Chapter 119 Magical Girl vs. Brave Girl

  Chapter 119 Magical Girl vs Brave Girl

   Maple forest glade.

  It's only seven o'clock in the morning.

  On the empty ground, only the wisteria tree spirit was there.

  After Xia Mi and Sai Li appeared, a gust of breeze blew, picking up the latter's smooth black hair.

  Although the sky is already bright, the purple-red morning light has not yet dissipated. The sun's beams pass through the woods from the sky and fly over in the air, and the shadows of the trees are elongated on the ground.

  The white-haired girl has been waiting for a long time.

   "Sai Li, I want to see your strength." Xia Mi looked at Sai Li, "So I plan to arrange a match between you and Lina."

   "No matter how you think about it, it is impossible for a magician to confront a swordsman head-on."

  The magical girl frowned slightly.

  In a normal one-on-one match, the swordsman and the magician can be said to be nine to one.

  As long as the magician is close, the magician will basically send it.

   "Of course it's not a normal exchange."

   At this time, the white-haired girl also came over, smiling.

   "You will lose, press down and pass the rope competition Saili~"

   "It's not this kind of competition, Lena!"

  Xia Mi looked at the magical girl. Although the magical girl was already a magician, he knew little about shield magic.

   "Could you briefly talk about your shield magic?"

  The magical girl crossed her arms. Although her expression was calm, a few gleams of pride could not be hidden in her eyes.

"In the classification of magic, unlike fire magic and water magic, shield magic is not a magic that every magician can learn. This is a very rare miracle magic, that is to say, only Only magical girls who are specially favored by the goddess of magic can learn it. At present, in the entire continent, I am the only one who can comprehend the magic of the shield. When the magic of the shield is cultivated to the extreme, it can resist any attack in the world."

  It seems that I really picked up a big treasure.

  Xia Mi thought silently in his heart.

   "The magic of the shield will have different effects depending on the range, accuracy, and thickness of the defensive shield."

  "The smaller the defense range, the thicker the defense can be formed, and the harder it is for the enemy to attack."

   "What about defending against only one person?"

   "When I go all out, the attacks I can resist are beyond your imagination." The magical girl said to herself: "If it is a large-scale defense, it can also protect a large area from many ordinary attacks."

  Xia Mi clapped her hands in satisfaction.

   "Very good. In the future, you can become the spokesman for the absolute defense of the demons."

  The magical girl squinted at the past.

   "Don't just give me this title. I haven't even said whether I want it or not."

   "It's just right. Lina's swordsmanship has a strong killing ability, and she is currently responsible for the absolute attack power of the demons."

   "Eh? No, no..."

  Lena's face was a little embarrassed.

  How could a small passer-by who couldn't even touch the previous Demon King hold such an honorary title?

   Sai Li looked at the white-haired girl.

   This wicked brave girl gave her a big shock.

  As a swordsman, he held a sword and chanted, and then killed him with one blow, which solved the former head of the demon army, A Guli.

  I still remember that scene very clearly.

  Xia Mi was full of interest.

   "I want to see which side can gain the upper hand when absolute defense is facing absolute attack."

  Lena and Saili looked at each other.

   It turned out to be a serious discussion.

  Under Xia Mi's words, the two became interested in each other's abilities by coincidence.

   "I'll give you enough time to prepare, and then Lena will use her sword skills to blast Sairi's magic shield to see who is stronger."

   "It's easy to say, but Lena's bang is a big deal."

  The magical girl recognized the strength of the white-haired girl.

   "Looks like it's a life-threatening duel..."

  The white-haired girl also became nervous.

   "Not really! For ordinary sparring, just click to the end."

  The magical girl looked at Lina. Although she recognized the opponent's strength, she was absolutely confident in her shield magic.

   No matter what kind of attack the opponent is attacking, it is impossible to break her shield magic.

   "No problem, Lena?"

"no problem…"

  Compared to the self-confidence and calmness of the magical girl, the white-haired girl is a little timid.

  It is obviously not the absolute fighting power of some demons, but it was praised by Xia Mi.

  Use your little sword skills to counter Sairi's shield magic.

   No matter how you think about it, you will lose...

   "What about the preparation time?"

   "I have as much time as Lena." The magical girl said lightly.

  Xia Mi looked at the white-haired girl.


  The white-haired girl thought about it, and could only use that trick.

   The last time I used that battle to defeat Aguli, it seemed like I sang for three minutes.

  But I feel like I can't hurt the magical girl's shield for three minutes.

   "How about three hours?"

   "It's been a long time! Are you going to sleep and then play?" Xia Mi immediately vetoed, "Ten minutes?"

"Oh sure…"

  The white-haired girl's face became depressed.

   "Is there anything else you two need to discuss?"

