Chapter 203 Cheat to eat and drink

  Chapter 203 Cheat on eating and drinking

   "Forget it, future generations will have their own blessings!"

   "And it's too late."


  Zhao Meng withdrew his gaze, and began to use the time domain to observe the world where the Demon Town Temple is located.

  With the experience of observing the witch world, the next operation process will be very smooth.

  Soon the picture of the world where the Demon Town Temple is located appeared, just as the evil mother said, because separated by the ninth time domain,

  Zhao Meng looked back at the previous world, the image was a bit blurred, and his observations were somewhat affected.

   "I see, this is Liangjie Mountain!"

  Although the clarity was affected to a certain extent, Zhao Meng still saw a familiar scene.

  The Liangjie Mountains stretching across the entire planet appeared in the picture.

   "It seems that Liangjie Mountain has been repaired!"

  Zhao Meng's perspective continued to move, passing through the clouds and coming to the top of Liangjie Mountain. In the blurred vision, Liangjie Mountain was still surrounded by mountains and green forests.

   "Looks like nothing has changed!"

   "Where is Town Demon Temple?"

  Zhao Meng searched along the mountains, and soon saw a blurry thing,

   "Why does this area look like a mosaic?"

  Looking at the extremely blurred area in the picture, Zhao Meng raised his angle of view again,

  He compared the surrounding environment, and then suddenly reacted:

   "This is the Town Demon Temple!"

   "There seems to be something in this area that is interfering with the observation."

   Zhao Meng wanted to explore in detail out of curiosity, but he still couldn’t see it after switching several positions.

   At this moment, a reminder from the evil mother came from his ears:

   "Gong Gong, we are about to leave the time-domain observation area, and there is not much time to observe."

   Hearing the reminder from the evil mother, Zhao Meng is not wasting time here

  Continue to use the time domain to view the whole world, and the more he looks at it, the more strange it becomes, because the world has not changed much,

  He even saw that the Zhao State where his predecessor was located still existed,

  The world is still the same as it was before. This scene that has not changed for thousands of years makes him feel strange.

   You must know that the witch world he saw just now changed from magic civilization to magic technology not long after he left.

  The world where the Town of Monsters is located, he has been away for so long, and it has not changed.

   "Is there any external force affecting the world where the Town Demon Temple is located?"

   "Is it Sanji Outer Demon, or Immortal?"

  In Zhao Meng's mind, there appeared the Sanji Outer Demons who were hostile to this world, and those immortals who regarded his descendants as minerals.

   "Gong Gong, Xianzhou has left the observable area."

   Following the voice of the evil mother, the picture in front of Zhao Meng gradually disappeared, and the surroundings became pitch black again.

  Although the observation has ended, Zhao Meng is still thinking about the problem just now,

   "If the Sanyao Outer Demons occupied the world where the Town Demon Temple is located, I am afraid it would not be such a harmonious scene. This stagnant state is most likely caused by the immortals."

   "And what about the unobservable state of Zhenyaoguan?"

   "It seems that this demon town is far more mysterious than I imagined."

  Thinking of this, Zhao Meng opened the door of the spherical device and walked out. The strong light around him made his pupils shrink a little, but they soon returned to normal.

  He saw the beautiful and smiling Evil Mother, recalling the scene he just saw, Zhao Meng asked aloud:

   "Your ancestral world looks the same as before!"

   "What Engong said, isn't it a beauty to remain unchanged? If I return to the ancestral world and see a strange world, how terrible it would be!"

   "Who keeps the ancestral world unchanged."

   "There is no need to maintain it! No one wants to change the ancestral world."

   "What about the Three Outer Demons, are they still invading there?"

   "Three Outer Demons?"

  Hearing Zhao Meng mention this foreign enemy, the evil mother smiled and shook her head:

   "The foreign enemy has been wiped out by the immortals, and now the ancestral world only needs to reproduce with peace of mind."

   Zhao Meng wanted to continue to ask something, but was interrupted by the evil mother:

   "If Grandfather wants to know more about the ancestral world, after this trip to the fairy world is over, you might as well go back and take a look. Maybe your residence from back then is still there!"

   Seeing that the evil mother couldn't find any truth, Zhao Meng didn't try any more.

  The world where the town demon temple is located is not important to him, what really matters is the creatures above.


