v95 Chapter 1 :Enter

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【Original Sin Scholar】

Place of Origin: Reincarnation Paradise

Quality: ★★★★★★★★★

Ultimate burning: once.

Category: Rare Title

Title effect 1: Scholar (passive), after wearing this title, reading efficiency +153% (58% increase), reading immersion +194% (105.3% increase), knowledge imprint interpretation efficiency +217% (135% increase).

Title effect 2: Absolute concentration (passive), after starting to master knowledge, consume 30 mana points per minute, during this period, the efficiency of mastering the knowledge of original sin/seal/darkness increases by 1200%, and the efficiency of mastering other types of knowledge increases by 35%.

Title effect 3: Original Sin Scholar (passive), every time you hold/seal a peak original sin object, the full effect of "absolute focus" will increase by 20%.

The current number of sealed original sin objects: 6.

Current "absolute focus" effect bonus: 120%.

That is: after starting to master knowledge, 66 points of mana are consumed per minute. During this period, the efficiency of mastering original sin/sealing/darkness knowledge is increased by 2640%, and the efficiency of other types of knowledge is increased by 77%.

Introduction: When the famous teacher named Death personally supervises, people's learning potential will continue to rise. Of course, sometimes this famous teacher will inevitably appear too harsh.

Price: Not for sale.

Su Xiao has already upgraded "Alchemy" to the full level, which gives him a strong mental power and the corresponding knowledge intake ability. To make a metaphor, suppose that when he first entered the reincarnation paradise, the knowledge intake ability is 10 points, Then, after maximizing alchemy, his knowledge absorption ability is at least 3500-3600 points.

The promotion of the title of "Original Sin Scholar" is based on these 3500 points, that is, to raise it to 92400 points. In this way, the progress of his mastery of alchemy can be imagined.

If it wasn't for the world battle this time, he would definitely give priority to promoting the title of "Original Sin Scholar". After all, the "Book of Original Sin" is now sealing the six original sin objects of the big daddy level, as well as the "Queen of Eternal Night" of the abyssal race, to destroy the world. The super group "Moth World".

Putting away the title of "Original Sin Scholar", Su Xiao looked at the promoted "Old Hunter".

【Old Hunter】

Place of Origin: Reincarnation Paradise

Quality: Special (only available to hunters).

Ultimate Burning: Twice.

Category: title

Title effect 1: Weakness perception (passive), damage dealt to offenders increased by 25%.

Title effect 2: Veteran hunter (passive), when killing violators, you can get 1-300 hunter gold coins (judged according to the danger of the violators).

Hunter Gold Coins: After successfully obtaining Hunter Gold Coins, you can consume 1 Hunter Gold Coin to activate the hunter shops notarized simultaneously in Reincarnation Paradise, Apocalypse Paradise, Death Paradise, and Holy Light Paradise.

Hunter Store · Title: There are ★~★★★★★★★★★ title treasure chests, and you can choose the type of title treasure chest (if you choose to exchange the treasure chest for combat titles, the one you open must be a combat title).

Hunter Shop · Weapons: There are Legendary ~ Eternal Weapon Treasure Boxes, and you can choose the type of weapon treasure box.

Hunter Shop·Pharmaceutical: There are legendary-level to eternal-level permanent buff potion treasure chests, and you can choose the type of potion treasure chest.

Tip: Greed is never a character that a hunter should have. You need to make an appropriate choice, so you can open up to one type of hunter shop, and once you choose, it cannot be changed forever.

The current number of hunter gold coins held: 0 pieces.

Introduction: You are already a mature hunter, is it possible that even today, you still need to hunt down prey with the ability of your title? If so, you are no longer worthy of being called an "old hunter". Of course, if you have become a real "old hunter", you can not only enjoy the joy of hunting, but also the sweet fruits of successful hunting.

Price: Not for sale.

The original title of "Old Hunter" has an outrageous tracking ability, and its characteristics are:

"The Ruthless Hunter (Active) forcibly locks on the designated target in the same world without any intermediary, so that it can continuously perceive the specific position of the target in the next 12 hours.

Tip: If you complete this hunt, there is no cost for using this ability this time.

