Chapter 29 translator

  Chapter 29 Translator

  Towards the end of the day, Tang Xian collected enough red thread grass and built a nest on the Baishou wood again.

  He doesn't need to go back to the mining area for the time being, Dongran's dance steps still need to be practiced for a while, and he has to wait for Qing Jiuyu to bring what he wants.

   and what Qing Jiuyu wants to do by himself.

  Tang Xian probably guessed some of it. The battle between the Fox Clan and the Snake Clan should be at a certain critical period, and it happened that something big happened to the Fox Clan.

  It is a very stupid thing to guess without going into details and blindly guessing without any clues.

  The evening breeze was blowing, and red thread grass was sprinkled on the tent and the branches of Baishoumu. Tang Xian sat leisurely in the tent, breathing the cleanest air.

   There is an advantage of strengthening the sense of smell. You can smell the smell from far away. Through these smells, you can judge what is happening around you and what is happening. It is a very interesting thing for Tang Xian.

   At least it is very convenient to pass the time.

  The sea of ​​trees is different from the real world.

  Besides the pyramids, the former earth is also magnificent. But now the desertification is serious, and the sea water has become dirty. Most of the marine life that is still alive today are creatures thousands of meters below the seabed.

   Some are even mutated. Land creatures... Tang Xian wasn't even sure if there were land creatures.

  Cities have been turned into ruins, and the radiation left by the war is extremely deadly.

  In short, in survival education, what Tang Xian and everyone else have received since childhood is that the world outside the pyramid has been completely overdrawn by human beings.

   is a harsh environment where human beings absolutely cannot survive.

  It is said that many condemned prisoners will not be shot, but directly exiled outside the pyramid, and they will die within a few hours.

  The Mechanical Pyramid is the last harbor of mankind.

  If the mining area can survive for more than seven days, humans will consider emigrating to the mining area.

   Tang Xian really wanted to see if he could stay in the mining area for seven days, and he was indeed doing so, and now is the first day.

  Business roads gave him a lot of Jiuye Shuangxianglan, but he only gave Qing Jiuyu three plants, and the rest were chips. In the next five days, if something happens, at least through location sharing, please come to Qing Jiuyu to help yourself.

Although the sea of ​​trees is now a red area, the reason for turning into a red area is Qing Jiuyu. Although I don't know whether the description of the favorability of [Pounding Heartbeat] is accurate, but now I and Qing Jiuyu should be a friendly Relationship.

   It is not an exaggeration to spend the past few days safely.

   Strange to say, there are many examples of death in the mining area in survival education. The mining area gave everyone the same impression that it was difficult to survive, not because of the harsh environment itself, but because of the dangerous nature of various unknown creatures in the mining area.

  Tang Xian has a different idea, the mining area is more comfortable than the pyramid.

  Recalling some special places about himself, he would also wonder if he had mutated.

  Many parents of children will joke with their children: You were picked up by your parents from the mining area.

  Tang Xian's parents also said the same thing.

  He naturally didn't take it seriously, but he really couldn't recall the memories before he was two or three years old.

   Shaking his head, Tang Xian smiled self-deprecatingly.

   I think too far.

  I do have a series of plans, such as building a house in the mining area. Then build a private teleportation station.

   Right here in the sea of ​​trees, as long as I have a good relationship with those foxes, I can probably become the first person to live in a mining area in human history.

   But the premise of all this is that he can stay in the mining area for seven days.



  Seven days is a short time.

  Pyramid Fortress No. 39 is relatively busy on all floors these days.

   On Jiang Ming's bill, there is a new debt to deal with.

  He was in his office on the fourth floor at the moment. He opened the mailbox and found that not long ago, a three-headed hellhound was hunted by a team named Sheng Tang.

   As a person with a high financial credit rating, especially a person in the system, although Jiang Ming is very young, he can enjoy the privilege of posting tasks first and not paying until the task is completed, just like many entrepreneurs.

  He paid the bill quickly, and suddenly became curious about this team named Sheng Tang.

   Taking advantage of his position, Jiang Ming checked and found out that this team was actually a military team.

   And it has only been established for two days. From the bottom of the ranking that day, it directly soared to the top two hundred.

   "What code names are these? Tang is very fleshy, Tang is fierce, Tang is invincible... the soldiers are becoming more and more dishonest now."

   Shaking his head with a smile, Jiang Ming didn't care.

  Many teams are like this, they will be lucky enough to hunt some powerful creatures, and their ranking will go up.

   But with such luck, one time in life is considered a cheating life. Many teams have experienced such a soaring ranking, and after that, they are constantly surpassed by other teams.