  The observation is over,

  The evil mother is busy with her own affairs. After all, this is like a fairy boat on a small planet, and there are many chores that need to be handled by her, the captain.

   And Zhao Meng came to sit down beside the river where Dagu was, as if he was practicing.

   Although the observation in the time domain did not see any useful information,

   But it also made Zhao Meng understand the danger of escaping from the Maixian passage. Where there is light, there is a high possibility that it will be seen by the time domain, and even the entire universe may be monitored by the so-called immortal.

   "Immortal, hey!"

   Zhao Meng sneered secretly, and no longer thought about the future.

   "The evil mother told me the secret of the time domain to warn me that it is dangerous outside the passage, and let me stay on the spaceship and go to the fairyland with her."

   "In this state, I am equivalent to being placed under house arrest on the fairy boat. I have to find a way to break this situation."

   "Even if I want to contact that so-called immortal, shouldn't I do so?"

  Thinking of this, Zhao Meng set his eyes on the river in front of him:

   "We have to find a way to restore Yin Ji's stock to normal, and use Yin Ji's stock to enter Xianzhou's operating system by the way."

  Recalling the state of Yin Ji Dagu before, some thoughts appeared in Zhao Meng's mind,

  Yin Ji Dagu was refined by immortals into an artificial intelligence on the fairy boat, unable to contact the outside world in a self-enclosed state.

  But it was this state that gave him a chance,

   "If you can restore Yin Ji's consciousness, maybe you can know a lot of things."

   "By the way, there is also the female ghost with the head."

  Although the female ghost with a human head is in a state of constant movement, the identity jade pendant with a cloud symbol in his hand seems to be able to locate the female ghost with a human head.

  As for Yin Ji Dagu and Human-headed Female Ghost, if he can control both of them at the same time, there will be some changes in the operating authority of the fairy boat.


   With a splash, Zhao Meng jumped into the river,

  The course of this river is as straight as a cliff, and it is by no means a structure that can be formed naturally.

   After diving to a certain depth, Zhao Meng finally found a hidden circular crevice and hid it in.

   A moment later, an egg-shaped object was expelled from the crevice of the folds, and soon the mass changed into his appearance.

   "Xixi Lake has left its own body, and temporarily loses the fertility of the black beast clones. There are not many black beast clones, so we need to save some use."

  Looking at the avatar gradually sinking into the bottom of the water, Zhao Meng muttered to himself:

   "I hope this time it will open up the situation."


  Zhao Meng manipulated his avatar to reach the bottom of the water through Xixi Lake. The dark bottom and the huge black tower gave people an invisible pressure.

   And Zhao Meng used his avatar to get close to the black tower.

   "The evil mother used the God Seed appeasement to control the big stock before, I can try it too."

  Thinking of this, Zhao Meng continued to operate the avatar to the bottom of the black tower,

  As the avatar approached the bottom of the black tower, the whole black tower began to vibrate, and some kind of defense system inside seemed to be triggered.

  Seeing something triggered, the clone accelerated into the hole at the bottom of the black tower, and found the metal box in the darkness.

   At this time, the avatar has arrived not far from the metal box,

  Have seen the open box, something seems to come out of it,

   Seeing this situation, Zhao Meng manipulated the avatar and transported the god-seed out, trying to appease the existence inside.

   And the big stocks in the metal box seem to feel the presence of the gods, and the metal box has a tendency to be completely opened.

  But at this moment,

  A Qianqiansu hand held down the metal box,

  A bright red mouth blocked the way of the God Seed.

   "Thank you benefactor!"

  Looking at the God Seed that was taken away, Zhao Meng, who was hiding in the dark, shook his head lightly, without any panicked expression on his face.

   "This guy is really trying to seduce me!"

   "The evil mother before me deliberately showed the role of the god-seeding in front of me, probably because of this moment.

  Although he knew that this was the evil mother's strategy to lure the enemy, he still did not give up trying.

  After all, when Yin Ji’s stock was normal back then, she couldn’t resist the temptation of the God Seed.

  As long as his god-seed can enter the metal box, there is a high probability that it can play some role.

   "Gong Gong, this is not enough!"

  The evil mother came to Zhao Meng's avatar, looked up and down, and showed a strange smile on her face.

   "There should be more!"



  A moment later, Zhao Meng and the evil mother met on the shore,

   "If Engong wants to go to Yanfeng Daoyin, I won't stop him. Why use a clone."

