Chapter 34 one person one fox one bird

  Chapter 34 One Person One Fox One Bird

   Tang Xian didn't know how Qing Jiuyu got his name, but Qing Jiuyu knew that the name Tang Xian didn't sound good.

  She said with some expectation: "Are you willing to let him have your surname?"

   "What's wrong?"

   "Most of our names are actually given by the ancient ape who knows humans best. The surname is actually more important to us than the first name. It represents belonging. It's just Xiaoni..."

   "Okay, I know this little girl is very special, and you have something to hide. I will often appear in the sea of ​​trees. If she follows me, it will be more convenient to have my surname. It will save a lot of unnecessary suspicion."

  Tang Xian's tone was light and sincere.

  Qing Jiuyu glanced at Tang Xian with some gratitude, and then said: "You will always be a friend of the Fox Clan, as long as I am still in the Fox Clan."

   This treatment made Tang Xian a little unexpected. It seems that this little girl is really important.

  Qing Jiuyu smiled again: "But she can't be called Tang Chiyu, it's too ugly. I know this name is very casual. You have to be careful."

   Tang Xian didn't think so.

  For example, Dongran’s code name is Tang Daxiong, which is from his own team, and the characteristic is chest. How straightforward?

  But Qing Jiuyu asked so, Tang Xian still nodded and said:

   "I originally planned to call you Tang Xiaoyu, but I know a brain-dead name with the same pronunciation as you. Well, you can't be like her in the future. So then you should be called Tang Xiaojiu."

   "Aunt Qing, do I have a name?" The little girl opened her eyes wide and looked at Qing Jiuyu.

  Qing Jiuyu said softly: "Tang Xiaojiu is a bit cute, you, do you choose your name just to remember it?"

  Nine stands for Nine Tails. Tang Xian's idea is very simple. If he encounters another boss entrusting children to him in the future, he will open a nursery school.

  In order not to confuse these people, it is a good way to have a certain word of the main body in the name.

  Of course, the nursery school is just an exaggerated joke. It is good for a cute child to have one, and it will be annoying if there are too many.

  Qing Jiuyu entrusted himself to take care of the little girl, but Tang Xian didn't do it purely to please her, but he looked at the little girl with affection.

   "Then it's settled. You will be called Tang Xiaojiu from now on. I will visit you often and take you to catch fish to eat. Oh, my name is Tang Xian."

   "Okay, brother Tang Xian." Tang Xiaojiu seemed very happy to have a name.

   "It's uncle... Forget it, brother is brother."

  I always feel that being called Aunt Qing Jiuyu Qing and my elder brother is a generation shorter for no reason, but Tong Yan speaks without restraint. Besides, who calls me young?

   "I'm going to take Tang Xiaojiu to catch fish. How about you?" Tang Xian looked at Qing Jiuyu.

   "I have settled down with her, I have to go, I have to go now, the fox clan still needs me ahead." Qing Jiuyu suddenly felt a little bit reluctant.

   "The parting came really fast. When will we see you next time?"

   "I don't know, probably wait until Wa Snake retreats."

   Tang Xian frowned slightly.

  In his heart, he didn't want to side with the Fox Clan or the Snake Clan. He was interested in this war, but he didn't want to get involved.

  He didn't come out with his own opinion.

  Wa snakes are different from many snakes. They are natural disaster-level creatures, like cold places, and were forced to migrate to the south to fight with the fox clan for territory. I am afraid that stronger creatures appeared in the north.

   This is just Tang Xian's conjecture.

"Humans' knowledge in the study of war and combat skills has always been incomparable to other animals. Many of the ancient books that are preserved today are about the aesthetics of war. In fact, there are many interesting things in "The Art of War" The technique, I will tell you when I have a chance, but right now, you can try to understand the reason why the white phosphorus demon snake led the Wa snake to invade the south."

  Qing Jiuyu nodded.

   "Okay, parting will eventually meet again, be careful on the road, I took the little girl to catch fish." Tang Xian was very free and easy.

  Qing Jiuyu was slightly stunned, Tang Xian actually led Tang Xiaojiu out of the fox den so simply.

   She doesn't know when the next time we will meet again. Tang Xian's cloud is calm and breezy, it doesn't look like he is facing parting, it's like going out in the morning and coming back at night.

   This man is really interesting.

   Tang Xian's thoughts are not that complicated.

  Many people have some friendship with him, such as those classmates back then, such as those old temporary workers in the mining area.

   After getting along with Tang Xian for a long time, he will have a better impression of Tang Xian.

  He is such a person, with a bit of pride. But once you get along, it will make people feel very comfortable.

   It's just that no matter how much others like Tang Xian, the feeling Tang Xian gives to everyone is always lukewarm.

  Parting is the same, it seems to be painless.



