Chapter 385v2 as always don aircraft

  Chapter 385 As always Tang Airplane

The world-destroying thunder is Tang Jifei's strongest method in history. Although Tang Jifei wanted to show in front of Qing Jiuyu that he already possessed a more powerful flame attack than Jinlong, he had always been arrogant and did not think that his opponent could resist it. Stay with these thunders.

  The angel's robe was instantly destroyed by the thunder.

  The Angel of Order revealed its true face, which is quite similar to King's Landing, like a demon walking upright, but it doesn't have the wings like King's Landing.

   This may be a little selfishness of the designer Gu Yin. Even with the help of the Lord of Eden, Gu Yin does not hope that it can design something that surpasses his life's masterpiece.

  Terrible thunder punishment fell, and the ninety integrated islands trembled under the huge lightning strike.

  The center of the island, which was originally rich in vegetation, instantly turned into a piece of scorched earth.

  The body of the Angel of Order was covered with burnt smoke, and its eyes were full of fear, looking at the dragon in the sky, gnashing its teeth.

  In Tang Jifei's long eyes, what is shining is no longer the pure orange light of the past.

  The ancestral dragon has the power of the blood of the real dragon that the beast gods crave. This kind of creature is proud. It is precisely because of arrogance that there is such a thing as the Dragon Origin Blood Oath. Disdain to break promises is the most proud manifestation.

   But Zulong is not yet a beast god, and has not reached the height of a beast god.

  There are still many realms between catastrophe-level creatures and god-level creatures.

  But Zulong is definitely the most powerful type in the demigod rank.

  So Tang Jifei didn't expect that this envoy could resist his own blow.

  【Well, I admit that you are not a waste. 】

  Tang Jifei snorted coldly.

  【But a thick-skinned waste. 】

  Qing Jiuyu is happy, this Tang Jifei is really as annoying as before.

  The Angel of Order reacted quickly after all, seeing that his domain was ineffective against the Zulong, he quickly used other means.

  The golden luster that broke through the clouds became finer, and dozens of golden beams of light gathered towards the Tang plane.

  Tang Jifei also made an extremely bold move at this time, he shot straight down from the sky in an instant!

  When the originally huge body approached, everyone felt a terrifying coercion.

  The surrounding area also became dim because of the huge size of the Tang plane.

  Qing Jiuyu didn't know what Tang Jifei was going to do, but he couldn't help thinking that if this stupid dragon was so huge, it might be difficult to find the "parking ground".

   Before he had time to think about it, another thing that surprised Qing Jiuyu happened.

  Tang Airplane opened its mouth wide and approached the Angel of Order with a thunderous dive. The next second, it swallowed the Angel of Order in one gulp.

   This sudden scene of waking up made everyone a little confused.

  Is this still edible?

   Tang Jifei made a chewing motion.

  But the size of the Angel of Order is really not enough for it to fit between its teeth.

  In the mouth of the dragon, the envoy of order was shocked to find that the dragon's skin seemed to be able to isolate the soul crystal from the outside world. It could not perceive the breath between heaven and earth, as if it had entered a closed field.

  All the elemental aura inside is controlled by this evil dragon, and the Angel of Order can't use any means at all.

   Not to mention the golden beams of light falling from the sky on the clouds.

   That is its most powerful means of destruction, and it is now ineffective.

   Huge strength began to drag it into the dark depths.

  The oracle knew that it was the stomach of the dragon.

  It was terrified and tried to break free.

  【I am not an ordinary orange creature, how dare you devour me! Overreaching! Let me out! 】

   Tang Jifei heard the warning.

  Let you out? That is really the Grand Prize of Beast Behavior Behavior.

  I even swallowed the beast soul crystal, afraid of you?

  The stomach of any beast is extremely dangerous.

   It's like a big tengu. Maybe it can't cause fatal damage to Tang Xian, but its gastric juice can.

  Don plane is swell.

   It probably swelled to the point that "as long as it is not Tang Xian, everything in the world can be eaten".

  Tun Tangxian is very dangerous, he has seen it many times.

  But what are you, an angel of order?

  Thinking like this, Tang Jifei swallowed.


  The throat seems to have suffered a severe attack.

  The Angel of Order is very powerful.

  If Tang Jifei didn't choose to devour it, but directly fought with it, this Sea God Island really couldn't be saved.

  Even if it is devoured, it cannot use any means at the soul crystal level, and it has a hand-to-hand combat ability that is far stronger than ordinary catastrophe-level creatures.

  The Angel of Order will naturally not let Tang Jifei manipulate it. Most creatures have hard skins but fragile internal organs.

