Chapter 382v2 Acting against Biao

  Chapter 382 Confronting acting skills

  The matter of exploring the ruins is settled.

   The ruins of Eden were extremely dangerous, and Tang Xian and Zhong Yao didn't immediately start exploring.

  Time passed day by day, and the two knew that the time dimension here was different from the outside, so they were not so anxious.

  They spent a full three months observing the law of the expansion of the Holy Land of Eden, and exploring the entire Holy Land of Eden, where the real body of the Lord of Eden might be buried.

The ruins are divided into several parts, which is what Zhong Yao said before, and the only place Zhong Yao has been to is the ruins of the labyrinth, so Tang Xian first ruled out the possibility that the body of the Lord of Eden is hidden in the ruins of the labyrinth .

  As for the other ruins, they seemed to be pieced together from several broken worlds, and Zhong Yao didn't know exactly what was inside.

  Zhong Yao only knows a little about the Holy Land.

   She was not alone here in the previous years.

  Many times she had communicated with the Lord of Eden, she silently memorized every word.

   These contents are now part of the clues to solve the puzzle.

  【I want to become the only order, but I still want to appease everyone's emotions. 】

  【For hundreds of years, I have been like a child, but you can't tell which butterfly has just experienced breaking out of its cocoon. 】

  【There are so many fears between life and death. To this day, I am still afraid of death. No matter how many qualities of life I absorb, after a long time, I find that the most difficult thing to deal with is not life, but the environment that gave birth to me. 】

  【It tried to create me, and it tried to destroy me. 】

  【I will not die, I will become one with eternity. 】

   There are many similar words, all of which are sentences with difficult meanings. Zhong Yao's past life was like this. Occasionally, he would hear the voice of the Lord of Eden, as if it came from the distant skyline.

   It was like a thought rising from the depths of my heart.

  According to Zhong Yao, it is like this place itself.

  In the time dimension of the Holy Land, during the past few months, Tang Xian has carefully pondered part of the meaning of the Lord of Eden's words.

  The Lord of Eden is naturally tight-lipped and will not reveal his details in small talk, but in the above few sentences, Tang Xian still guessed something.

  He first makes a certain assumption.

  Has the Lord of Eden calculated that he will come here?

  So it left some words very early, misleading itself through the mouth of its mother Zhong Yao?

   Right now, Tang Xian and the Lord of Eden are like two chess players playing against each other.

  Tang Xian didn't know much about the Lord of Eden, but he was convinced that his opponent was an old mille-feuille, so he had to think a little more.

   But later he discovered that the words left by the Lord of Eden had very low value as an inducement.

  Thus, these words were probably inspired by the Lord of Eden himself.

   It doesn't need to avoid Zhong Yao, because the content of these words is beyond Zhong Yao's understanding.

   But strange to say, Tang Xian easily understood what Zhong Yao couldn't understand.

  It was as if the Lord of Eden had written a number that only he knew the meaning of. Others could not deduce ideas from this number, but Tang Xian could. He seemed to know the state of mind of the Lord of Eden at that time.

  After all the preparations were done, Tang Xian discussed this topic with Zhong Yao the day before he went to the Ruins of Eden.

  At the edge of the Holy Land, looking at the chaotic area of ​​ruins not far away, Tang Xian heard Zhong Yao tell about the past of the Lord of Eden, and slowly figured out the cause and effect.

"The first sentence is that if it wants to become the truth and become the only god, it must use a way to convince everyone. This also explains why it has to make such a big circle in the opposite direction. Because it wants to make All the plots are developing in the expected direction. If I guess correctly, after the Lord of Eden took my body and defeated the judge, it must be welcomed by the beasts, and its status may be unprecedentedly high. "

   "What about the second sentence?" Zhong Yao asked along.

   Tang Xian said:

   "The second sentence is very important. Do you still remember that after the Lord of Eden confronted the judge, he became a child?"

"Remember, that was the first time your dad and I saw it. It looked like a human baby. It was placed in a baby cradle under the stone statue, but we didn't dare to go near it. Just Listening to its voice, followed its instructions, and got the design of the Heart of Eden. Later, I and the distance took a glimpse."

  Zhong Yao paused, then added:

   "Speaking of which, that was the only time I saw it before entering the Holy Land. Not long after that, when I saw the Lord of Eden again, it looked different."

   "So you haven't actually seen it much? At least in this world that is both real and illusory, you are not absolutely sure that the Lord of Eden you saw must be real, right?"

