Chapter 525 generous savage exchange

   Chapter 525 The Generous Savage - Communication

   The player and the local aborigines met for the first time, and both sides were vigilant enough.

   But I don’t know if it’s a bad fate. The local aborigines Wang Yi encountered for the first time was the Dali team, and the same is true for the players.

  But the current language barrier really makes it difficult for both parties.

  Although the player can understand the words of the other side through language proficiency, it is still difficult to communicate.

  In the end, only Lu Yi gritted his teeth and performed some sign language.

   While making a cooing sound, he stretched out **** to make a gesture of 'walking', and then pointed at Dali and the others.

  After finishing, fold your palms together, put your head on your head and close your eyes, ‘Axiu Axiu’ artificially snoring to express sleep.

  Although these actions were abstract, Dali still roughly judged that the other party probably wanted to show that he would follow him and others.

   "Captain, do they want us to take them to a resting place?"

   Liz, holding a bow, also said with some hesitation at this time.

   On the other side, in the live broadcast of a group of cloud players who were about to laugh, Lu Yi also nodded with surprise, his body language was still very effective!

   "Huh? Can they understand us?"

  Steel Hammer stepped forward vigilantly, staring at Lu Yi, are they pretending to be liars?


  Lu Yi also seemed to have noticed Steel Hammer's vigilance, and also seemed a little anxious, and then imitated their "understand" words and translated them lamely

   "Understand! Understood!"

  But then he pointed to his mouth and kept waving his hands, "I understand! I understand!"

   "Huh? He can really understand us, but does he mean that we can't understand them?"

   Liz was a little surprised, but the other party said in reverse that they made joint actions, so it was not difficult to guess.

   And it is easier to communicate than dumb people, because they will imitate some words.

  Seeing the savages over there excitedly jumping up, Liz also seemed very happy. It seems that these savages are not very savage.

  If it is really the same as that person sang, maybe it can really become an opportunity for the development of Danik Town!

   Then life will be better in the future!

  Captain Dali said that the bard who cheated Shalltear's proprietress may be an official mage!

  Although Captain Dali is also a professional class, the gap between him and an official mage is even greater than the gap between himself and him!

   Sure enough, Master Mage will not aim at the target indiscriminately.

  Only Dali, who is well-informed and well-informed, has a serious expression at this time and said in a deep voice

   "It should be 'Language Proficiency'. Although this is not a very advanced spell, it can be used by mages and apprentices after they are proficient, but it must be a mage..."

   Dali felt a little heavy in his heart. 'Language Proficiency' is not a commonly used spell, and it has no combat effectiveness. Those ordinary spellcasters rarely spend a lot of energy to practice this spell model. There is a high probability that there are real mages among the savages!

  Seeing Dali's discussion, Team Lu and the players who watched the live broadcast were also feeling the authenticity of the game.

   "The setting is good, our players have the BUFF that the body of the heroic spirit understands the language."

   "That's right. Back then, it was because there were Heroic Spirits from all countries, so setting the language proficiency made it easier for players from different countries to communicate with each other."

   "But this game is too hardcore, right? Do you want us to learn a language?"

   "Can understand, it shouldn't be difficult to learn daily communication?"

   "Yeah, it doesn't matter if the grammar is wrong, just say the meaning of the word."

   "And didn't the NPC also point out a clear way when meeting this time? It should be specially guided for us."

   "'Language fluent'?"

   "Yes, since this magic is regarded as a spell that can be copied for free in the classroom of the mage masters, it is likely to be useful, isn't it coming?"

   "Maybe in the future, there will be a master mage who can keep this spell in some equipment or accessories, so that it can be activated and applied to the opponent, so that they can understand our words, right?"


  The divergent thinking of the players is quite strong, and they directly made up a big show in their own brains!

   And when Dali and the others were shocked to meet the savages and the "prophecy" sung was true, they also understood that these "savages" might have their own civilization!

   Observe carefully, although they all look very embarrassed and covered in mud.

  But under the mud is fine leather armor with some metal patches.

  Besides, their weapons also looked a bit strange, especially the long poles held by the people behind them, which made Dali feel a sense of threat inexplicably.

  The most important thing is that this place is almost at the end of the forest path. The last time it was opened by a group of myself, the other party must have to go all the way to get out of it.