  Jiang Ming didn't think too much.

   Soon, it will be a hunting event.

  Hunter teams from all over the world will gather at Fort No. 39, in the arena on the third floor. This is a grand gathering for hunters from all over the world to exchange experiences and compete.

  He hoped to see this team named Sheng Tang.

  After paying the bill, Jiang Ming glanced at his task.

  【Hunting the **** three-headed dog in the sea of ​​trees, the reward price is one hundred standard purple organic minerals. to be completed. 】

  Jiang Ming looked helpless.

  For this mission, he has paid a lot of money, and invested all his savings for many years. For nothing else, he wants to avenge the dead comrades in arms.

  But just two days ago, the senior officials of the Li family, a wealthy family in the military department, announced that there are catastrophe-level creatures in the sea of ​​trees, and they are boss-level creatures.

  The Sea of ​​Trees was marked as a red area.

  Jiang clearly believes that he probably cannot avenge his comrades. Hunters compete for rankings in order to gain fame and fortune. But the more powerful the hunter is, the less he will approach the dangerous area.

  They are all survival elites, and the strongest knowledge to survive is not various hunting skills, but three words: don’t die.

   "Forget it, the personnel are exhausted."

   Withdrawing his thoughts, Jiang Ming began to deal with other things.

  As a civil servant, he is mainly responsible for reviewing temporary workers' conversion.

  For this reason, I will often go to the bottom for investigation. Went there once yesterday.

  The ground floor is in chaos now, and those villainous organizations seem to be undergoing a major reshuffle.

  Jiang Ming heard some news, some of which were exaggerated like quack novels.

  For example, Xiangjia, the most powerful foreign power at the bottom, and the most profitable casino in his industry, were smashed by a single person.

   It is said that he wears a hat and mask, so it is difficult to see his true face, but he has practiced the long-lost King Kong invincibility.

  Jiang Ming also heard the report from his secretary Xiao Liu, and thought it was a bit funny.

  But Xiang Jia, the stubborn force at the bottom, has had a lot of things these two days.

  The wife of the third head of the household, Xiang Peng, had an affair with Xiang Peng's confidant, but by the way, the real identity of this confidant was found out.

  Fallen Street has become a mess these days, but for the security personnel at the bottom, it is a good thing.

  The various forces at the bottom are fighting each other and stumbling each other, such as reporting who hides some ancient boilers that can make tobacco.

  These cigarettes are extremely addictive. Smoking for a long time makes people depressed and affects the mining efficiency of temporary workers at the bottom.

   For a long time, high-level officials have been investigating secretly, and they have suspected targets, but no evidence can be found.

  After the battle between the Xiang family and Liuyuanhui began, both sides began to confuse each other, and all kinds of evidence that the security personnel could not find were sent to the door on their own initiative.

  So they found out many other forces along the way.

  With the evidence, the regular army can intervene. For the merchants on the third, fourth, and even fifth floors, this is also a good opportunity to take over the industry on Degenerate Street.

  Jiang Ming believes that within a few days, the forces at the bottom will be wiped out quickly. Even if there are some leftovers, it will be a serious loss of vitality. For a long time, there is no need to worry about the law and order of Fallen Street.

   This incident was also reported in today's Fortress No. 39 Morning News.

  Jiang Ming also read it. According to the reporter on the second floor, the source of everything lies in a sentence from a masked man.

   Now Xiang's family members are also offering a high price for this masked man.



  Mining area, sea of ​​trees.

  Five days have passed, and these days Tang has been very busy. There are also several encounters with beasts in the mining area.

  A herbivore in the sea of ​​trees, the iron tree giraffe.

  The level is an elite-level ordinary creature, which cannot meet the boss standard. Tang Xian has no way to communicate with this kind of creature.

   But looking at the long neck, I thought of a delicacy called duck neck.

   "It's a pity, the skin is like an iron tree, it can't be bitten."

   Tang Xian sighed and gave up the idea of ​​calculating this creature. Herbivores are also aggressive towards humans.

  Basically, in the eyes of the creatures in the mining area, human beings belong to the chaotic evil camp.

  But Tang Xian is very strange, with a kind of brilliance of a kind and lawful camp.

  Tang Xian noticed that several times, when the iron tree giraffe saw him, it showed a happy expression.

Although this thing can't speak human words, but the favorability degree in the panel is [Meeting and Happy], if Tang Xian hadn't wiped the red thread grass, maybe this iron tree giraffe with a neck of three meters long would make some deer family intimacy.

