Chapter 365 God-making plan? Hero Trial, Test in Illusion

Chapter 365 God-making plan? The hero's trial, the test in the fantasy world! The King of Hammers is born!

After King Lei Guan’s words fell, a surge of superpower that seemed to be substantial surged out of him.

The dazzling light instantly overwhelmed Babu who was standing on the grass.

 The next second, a faint blue halo appeared around Babu Tubo. It closed its eyes and its body slowly floated up.

 Looking peacefully, as if asleep.

 Looking at this scene, Naoki knew that King Lei Guan’s illusion test had officially begun.

 “I wonder what kind of things will happen to Babu Tubo...” Naoki thought to himself.

 But that was Babu's test. He couldn't see it and had no way to participate in it, so he could only stay outside and wait silently.

 What the power of the king is, Naoki doesn’t know.

 But he knew that that power could transform Cang Xiang and Zangmarante, who were warriors in hundreds of battles, into invincible sword and shield kings.

 And their racial value will also be increased from the original 670 to 720.

 So weak…

In the dream, it was carried far and wide by a bird Pokémon with a big mouth, and finally landed on a human pasture and was taken in by a human.

At this time, two calls came from the grass in the distance.

 A little cloth dog that was sleeping on a stone slowly opened its eyes.

 When it saw the surrounding scene clearly, the cloth dog couldn't help but show a look of confusion on its face.


 Isn’t this the place where it lived before?

Huh? Why say before?

With his head in a state of confusion, Bubo looked up at the sky blankly. It felt like he had had a long dream.

  Bubo knows that Pokémon. Its parents have told it countless times.

There is a very tall and towering tree in this forest. Some older Pokémon in the forest said that this tree has been here for a long, long time.

 “Bamo? Bamo!” (Are you here? We were shocked. It’s time to go back to eat!)

  Bu Bo was stunned, and suddenly there was an urge to cry in his eyes. He shouted: "Bamo!" (Dad, Mom!)

I saw a petite Caracara running wildly among the dense woods.

 That night, Bubo lay in his parents' arms and slept peacefully.

This Pokémon is very cruel. Not only does it like to eat Pokémon, it will also make nests with the bones of the prey it eats and decorate them on its body. It has a very rough temperament and is a famous bully in the forest!

 You must know that the race value of Arceus' clone is only 720.

 Behind it, a ferocious-looking Pokémon with a terrifying appearance was closely following it.

The human gave it special training, taught it how to fly, and also made it a small hammer.

 You are really dreaming?

For some reason, Bubo felt a sense of loss.

Following a piercing shout, Bu Bo quickly lowered his head and looked at the source of the sound.

A glint of excitement flashed in Naoki's eyes. He and King Lei Guan were making gods!


The trees are lush, the soil is fertile, the emerald green canopy blocks the sky and the sun, and the deep trunks are covered with green moss, which together with the deep grass growing on the land form a vibrant forest.

 Their home is under a big withered tree.

  The mother of Babu Tubo looked at her child with a loving expression on her face: "Bamo~" (We are here, let's go home together~)

 Bopou nodded, jumped down from the big rock, and followed his parents back home.

 “Bamo Bamo?”

 After it rubbed vigorously, a weak electric current emerged from its paws.

The air is filled with the fragrance of earth, and the sun shines through the gaps in the leaves into the forest, turning into a clear beam of light that shines on a stone.

 Early the next morning, it said goodbye to its parents and went to play in the forest.

Looking at the vulture Na chasing after Caracalla excitedly, Bubo was filled with fear.

That's Vulture Na! A very bad Pokémon!

It flies in circles in the sky every day, observing the ground conditions from the air. Once it finds weak prey, it attacks, grabbing the prey with its claws and bringing it back to its bone socket.

There are two passages inside the cave, connecting the food storage room and the bedroom respectively.

Immediately afterwards, two ordinary Babu woodchucks emerged from the rustling tall grass and looked at their children.

Bubo likes to climb up trees and stay at the top of tall trees to look at the high blue sky and white clouds and the world outside the forest.

The bedroom is a more spacious cave, where the family of three huddles together and falls asleep every day.

 Obviously, this power is a huge improvement for Pokémon.

 A warm and dry tree hole was dug out at the bottom of the tree trunk. In the tree hole, there was a passage leading underground.

Today, Bubo came here again. He looked at the world outside the forest and wondered what it would be like there.

 Suddenly, a Pokémon screamed from below.

Quasi god? Phantom beast? Or is it the realm of legendary Pokémon?

The food storage room is a place used to store food. The parents of the Babu woodchuck store a large amount of tree fruits and grains there, preparing to use them for the winter.


Thinking of this, Bu Bo rubbed the electric capsule on his face with the flesh **** on his paws, trying to release a powerful electric current like in his dream.