   But when they saw their blades, they didn't show any damage!

  At the beginning, everyone in my team's machetes were rolled, almost scrapped!

   Is the forging skill superb, or...

  For a while, Dali's pupils shrank slightly.

  Lu Yi also knows how to read words and expressions, and vaguely felt that the opponent's team should be based on that decadent bearded uncle, and at least from the shooting of the archer chick at the beginning, the strength of the opposing team is definitely not weak!

   It is very likely that the physical attributes are higher than those of his own team.

   And the way the uncle glanced at his and others' weapons gave Lu Yi an idea, thinking of the immature thought in his mind before.

  Since in the abyss world, due to the relationship between the concentration of magic power and the infiltration of magic power, the difficulty of inscription is reduced, will this world lack these?

  In fact, there is a shortage of real magic inscription equipment, at least most players use ordinary equipment, because magic inscription also requires manual labor.

  But if the abyss has the advantage of being easy to engrave, then it is likely that the prices and scarcity of the two sides will still be different.

  Thinking of this, Lu Yi whispered to everyone

   "Turn off the live broadcast."

  This caused the water friends and cloud players in front of the live broadcast to directly ask questions.

   Damn it!

  You kid eats alone!

   But their yelling and cursing are obviously useless. After Lu Yi opens the way, they can broadcast live, but at least until the first pot of gold is earned, what should be kept secret must be kept secret!

   After confirming that there was no live broadcast, Lu Yi also showed a smile on his face, and then he didn't draw the knife out immediately, for fear of causing misunderstanding.

   Instead, he pointed to the machete on his waist, and then pointed to Dali.

   After finishing the action, he also made a gesture of putting his hands on his hands.

   This made Dali startled slightly. It seemed that his gaze had been noticed before, and he tentatively said

   "You mean, do you want to show me the knife, or give it to me?"


   Lu Yi said in a very non-standard tone, but he could still understand the meaning vaguely.

   This surprised Dali a little bit.

   If it is really the high-quality knife in my imagination, then they are so generous!

   Then Lu Yi untied the scabbard, grabbed it together with the scabbard, and threw it over, being caught by Dali.

   Pulled back the scabbard and looked at the not-so-worn blade of the machete, and couldn't help but praise it

   "Good knife!"

  Then he came to the side, and tested it directly with the branch next to him, just like when he took the goods in the land area.

  Feeling the silky touch, and looking back at the condition of the blade, Dali couldn't help but feel even more surprised.

   Then asked cautiously.

   "I think the blade seems to be mainly made of iron. Is this a magical equipment engraved with magic patterns?"

  Chapter 774

  Looking at Dali's shocked look, Lu Yi couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

very good!

  The test of this knife was very successful, and it seems to be exactly as I expected.

   This deal is done!

  Reluctant to part with a child and not to be a wolf, the company's machete he is giving away now will be the most expensive machete!

   "Magic pattern!"

  Lu Yi repeated Dali's two non-standard words.

  A strange look appeared on Dali's face.

   Actually engraved magic patterns on this ordinary ironware!

  It's a bit reckless!

  Generally speaking, a brand new ordinary refined iron weapon costs between one and several gold coins, and a set of ordinary full-body armor costs about one hundred gold coins.

   It must be a sky-high price for ordinary people, but it is still within the acceptable range for Dali, but the full body armor is too bulky and unsuitable for his hunting activities.

  The Enchanters Guild in Dunno City can provide enchanting services, but even if it is the cheapest price, it costs more than ten gold coins at a time!

   It must be a magic-friendly material, or have a magic gem inlay, otherwise the material will have to be charged extra!

   Attach the simplest magic pattern, and it has to be the size of a dagger.

  For a machete of the size, I'm afraid it will cost at least fifteen or even twenty gold coins for enchanting.

  Even this difficult test of ordinary refined iron is probably beyond the reach of ordinary enchanters. Either add expensive magic gems, or use enchanting masters to do it. No matter which way, the cost will at least double!

  Although this machete seems to have the most basic reinforcement or toughness attached, it is definitely not worth the price if you only look at the value of the knife itself.

  If you have this money, you can directly spend about ten gold coins to find a better blacksmith and use better materials to create a non-enchanted one with better performance.

