Chapter 393v2 Tang Xian's Journey of Discovery

  Chapter 393 Tang Xian's Journey of Exploration

  Tang Jing made an operation and released the restriction of the hatch.

  The cabin door opened, and a cloud of white mist gushed out. Tang Jing covered his mouth and nose, and waited patiently.

  As the white mist gradually dissipated, he finally saw that figure, and his originally calm face was filled with surprise.

  This person is no stranger to him, but this state is very strange to him.

  The body has become shriveled, as if it has been drained of essence and blood. A pile of dead skin on the lips means that the person has not consumed water for a long time.

   Tang Jing stared blankly at all this, not understanding what was going on.

  Why is he here?

  The person in front of him, even though his skin became wrinkled, and even though he looked like a vampire who hadn't sucked blood for a long time, was thin and weak, Tang Jing could recognize that face at a glance—

   Tang Xian.

   This is Tang Xian's face. Tang Jing never expected that in the seventh nutrition cabin, he would see Tang Xian with this same appearance.

  But what made Tang Jing feel the most brain-burning was what happened next.

  When the door of the last nutrition cabin is opened, it seems to trigger a switch that has been preset by a certain branch source.

   A different voice came from the room.

"We have considered the feasibility of facing the Lord of Eden, but we also thought about whether all this is too optimistic. Maybe the Lord of Eden has a hole card that we don't know, so we must keep some means. I know There must be a lot of question marks in your head, but I can’t answer your questions here, because I’m not sure whether it’s humans or the Edens who came here.”

  There is only such a passage, which sounds like a premonition of a moment of extreme despair. But he didn't tell Tang Jingqian the cause and effect, and didn't even tell him how to deal with this "Tang Xian" in front of him.

  Is this real Tang Xian or fake Tang Xian?

  The Lord of Eden took away Tang Xian's body, so what happened to Tang Xian in front of him?

  Tang Jing had a feeling that his brother might have cooperated with Qi Yuan a long time ago, and this cooperation had been hidden from everyone including himself. This may be an extremely clever and dangerous move.

   But until this moment, he couldn't figure out the intention.

  The dilapidated and aging Tang Xian in front of me, do you want to rescue him? Do you want to let him go?

   What to do?

   This time, Tang Jing really couldn't figure out the intention, so that he didn't dare to act rashly for a while.

   "Forget it, let him live first. Maybe when he regains consciousness, he will be able to know what happened."

  In Tang Jing's subconscious mind, he naturally didn't think that this person who looked exactly like Tang Xian was Tang Xian.

  In fact, this is indeed not Tang Xian, Tang Xian's real body was indeed taken away by the Lord of Eden.

   It's all Tang Jing can do, and he can only wait until this body that doesn't seem to wake up wakes up.



   Eden Ruins.

  Once the boundary between reality and illusion is broken, the world becomes weird and absurd.

   Tang Xian has forgotten how long he has been in this world.

  Three years? five years? Or half a year? Or ten years?

   It's not that he has no concept of time, but that his memory is very confused.

  From the moment of saying goodbye to Zhong Yao, leaving the holy land and entering the ruins, the worst survival challenge has already begun.

   What awaits Tang Xian is endless doom.

   What the Lord of Eden fears is the world itself, not the creatures born in the world.

   Facing the vast universe, it doesn't know what kind of challenges it will face.

  It compares Tang Xian to a friend of his own. When Tang Xian stepped into the ruins, he visualized all the fear in his heart.

  Strange weather, terrifying energy fluctuations, ferocious beasts.

  The ruins that Tang Xian stepped into were far more terrifying than the maze, because living here was a luxury.

  Countless ancient creatures that Tang Xian has never heard of are hunting and killing wantonly in this land.

  The thunder in the sky never stops for a moment. Occasionally, meteorites will fall, causing massive damage and killing many creatures.

   Occasional earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions sound like regular natural disasters.

  But in the realm of the ruins, where fantasy and reality are intertwined, all of this is extremely terrifying. Tang Xian is convinced that even catastrophe-level creatures must rely on luck to survive here. Tang Xian knew that this world was a world of half-truths and half-truths. The ruins originally existed real, but now they have been swallowed by the will of the Lord of Eden.

  Reality and illusion are intertwined, which makes this place appear hellish.

   But even so, Tang Xian survived here.