Warning: If you do not complete this hunt, your real strength, agility, stamina, intelligence, and charisma attributes will be permanently reduced by 5%.

Tip; the cooling time of this ability is 50 natural days. "

This ability is very powerful. The problem is that in the late stage, the core problem is not to find the enemy, but **** the enemy, such as the priest, the platinum apostle, and the archbishop of the abyss. The significance of finding the three of them is far lower than **** them completely .

Regarding how to choose the type of "Hunter Store", there is no need to think too much about it. Charm -28 points, so Su Xiao must choose "Hunter Store Title". The title store notarized by Lieyang Star is a small probability event. The importance of the equipment system, there must be a sufficiently stable way to obtain it.

After looking at the remaining time of staying, Su Xiao came to the alchemy laboratory. He sat in front of the operating table, adjusted the fixed frame in front, and then aligned several emergency measures with the fixed frame. If something on the fixed frame dared to make a mistake , will be penetrated by lightning from the man-made world. Although the man-made world is incomparable to the natural world, the experience of being penetrated is extremely bad.

Su Xiao took out the sealed box containing the "Evil Heart", and while opening it, he did not give the "Evil Heart" a chance to respond, and tied it to the fixed frame.

"I admit that you are very capable, but you can't kill me. If I can survive the absorption of the Lord of the Old One, I will be able to resist your means. So, give up, I will not succumb to you, as a pride How could I submit to my mortal enemy, the Destroyer!"

The evil heart still spoke in Abyssal language, but while speaking, it grinned with hatred.


Su Xiao didn't speak, and Boubo Wang next to him handed over the tablet computer. He fixed the tablet computer on the left hand side, and then he took out the "Book of Original Sin" and fixed it in the middle, and took out a quarter of the tablet computer left. 【Semi-melted fat wax】, fixed on the right hand side.

Click on the video to be played on the tablet computer, the one-eyed evil heart casts its gaze, it sees Caesar holding the "Ouroboros Slate", her~ bah, this precious picture of Caesar taming the "Ouroboros Slate", let The evil heart's eyes became more and more serious, it was no longer as determined as before, as if hesitating to speak.

"I'm never stingy, especially things that are useless to me can turn waste into treasure."

The implication of Su Xiao's words is obvious. If the evil heart still does not report its ability and show its value, then it will belong to Caesar.

"Of course, more choices should be given to those facing difficulties."

Su Xiao opened the "Book of Original Sin" to the ninth page. The "Book of Original Sin" did have vacancies, but just after sealing the "Sun Mask" on Lie Yangxing, the "Book of Original Sin" had reached its limit. It would be safe to wait for the "Book of Original Sin" to be improved again, otherwise, once the "Collector" no longer cooperates with the seal, it will inevitably make the seal unstable like the previous one.

The evil heart groaned and swallowed a big mouthful of saliva. It looked at the [semi-melted fat wax] on the other side. It didn't need an introduction. It knew that this was a way to attract "Candle Girl". Fear surfaced, was caught by the old master, the other party only absorbed it, and the focus of attention was not on it, so it survived.

But if caught by Candle Girl, it is not a matter of being absorbed, but of being ravaged and tortured from the inside out.

The current situation is that Su Xiao gave Evil Heart three choices, Caesar, Book of Original Sin, and Candle Girl, but Evil Heart doesn't seem to want to choose, after all, it doesn't look like a multiple-choice question.

The eyes of the evil heart are sometimes ferocious and sometimes hesitant. Based on Su Xiao’s experience, this is only one step away. This thing is definitely not from the abyss. It looks arrogant, vicious, and evil, but in fact it is strong on the outside and capable on the inside. More specifically, it belongs to the He is very experienced in dealing with such an existence full of vicious evil.

Su Xiao took out [Dark Creep], seeing this thing that looked like a part of the brain, the evil heart was stunned for a while, then it stretched out its anthropomorphic tiny hands and feet, rubbed its one eye with both hands, and after confirming that it was right, It knelt on the ground trembling all over, and then felt that kneeling was not respectful enough, so it simply threw itself on the ground.

"Yes...you did it? Impossible, how could you do it."

