Chapter 404v2 Baichuan City's Ultimate Reinforcement

  Chapter 404 The Ultimate Reinforcement in Baichuan City

   Baichuan City.

  With the efforts of Song Que, the human coalition successfully passed the second day.

  But the mechanical army and the beast army in the distance are still constantly attacking.

   Akas, Yuan Wu, and Tang Suoye already looked very tired.

  Qing Jiuyu and Tang Xiaojiu were also stretched. The two powerful foxes didn't consume too much physical strength, but they guarded the south side, because they couldn't use the fox fire, which caused many beasts to cross the line.

  Bai Shuang was still the most calm. She moved the army of beasts and machines to the other side of the world, but this was an extremely energy-consuming move. Although Bai Shuang didn't say anything, Li Xiaoyu, who was in charge of coordinating the city center, had already figured this out.

  The current Baichuan City needs reinforcements.

  Akas Tang Suoye, or the Hunter Alliance and Qing Jiuyu Bai Mansheng, etc., they all need a certain amount of time to rest.

  As long as there is enough combat power to implement the rotation system, then Baichuan City can take advantage of its geographical advantage to fight for a long time.

   But where to find reinforcements?

   Not only is there no reinforcements, there is even no retreat now.

  After the end of the first day, Lin Sen, Yu Xiaozhe and others have already started planning to transfer humans on a large scale.

  But they finally found out in despair that the southern islands had been occupied by new beasts.

  And all the teleportation stations built in the south of Amara Continent have more exaggerated beasts and mechanical armies than Baichuan City.

  As for the Poseidon Palace on the seabed.

   is indeed the last place they can escape, but the crux of the problem is...

  That place cannot accommodate so many humans.

  The people in the shelters are the ones who are finally going to be transferred to the Sea God Palace, and above these shelters, all the people fighting on the ground have only two endings—

   Either expel the beasts and the mechanical army and bring victory, or die in battle.

  Yuan Wu could no longer activate the mirror eye, and began to use his mind to fight against the enemy.

  Akas's speed has slowed down a lot, he had to slow down to reduce the loss of energy.

   Tang Suoye's large-scale attack also gradually began to narrow the range.

  Bai Mansheng, who was in charge of guarding the center in Baichuan City, originally only started treatment, but more and more beasts and mechanical armies poured into Baichuan City.

  Although Bai Mansheng discovered that some trial knights seemed to be on his side, it still couldn't change the fact that Baichuan City was being destroyed bit by bit.

  Relying on human doctors such as Qiao Shanshanyi Migumang, there are only a few people who can be cured.

  The main reason why the northern front can continuously invest in hunters is because of Bai Mansheng's super-speed healing ability as Emperor Wa.

  Bai Mansheng is also a little tired now, because he not only has to be in charge of medical treatment, but also has to deal with the battle.

   On the contrary, it was to the north. Under Song Que's sacrifice, the hunters in Baichuan City were shrouded in the sadness and anger of the commander's sacrifice. Coupled with Qi Yuan's small-scale "instigating rebellion", the north, which was originally the most disadvantaged, is now the most stable.

   On the third day, there was still no problem in the north.

  Among the thundering shouts of killing, the hunters were all extremely brave, and their emotions would not improve everyone's combat power.

   This is a special talent that only a small number of people have.

   But emotions make hunters forget about fear.

  Humans naturally have a kind of fear in the face of powerful beasts. This is true in mining areas, but it is even more serious in the real world.

   This fear made the hunters restrain themselves from performing as they should.

  But with the death of Song Que and a group of elite hunters, the fear gradually dissipated.

   Instead, there was endless anger.

  Beasts and Orderers in the north had a "reduced" visual effect for the first time under the hunter's firepower net.

  But the other three places outside the north are very tired.

   Three days of fierce fighting without sleep, facing the endless army of beasts and machines.

   Once the terrifying heart-bending ray hits, it will bring a deadly threat.

  Under all kinds of sinister factors, Tang Suoye was the first to fall.

  Among the three people in the evolution zone, Yuanwu and Akas are both tyrants, and their strength has greatly increased.

  But Tang Suoye didn't. Tang Suoye was the one who consumed the most thought power, because among the three, she was the only one who could kill enemies on a large scale.

  When Tang Suoye passed out due to exhaustion, Akas immediately killed the enemies approaching Tang Suoye.

  But because of the absence of Tang Suoye, a large number of beasts and trial knights flooded into the west of Baichuan City.

  The same is true in the south. Although Qing Jiuyu and Tang Xiaojiu are far stronger than humans in physical strength, but in the beast form, the size is too huge, so that Qing Jiuyu was hit by the heart-exhausting ray.

   On the third day, Qing Jiuyu and Tang Xiaojiu were fighting for their lives. They might die in the beast tide at any time.

  Bai Shuang in the east still didn't let any beasts flood into Baichuan City, but Bai Shuang's mental power was too consumed, and she was gradually unable to resist. Her situation was only a little better than Tang Suoye.

  In the early morning of the fourth day, Akas and Yuan Wu were both hit by the heart-exhausting ray, and the west city area of ​​Baichuan City had been destroyed beyond recognition by the army of beasts. All the achievements of the past efforts were in vain.