   "That's right... this place, I'm really not sure what I saw must be real."

"Yes, for hundreds of years, the body of the Lord of Eden has been in the state of a young child, which is considered a near-death state, but its growth is not fixed, and it may return to an adult form in an instant. , it only takes a short time. Maybe now its body is no longer the appearance of a child."

   "If this information is true, is it good for us?"

   "It uses my body, and I use its body. If we will be extremely beneficial to me."


  Zhong Yao is puzzled, she has participated in the production of Eden's Heart, but the proportion of responsibility is far from that of Tang Wen. Tang Wen knew a lot about the Heart of Eden.

   Tang Xian touched his nose, this question is rather funny to explain.

  “Because I have done so many things to help others do good deeds, my character should be better than it.”


   To some extent, the Heart of Eden can collect the characteristics of creatures faster and more quickly.

  But there is a cheating metaphysical setting.

  Before, Tang Xian was thinking about what would happen if two leaders of the Eden tribe fought. The final result would be whoever had the whiter face would win.

   From this, Tang Xian also became convinced that the Lord of Eden was really seriously injured in the battle with the judge, otherwise why would he give up his body? Maybe everything is in its calculations, but in the end, it has to pay a price beyond the estimate to calculate the Beast God.

"In the next sentence, you can see its anxiety. The Lord of Eden is a man of great wisdom, and dominating the world is considered a low interest for it. It can let judges do these things, and it can naturally do it itself Similar things. It’s not the beast gods that it’s afraid of, maybe because of its sense of superiority, it’s jealous of the **** of destruction, but the beast gods are also played and applauded by it.”

  Zhong Yao nodded, she understood the horror of the Lord of Eden better than Tang Xian.

   "Why?" Tang Xian asked suddenly.

  He pointed to the chaos in the distance and said:

"Is it possible that because I am number one in the world, I must destroy the world? It obviously has special arrangements for human beings. It is also very strange to the beast gods. The Milky Way respects it very much, and the sea **** obeys it. .If it wanted, it could have become a **** worshiped by all beasts. It is jealous of the God of Destruction, so why must it set up such a trick of hundreds of years to take away the inheritance of the beast god?"

"Life is not its greatest enemy. It is Xitu that destroys it. There are too many meanings here. Every life will eventually return to dust. If I were the Lord of Eden, I would What it wants is probably immortality. If only the world itself is eternal in the world, then what it wants to do is to become the world itself."

   All of this is Tang Xian's conjecture.

  It’s like modern people always like to speculate about who this person is based on the literary works created by ancient people.

   But in fact, character and work are two different things.

  The greatness of the Lord of Eden and the disposition of the Lord of Eden are also two different things.

   Tang Xian had a feeling that his guesses were all right.

  That lonely and great existence, maybe only you can understand it.

  Zhong Yao also had a similar feeling:

   "It's amazing, it's know the teacher very well. When the teacher mentions these, I feel very obscure."

   "Probably because I do have some fateful connection with it."

  Tang Xian was silent for a moment, this feeling as if he and the Lord of Eden had a heart-to-heart connection was really mysterious.

  He shook his head and said:

   "Many times, the Lord of Eden has emphasized that the world itself is unconscious, and this unconsciousness has created a lot of injustice. Perhaps these injustices include its life and death."

   "What the **** is that?"

   "I don't know, whether it's its moral decay or its divine distortion. You can only know it by walking into the ruins of Eden."

   Tang Xian shrugged, but looked very calm.

   It seems that there is no danger in the chaotic zone of golden misty ruins.

  But on the second day, when Zhong Yao proposed to join Tang Xian, Tang Xian politely refused.

   "There must be someone in the Holy Land to observe. According to what you said, the ruins are divided into many areas. We can't leave from the labyrinth area. We can only explore from other areas. I can't guarantee your safety there."

  Tang Xian's attitude was very firm, and he always refused to let Zhong Yao go deep into the ruins together.

   Along the way, he avoided a lot of trouble by relying on his own observation, but at the same time, he also trusted his intuition.

  Zhong Yao had no choice but to stay in the Holy Land.

During the nearly four months in total, Tang Xian and Zhong Yao didn't have much information about the ruins, so they could only roughly confirm that the Holy Land is a square and flat world, and the corresponding east, west, north and south directions are all different ruins .

  Among the four regions, Tang Xian chose the north.