  Tang Xiaojiu is very lively.

  Catching fish, the little girl didn't care about getting herself wet, so she walked along the river with her little feet bare. He started to catch fish in a hurry.

   Compared with Tang Xian who had to wait slowly for the opportunity to catch fish, Tang Xiaojiu's reaction and speed were much faster.

  No matter how fast the swimming fish are, Tang Xiaojiu can violently beat the speed when he knows that the two foodies on the river are going to catch them.

   "The gap brought about by blood is indeed insurmountable." Tang Xian smiled wryly.

  When Tang Xiaojiu was about to spray down a mouthful of fox fire and eat the fish with the flames, Tang Xian said:

   "It's a waste to eat like this."

   Tang Xiaojiu was stunned, and asked, "What is waste, Brother Tang Xian."

   "It is that it can actually taste better, but you chose the worst way. Come, give me the fish. I will teach you how to eat it."

  Tang Xiaojiu was reluctant to let go, struggled again and again, learned from the pain, and finally handed over the fish obediently.

  In order to prevent Tang Xiaojiu from being greedy all the way, Tang Xian put the fish into the item bag, and took Tang Xiaojiu to his tree house.

   Without delay, Tang Xian started cooking the fish directly.

  The family has a lot of money, and the solar eclipse only eats three meals. You must pay attention to eating, even if you have to make do with it most of the time, but at least under the existing conditions, you must live as nourished as possible.

  I didn't bring too many supplementary materials, so I couldn't make some more complicated fish dishes. Tang Xian planned to make a white phosphorus fish soup.

   "I will plant a vegetable garden in this place in the future."

  Tang Xian originally wanted to put some chopped green onion, but suddenly remembered that he didn't have any.

  The ones converted by boilers are a bit quick after all, and the taste is somewhat different from that of natural cultivation.

  Hands didn't stop, Tang Xiaojiu smelled the smell halfway, and couldn't help it, came in and urged:

   "Brother Tang Xian, are you alright?"

   Tang Xian vaguely heard the sound of swallowing saliva.

   "It will take a while."

   "How long is a while."

   Tang Xian didn't speak anymore. Cooking is serious business.

  Especially this milky white fish soup, Tang Xian also had ulterior motives.

  Tang Xiaojiu just felt that Hu Sheng had never suffered so much before. Those little fishes that smelled fishy, ​​how could they change their taste after being in the hands of Brother Tang Xian.

  It smells so good, it's so sweet.

  After waiting for a long time, Tang Xian took out the bowl and spoon, and specially picked some parts with the least thorns for Tang Xiaojiu.

   Then filled with some accessories.

   A bowl of fish soup that he was satisfied with was ready. After he put such a simple and easy-to-use tableware as a spoon in, he said:

"come in."

  Tang Xiaojiu came in swiftly, Tang Xian pointed to Tang Xiaojiu's big bowl, then pointed to his own small bowl, and then began to drink fish soup.

  If Dongran were here, he would probably lament that there is a difference between humans and foxes, and that foxes are more important than humans. After all, when Dongran was here, Tang Xian was always a big bowl, while Dongran was a small bowl.

  Although the little girl was only five years old, she unexpectedly understood Tang Xian's kindness.

   "Brother Tang Xian, your bowl is so small, is it enough..." Tang Xiaojiu said.

   Tang Xian was surprised, but the girl was very sensible, and said, "I'm enough."

   "Oh, that's enough for you, can you give me some more, it's so delicious."

   Tang Xian: "..."



   After all, this milky white phosphorus fish soup was not made in vain. After a bowl of fish soup, the little girl's goodwill with her quickly increased.

   Even surpassed Qing Jiuyu.

   Foodies will fall in love with people who give food through food. The earliest application of the principle is reflected in the fact that ancient people used lollipops to deceive loli.

  Tang Xiaojiu is like a blank sheet of paper, she doesn't say anything, and she is very good at deceiving, the kind who can easily deceive away with two fish.

  So it is necessary for me to improve Tang Xiaojiu's pickiness about food.

  The sky slowly dimmed down.

  Tang Xian originally wanted to send Tang Xiaojiu back to the fox den, but Tang Xiaojiu didn't want to go back.

   "Brother Tang Xian, I will sleep with you tonight, okay?"

   "Why don't you go back."

   "They don't like me. Aunt Qing is gone, I'm afraid."

   "Those three-tailed foxes?"

  Tang Xiaojiu nodded, looking a little aggrieved.

   Only then did Tang Xian realize that Tang Xiaojiu was probably not a normal nine-tailed fox. Otherwise, how could a three-tailed fox dare to show disgust towards Tang Xiaojiu?

  He couldn't read the fox's expression.

  But now that I think about it, when I entered the fox den, the expressions of those foxes might...not just be unfriendly to me.