  Akas and Yuanwu have already made up their minds to fight to the death.

   So far, the west side has fallen.

  Bai Shuang in the east was finally unable to use space teleportation anymore, and the huge consumption of mental power began to bite her back, making it difficult for her to move.

  Bai Mansheng had to give up guarding Baichuan City, and went to the east to block the attack of the army of beasts with ice.

  Such a blockade only slowed down the attack of the Beasts and Judgment Knights.

  In the afternoon of the fourth day, the east side fell.

   There was no more than one hour between the two and Akas.


  Qing Jiuyu had already guessed the result. This endless army caused the entire world of beasts to face an unprecedented catastrophe.

  Now that they are gathered in Baichuan City, how can a few people like myself resist them?

  Even Qing Jiuyu thinks that it is a miracle that a few superhumans, a few beasts, and a large group of ordinary people can support until now.

  Qing Jiuyu tried to escape several times, but Tang Xiaojiu just refused to leave.

  It was only then that she realized that Xiaoni was different from herself after all.

  In Xiaoni's life, maybe the sum of the previous years is no match for the short time after she met Tang Xian.

  Thinking of the Court of Ten Thousand Beasts, the Tiankeng Holy Land, Tang Xian's words that were so gentle to the bone.

  Qing Jiuyu clearly knew that the relationship between herself and Tang Xian would stop at the present, but she still had the determination to die.

   These feelings are actually not that strong.

  It’s just that under the influence of the exhausting heart ray, I feel the passing of life. Under the pressure of this kind of death, many regrets in my heart are infinitely magnified.

  Tang Xiaojiu is still resisting with all his strength, obviously there are countless army of beasts pouring in.

  At this time, Qing Jiuyu began to understand Tang Xiaojiu's mother.

  Just Baichuan City will be destroyed, and it is difficult for her and Tang Xiaojiu to survive today.

  In Baichuan City, the three urban areas in the east, west, and south began to suffer large-scale damage.

  The hospital is in the North District.

   Knowing this, the hunters were also extremely brave, and wanted to delay the complete fall of Baichuan City as much as possible.

  At this moment, everyone in Baichuan City knows that this is their last battle.

  There was no one Li Xiaoyu was familiar with on the battlefield to the north.

  This means...the hunters from the past are all dead. Or in the treatment of serious injuries.

   But these two results will soon be merged into one.

  Akas carried Tang Suoye on his back, and his breathing became more and more rapid.

   Tang Suoye woke up from a coma. She opened her mouth, unable to speak.

  At the end of her life, she wanted to say something to Akas. Love words or last words.

   But in the end, Tang Suoye shook his head.

  Recalling all the past in the evolution zone, and recalling the cruel past when he was still No. 19, Tang Suoye felt no regrets.

  At least I...can die with Akas.

  Yuan Wu began to run frantically towards the northern urban area.

  The so-called tyrant is nothing but the human being who understands love and loss best.

  He once lost the mirror, but now at least he doesn't want to lose Suzuki.

   Even if you must die, you must stand in front of her.

  The defensive line began to shrink.

  All the people guarding the periphery gradually moved their positions closer to the hospital in the northern urban area.

   This is now the last piece of pure land in Baichuan City.

  For nearly a thousand years, this city has not decayed because of the efforts of the Beast God.

   Now it has been destroyed beyond recognition.

  Feeling the approach of the endless and dark mass of beasts and mechanical army on the periphery, Qiao Shanshan felt extremely uncomfortable.

   "We seem to be dying here. I don't want him to die..."

  Song Que on the hospital bed was so weak that he couldn't hear Qiao Shanshan's words at all.

  Song Que did not die, Qiao Shanshan and Gou Mang were more surprised than Qi Yuan.

  Especially Qi Yuan, who was riding a golden trial knight, brought Song Que, which made Gou Mang even more puzzled.

   "Who the **** is this little girl?"

   Jumang looked at Qi Yuan, unable to understand.

  The talent panel did appear in his eyes, and Qi Yuan's data looked very ordinary.

  The current demand analysis is the same as everyone else's, and they all stick to Baichuan City.

  But Jumang has a feeling that this panel is fake, as if he knows that he can see through these data, so he made a fake data to deal with himself.

  The reason for this feeling is that although the little girl is wearing a mask, her eyes are too calm.

  At the end of the line of sight, you can already see the endless Eden army stepping in, but the little girl's eyes seem to indicate that all this will come to an end.



  The sky is dim, without the **** setting sun at dusk, making the dusk look very dim like dawn.

  In Baichuan City, there is only the last piece of pure land in the North District, and the Baichuan Hospital in the North District has become the last frontier for mankind.

  Countless people who had nowhere to escape eventually all gathered here. Once the army of beasts and machines approached, they would be lambs to be slaughtered.

   Akas, Bai Shuang, Bai Mansheng, Qing Jiuyu, Tang Xiaojiu, Yuan Wu, Tang Suoye, and everyone else have no way out now.

  Besides them, there are still beasts and judgment knights who can't see the end at a glance.

