Chapter 354 Dream Demon and Winged Hair

Chapter 354 Dream Demon and Winged Hair

Zhi Shu has already recognized Dr. Oak. Even if he has no memory of his previous life, he had watched the program "Dr. Oak's Pokémon Lecture" on TV when he was at the ranch.

 So, Naoki said: "I've seen you on TV! Hello, Dr. Ohki!"

Dr. Omu understood what he said as soon as he heard this. He nodded with a smile: "That was all because the TV station invited me to attend the lecture."

These shows are designed to introduce Pokémon to children who have not yet reached the age of ten.

Since he is an authority in Pokémon research, almost all regions will introduce this program to be broadcast on TV to provide guidance and early education to those children.

After a few simple chats, Dr. Oak couldn't wait to change the topic to the Pokémon next to him.

 No Pokémon doctor can refuse such an unseen Pokémon.

After getting Naoki’s permission, Dr. Oak immediately stepped forward and observed these Pokémon carefully.

“This Pokémon is so strong! It has fine red scales on its that a tire on its chest?”

  Dr. Ohmu lay facelessly on the ground, stretched out his hand to poke the air bag on Gu Ledun's chest, and asked curiously.

Guluton felt that this posture was too weird. It took two steps back with a look of horror, and then subconsciously changed its form into a tall and powerful fighting form.

 “Ah gah!”

 Seeing this scene, Dr. Omu and Du were both shocked.


 After a brief surprise, Dr. Oak's eyes burst out with a strong light, and he became very interested in researching this Pokémon that he had never seen before.

Zhi Shu stepped forward helplessly, stretched out his hand and patted Gulton on the shoulder, and Gulton dutifully returned to his mount form.

Naoki: "It's called Gulton, and it's also a very rare Pokémon in the Padia region. It was discovered and named by Dr. Orin and Dr. Futu in the Padia region."

"Guledun..." Dr. Omu murmured, and then asked: "Is its name Guledun?"

 “Ah gah!” So ​​Luton nodded loudly.

Dr. Omu's ears were buzzing from its roar, and he quickly covered his ears: "Okay, okay, I know, little one!"

 So Luton stopped talking.

Dr. Ohki breathed a sigh of relief and said to Naoki with a smile: "It seems that this is a Pokémon with a very strong personality!"

  一Eguichun and Babu Tuipu were snickering on the sidelines.

Dr. Omu turned his attention to them again. He thought of what happened during the battle just now and asked:

“This Pokémon can change its attributes through the mask it wears, am I right?”

Naoki nodded: "It's called Eguipun. That mask contains a magical energy called [Tai Jing Energy] from the Padia region. After Eguipun wears the mask, he can use this power to change one's own attributes."

“Tai Jing Energy?” Dr. Omu felt that this was a term he had never heard of before: “The ability to change the attributes of Pokémon... I didn’t expect that there is such a power in the Padia region!”

 The distance between Guandu City and the Padia region is too far, so there is basically no contact between the several regions.

 Dr. Omu knows very little about everything over there.

“Boni~” Seeing Dr. Omu looking at him, Ergui Pun greeted him lively.

 Dr. Omu responded with a smile: "How about you too! Ergui Pun!"


Equip was even happier. It didn’t think that the people in this place didn’t hate it.

 The joy and excitement in her heart made Egui Peng happily circle around a few people.

 Looking at this scene, Naoki couldn't help but think of Eguifen's previous experiences, and his heart felt a little complicated for a while.

 But no matter what, those things have passed, and grasping the present is the most important thing.

 At this time, Dr. Omu turned his attention to Babu, who was wearing a cape and holding a hammer, dressed as a superhero.

Dr. Ohki has seen this series of movies before and recognized this look at a glance.

 He smiled and said hello: "Hello, little hero!"

Hearing this stranger calling him a hero, Babu Tubo was stunned, and then a shy expression appeared on his face.

It flew behind Naoki in a swish, which was embarrassing.

Zhi Shu smiled, "This Pokémon is Baboo, and these costumes on it were specially made for it by me."

 Dr. Damu: "Babu Tudou...oh, he is very energetic!"

 After introducing the Pokémon outside, Dr. Oak suddenly turned his head and looked around again, and then asked:

“Where’s that Pokémon that looked like an incubus just now? I think it was still here just now?”

Zhishu was stunned for a moment, then turned around and looked around, only to realize that Zhiteifa had disappeared at some point.

 He ​​quickly looked around, and then asked several Pokémon if they had seen where the Flapping Hair had gone, but several Pokémon had just been chatting with Dr. Oak and did not notice the situation of the Flapping Hair at all.