   This combination looks funny to Dali.

   But no matter what, the price of this thing is at least seventy-eight gold coins. Dali's face softened and became more pleasant when he gave such a generous gift for the first time.

"We have heard bards sang your legends, but we never thought that the prophecy was true, and it came so fast, and we didn't catch any prey today. Let's go, our home is ahead, little Danik town."

   While talking, Dali also motioned the team members to put away their weapons, but remained vigilant.

   On the other hand, Lu Yi also heaved a sigh of relief and made similar arrangements.

   And when Lu Yi and the others were packing up and preparing to follow, Dali was surprised to see the luggage on the back of one of their team members.

  It is also tattered, stained with some mud and broken leaves, but those leather...


   "Excuse me, is that the skin of a monster? It's that of a wind demon wolf?"

  Dalley's eyes widened. Can he be said to be a savage who can walk in the forest of monsters?

  The Wind Demon Wolf is a kind of monster that Dali has a lot of headaches. Even if their team encounters it, it will be very difficult. They usually warn each other and demonstrate to let the Wind Demon Wolf retreat.

  Because such things usually come in groups of three or four, Dali thought to himself that if he didn't prepare traps in advance, he might be able to barely fight against them with cooperation and skills, but even if he wins, he might be a miserable victory!

   There will inevitably be downsizing, and if you encounter more than three, it is very likely that the group will be wiped out.

   But fortunately, the Fengmo Wolf usually only comes out to have a meal, and there are many ordinary beasts in the World of Warcraft Forest. After showing enough strength, it can still bring enough deterrence.

  The two parties will separate after a trial.

  Because of this, the price of Fengmo wolf's skin is still good. If the quality is good, one can be sold for about fifteen gold coins.

It seems that the price is only a little more expensive than the thousand-pound wild boar skin he hit back then, but the wild boar weighed a whole thousand pounds, and the leather was much larger in size, so it could make more leather armor. Not as expensive as Fengmolang.

   It is said that the leather armor of the Wind Demon Wolf can be enchanted by an enchanter to "walk against the wind", which can increase its own speed and reduce air resistance. It is not possible to enchant all kinds of materials with any material.

   I didn't expect that they had the fur of the Fengmo wolf here!

   And the key is that they are still rolling in the mud?


  Enchanting iron tools, but not cherishing fur, this made Dali feel a burst of heartache.

   Can you only say that you are indeed a savage?

   And Lu Yi also noticed Dali's words and the expression on his face, and then he turned around and hugged the large package of spoils along the way.

   "Skin, on the way."

   uttered two simple words, and then made gestures, which probably made them understand that it was the fur of prey on the road.

  Lu Yi also wanted to ask these local natives for an estimate.

  The two sides gestured to each other for a while, relying on the proficiency of the player's language, Dali and the others kept trying and guessing, and finally completed the communication and understood each other's meaning.

  Dalley was also curious at first, and he had received a handful of expensive gifts earlier, so he began to estimate now.

  Just looking at the spread leather, the flesh on Dali's face couldn't help shaking, his face was full of distressed expressions.

   At the beginning, I didn’t find it when I looked from a distance. I just thought it was dirty with mud. Now, after spreading it out, what kind of rough treatment is this!

   It's like a dog gnawed on it. Some of the holes in the leather look like weapon wounds and strange penetrating wounds with a little burnt black, but more seem to be left by poor craftsmanship when dividing the fur!

   This kind of hunter should be bought! Fuck!

   But as the leather materials were spread out, Dali's expression became serious after seeing the prey that Lu Yi and the others had hunted along the way.

   The three wind demon wolves should have acted together.

   A Moon Shadow Leopard! It is also a very tricky monster, good at ambushes!

  If the Wind Demon Wolf can avoid collisions through deterrence, then the Moon Shadow Leopard may cause attrition when it makes a move.

   Even some people who were obviously stronger than the Moon Shadow Leopard might die in the surprise attack.

  In addition to the Moon Shadow Explosion, he even saw a bear skin of the Earth Bear and four bear paws.

  The physique of this earth bear is probably more than 1,500 pounds. In addition to the innate magic of the earth bear itself, standing on the ground can form heavy armor, and some of them can release earth thorns.

  Physically strong and know magic harassment, the strength is absolutely powerful.