  【I thought I was smart, but I dragged myself to death! Stupid dragon creature, pay for your blasphemy... so hard? 】

   Tang Jifei hiccupped.

  Stupid? Tang Jifei didn't think he was stupid, his mouth was so tricky, he didn't want to eat this kind of unpalatable food at all, he just wanted to end the battle as soon as possible.

  It naturally also thought about whether the opponent would wreak havoc if it entered the body.

  But he does not belong to the majority of "strong outside and weak inside".

After devouring the god-level soul crystal of the God of Destruction, Tang Jifei was shattered inside and out by the explosive energy. Relying on his amazing willpower, it experienced thousands of unimaginable transitions from death to life on the verge of death. .

   This pain is enough to break any will.

  Don’s plane has also crashed many times.

  But maybe it is the arrogance deep in the origin of the dragon clan, or something else, it always wakes up instantly after collapse.

  If you don’t experience disillusionment, how can you get a new life?

  Although Qing Jiuyu didn't know about Tang Feifei's experience, she could feel this huge transformation inside and out.

  Where are the beasts who don't understand the hardships of evolution?

  Six tails to nine tails are already rare, let alone evolution beyond catastrophe?

  This stupid dragon must have experienced terrible pain.

   In fact, Tang Jifei was not sure whether he could survive.

   This is a big gamble, and there is a chance of death.

  Since Tang Feifei bid farewell to King's Landing, he came from the depths of the sea to the Sea God's Palace in the southern sea.

   Here he is experiencing the pain of tearing bone marrow every moment of every day.

   It was not until twelve days ago that he finally took a step forward from the brink of death.

  The evolutionary journey of the Archosaurus begins.

   For the next twelve days, the island and the surrounding waters will be full of stormy weather.

  This evil weather seems to indicate the arrival of ancient creatures.



  Two hours later, the dark clouds began to dissipate naturally.

  There is no dazzling golden light in the sky, replaced by the scorching sun of early summer after the rain.

   These two hours were a tense two hours for Lin Sen and Yu Xiaozhe.

  They also guessed who this giant dragon was. After all, these two were the first humans to see this dragon.

  Tang Ao, is Tang Xian's cousin still here? Yu Xiaozhe couldn't remember clearly.

   Now he certainly knows that no matter how tough Tang Xian's relatives are, they will not be able to give birth to such a "cousin".

  Qing Jiuyu saw that the entire center of the island was occupied by the coiled dragon body, and saw that Tang Feifei's abdomen finally stopped moving, and she turned back into a human form.

  The obsequiousness on her face stopped, and said:

   "These days you left, everyone thought you were dead."

  【These days, I am indeed experiencing death every day. 】

  The ancestral dragon in a demigod state seems to be no different from a beast god, able to communicate with all things.

   "It's a pity that you are too big to ride." Qing Jiuyu said with a smile.

   It is a good thing that the Tang plane has become a Tang fighter, but Qing Jiuyu still likes the Tang plane that can be ridden.

  Tang Jifei snorted coldly, and another wonderful thing happened.

  He did not change into a human form, but gradually became smaller in the body of an ancestor dragon.

  Qing Jiuyu was dumbfounded. After a long time, seeing Tang Feifei become about the same size as the previous Canglong form, she couldn't help it:

   "Can you still get smaller?"

  【Big and small, soft and hard, no problem! 】Tang Jifei was too proud.

  Qing Jiuyu covered her mouth with a coquettish smile and said:

   "Then you are really a big baby."

  Lin Sen and Yu Xiaozhe looked at each other in dismay, what kind of idiot is this! If we continue to talk about such topics, then we will not leave!

  However, Qing Jiuyu quickly changed the topic elsewhere.

  Tang Jifei turned into a human form, probably due to the change of Soul Crystal. The original image of Tang Ao became more burly, except for the change of body, there is also a beard-Zhang Feihu.

   Especially the round eyes of the dragon made Tang Jifei look majestic.

  This image is very manly, maybe not as handsome as before, but for Wanshou, their standards for judging appearance are different.

   "Everyone misses you very much. Although you are stupid, without you, there is always something missing."

  In extreme pain, there is no concept of time, and Tang Jifei doesn't know how long it took him to transform.

  He shook his head and said:

   "My uncle is different, so he won't have the thoughts of these mortals."

   "Whatever you say, you have to go back to Baichuan City with me."

   "If you don't go back, I will avenge Tang Xian!" Tang Feifei turned his head away and looked at the north.

  Qing Jiuyu mocked:

"He won't die even if you die, and he will avenge him. I don't believe that Tang Xian died so easily. Now that someone from our side has infiltrated the holy mountain, you'd better go back with us and plan things together. .”