  The two girls thought for a while, and said at the same time: "I want to stand on the right."


  Both sides of the maple forest clearing.

  The magical girl and the brave girl stood on one side, with black and white hair fluttering.

  Natsumi stood in the middle.

   After standing still, the two girls began to chant.

   "Dear Great Sword Saint Mino..."

  The white-haired girl held a long sword in both hands and placed it respectfully in front of her.

   "Dear Goddess of Magic..."

  The black-haired girl held the magic book in one hand, and gently moved the other hand on the magic book, and lines of light with strong magic power were outlined with her index finger.

  As time went by, a thin film of light appeared on the magical girl's mage robe, which was the shield magic she released on herself.

  As the chanting continued, the light film gradually thickened, and soon became a light shield visible to the naked eye with a radius of more than two meters, enveloping the magical girl in 360 degrees without dead ends.

   "What a strong shield ability."

  Xia Mi looked at the magical girl's shield from the side. Just looking at it gave her a sense of powerlessness that couldn't be broken.

   While thinking like this, the bangs on his forehead were blown, Xia Mi looked to the other side, and it was another scene.

  The boundless icy sword intent seemed to have a substance, spreading around like a tidal beast.

  The white-haired girl stood in the sword aura. In her blue eyes, the blue slowly faded and gradually turned into the color of ice and snow. Her crystal white hair fluttered behind her like a spider web.

  The skin of the girl's entire body was even whiter, as if there was a thin layer of frost covering the skin, emitting a faint white light.

   "What a strong sword intent."

  Xia Mi swallowed subconsciously.

   Facing the icy sword intent of the brave girl, the magic power in his body began to tremble slightly, and his hairs also stood up.


  The level 73 brave girl exudes power that makes the devil feel scared.

  If he resisted the sword head-on, Xia Mi felt that he would die.

   But the situation on both sides did not stop there.

  The singing time has only passed seven minutes.

  The last three minutes.

  The heroic girl chanted in a low voice, her strength still growing.

  On the other side, not only Xia Mi felt fear, but even the magical girl inside the defensive shield provided by Shield Magic felt palpitations.

   Is this really the sword intent that a girl of my own age can unleash?

  Like a big mountain!

  I feel that the current state of the shield will be cut open by a sword!

  Although she knew that Lina could kill A Guli with a single blow, she still felt in her heart that she could win without suspense.

  But now... the magical girl quickly cast aside her inner contempt, gritted her teeth, and called out to the goddess of magic with a 100% serious attitude, and seized the next three minutes to strengthen the shield.

   "Okay, what a strong airflow... the old man will not be blown to death by an inexplicable AOE... cough cough... Xia Mi... help..."

  The brave girl and the magical **** the field continued to burst into powerful air currents, and the few remaining leaves on the crown of the wisteria tree were blown away a lot.

  Natsumi came to the Dryad.

   "Xia Mi...ahem...he is indeed a reliable Demon King..."

   "No. I want to ask you if something happens accidentally, which piece of tree you take away and replant will have a chance to revive you."

  Xia Mi found that he still underestimated the strength of the two of them. The situation in the first five minutes was still under his control, but now he can only ask for luck.

   After all, he is just a lowly demon king at level 11, facing a magical girl at level 36 and a brave man at level 72.

   Tick tock.

  Ten minutes passed.

  Lina looked at Sai Li with a long sword in her hand, and opened her small mouth slightly, exhaling icy air from it.

   "Sari, are you ready?"

   "Sai Li, I forgot to tell you that Lina is a level 72 swordsman." Xia Mi shouted.

   Sai Li's forehead was covered with fine sweat, and he glared at Xia Mi from the side.

   "It's useless to say it at a time like this!"

  The white-haired girl has always been humble and never mentioned her rank. Magical girls thought she was a level 30 little warrior.

   It turned out to be twice my level!

   This is completely unfair battle!

  The magical girl looked at the sword in the white-haired girl's hand, and for the first time wondered if her shield could withstand the attack.

   "Come on, come on, Lena."

  But when this happened, it was impossible to call a stop.

   In front of the dryad, Xia Mi also looked closely at the magical girl.

  As the party who is about to be attacked, it is best if the magical girl can withstand the attack. If she cannot withstand the attack, then he must rescue her from Lina's attack as soon as possible.

   But the situation is no longer under his control. If there is a real threat to his life, he can only use that trick.

   Xia Mi's last hidden big move.

   "Holy Sword Style·Breaking Shield."

  The brave girl with fluttering white hair squatted down slightly, and the long sword in her hand quickly slashed obliquely in the direction of the magical girl in a way of drawing a knife.

  The entire ground of the open space was tinged with cold air, and a sword light flew towards the front of the magical girl.