 It’s so bad now! Naoki couldn't help but frown.

Noticing the expression on his face, Dr. Omu was a little surprised: "What's wrong? That Pokémon shouldn't run too far. Let's just search for it in the manor."

Naoki: "...No, that Pokémon's situation is a bit special. Its personality is different from other Pokémon. I'm worried that it will be frightened by something and hurt others."

  After all, this is a completely unfamiliar environment for Zhanyifa.

After thinking for a moment, Zhi Shu calmly said to Babu Tubo: "Babu Tubo, fly over the manor and see if you can find Flapping Wings. Pay attention to the dark corners."

 “Bamo!” Babu Tubo nodded and immediately flew into the sky.

Even though Dr. Ohmu and Du didn't quite understand what happened, they still said, "Then let's help you search together."

So, a group of people and Pokémon began to search the manor anxiously.

At the same time, on the third floor of the manor, in a dark room far away from the noise, a low cry was heard, like the cry of a cub.

Zhuyifa, who was already a little hungry and looking for meat to eat, was attracted by the sound.

The windows of the room were wide open, and the curtains were swaying in the wind, making the atmosphere look very strange.

Zhiyifa floated to the window following the sound, and the crying sound inside suddenly became clearer.

His fluttering eyes swept across the room, with a puzzled look on his face.

There was obviously no one in the room, so where did that sound come from?

With doubts, he floated into the room with fluttering hair.

I seemed to have heard the sound of someone coming in. The sound stopped for a moment, and then started crying loudly, as if to attract the intruder to find out.

As an ancient hunter, Flapping Wings immediately sensed the other party's intentions.

 Obviously, this is a trap.

  Its figure sneaked into the shadows silently, and then came to the back of the European-style sofa in an extremely concealed manner.

 The next second, Fluttershy Hair saw a strange Pokémon with a dark green body, a hair style like a phosphorus fire, and a conspicuous string of red beads hanging around its neck.

 No, I can’t say it’s strange…

 Because this Pokémon looks a bit like it! It’s almost like a smaller version!

The other party was hiding behind the sofa. He was obviously crying, but there was no sad expression on his face. Instead, he had an eccentric look, as if he was waiting for his prey to take the bait.

Fluttering hair silently emerged from the shadows.

 The crying suddenly stopped.

The Pokémon finally noticed something belatedly, and turned its head with a whoosh. The next second, two completely different eyes came into contact.

flutter: (●_●)

Dream Demon: Σ(°△°|||)︴ ˆ ˆ The dream demon who wanted to scare humans through pranks was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

In panic, he knocked over a vase placed in the room. The vase fell to the ground and made a loud noise.

Fluttershy Fat looked at the cub calmly. As a Pokémon that had lived alone for a long time, Fluttershy Fat had no interest in the other cubs in the group.

 It wanted to ignore it, but Naoki's figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

If it were Naoki, he would definitely take this cub back to take care of it, right?

 During this period of time, Zhanyifa could feel that Zhishu and Guluton were working hard to teach it about the world and help it integrate into this place.

 In order to live up to their trust, it has been working hard to learn.

 Now, it’s time to test its learning results.

He chased after him with fluttering wings.

So when the dream demon turned around after running some distance away, he saw the scary big guy following closely behind it. The dream demon felt that he was almost scared to death.

 Mom, help!

It quickly struggled to float in the air, trying to escape.

However, the big guy was one step faster than it, and the wing claws on its head caught it.

 The dream demon was so frightened that he did not dare to move.

  It was not even moving, thinking about how to take care of the cubs.

After a long time, the dream monster gradually calmed down, and it finally realized that this big guy didn't seem to mean to hurt it.

The Dream Demon, who was gradually becoming more courageous, tried: "Dream?" (What do you want to do?)

Fluttering Wings recalled the program "Pokémon World" that he and King Ray had watched on that thing called TV when they were in the ranch.

It tells the whole process of how some wild Pokémon meet and fall in love, lay eggs, hatch cubs, and take care of the cubs.

How do the Pokémon in there... do it?

 At this moment, a growling sound came from the dream monster's stomach.

The dream demon trembled and said: "Dream..." (I'm hungry...)

 It was originally intended to scare a few humans by playing pranks, and then absorb the fear generated in them to fill its stomach.

 Unexpectedly, no one was attracted, but this strange big guy was attracted.

Hearing this, I fluttered my wings and glanced at it, and it remembered.

 The first step in caring for a cub is to feed its belly.