Not only the iron tree giraffe, but also the spiked pig encountered by the lake is the weakest enhanced creature. Of course, it is still the kind that Tang Xian can't beat. This kind of creature is omnivorous and extremely aggressive to humans powerful.

  When he saw Tang Xian fishing, Tang Xian also saw it. There is no [meeting and joy] in favorability, but there is no hostile meaning either.

   Sweeping Tang Xian's eyes, he left.

   Tang Xian even felt that there was probably no need for red thread grass, and there would be no danger. This feeling is very comfortable.

  A feeling of harmony between man and nature and harmonious coexistence with nature.

   But he never let his guard down.

after all…

  He wanted to eat these creatures.

  Eat roasted, steamed, fried.

  But there are some things Tang Xian doesn't want to eat.

  Tang Xian found animal paw prints on his tent last time, this time, he saw the deity directly.

   is a morah.

  It is somewhat similar to a parrot, at most a few sizes larger than a parrot, but standing on the shoulders of humans, it does not appear uncoordinated.

   Tang Xian froze.

   This is the least researched creature in the mining area known to humans. It is only mentioned in "New Book of Mountains and Seas".

  Has colorful feathers, is extremely intelligent, and knows the language of all animals.

  There are a bunch of other descriptions, and Tang Xian recognized the origin of this bird at a glance.

   "Good morning, human. Can I have a grilled fish?"

   Tang Xian was not surprised that human words came out of the sharp beak.

  Different from parrots, moths are an enhanced version of existence. They can not only speak human languages, but also all kinds of beasts.

   "Go and catch a fish, I can consider doing it for you."

   "You catch a fish, I can consider not telling the stupid fox that you are human."

  Mozu tilted its head, stood on a branch and looked at Tang Xian.

   Tang Xian became interested.

   This kind of bird actually has another name, called the crunching bird or the trouble bird.

  They are proficient in various languages, and their favorite thing is to provoke all kinds of creatures that do not understand the language. Anyway, the other party cannot explain the language.

   But a mosquito can still be seen through, let alone a bird?

   Tang Xian also looked at the bird.

   Data appeared in his eyes.

Sex: Male.

  Good and evil value: 29.

  Lust for money index: 55.

   Favorability: 4 (Never met before).

  Financial assessment: 0 (poor).

   Favorite thing: beautiful female body.

   Dislikes: Cat-eared bats.

   Fears: Cat-eared bats.

  Current frankness: 10 (Come to Zhangkou).

   Charisma: 17 (no one cares).

  Current lucky value: 19 (little fierce).

  Current demand analysis:

  【Blackmail the human in front of you (35%)】

  【Please that fox (40%)】

  【To provoke the relationship between humans and foxes (20%)】

  【Others (5%)】

   Tang leisurely.

  Many people seek help in a special way, always using some blackmail methods to seek help.

   It just so happens that Tang Xian considers himself a helpful person, and he likes people to blackmail him the most.

   Coincidentally, he lacks an interpreter in the mining area, and someone will come to his door right now.

   "Actually, I hate cat-eared bats too."

  The morah squeaked, and let out its original cry in surprise.

  How does this human know that he hates cat-eared bats?

"Not to mention this kind of creature is bloodthirsty, and it also has cat-like ears. For me, who likes to pet cats by nature, it is a kind of shock. When I was fourteen years old, I saw the information of this creature , almost made me quit the habit of petting cats."

   "Yes yes, they are too annoying. Ah, no, you don't change the subject, you cunning human being."

   "But this kind of bird is delicious, you know? Their wings are powerful, and the meat is more tender. Whether it's hot pot or stir-fried, it's very delicious with hot sauce."

  The morah raised its head, as if swallowing.

"You must also want to eat cat-eared bats, right? They live in the same place as you live, mostly in deep mountains or tree holes, are they often bullied by them? If you can't speak their language, keep saying If you compliment them against your will, maybe you will die, right?"


   Could this human being be able to tell fortunes?

"It's horrible, it's a pity that you don't know how to deal with cat-eared bats, but I know, think about it, why the nine-tailed demon fox is willing to get close to a human like me, I actually know a lot of things, not only do I know how to cook cat-eared bats, I also know what they are afraid of."

   "As long as you catch a fish for me now, I will not only entertain you with grilled fish, but I will also tell you how to deal with cat-eared bats."

  Mozu's eyeballs rolled.

   "A promise is a deal, a promise is a deal." With two plops, he flew to the river.

  Tang Xian watched the mozu fly away, his eyes were bright, and he began to calculate.

  (end of this chapter)

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