 The thunder **** effect of the special dish [Lightning Steamed Bun], coupled with King Leiguan’s [Power of the King], how far can Babu Tubo be able to break through...

 Bubou remembered that it was the cave dug by his parents with great effort.

what to do? Is it going to help the caracara?

 But it is so weak now, and the electricity it releases is so weak...

Moreover, once it is discovered by the vulture Na, it will not be able to escape at all. It will be taken back to the nest as prey together with the caracara, and only the bones will be eaten.

 When he thought of this, Bu Bo couldn't help but show a look of fear on his face.

Fear occupied its heart, and Vulture Na's intimidation made it freeze in place and dare not move.

  While it was in a daze, the vulture Na had already caught up with Caracalla. It pressed Caracalla to the ground with its powerful claws and pecked at it with its sharp beak.

Caracara felt pain and let out a scream.

This voice woke up Bu Bo who was in a daze.

Seeing that Caracalla was about to be captured, Bubo took a deep breath, took out a small stone from the side, and threw it at Vulturena with all his strength.


Challenged, Vulture Na immediately locked her dark pupils on the tiny cloth.

It dropped the caracara angrily, flapped its wings and flew straight towards the cloth on the tree.

Bubo was frightened in his heart, and then he subconsciously turned around and began to shuttle quickly through the forest.

 Vulture Na followed closely behind, chasing her fiercely.

I don’t know how long it took, but just when Bubo’s physical strength was about to be exhausted, a cliff suddenly appeared in front of him.

 There is no road!

 Bu Bo quickly stopped his pace and looked back at the vulture Na who was catching up with her unhurriedly.

Vulture Na narrowed her eyes and let out a piercing cry, seeming to be laughing at this little guy's overestimation.

Such a weak Pokémon should be eaten by them!

 Vulture Na immediately accelerated and dived towards Bubo.

 Bubao's heart was beating crazily due to nervousness, and a trace of cold sweat broke out on his forehead. His paws were rubbing the electric bag vigorously, trying to release electric current to protect himself.

 But it is too weak...

That Vulture Na was so fast that before the electric current could be generated by friction with the cloth, Vulture Na was knocked away.

The fear in his heart reached the limit at this moment, and the feeling of weightlessness made Bu Bo scream uncontrollably.


 Severe pain spread throughout his body, and Bubo felt like he was dead.

 But the strange thing is that it can continue to think.

 Everything around him suddenly darkened, and time and space seemed to have stopped.

 A voice full of majesty sounded from all directions.

 “Aren’t you afraid?”

Hearing the sound, Bubo looked around cautiously, but saw nothing.

It shouted loudly to embolden itself: "Bamo!" (Afraid!)

The voice continued to sound, and there seemed to be a hint of confusion in the tone: "If you are scared, why do you want to attract the attention of that Pokémon?" Bubo shook his head repeatedly, trying to wake himself up: "Bamo, Bamoba Mo!" (That caracara will be eaten, I can't watch it being eaten!)

"Even if it requires sacrificing yourself?" the voice continued to ask.

 Bu Bo was a little confused. He stretched out his paws and looked at the pink and tender flesh pads. He always felt that something was missing here.

 In a daze, some fragments appeared in Bu Bo's mind.

  It seems like a person is handing it a hammer and saying to it: "From now on, you will be a righteous superhero! Go, use this hammer to protect the weak Pokémon!"

Thinking of this, Bubo felt a surge of courage in his heart: "Bamo!" (I am a righteous superhero!)

The voice was silent for a moment, and then said: "You know, the vulture Na captured you in order to raise its own children. To it, what you did is not justice."

Hearing this, Bu Bo was dumbfounded.


It was at a loss in its heart. Did that bad Pokémon capture it and Caracara just to raise its own children?

Then if it prevents Vulture Na from hunting, will the cub waiting in the nest for its mother to return from hunting starve to death?

 Bu Bo didn’t know what to do for a while.

 “What would you do?” the voice asked again, seeming very curious.

 Bopou didn't know, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Pokémon all need to eat food to grow up healthily...but they don't want to be eaten as food.

The voice didn’t rush, but waited patiently for its answer.

 Bubo thought of himself, his parents, and the distant dream he had yesterday.

 After a long time, it found an answer of its own.

Bubo raised his head, his young face full of seriousness: "Bamo!" (I will share my fruit with it and let it take it back to feed its children, so that they will not starve. !)

Hearing this answer, the voice seemed very surprised.

 “Is this your answer?”

 Bubo nodded seriously: "Bamo!" (That's right!)

“If that’s the case, then you can do it for me!”

As soon as he finished speaking, everything around him began to recede.

 When Bu Bo opened his eyes, he found that he was back to that time again.

 In the forest below, the vulture Na is chasing a caracara.

