Su Han said politely.

This guy really misses any chance of preaching! Why, is it true that parents are addicted?

Don't ask him if he agrees? Ask his mother to agree.

Su Han expressed his dissatisfaction, but still stolen the phone indifferently.

Don't get me wrong, he accepted the mobile phone, just because Liu Yangyang was too annoying to pick up the goods, and had no relationship with Lu Shao.


"Su Han."


"Next is your mother."

"I know."

In fact, without Lu Shao's reminder, on the 13th and 14th, Su Han had begun to stare intently on the stage, and silently counted how many people were still in Su Ran.

"The following is the 17th contestant, Su Ran. First, he will also play the designated song" C Major Chapter 5 "

As the host announced the curtain, the stage lights were dimmed.

In the darkness, a stream of ethereal notes flowed out. In the next second, a beam of light fell on the stage, lighting up the harp in the center of the stage.

The woman in front of the piano had a long hair hung on her head, and a white dress with a long skirt, simple and solemn, yet no loss of experience.

"so beautiful!"

Vaguely, someone could hear a whisper of exclamation in the audience area, but the next second, it was covered by the continuous sound of the piano.

This section of Su Rantan is a track determined in advance by the program group.

Previously, the program group identified four piano songs in advance, and each of the six participants in each group completed one of them.

Although such rules are formulated for the effect of the program, it has to be said that they have some reference value.

After all, although the same piece of music is in different sections, but it stops in a row, who is good and who is bad is very intuitive.

This may be the first time Su Han saw Su Ran playing the piano. Although he was at home before, occasionally Su Ran would also play the electronic piano at home, but most of them are very easy notes.

Like now, this woman looks so serious and solemnly playing the piano on the stage that Su Han has never seen before.

For a moment, it turned out to be a little embarrassing.

Su Han: It turns out that this woman can also be like this ...?

"My mom plays much better than everyone else." Suddenly, Su Han lowered her voice and said.

Regardless of whether he has a son filter or not, he insists on his point of view: Su Ran is the best and does not accept any rebuttal.

On hearing the words, Lu Shao nodded slightly and agreed.

However, immediately afterwards, Su Han gave a disgusting look: "Listen quietly."

Su Han is the first time, Mr. Lu, is not the first time.

Although I heard Su Ran's piano music countless times before, it was the first time for Lu Shao to actually watch Su Ran's performance so live.

Sure enough, as he thought.

No, it should be said, the picture is better than he once imagined.


The song ended with applause.

Just when many on-site audiences and even the judges felt that this should be the best time today, Su Ran's next song gave everyone a bigger surprise.

"Home", this is an on-site proposition given to Su Ran by the reviewer.

Although this round of the contest is a live proposition, it is not required to be original. Therefore, in order to avoid "traffic scenes", most of the contestants will quickly pick a piano song that fits the proposition.

Because the music was determined on the spot, there was not much preparation time. It can be said that the second part of most players performed a little dull and much worse than the previous part.

The judges thought Su Yan would do the same.

However, when a pleasant sound of the piano sounded, people gradually realized that this should be an original work, and, obviously, it was composed on the spot!

The sound of the piano is sometimes brisk, sometimes soothing, and sometimes with a sense of tension and urgency. It seems to be casual, but gradually, these seemingly casual notes are connected little by little, as if constructing A complete subject is general.

Like a story and a lot of stories, these stories are not all good and not all bad, but when put together, they make people feel very warm, and that happiness is transmitted to almost every one through music. Deep in the human soul.

In terms of music, Su Ran is a genius and has always been.

However, to make a complete musical composition, only skills and talent are not enough. Emotion is also a very important factor in the period.

Su Ran, a former dead house that stayed at home all year round. In addition to that enthusiasm for delicious food, Su Ran can really have few feelings.

Therefore, under the suggestion of a senior, in order to fill the feelings of his musical works, Su Ran often went to see various emotional dramas.

However, this time is different.

No longer need the emotional blessings of the dog blood emotional dramas, Su Ran can also make a work with a feeling.

And it's better than any song in the past.

A tune ends with a brisk and pleasant note.

"This song is for my big boy." Su Ran said with a smile on her face, unable to stop at the end of the song.

Even in Su Ran's cognition at this moment, his son was not at the scene.

But I didn't know. When she said this, a teenager in the auditorium almost couldn't help but stand up.

After the excitement, Su Han turned his head and looked at the person next to him, raising his eyebrows very warily.

However, when Su Han was talking about what to say, Su Ran on the stage smiled again and added: "Also to his father."

Su Ran didn't know why he suddenly said this sentence.

However, at a certain moment, when thinking of Su Han, Su Ran naturally jumped out of the big, small and two people.

I don't know how much this shocked and stimulated the father and son on the stage, especially Mr. Lu, who has always been good at emotional control.