  Although the 1,500-pound Earth Bear should belong to a sub-adult, unless he fell into their trap, Dali would not dare to lead a team to try.

  Even if you fall into a trap, you may have to risk injury or even downsizing if you deal with it.

  The advantage of human hunting is that they can use tools, skills and wisdom, but the same hunting is just a matter of food, and generally speaking, they will not risk their lives.

  The sub-adults will wait and see the effect, and the adults will definitely give up directly.

   But now this tricky monster has also become a trophy of wildlings?

  Are they so strong?

  Although it is difficult to judge with the naked eye that the professional class does not rely on breathing to attract magic power to attack, Dali thinks that he has a lot of experience, so he really can't see that they are so strong!

  However, whether it was the Earth Bear, the Moon Shadow Leopard, or the Wind Demon Wolf, Dali saw a kind of penetrating wound with a little scorched edge on the fur.

   Is this their nirvana?

   Or their talent magic?

  Language proficiency release also has a duration, is this also a passive talent?

   What a mysterious race...

  Chapter 775 Communication

"This is called Naxi, which is our main currency in circulation. This kind of gold coin is equivalent to a hundred Naxi, but because it can be stored for a long time, the normal exchange of gold coins can be exchanged for one or two points of depreciation fee, but the depreciation fee denominated in gold coins Most of the commodities have already been counted, and usually the change is more obvious and noticeable in the range of about one gold coin..."

Dali took a machete from Lu Yi, and knowing that they could understand and were strong enough, he was willing to sell favors at the moment. While leading them towards the small town of Danik, he started some simple exercises. introduce.

   There is no doubt that these first-hand information are the real "cheats for pioneering wasteland" for players. Although Lu Yi gave away the machete, it is obviously worth the money.

  True win-win!

   Moreover, they will record Dali’s words directly, so as to facilitate repeated research and pondering, so that ‘learning a foreign language’ is also easy!

   After all, you can understand it, you just need to memorize the pronunciation of some of the most commonly used words first.

  In this environment, they can be forced to learn!

   Some people may not speak the local dialect after working in other places for more than ten years.

  But in fact, the main reason is that Mandarin is already able to communicate, so I don’t learn it deliberately and systematically.

  But the problem on their side now is that they can understand through language proficiency, but they can't express it. This is like driving ducks ashore.

   To speak fluently, it is definitely not easy for ordinary players, but as long as there are some daily expressions, it is completely fine with the blessing of language proficiency.

   Players are able to face NPCs with a detached mentality, and it is precisely this kind of mentality, so Dali's insinuation to know how they killed the Earth Bear was also keenly captured by them.

   "I'm afraid this team is not weak, maybe there are professional ranks."

   "Yeah, although they marvel at our prey, they seem to want to know our killing method."

  Lu Yi and the others are also conducting some internal communication at this time.

   Is the first NPC I met just this strong? But it may be the relationship between the guide NPC.

   Although relying on their training, Lu Yi has the ability to cooperate and kill monsters even without guns.

   But it is more due to the player's "iron will" that is not afraid of injury, and the skills they have trained are superimposed by multiple factors.

  And no matter when facing the three-headed wind demon wolf or the earth bear, the heavy musket that can break through the defense and cause a lot of damage has made a great contribution.

  The speed of the propellant inspired by the flint, even the thick-skinned Yangou can't stand it. Although the Earth Bear's defense is stronger than the Yangou, but they can't stand them and can hold a straight shot.

   But also relying on heavy guns, they think they still have a certain ability to protect themselves.

   "The difficulty of the game will not suddenly increase too much. When we leave the forest, we will meet a guide. This should be the benefit of our land reclamation team."

   "Yes, this game is too real, even this kind of guide NPC is so realistic, it looks like a coincidence, and a brand new language, a brand new language, is really amazing."

   "After all, they have information about the ruins."

  Because Lu Yi sent a machete, the value was enough for Dali's team to harvest in a normal day, and they didn't intend to continue hunting.

   Now is the rainy season, and hunting is even more difficult. Why not take this group of savages back, maybe you can get some benefits.

  Although Dali doesn't bother to scam customers because of his personality, normal transactions are always completely fine.

   These savages are like this, and they need a lot of things, and they are rich and powerful, so they won't suffer from trade!