  He is a conscious body, and once he dies, he will be fragmented. But he didn't die, and he was even close to the center.

  His purpose is to find the body of the Lord of Eden in the central area. As long as he has the entity, Tang Xian can return to the real reality from the world of consciousness.

   But this is not easy.

   "Qi Yuan, Zhong Yao, Yan Xiaoling, Li Xiaoyu, Tang Jing..."

   "Qi Yuan, Zhong Yao, Yan Xiaoling, Li Xiaoyu, Tang Jing, Qi Yuan, Zhong Yao, Yan Xiaoling, Li Xiaoyu, Tang Jing, Qi Yuan..."

  In the dark cave, Tang Xian kept chanting these names. When he found that there were only five names to pronounce, Tang Xian also felt a sense of despair.



   Ruins and holy places.

  It is the world of the Lord of Eden. To the Lord of Eden, this place is like the Kingdom of God to Qiyuan.

  What Tang Xian can do is to escape from here, not to disintegrate here.

  So he was wrong at the beginning, and the mistake was that he was overweight. He thought he could find the loopholes in this world, but fell into one of the worst traps of the Lord of Eden.

  Are the beasts and harsh environments created by the Lord of Eden with his consciousness really dangerous?

  Tang Xian also thought it was true at first, but now he realizes that what is really dangerous is the rules of the game.

  From the first day he entered the ruins, Tang Xian discovered one thing—there was no way out.

  There is a white mist all around, once you touch it, you will feel some kind of force cutting your consciousness.

   It’s like the edge of the game. Once you get close, you will receive a warning: the unopened area. Going deeper may cause the game to fail.

  Tang Xian had just stepped into the ruins of Eden, and he was faced with such a thing. He couldn't see the distant scene, and there was only a blank street sign beside him.

   But he didn't flinch.

   On the contrary, the more obstructed the other party is, it means that your judgment is correct, and you can find the weakness of the Lord of Eden if you go deep into the ruins.

   And how can we find a way where there is no way?

   This is a duel between Tang Xian and the Lord of Eden.

  【There is a price to pay for leaving the Holy Land. From now on, you have to delete the memory of a certain person in your mind and write this person on a blank road sign before you can see the path to reality. 】

  Tang Xian has known many people in his life. If it's an equivalent exchange, he doesn't mind letting himself forget about a few insignificant people.

   This rule is not difficult to understand. In the ruins of Eden, Tang Xian had no way not to follow the rules of the Lord of Eden.

  He could only write one name on the road sign, someone he knew but didn't matter.

  The rules took effect immediately. After writing down the name, Tang Xian no longer had the memory of this person in his mind. Looking at the name on the road sign, he already felt very strange.

  And everything around is no longer a vast expanse of whiteness, the heavens, earth, mountains and seas are beginning to show what they should be.

  The expedition to find the real body of the Lord of Eden has really begun.

   This is the first day. Tang Xian began to get familiar with and adapt to the harsh environment of the ruins, and at the same time, based on his own judgment, he looked for the direction of the central area.

  He explored this area quickly, successfully avoided various disasters and beasts, and came to the second road sign.

  He arrived here, and he probably understood the intention of the Lord of Eden.

  Maybe I am still far away from the finish line, and I have to go through countless road signs. In the end, I will lose the memory of many people in my memory.

  Tang Xian guessed right, these memories would indeed be erased from his mind and transferred to the Lord of Eden.

  That's why the Lord of Eden has been waiting in the holy mountain, seeming to be quite patient. No matter what secrets Tang Xian hides, he will eventually know them.

   All it takes, is some time.

   Tang Xian didn't hesitate too much. After all, it was only the second day, and there were still countless people in his memory that could be used to "eliminate".

  Third day...fourth day...fifth hundred and seventieth hundred and ninetieth day...

  The time of the ruins of Eden is just like the Holy Land, completely different from the outside world, and the vastness of the ruins of Eden is far beyond Tang Xian's imagination.

  He constantly erased all kinds of existence in his memory in exchange for the qualification to open up the ruins.

  By the 300th day, nearly a year later, Tang Xian already felt that there were many inaccuracies in his memory.

   At this time, he has two choices, follow those road signs and return to Zhong Yao's side.

   But in this way, these memories will be lost in vain.

   This is the Lord of Eden's chessboard, and all the rules are determined by it, but Tang Xian is still very unwilling to give up halfway.