After finishing the match, Su Ran got up, bowed to the stage, and then retreated from the stage.


Until Su Ran returned to the backstage and saw the two people standing left and right standing outside the lounge, the whole person froze for a moment.

"you guys?"

"Come to pick you up!" Su Han said before he waited for Lu Shao to start, looking at Su Ran's eyes, there was never before shining.

However, the next second, Su Han turned away quickly.

"It's getting late, go back quickly." Su Han turned his back to the exit subconsciously a few steps.

"What's wrong with him?" Su Ran froze and asked Lu Shao who looked away.

How do you feel today's son is awkward, a little stronger ...

"Nothing," Lu Shao smiled, and looked at Su Ran softly, "Don't worry."

"Well," Su Ran nodded and said, "You're here like this?"

"Take you back." Lu Shao looked at Su Ran, his eyes burning. The answer is almost exactly the same as Su Han.

Su Ran: ...

She retracted her judgment.

Today it is not the son who has the problem, but neither of them is normal.

Could it be her performance just now, and the last sentence, the two actually heard it?

Su Ran suddenly reacted, guessing secretly.


Su Han would be like this, she is understandable as a mother.

But Lu Shao ... it shouldn't be.

With a hint of doubt, Su Ran and the "problem" father and son returned to the hotel all the way.

At the door of the room, he glanced at Lu Shao, who was still straight in front of Su Ran, and apparently did not intend to return to his room. Su Han frowned and glared at Lu Shao with a warning sign, leaving a sentence "I Go and do my homework first, "and opened the door and entered the room.

Lu Shao and Su Ran remained in the corridor.

"Thank you today." Su Ran looked at Lu Shao and smiled gratefully.

On the one hand, I want to thank others for helping to see Su Han, and on the other hand, I also want to thank Lu Shao for bringing Su Han to pick him up.

Speaking of it, I did not hear Lu Shao's voice. Su Ran raised his head in doubt and looked at the other side again, only to find that at this moment, Lu Shao looked at himself upright. In his eyes, there seemed to be a lot to say general.



"Thank you for saying that on the stage today." Lu Shao said.

After hearing the words, Su Ran stunned, and said secretly: I did hear them, and I don't know how these two people got the admission tickets.

However, thinking about Lu Shao's ability, it seems that it is not difficult to get a ticket.

"It was just a sudden feeling." Su Ran smiled and said.

Hearing that, Lu Shao also laughed.

"So, have you accepted me?" Lu Shao asked.


"Accept my existence." Looking at Su Ran's face flashing away, Lu Shao explained, but there was a hint of nervousness in his tone.

Accept Lu Shao's existence?

Su Ran secretly pondered the meaning of Lun Shao in his heart.

Is he the kid dad who popped out?

Thinking about it, Su Ran felt that Lu Shao should have meant this, and then said to the lander Shao with certainty: "Of course."

Hearing that Lu Shao was shocked by the whole person. Looking at Su Ran, almost all the excitement and excitement in his heart came out in the next second.

But at this time, I heard Su Ran say, "You were Su Han's father."

"And", after a pause, Su Ran smiled and looked at Lu Shao and said, "You dad are very competent."

Lu Shao :!



"I don't want to say this." For the first time, Lu Shao's tone was so breathless.

Do not know why, Su Ran suddenly panicked in the face of the landing Shao.

Vaguely, she seemed to guess what the other party wanted to say, but, subconsciously, Su Ran did not want the other party to say anything more.


Regardless of Su Ran's apparent desire to interrupt, Lu Shao continued to say, "Nothing about Su Han, I just want to know that for me, you ..."

At halfway, I was interrupted by the ringtone of my phone.

Looking at the phone call reminder, Lu Shao wiped a anger in his eyes.

The next second, he hung up without hesitation.

"Su Ran."

"Uh, Mr. Lu, you should answer the phone first."

"Now, good night," Su Ran said, without giving Lu Shao the opportunity to speak at all, so he "slammed" and closed the door.

Looking at the closed door, Lu Shao's mouth cornered into a straight line, and the burning in his eyes the moment before had been replaced by annoyance.

Standing outside Su Ran's room for a long time, until he heard the voice of someone over there, Lu Shao finally turned and left.

Did not return to the room.

Walking in the corridor, he took out his mobile phone and glanced at the missed call just now, and Lu Shao's eyes flashed a very dangerous color.

Lu Boyang ...

The author has something to say: oops, I'm late again, tomorrow, tomorrow I will really update sooner! Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: anmohh 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

Zhao Yunlan's 10 bottles of lollipops; 1926 poetry, vv5 bottles; Wen 2 bottles; Lin Xiaokuang, 1 bottle of paste in the bed;

Thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard! 2k novel reading network

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