   Tang Xian began to understand why Qing Jiuyu entrusted Tang Xiaojiu to a foreigner.

  He nodded and said, "I'm going to get some supper."

   "What is supper?"

   "It's delicious."

   "Okay, okay, I like supper."



   For the next two days, that is, the last two days of Tang Xian's seven-day survival in the mining area, Tang Xiaojiu followed Tang Xian all the time.

  With a little girl who is very curious about everything, he has an unprecedented experience.

  Recalling that when I was a child, I also caught my parents asking questions, and I couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

  The idea of ​​teaching Tang Xiaojiu human knowledge and concepts came into his mind.

  Making the nine-tailed demon fox grow up by human means is probably a very novel experience.

  Tang Xiaojiu was completely bought by the bowl of fish soup.

  Wherever Tang Xian goes, she will follow.

   On the last day, that stupid bird came, and Tang Xian also named it Tang Crunch. At first it was said that there was a human name to facilitate communication.

   But with a Tang character marked, Tang Xian's intention is obvious.

  Now he can only hear the voices of boss creatures, but he cannot understand the language of ordinary creatures. It is very good to have a translator.

  But he had to spend a little time explaining to Tang Xiaojiu that this bird cannot be eaten. He said the important thing three times, and the little girl looked at Tang Crunch in disappointment.

  How can there be birds that cannot be eaten? This is too unreasonable.

  Tang Crunch was very afraid of Tang Xiaojiu, but in the end he did not escape from Tang Xian.

   It flew for more than a day, finally found Yisu Canyon, saw the firefly mushroom, and now it was waiting for Tang Xian to take him to revenge.

   Tang Xian actually didn't deliberately calculate.

   After all, Qing Jiuyu entrusted Tang Xiaojiu to himself, and he could not have expected this.

   Originally, as long as there were firefly mushrooms, Tang Xian could drive away the cat-eared bats. But his real purpose is to subdue Tang Crunch.

  So Tang Xian turned around, and said to Tang Xiaojiu who was still staring at the bird with greed:

   "Do you want to eat bird meat?"

   "Sugar and salty! What are you doing, Crunchy! I don't like it!" Hearing this, Tang Crunchy became excited.

   "Shut up, I didn't mention you." Tang Xian gave the silly bird a blank look.

   "Can bird meat be made into soup, brother Tang Xian?"

   "Yes, the taste is more delicious, but it is also delicious just by eating."

   "Then let's eat bird meat!"

   "Eat fish first tonight. I have to survive tonight. If I can survive tonight, I will take you to eat bird meat."

   "Wait all night?" Tang Xiaojiu found that Hu's life was very difficult.

  Tang Xian said to Tang Crunch again:

   "Do those cat-eared bats often bully and tease you?"

   "Yeah crunchy, they're dastardly!"

   "The cultivation of firefly mushrooms will take a few days, but driving them away is not enough to relieve the anger. Why don't I take Tang Xiaojiu together and burn those damned cat-eared bats, and eat bird meat by the way."

Tang Xian said with a smile: "Ordinary bat meat is highly poisonous, and many people in history have contracted the virus after eating it. Although the cat-eared bat bears the word bat, it is different from a bat as a mining area creature. A real bird, just with a disgusting rat head like a bat. Its meat is tastier and harmless to humans."

  Tang Xian said that one fox and one bird swallowed their saliva at the same time.

  So one person, one fox and one bird reached a consensus, Tang Crunch was in charge of leading the way, and Tang Xiaojiu was in charge of lighting the fire.

   When the sun rises tomorrow, Tang Xian is going to set off with a bird and a fox.

   But first, he has to get through the night.

  Although during the seven days, as long as you return to reality and stay for ten hours, you can go to the mining area and stay for another seven days.

   But this kind of breakpoint is very uncomfortable.

  Tang Xian has seen some cases of death after waiting for seven days in textbooks. The vitality of people who stayed for seven days will rapidly fade within a few minutes, as if an invisible rule is forcing humans to be driven away.

  He didn't think he was special at first. It's just a pity.

  Until he met the three-headed hellhound, a strange resistance prompt popped up in the sea of ​​knowledge, and he began to believe that he had special potential.

   It was less than an hour before the seven days were over, and he took out the portable teleportation crack and made all preparations.

  When Tang Crunchy knew that Tang Crunchy was going to eat a bunch of birds with him, Tang Xiaojiu already regarded Tang Crunchy as a friend.

  Tang Xiaojiu slept on the side of the wooden house, and Tang Crunchy slept next to Tang Xiaojiu's little head. Shared food tastes define their friendship.

  Tang Xian didn't sleep all this time, he kept his eyes wide open, waiting for the last second to arrive.

  (end of this chapter)

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