So, Fluttershy found out the tree fruit he had hidden, learned how Naoki took care of other Pokémon and took care of the little dream monster, and fed the tree fruit to it.

The Dream Demon felt a little flattered. Although it didn't like the taste of the fruit, it still ate it.

Seeing that the cub had eaten the fruit, Fluttering the Wings was satisfied. It let go of the dream monster and stared at its movements without blinking.

 The dream demon didn’t dare to move.

At this time, Zhanyifa suddenly heard Babu Tubo calling him.

 It looked in that direction, then turned back and motioned for the dream demon to follow.

 The dream monster did not dare to run. It could feel that the big guy in front of it was a very scary existence. Once it ran away, it would most likely be caught immediately.

 In this case, it is better not to provoke it.

So, when Babu Tubo returned to Zhishu with Zhiyifa, Zhishu saw a timid dream monster following Zhiyifa.

Zhi Shu was stunned for a moment, "It is?"

 Fluttering his wings: "Dream."

 Dr. Oak on the side observed the actions of the two Pokémon, and then said with great interest:

“This...this Pokémon named Flutterhair seems to be taking care of this dream monster as if it were a cub.”

Zhi Shu was stunned. He looked in disbelief at the calm-looking man in front of him with his little tiger teeth fluttering: "Cub?"

impossible? After all, as far as he knew, paradoxical Pokémon like Fluttershy couldn't lay eggs.

  Judging from the fluttering hair, it seems that he knows about the "cub"?

At this moment, a guess suddenly appeared in Zhi Shu’s mind.

 Could it be that the Paradox Pokémon is not an imaginary creature, nor a fantasy creature created by Talabagos based on human wishes?

Every paradoxical Pokémon may have been a real creature, just like the dinosaurs of the Jurassic and Cretaceous eras.

 It’s just that later they all became extinct for some reason, and the remaining paradoxical species gradually evolved into their modern form.

  Or there is another possibility.

 Could these paradoxical Pokémon not belong to this world at all?

Is it possible that the time machine summoned the paradoxical species from other latitudes and other time and space?

 Each paradox species has a different egg set, so it is impossible to lay eggs in the game.

 Otherwise, the paradoxical Pokémon that cannot lay eggs will simply perish on its own.

Dr. Omu's eyes were fixed on Flapping Hair, and he murmured: "Flapping Hair... is it the special form of dream demon in the Padia region? It's really interesting, it looks bigger than ordinary dream demons. double."

 Zhi Shu has no way to answer this question.

He thought for a while, took out a piece of translator melon seed cake from his backpack, ate it, and then asked: "Zhuyifa, what's going on with this dream monster?"

Zhuyifa can't express what he means coherently: "Dream." (The cub is alone, crying, I help it.)

Naoki looked at the dream demon again who wanted to hide away, and then heard the dream demon say miserably: "Dream!" (I didn't cry! I was playing tricks on people, and this guy came over and caught me !)

 Naoki: “…”

 He understood, and couldn't help showing a speechless expression on his face, and explained to Flapping Hair:

"It's not a cub. Although you look similar, you are not the same Pokémon."

A confused expression appeared on Fluttering Hair's face: "Dream?" (No, cub?)

Zhi Shu nodded: "It's called the Dream Demon, and that's what it looks like."

 Speaking, Naokiyo fluttered his wings and apologized to the little dream monster:

“I’m very sorry. There seems to be a misunderstanding between Zhanyifa and you. It has no malice. It just treats you as a newborn baby and wants to help you, so it does that kind of thing to you.”

The Dream Demon looked very angry. Seeing that this human being was quite easy to talk to, it gradually became bolder.

 “Dream!” (I’m not a baby! But since you didn’t mean it, I’ll forgive you!)

 After saying that, the dream demon slipped away like flying.

Fluttering Hair didn't stop it, but looked at its back in confusion, as if it didn't quite understand what Naoki meant by what he just said.

 Dr. Watanabe and Omu, who witnessed the whole process, looked surprised.

 Dr. Oak: "Were you talking to Pokémon just now?"

Zhi Shu nodded without blushing: "This is my ability."


 Dr. Omu immediately thought of the power of Tokiwa in the Kanto area.

It is said that some people who are born near the Viridian Forest will receive the blessings of the Viridian Forest.

These people will have the ability to sense Pokémon's spells and heal Pokémon's injuries.

What Du thought of was the legendary power of dragon control. There is an ancient legend in the Dragon Control family. It is said that those who awaken the power of dragon control will be born as dragon messengers.

This ability will greatly increase the affinity of dragon-type Pokémon, allowing you to better control them.

 (End of this chapter)

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