  Because it was a sparring session, the white-haired girl didn't really mean to hurt Sai Li, she just launched the most obvious attack, testing the limit of the shield, and had no other thoughts.

  Her attack is very straight, and it's just a point, the magical girl can completely predict the point.

   "Shield Magic and Physical Defense."

   "Shield Magic · Overlay Defense."

   "Shield magic and defense bonus."

  The magical girl was sweating on her face, she moved all the shields around her to her front, and used three spells in one go to gather all the shield energy to where the sword energy arrived.

  Boom! !

   The collision of absolute attack and absolute defense made the entire open space shine brightly.

   When the light completely dissipated, Xia Mi looked over.

  The two girls stood where they were safe and sound.

  The sword energy has all disappeared, and the magical girl's shield has changed from a shield that covers the whole body to a tortoise-shaped shield that only defends in front of her.

  The magic girl's 3-meter-thick shield has countless cracks. The cracks start from the surface and extend inward until the last centimeter of the shield stops.

  The brave girl's attack failed to break through the magical girl's shield in the end.

   "Hey, it really doesn't work..."

  The white-haired girl walked over regretfully.

  The shocked little face of the magical girl gradually returned to calm. After staying for three or four seconds, she gradually revealed a faint smile, and put her slightly trembling little hands behind her.

   Looks like she's on the defensive.

   But only she knows.

  Bad, almost, it was broken...

   This is because she kept injecting magic power into her shield when resisting the white-haired girl's attack, so she managed to keep the entire shield intact.

   Otherwise, maybe the shield is now in pieces, and she will be injured.

  What a horrible attack...

  Looking at Lena who was trotting over, the magical girl swallowed.

   Like those two clumps of fat...

   "Lena's attack much stronger than I imagined."

  The three of them gathered together, and the magical girl managed to keep smiling.

   "It's not enough."

  The white-haired girl felt a little regretful, but soon became happy when she thought that the magician with such defensive power belonged to her own camp.

   "If you say that, I will be able to enjoy such a powerful shield in the future~"


  The magical girl smiled with lingering fear, her smile was slightly stiff.

  Xia Mi watched the result silently.

   Now it seems that the most important defense and attack capabilities of the demons are available. Then in the next development process, it is only necessary to train the two of them well. When it has grown to a certain level, consider whether it is necessary to add subordinates with the same attributes.

   After all, the power is very small now. If you add too many subordinates with the same attribute, it may increase the burden. Just integrating into the collective is a big problem.

   Currently, the three girls are getting along very harmoniously.

  In other words, what are the attributes of a flat golden retriever?

  Thinking about it, Xia Mi had the desire to torture the flat golden retriever again.


  The discussion is over.

  The white-haired girl went back to the hotel room to take a shower under Xia Mi's portal because she had practiced the sword all morning.

  The magical girl is still reminiscing about the discussion just now.

   "This kind of strength, it is impossible to cause no harm to the previous Demon King."

  The magical girl looked at Xia Mi.


   Xia Mi is of course impossible to tell the truth, he can also see the shock of the magical girl now.

   Sai Li is indeed a genius magical girl with shield magic, but there is a difference in levels. She can't cross the full 36th level and block Lina's blow head-on.

   Standing from the perspective of a bystander just now, he could see the expression of the magical girl struggling, as well as the continuous recharging of the shield as a last resort.

   Nothing debunked.

   "It's really amazing to be able to leapfrog Lena's attack, Sai Li."

  Natsumi blew a rainbow fart.

   "Cut. If my shield just now hadn't resisted the attack, the girl might have fallen."

   "Don't worry, I will save you."

  Xia Mi smiled lightly.

   "How to save?"

   "Anyway, it can be saved."

  The magical girl glanced at Xia Mi, but did not choose to believe it.

  The Demon King's Savior, I've never heard of it... It's not bad if you don't use the Demon to block the knife at a critical moment...

  The magical girl's trembling little hands gradually returned to calm, followed by physical discomfort.

  The full-power confrontation just now almost exhausted the magic power of the magical girl, and now, there is a symptom of magic backlash.

  Magical girls seem to be invincible without any flaws on the surface, but only the magical girl knows that this is not the case.

  Blessed by the Goddess of Magic, able to master the magic of the shield, has super magic comprehension ability, the most beautiful magic girl in Fata...

  When the world thought she was an existence without any flaws and shortcomings in the world, Sai Li had a fatal weakness.

   is also a weakness that cannot be told to anyone.


  Information available:

  【Elf girl Luleia's **** have developed in three months - affirmation from Xia Mi】

  【The brave girl planted vegetables in Xia Mi's field. The seeds came from the first village that invaded, and the vegetables have sprouted】

  【Theo, who was hit by the magic girl fireball, didn't die, but his **** was burnt, and during the treatment, the villager's level +1】

  (end of this chapter)

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