The evil heart was a little incoherent, but after a few seconds, the evil heart recovered from the huge shock. It immediately climbed up, clicked his **** stupid way, and said with one hand on his back: "It's just the master of the past, the abyss has already ..."

Speaking of this, the evil heart realized what he had said, and shut up quickly. It then re-examined Su Xiao and asked:

"Where did you get this thing? As an abyss race..."

Without waiting for the evil heart to finish speaking, Su Xiao took the notebook beside him, opened the Abyss Ethnic Badge chapter that he memorized casually, and asked:

"Which is your family crest? Azguk, Rune, Ducain, Bronze, Collective, which branch of these families do you belong to?"

"Well~, this one~, the matter of the abyssal race is very complicated, I..."


Su Xiao didn't speak, and turned the "Book of Original Sin" to the page that sealed the abyssal race, Queen Eternal Night. Seeing the Queen Eternal Night sealed inside, the one-eyed evil heart widened again, and its eyes looked around. It seems to be looking for an escape route, and it also seems to be considering other sophistry methods.

"It seems that in our destiny, we have no fate to cooperate."

Hearing Su Xiao's words, the evil heart's eyes lit up, and listening to the other party's tone, the Dharma destroyer was about to give up on it.

Let me ask, why is the evil heart unwilling to cooperate with the law destroyers? Is it really a deadly enemy with the Destroyer? Of course not, it is pretending to be an abyss race, so it took advantage of the trend to say that it has enmity with the law destroyer. The real reason is that it actually cooperated with the law destroyer in the second era. However, the name destroyer who cooperated with it Lawman, named Green Gillian.

The evil heart is greedy and wants to raise the price before cooperation? No, it already suffers from the phobia of the Destroyer. When it sees the Destroyer, it thinks of the vicious female Destroyer with a happy smile on her face, and the various tests the other party has done with it.

For example, use a special fishing rod, throw it into the abyss channel, and try to catch what you can catch, or nail it in the center of the trap as bait, and throw it out at a critical moment, so that the chasing abyss monster After swallowing it, after half a month, Green Gillian successfully beheaded the abyss monster, and then fished out the evil heart from the highly corrosive digestive juice.

Therefore, the evil heart was so happy when it realized that the opposite law-destroyer said that the fate of both parties was over, but in the next second, it saw the opposite law-destroyer take out a sealed box, and after opening it, there was a small piece of tree root inside , The moment he saw this thing, the evil heart's eyes widened, because it recognized that this was the root of Maosheng's madness.

That is to say, the law destroyer on the opposite side not only sealed the original sin object, but also sealed the abyss race, and was able to trade with the old master, and had the means to summon the candle girl, and was able to protect himself. Trade wildly, otherwise it is impossible to get a small piece of the other party's root system.

At this moment, the evil heart sincerely felt that besides having existed for a longer period of time and seeing more things, compared with the Dharma destroyer opposite, it actually had a feeling that it was not worth mentioning because of its pride.

"I have a question, I hope you can tell me the truth."


"How many law destroyers are there in your law destroying camp? I haven't been active in the outside world for a long time, although I was not a ruthless character in the first place."

"Only me."

"What?! You are the only one in the entire magic-killing camp. Doesn't that mean that the fate of the entire magic-killing camp is with you? How unlucky you are!"

The evil heart broke the sound on the spot. Hearing this, Su Xiao narrowed his eyes a little bit, looked at the evil heart, and stared at the evil heart suddenly a little panicked.

"It seems that your last Dharma holder was Green Gillian."

"you you you…"

The evil heart was seen through to the point of being speechless, and I could only hold you for a long time.

"What do you want, what can you do for me?"

When Su Xiao opened his mouth, the evil heart on the opposite side immediately looked serious. It was very sure that this was its last chance in this negotiation. If it hesitated again, it would definitely end badly.

"I can help you find what you want. Well, I will provide you with a position. My ability has an upper limit, but the upper limit is very high. In contrast, the closer to the upper limit, the higher my asking price , to put it more intuitively, I can pay the price and know where the things I want to know are.”

The evil heart smiled confidently, but in the next second, Su Xiao's question froze its smile.

"Where's the sun mask?"