  At dusk, when the golden light is the most intense and brilliant, the area of ​​the holy land will expand rapidly. When the holy land symbolizing illusory touches those golden beams of light, the ruins symbolizing reality will be slowly swallowed.

  The domain of the Lord of Eden is expanding bit by bit, and this world is being swallowed up bit by bit.

  According to the current speed, it will take a very long time for the Lord of Eden to devour the entire mining world.

   But this possibility is enough to make people feel daunted.

  Tang Xian tried to directly touch the junction of the ruins and the holy land before, but it was as if he suddenly walked into an eternal landmark. Tang Xian walked for four hours for the short distance of a few hundred meters.

  Four hours later, he found that the ruins seemed as far away as they were four hours ago.

   There is a force stopping him.

  He already has no entity and cannot touch the real world.

  But at 10:00 twilight, when the expanded Holy Land of Eden swallows the edge of the ruins, the two worlds are connected.

   Tang Xian has already found that point in time.

  When the time came, he rushed to the north of the ruins in an instant before saying goodbye to Zhong Yao.

  In Zhong Yao's eyes, Tang Xian was still running towards a thick golden fog.

  In Tang Xian's eyes, he had already seen another world.



  Mining area, holy mountain.

   Tang Jing stood in front of endless pilgrims, looking at the gate of the forbidden area, looking like a heretic.

  If it wasn't for the Envoy of Light, one of the six envoys of God, to communicate with him, I am afraid that these "crowds" who came to the pilgrimage would rush forward frantically and kill the heretic Tang Jing.

   "In just two months, it brainwashed this group of people from the most normal worship to cultivators. Fandom culture really stinks."

  Tang Jing hated the God of Light in front of him.

  The God of Light is also a beast that can transform into a human form. A super orange creature.

   is one of the cadres of Eden Royal Court.

  A large number of pilgrims gave the Lord of Eden almost inexhaustible materials for creation. From this, the Lord of Eden and Gu Yin created six powerful monsters that surpassed ordinary catastrophe-level boss creatures.

  Although in Gu Yin's view, these six monsters named: Order, Light, Reincarnation, Life and Death, Heaven's Punishment, Good and Evil, all have much more initial abilities than King's Landing.

  But deep down in Gu Yin's heart, he always thinks that King's Landing is the most perfect work.

   But this point, he did not say to the Lord of Eden.

   At least this is the best work he and the Lord of Eden can produce in the short term.

   It was the God of Light who was in contact with Tang Jing at this time.

   "Fan circle? What is that?"

   "It's just a new type of cult, it's not important, I want to see Tang Xian."

   "What you want to see is only one of my lord's identity. My lord has abandoned that identity. Now please call my lord the God King of Eden."

   "Oh, yes, I want to see Tang Xian." Tang Jing was very calm.

  Although he couldn't see through Qi Yuan and Tang Xian, and probably couldn't see the panel of the Lord of Eden, he could see through the God of Light in front of him.

  In the needs analysis of the God of Light, there was an arrangement to take himself to see the Lord of Eden, so Tang Jing didn't need to be polite to him.

  Human form is a rich middle-aged man with a beer belly and wearing a neat suit. He looks like the manager of a big hotel or the butler of a wealthy family.

  The God of Light snorted coldly, and led Tang Jing into the depths of the forbidden area.

  Tang Jing silently wrote down what he saw today. One of the information he has obtained so far is that these six envoys are far more powerful than the presiding judge of the court.

  The former altar has been converted into a temple by the Lord of Eden.

  From being dark and gloomy in the past, it has become bright and open.

  The Lord of Eden was sitting on the throne above the temple. He was flipping through the records in the large library of the original court, and seemed to be quite interested in some of the things inside.

  Those are distorted histories. The Lord of Eden thought that if he wanted to shape his perfect life, he also had to write a fabricated history.

   Then it heard footsteps, and it closed the book.

  When Tang Jing's figure appeared, it had a smile on its face, that smile was very much like Tang Xian.

   So much so that Tang Jing was in a daze for the first time.

   Such a trance was actually done on purpose by Tang Jing.

  Tang Jing looked at the familiar stranger in front of him, pretending to be puzzled and said:

   "Are you Tang Xian now...?"

  The Lord of Eden also entered the Biaoxi mode. He smiled wryly and said:

   "Xiao Jing, what question are you asking, of course I am Tang Xian?"

  (end of this chapter)

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