  The cold blue flames on the two mysterious birds hovering in the sky also became extremely weak.

  Countless giant bats and many unknown sky behemoths began to approach them, biting their scorching wings.

  The entire human world is forced into such a narrow corner.

  Although humans escaped the pyramids, the end result does not seem to have changed.

   Maybe years later, people will live in the pyramids again?

   Or the Kingdom of God?

  This history of tragic resistance will probably be erased, just like the catastrophe hundreds of years ago.

  Before humans entered the pyramid, did anyone resist fiercely?

  Li Xiaoyu still doesn't know the true purpose of the Lord of Eden, but feels that all this is so hopeless.

  Just like what she shouted at the bottom of Fortress Thirty-nine—in this world, there are many things that cannot be changed at birth.

A world where everyone is equal does not exist, but at least in Baichuan City, people will no longer have talents and non-talented people. This huge gap in the "talent" that exists at birth, in this short period of half a year , indeed disappeared.

   But soon, all this will be meaningless...

  "What is our struggle for? If it is destined to die...Why should I let these people take their lives...Does the era we guard and look forward to really exist?"

  Li Xiaoyu fell into pain and self-blame.

  She has already made arrangements for the humans in the refuge, and the final destination is under the deep sea, in the huge palace that Lin Sen and Yu Xiaozhe mentioned.

  But human beings will live a life that never sees the sun, and even such a life may not last for a long time.

   So is there really a future?

  The night is swallowing up the light of the sky little by little.

  If civilization is compared to a giant, then this giant called human civilization is dying bit by bit at this moment.

  Waiting for the passing of life is an extremely long and cruel process.

  In this process, human will should also slowly collapse.

  But for some reason, even Li Xiaoyu was a little surprised that no one was timid to fight, no one fled, and no one said "maybe it would be better not to leave the pyramid in the first place".

  The will of these people is terrifyingly strong.

  The countless souls who have died in the pyramids for hundreds of years seem to have turned into the last courage of human warriors!

  They are clearly facing death, but they just refuse to give in!

  Looking at the soldiers who were still desperately resisting and the doctors who were still treating others, Li Xiaoyu suddenly blamed himself.

   This city was built by her and many friends after staying up late countless times and going through hardships.

  But if possible, before this war comes, Li Xiaoyu still wants to escape with Tang Xian to a place where no one can find him, throw away everything, and elope with Tang Xian.

  People's growth is often subtle, and they can't be aware of it.

  It wasn't until the choice really came that I suddenly realized that I had changed.

  Qi Yuan and Qi Yuan are both interested in Li Xiaoyu.

  Because Li Xiaoyu is an outlier like Tang Xian in the Kingdom of God.

   "Didn't she run away?"

  Qi Yuan found it very interesting.

   Is it because Li Xiaoyu loves this world more than Tang Xian?

  So you want to live and die with this world?

  Such a rational person would make such an emotional choice?

   Is this progress or regression for human beings?

  Qi Yuan couldn't think of the answers to these questions.

   Even… she was simply wrong.

  Li Xiaoyu still loves Tang Xian more than the world, but now, she just loves the world more than herself.

  Noticing a little girl wearing a mask staring at him, not far from him, Li Xiaoyu was a little strange, how could there be a little **** such a tragic battlefield?

  The little girl came to Li Xiaoyu, thinking about the troubles she would encounter later, the little girl raised her head and said to Li Xiaoyu:

  "If my sister sees a broken future, then she will definitely not let me be born in such a boring world."

   "What are you talking about?" Li Xiaoyu suddenly felt that this tone seemed familiar.

   "I'm saying that life in the world should not be terminated."

  Qi Yuan's words were addressed to Li Xiaoyu, but he looked at the other end of the battlefield.

  When the human defense line hundreds of meters away is about to break for the last time, when Akas Yuanwu Bai Mansheng, Tang Xiaojiuqing, Jiuyu and others rush into the herd with the heart of fighting to death—

  Suddenly, the battlefield was silent for a second.

   Countless trial knights seem to be forcibly controlled by some powerful and irresistible force.

  This is different from Qi Yuan's mind control. It seems to be a physical force from the outside, which makes the movements of the trial knights extremely weird and stiff.

  Gu Mang in the center of the position covered his mouth and instantly recognized Constantine's metal control ability!

   Within a radius of hundreds of meters, all the metals have become someone's servants.

  In this battlefield full of trial knights, this man is like a descended god.

   Tang Jing is here!

  When tens of thousands of humans were squeezed into the last small area, and the defense war was about to be wiped out, reinforcements finally arrived!

  Li Xiaoyu also saw such a scene, her fingers trembling with excitement, she was speechless.

  This feeling is like a person who is about to drown at sea and sees a lonely boat

   It's just that Li Xiaoyu made a mistake, Tang Jing is probably alone.

   And behind the lone boat, there is a huge ship that can conquer this ocean!

   Amway a book

   "Tokyo Behind the Scenes"

   The new book by the author of the language book, Neon, which is full of disasters, ushers in a high school student's behind-the-scenes criminal reasoning. I am not a judge, I just want to live.

   If you are interested, you can read it, it is very interesting



  (end of this chapter)

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