"You... why are you looking for this thing? Compared with the original sin thing, shouldn't you be more interested in things that improve your own strength?"

The evil heart tried to change the subject, obviously, knowing the location of the "sun mask" exceeded its upper limit.

"Find a rare treasure that can increase the upper limit of my vitality."

"You can't do it here. According to your paradise camp, I can't help you find it until you enter the world. Although your vitality is too strong, there are not many treasures that can increase your vitality again on this ridiculously huge amount. , but as long as the world rank you enter is high enough, I can provide you with a position."

Hearing this, Su Xiao made a further assessment of the upper limit of the evil heart's ability. He determined that this existence is very useful, very close to a fortune teller who can only divination to the location of rare treasures.

But having said that, Evil Heart is much better than a fortuneteller in this aspect. In most cases, you will not get a satisfactory answer when you ask a fortuneteller to divine the location of rare treasures, because the fortuneteller needs to pay for it. Finding someone for almost no cost is a blood loss.

Evil Heart obviously has no price in this regard. Corresponding to this is that it cannot find anyone through it. What he is good at is knowing the location of rare treasures in the world.


"Haha, it seems that I have found a reliable partner this time. Let's put it this way, it is difficult for you to ask for the "Dark Blood Potion", especially in this era when the alchemy camp has completely declined. You only need to pay Give me enough secret medicines to gain blood properties, and I will..."

Before the Evil Heart could finish speaking, Su Xiao took out a bottle of alchemy secret medicine, which made the Evil Heart's next words stuck. It hesitated for a while, and even asked with a bit of flattery on its anthropomorphic expression: "Master Destroyer, Could it be that you still know some alchemy and pharmacy?"

The evil heart's address to Su Xiao not only added the suffix honorific "adult", but also added the honorific "you".

"I am an alchemy pharmacist."

"Probably... at what level."

"Slightly weaker than Mr. Coyne."

"Kokokoko... Coyne Mulber?!"

The evil heart was so shocked that it broke its defenses. The reason for this is that Coyne Moulber is one of the authors of "The Alchemy Secret".

Su Xiao said that he is slightly weaker than Coyne Malbur in terms of pharmacy, but he is really humble. His current level of pharmacy is higher than Coyne Malbur. One of the writers of the "Book" is correct, but the other party is better at "Alchemy Mechanism" and "Alchemy Biology".

Don't forget that Su Xiao's improvement of alchemy is not limited to "alchemy secrets". After entering the soul library, he read and studied other systems of pharmacy. As the saying goes, stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. The pharmacy of the alchemy camp is certainly brilliant, but looking at the history of the entire star world, there are also other splendid schools that have developed pharmacy that can rival the alchemy camp, but in terms of disciplines, it is not as comprehensive as alchemy.

Facts have proved that the strategy of giving a sap head-on and then giving sweet dates is still easy to use even in the late stage.

Su Xiao looked through his pharmacy notes. He couldn't find the "Dark Blood Potion" mentioned by Evil Heart, but there was a formula called "Dragon Blood Secret Medicine" in the Alchemy Codex. With his alchemy, of course he could Under the improvement, replace the sub-dragon blood with the demon flame dragon blood, and then use the purified dark matter to erode the dragon blood. In this way, the raw materials will be available, and the follow-up will be formulated according to the improved "Dragon Blood Secret Medicine".

A moment later, a bottle of "Dark Blood Secret Medicine" stood in front of Evil Heart, and it was about to rush forward, but Su Xiao had already put away the "Dark Blood Secret Medicine".

The expression of the evil heart was a little distorted. After a while, it regained its flattering smile. Seeing this, Su Xiao lifted the surrounding sealing technique, and temporarily gave the other party permission to leave his exclusive room. The evil heart disappeared immediately. It seems that the escape ability is very good. powerful.

Su Xiao is sure that one day in the future, this evil heart will escape without a trace. This thing belongs to the top grass, but it doesn't matter. Before that, let the other party play enough value.

[Reminder (Reincarnation Paradise): You are about to enter the world where this world scramble is located. 】

[This time you can choose to send the notary party, Reincarnation Paradise/Apocalypse Paradise. 】

As a hunter of Reincarnation Paradise, of course Su Xiao chose... the teleportation from Apocalypse Paradise, ahem~, not to avoid a teleportation with a sap in the back of the head, but to increase knowledge.