Looking at this scene, Bu Bo's heart gradually became firmer.

It is no longer confused because it has found the answer to the dilemma before it.

 At this moment, a powerful force suddenly surged out from its heart.

 Feeling the abundant electricity in his body, Bu Bo was very surprised.

 But soon, it adapted to the power and jumped down on its own initiative, blocking the vulture Na and protecting Caracara behind it.

 “Bamo!” (Don’t hurt it!)

Seeing this weak Pokémon blocking the road, Vulture Na let out a shrill cry angrily.

 Bubou did not give in at all.

Seeing this, Vulture Na directly spread her wings and used the divine bird attack on Bubo.

Faced with this situation, Bubo still insisted on the answer he had found.

 A dazzling electric light erupted from its body, and then it rushed out towards Vulture Na.

 The two Pokémon collided fiercely in mid-air.

 The menacing Vulture Na was finally defeated and knocked to the ground.

It looked at this seemingly weak Pokémon with a frightened expression.

Just when Vulturena thought that the other party was going to kill her, she saw that Pokémon took out more than a dozen tree fruits from somewhere and piled them in front of it.

  Bubo: "Bamo!" (Take it back and feed it to your children!)

 Vulture Na was stunned, and then looked at the Pokémon in front of her in disbelief.

After a moment of silence, it gave up hunting the caracara, got up and flew back to the nest with the berries.

Looking at Vulture Na's retreating figure, Bu Bo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the mysterious voice sounded again: "It seems that you have found your way."

 “Bamo?!” Bubo looked around in surprise.

However, everything around him is slowly fading away.

The voice continued: "Even if you lose everything and turn back into the weak Bo Bo you were at the beginning, you still have the courage to face powerful enemies and the kind heart to help them."

“I recognize your true intention, stay firm on your own path, and find your own answers. I feel your faith.”

"You are a well-deserved brave man. Come on, Baboo, accept this king's power. From now on, make good use of it to help Pokémon in need!"

 After saying these words, Babu Tubo emerged from the illusion, and his consciousness returned to reality.

It stared blankly at everything around it.

  Naoki’s smile, the majestic King Lei Guan, the worry on the faces of his friends...

"It seems you passed the test." Naoki said softly.


Babu Tudou threw himself into his arms, hugged Zhi Shu hard, and cried sadly.

Zhi Shu was confused: "What's wrong?"

Babu Tubo wiped his tears and said aggrievedly: "Bamo." He also thought that all this was really a dream...

It’s not a dream that’s really great, it’s so great to meet Naoki!

Lei Guanwang smiled at the side: "It thought everything it experienced with you was a dream."

 Naoki understood instantly.

 He smiled and touched Babu's head: "It's not a dream, how could it be a dream?"

   The mood of Babu Tubo recovered, and he wiped his tears with some embarrassment: "Bamo."

Naoki patted its head gently and said: "You are very powerful. You have passed the test of King Lei Guan. As far as I know, there are only two Pokémon in the world that have passed the test of King Lei Guan. They are now He has become the legendary king of a region."

 Speaking of which, Cang Xiang and Zangmarante can be regarded as the senior brothers and sisters of Babu Tubo!

Hearing this, Babu Tubo's eyes lit up, and he couldn't believe it. Is it so powerful?

Zhi Shu smiled and said: "Okay, go quickly, the coronation ceremony is next."

  Babu Tubo nodded, his little face full of seriousness.

It fell in front of King Lei Guan, looking up at this majestic Pokémon.

  King Lei Guan lowered his head slightly and looked at it.

 “Lift your hammer.”

   Babu Mu held the small silver hammer in his hands and held it in front of King Lei Guan.

King Lei Guan looked at the hammer with majestic eyes, then stretched out his right hand and covered it with his hand.

 Suddenly, a golden light burst out from Him, and then all of it was poured into the hammer.

I saw that the small hammer, which was originally silver in color, was being dyed into a sacred and majestic golden color at a speed visible to the naked eye, and noble king lines appeared on it.


Looking at this scene, Babu Tubo let out an exclamation.

 The next second, the golden light spread to its whole body.

The Babu landhog felt as if his whole body was bathed in a scorching energy, and a dazzling golden light erupted from his body.

 In the light, Babu's appearance changed rapidly.

 Golden energy automatically condensed on its head to form a king's helmet, and metal armor also appeared on its body.

 The armor is connected to the red cloak tied behind Babu's back, forming a whole.

 The powerful energy blew his cloak, and the Babu landhog wearing the golden king's helmet looked so majestic.

It held the golden hammer tightly in its hand, and a majestic kingly aura spread from Babu Tubo towards the surroundings.

Zhi Shu and all the Pokémon looked at this scene in shock.

 The Hammer King form of Babu Tudou was born!

 (End of this chapter)

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