   "You are too weak."

   Tang Jifei shook his head and rejected Qing Jiuyu's request.

  This time it was not out of pride, but out of good intentions.

  In Tang Jifei's view, if he is too weak to deal with an enemy who is too strong, he is looking for his own death.

   They have passed by themselves once, and the power of the Beast God is beyond imagination.

  Even if the evolution has been completed, Tang Jifei doesn't think he can fight the judge, let alone the Lord of Eden.

  So at this time, it is even more impossible for him to bring teammates who are one step weaker than himself.

  Tang Jifei intends to find King's Landing and join hands with King's Landing.

  Qing Jiuyu didn't care what Tang Jifei said, she saw through Tang Jifei's thoughts and said:

"During this period of time, you are not the only one who has become stronger. No matter whether you want to cooperate with us or not, you should at least know yourself and the enemy. If you have been with Tang Xian for so long, if you still only have no brains, then you This silly."

  Silly people are going to be pushed out, but Tang Jifei doesn't want to be pushed out.

  He thought for a while, returning to Baichuan City by himself is considered a return home, Xiao Jiu and Tang are very fleshy, so why don't you give yourself more when dividing the meat?

   Then go back and have a look.

   "For the sake of your sincere pleading, I will accompany you to have a look."

   "Tsk tsk, I'm starting to hate you again." Qing Jiuyu laughed.



   Baichuan City.

  The treatment that Tang Jifei enjoyed after his return was indeed not small.

  At least Li Xiaoyu, who had never paid much attention to him before, came to greet him in person.

   Tang Jifei thinks it is very face-saving.

  Among so many women, he knew that only Li Xiaoyu and Tang Xiaojiu were Tang Xian's darlings, and the other women were all pig heads.

  But Li Xiaoyu's thoughts were reversed.

   After all, he is a stupid dragon lost in the mining area. He should take care of him. When Tang Xian teleported to the southern island, all his partners were imprisoned by the Li family. Li Xiaoyu found them one by one.

   It's the same now, Tang Xian's whereabouts are unknown, what she can do, apart from firmly believing that her man is still alive, is to ensure that when he returns, there will be no less of these teammates.

  The meeting hall is very lively.

  Li Xiaoyu and Tang Jing are discussing how to take the next step.

  As for Song Que's guess, since Jumang and Song Que are not in Baichuan City, they have no way to be sure.

   "Next, the Lord of Eden will let you lead the team to find Song Que?"

   "Very likely." Tang Jing said.

  Tang Jing doesn't have much time. Later, he has to go to the mining area to collect intelligence.

  He continued:

"The Lord of Eden is unable to leave the holy mountain for some reason, and it is not easy to ask about the whereabouts of my brother for a while. I am still testing each other with it, but it seems that it has begun to believe me. This The next mission is an opportunity. The Lord of Eden may be in a special state, it cannot leave the holy mountain, and it may be related to my brother."

   "I have a feeling that maybe my brother is going through a special state, maybe he is competing with the Lord of Eden. If we want to break into the Holy Mountain now, we must get rid of the six Eden envoys."

   "The strength of each of these six envoys is extremely powerful, and the strength is even higher than that of King's Landing and the Raven. By the way, where did the Raven go?"

   "He said that the aura of heaven and earth here is insufficient, and he can't comprehend a higher level of peerless knowledge." Li Xiaoyu said angrily.

   In the face of the second illness, she has nothing to do.

   "..." Tang Jing was speechless.

   "But you don't need to worry about him, right? He seems to have returned to the tomb of the beast god. Since even the judge can't be found, no one will find him after a while." Li Xiaoyu said.

   Tang Jingjing nodded, continued the previous topic, and said:

"The envoys of good and evil are currently recuperating, and they will recover soon. The ones sent to encircle Song Que are life and death and heaven's punishment. If the two envoys join hands, Song Que may not be able to deal with it even if he is powerful. The encirclement plan will be in two days. .”

   "Is there Song Que's whereabouts?"

   "Yes, he is not low-key. It seems that he has recently been madly killing the minions of the royal court of Eden."

  Recalling that Song Que was the masked man who terrified the high-level pyramids, Li Xiaoyu was able to accept Song Que's killing spree.

   After all, the so-called fusion and splitting of personalities is an unknown field.

   It's just that she believes that Song Que will always be on the side of justice.

   "What are you going to do?"

   "Baichuan City is full of talents, Song Que is not the only one who wants to kill God." Tang Jing smiled a little mysteriously.

  (end of this chapter)

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