As the teleportation began, Su Xiao felt that the surrounding light gradually faded, and the darkness enveloped him. He was like sitting in a vehicle that was gradually starting. Boubo Wang, Eminem, Baja, and Benny were all there in the car. As the speed of the car climbed at a high speed, the surroundings gradually became colorful, and at the same time, the 'car' also began to feel bumpy.

A few minutes later, Su Xiao looked around sleepily. The teleportation was so stable that he was indeed a little sleepy. At this moment, the feeling of riding in the vehicle suddenly disappeared. He seemed to be falling in the darkness until he was completely swallowed by the darkness. Vision, perception, etc. are all plunged into darkness.

Su Xiao suddenly opened his eyes. He sat up from the wooden bed in a hut in the forest. He could faintly hear birds singing and beasts roaring outside. He could imagine a scene of singing birds and fragrant flowers.

The hut in the forest is about a dozen square meters, with cushions on the wooden bed. What's more unique is that an invincible barrier with the imprint of Apocalypse Paradise envelopes the hut. See the prompt. After he wakes up, the invincible barrier The world will continue to exist for 10 minutes.

[Reminder: You have arrived at Yagova, the kingdom of plants. 】

[World Scramble · Phase 1, 20 hours have passed, and you missed the opportunity to participate in the initial ranking, your team points will be ranked at the bottom by default. 】

[Current team ranking: eighth (last). 】

[Because your team ranks too low, you will not be able to get the position of the five pieces of "Broken Origin" in this round. 】

[Broken Origin: A total of 50 pieces, distributed in Plant Kingdom, Lord Continent, Cursed Land, Kingdom of the Undead, Dawn Periphery (Ruins Perimeter), Dawn Ruins, when the final stage is over, the team with the most "Broken Origin" , will be the winner of this World Scramble. 】

[This world scramble has a total of six stages. In the first few stages, you will not be eligible to reach the ruins of the dawn. Enter the Dawn Ruins. 】

[Hint: Plant Kingdom, Lord Continent, Cursed Land, and Undead Kingdom are four worlds, and these are the last four worlds notarized by Dawn Paradise. 】

[The first stage location: Plant Kingdom (characteristics and competition). 】

[Second stage location: Overlord Continent (Characteristic Legion). 】

[The third stage location: Cursed Land (Characteristic · Survival). 】

[Reminder: At this stage, you can only know the general content of the first three stages. 】

[Currently in progress: the first stage·Plant Kingdom·Yagova, to compete for more "Broken Origin". 】

[When you successfully obtain the first piece of "Broken Origin", the "War Mission" corresponding to this world battle will be activated. 】

Slightly different from what I expected, instead of directly entering the ruins of Dawn Paradise, you have to successively pass through the last four worlds notarized by Dawn Paradise at this stage before you can enter Dawn Paradise. Su Xiaogang closed a series of prompts, "Hunting List Blood Pact ”A related prompt appears.

【The reward has been activated...】

[According to various sources of information ~www.~ to determine things related to you...]

[The judgment is completed, you can offer rewards for the following matters through "Hunting List·Blood Pact". 】

1. Road to Redemption: Complete the Road to Redemption of Plant Kingdom Yagova (you need to pay a reward deposit of 500-800 ounces of power of time and space to activate this reward).

2. Hidden: Find a hidden shelter located in the Lord's Continent (a reward deposit of 800-1300 ounces of time and space power is required to activate this reward).

3. Breeding: Obtain the source of the dark hybrid and submit it to the Reincarnation Paradise (a reward deposit of 1000-1500 ounces of time and space power is required to activate this reward).

4. Perfectionist: Before the start of the fourth round of competition, get 15 pieces of broken origin (need to pay a reward deposit of 2000-5000 ounces of power of time and space to activate this reward).

5. Dawn Erosion: Witness the Erosion of Dawn (a reward deposit of 20 ounces of Spacetime Power is required to activate this reward, so the reward is extremely difficult. After completion, you will get 3000 times the additional reward).

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