  Not to mention other things, just the few skins they got, although the way they dealt with it was too **** up, which made people feel heartbroken.

   But the more this is the case, the more valuable it is.

  This shows that they don't know how to deal with leather!

  It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to deal with it, you can sell it to us first, you just don’t have start-up capital, right?

   Then they try their best to repair and mend these leathers with their own craftsmanship, and then sell them to fur merchants, which can make another fortune.

   The gold coins exchanged must always be consumed, right?

  Other basic necessities of life can be regarded as an income.

  For a generous person who gives such a gift when they meet each other, it must be a win-win situation for everyone to exchange information...


   And here, when Lu Yi and his team followed Dali and the others back towards the small town of Danik.

  The player group and the cloud player group also exploded.

   "Eating alone! Too much!"

   "NPC, I finally came into contact with it, and the language is brand new, too strong."

   "They have paid so much for this kind of land reclamation, and they will definitely not share the benefits easily. However, I know that Lu Yi and his team will eat alone in the early stage, but they will release it after they have drunk their head soup."

   "Yeah, Yangou was the same way back then. Others have almost figured it out, so they started to play video guides."

   "Is there any linguistics expert to study it, so we have to learn a foreign language in the future? Headache."

   "As long as some basic words are enough, but now it seems that Faye is strong. I am afraid that language proficiency will become a popular model. I don't know if there is a way to engrave it into some objects..."


   "Qianqian, now that you have the highest level of magic in our class, do you think it is possible to simplify the 'language proficiency' into equipment?"

  After today's magic class ended, Jiang Bo also found an opportunity to exchange a few words with Gu Qianqian.

  Because Jiang Bo himself is a character who likes to study very much. Although he only has 12 points of mental power, he still maintains the relationship with Qianqian and Yoko in the class, and he is a relatively familiar classmate.

   It can be seen from the fact that he can ask Qianqian to engrave 'Fire Strengthening'.

   "Huh? Why don't you ask the teacher."

  Gu Qianqian said a little strangely that being able to ask the teacher about some issues is the strongest point for the students in their class compared to Master Yun.

   "I asked, and the teacher said yes, but the teachers who lecture are all formal mages, and the situation of our current players is still a bit different, so I want to hear your opinion."

"I think it can be done in a small amount, but it doesn't make much sense if it is popularized. It is different from 'flame strengthening'. 'Language proficiency' is a complete spell model. It mainly depends on casting spells. If we have materials and are proficient enough, maybe we It can be done, but these materials probably need things like silver or magic gems, and ordinary materials can’t bear it.”

   Gu Qianqian thought for a while and then gave the answer based on her own understanding.

  Mass production is of course possible, but it is not something that current players can do!

  It would be more convenient for Umbrella to prepare and ship it over as an NPC item for sale...

  Uh, as Wang Yi taught before entering the game, Lin Shiqin pretends to be Wang Yi to supplement some information on weekdays.

   Coupled with some feelings after entering the game, with Gu Qianqian's talent, she naturally sensed the extraordinaryness of this world.

  The heart palpitations brought about by the magic power fluctuations produced by Zhabo and Enzo last time made her keep pestering the teacher after she went back.

  Although the teacher did not answer.

  But in fact, if there is no answer, it is already an answer...

  So now her original meditation has been moved into the game. As a natural mage with yin and yang eyes, Gu Qianqian's spiritual power can greatly extend her meditation effect and meditation time.

  In the past, she was lazy in magic power on Earth, so she couldn't have much auxiliary effect. Now, with hard work and talent, Gu Qianqian feels that she can improve significantly almost every day.

  Different from the effect of the breathing method on the physical body and needs to be used offline, meditation is obviously a direct effect on the spirit, which is a great benefit for mage players!

  However, recently she discovered that in the newly opened class for the internal test, there seems to be a guy who has some problems, and his mental strength may be more than 20. Perhaps, some strange things can be seen in reality.

  If you have time, you may be able to contact them yourself.

  Since the teacher is Umbrella's big shot, then I can be regarded as half of Umbrella's own person, and I still need to have a sense of ownership.

  The important task of maintaining the peace of players in this "game world" is probably on my shoulders...


   Update completed~



  (end of this chapter)

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