  He already felt that he had come to a very core area, perhaps the body of the Lord of Eden was hidden in this place.

   This is a gambler's mentality, but Tang Xian has no choice. He has to leave here and return to reality to have the possibility of defeating the Lord of Eden.

  The six hundredth day.

  Tang Xian finally wrote down the first name that has something to do with him, Lin Sen.

   This ruffian who went around molesting women with a baseball bat is now completely erased from Tang Xian's memory.

  Before this, there were some old miners who Tang Xian had dug together at the bottom, Song Zhe, the contractor, and Jiang Ming, the auditor who felt sorry for Tang Xian, and many others.

  Because Tang Xian's exploration is sometimes very fast, he may encounter several road signs in a day.

   So it is possible to have several memories removed in one day.

  Tang Xian knew that his partners must be working hard to save him, or they were working hard to protect Baichuan City.

  He wanted to retreat many times, but thinking of these people gave him the courage to confront the Lord of Eden again.

   This is the most desperate illusion left to Tang Xian by the Lord of Eden.

  If we say that the Kingdom of God of the Orderer is that everything is set up, and the precious part of the memory has been taken away, for most people, it is a paradise.

  Then the kingdom of God of the Lord of Eden is hell.

   It is up to the person to decide whether to take away or let go of the memory.

   Irrelevant people are fine, but when you run out of cannon fodder, you have to start making choices.

   Regardless of whether the memory you let go is precious or unimportant, the area brought by the signpost is only so big.

   It doesn't say who is more important than who, whose name contains many memories, and road signs can mark more areas.

  So this process, the more painful it gets later.

  Because you have to divide those who love you, the people you love, into ranks and ranks.

  Human feelings should not be quantified, but the Lord of Eden wanted Tang Xian to do so.

  Qin Qian, Gu Luo, Ye Feng.

   On the 622nd day, Tang Xian explored three areas in a row and filled in three names.

  The anxiety on his face became more and more, one was worried about the safety of the world and the world of beasts, and the other was worried about whether he could go out.

  The names of those core figures were getting closer and closer. Tang Xian thought about giving up more than once. He was afraid of losing the memory of these important people.

   But when he looked back, he found that he had already entered the ruins.

   On the road sign on the way from here, the original name has disappeared. The way home also disappeared.

   Breaking into the Holy Land from outside the ruins will go through the same process as breaking into the ruins from the Holy Land. Tang Xian is in the center at this moment.

   This should be good news for him, which means that he has finally come to the core of the ruins.

   But he couldn't be happier.

   On the six hundred and sixtieth day, Tang Xian wrote down Dongran's name.

   It's like a memory battle royale. Those who can be kept by Tang Xian to the end are the most cherished people.

   But these people will disappear from his memory one by one after all.

   On the six hundred and sixty first day, Tang Xian saw the scene in his dream.

  The night before he entered the eighth fortress, he had a warning dream.

  In the dream, his father Tang Wen took him to a zone where fantasy and reality intertwine. Like the human world, but also like the world of beasts.

  In that dream, he saw a stone statue holding a baby.

  He finally came to the hiding place of the Lord of Eden, but at the cost of forgetting Qiao Shanshan forever.

   On the six hundred and sixty-third day, a dragon chant was heard in the sky. Tang Xian raised his head and could see a huge figure wandering above the clouds.

  Occasionally, the barking of foxes can be heard.

   But these voices were very ethereal, and he seemed to have returned to that dream.

   Tang Xian was a little excited, but when he saw the road sign, he was still sad.

   This time, the name he wrote down was Tang Suoye.

  The core area is very large, and there is not much time left for Tang Xian, or the memory is running out.

   Tang Xian saw many dark shadows, human shadows.

  These shadows were moving, and they seemed to be able to make sounds. After more than 600 days, Tang Xian finally heard the noisy communication, but he couldn't hear the content.

   He also saw shadow-like creatures in that dream. Tang Xian didn't know the meaning at that time, but now he is convinced that these are living people, but they were swallowed by the consciousness of the Lord of Eden.

   They become a state of neither living nor dead.

   Go deeper, and you will be able to find the target.

  Thinking about this, Tang Xian encountered another road sign, and his hands trembled a little.

  Akas? Song Que? Yuan Wu? or who else?

  No matter which one, Tang Xian finds it difficult to write.

  (end of this chapter)

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