  Looking at the ruddy evil mother, Zhao Meng took a step back.

  Although he was cheated by his evil mother to eat and drink part of it, Zhao Meng was not angry, but he felt a little disgusted when he thought that the evil mother was once an ugly male fox.

   Fortunately, the temptation just now was not without clues,

  Through the contact of the avatar, the moment the metal box was opened, he successfully used the identification entry.

  The result returned by the identification is very strange,

  The Yin Ji's big stock in it was not like a spiritual thing, and was enlightened by the gods to become his descendants. According to the feedback of the entry, the result of this part of the Yin Ji's big stock is still in a normal state.

   But the strange thing is that in this metal box, there is not only a remnant like Yin Ji Dagu, but also other existences, and those existences are his descendants:

   "Could it be that Yin Ji Dagu has a descendant?"

   Zhao Meng recalled what Yin Ji Dagu had said a long time ago.

   "What she wants will allow her to gain real freedom."

   "But now she has become like this!"

   "What is her so-called freedom?"


  Beside the evil mother, seeing Zhao Meng was silent, she thought Zhao Meng was angry, so she restrained her smile and said:

   "Grandfather, the God Seed should be you as compensation for me. You must know that you caused the seal to vibrate before, but caused me a lot of trouble."

   "I also made this bad plan and asked my benefactor for some fees."

  It’s okay if the evil mother doesn’t explain, what she said almost made Zhao Meng laugh angrily:

   "So, if I board the fairy boat, do I have to pay for the ticket?"

   "Ah!" Hearing what Zhao Meng said, the evil mother's eyes lit up:

   "If benefactor is willing, you might as well make up the fare!"


  After a few words with the evil mother, Zhao Meng sent her away,

   At this time, Zhao Meng came to the river again, took out a black animal clone and threw it in.

  The evil mother who hadn't gone far, saw this situation, chuckled lightly, shook her head and disappeared at the end of the road,

  Once upon a time, as a male fox, he knew very well that just now Zhao Meng took out too many **** seeds. The evil mother didn't believe that Zhao Meng could take out more.


   Back to the bottom of the water again, as the clone approached, the metal box inside vibrated again,

   It seems that because the God Seed was not caught just now, the entire metal box vibrated very violently, as if it was about to explode in the next moment.

   And this time,

   Facing the resentment in the box, Zhao Meng did not take out the God Seed,

  Having learned the lesson from last time, Zhao Meng is very clear that the evil mother is probably monitoring the situation here,

  Once he takes out the God Seed, there is a high probability that the Evil Mother will **** it again.


   Zhao Meng activated the function of the love entry, linking to his offspring in the metal box,

  Through the loving Zhao Meng, some thoughts are passed on to the offspring in the box,

   Soon, Yin Ji's buttocks in the box became quiet. Seeing this situation, Zhao Meng secretly said:

   "Sure enough!"

  He recalled the previous female ghost with the head of a human. The female ghost with the human head was restrained by her own eggs, and Yin Ji's large stock was also restrained by her descendants.

   "Using this method to control the remnants, these immortals are really not good people."


  The evil mother, who had already left at this time, suddenly appeared in a corner of the black tower,

  She secretly observed the changes in the metal box, and a look of doubt flashed across her face from time to time.

   "He actually calmed down."

   "There is no God Seed, how did he do it?"

   "There are so many secrets in Mr. Engong!"

   "It's a pity that there is no God Seed this time, it's really a pity!"

   "It seems that the **** seeds are really used up!"

  The evil mother muttered something.

   At this moment, she suddenly saw something change in her expression:


  The evil mother was about to make a move to stop what was happening in front of her, when she felt a strange feeling in her heart, her eyes were attracted by an egg.

  I saw a cute little kitten appeared in that egg, this cat was so cute to her, at that moment, the evil mother shook her head,

  The moment she was distracted, the metal box that was still in the tower disappeared.

   With the box gone,

  The surrounding vibration reappeared, and the entire black tower seemed to collapse.

   Such a situation made her complexion change drastically, and the evil mother hurriedly used her spells and chased her out

  Back to the shore, I saw the research box Zhao Meng

  The evil mother is a little angry at this time, the decline of Feng Daoyin is the foundation of the fairy boat, and it is the reliance of the fairy boat to sail normally in the pulse fairy channel. Without this thing, the fairy boat will be very dangerous.

  However, when he met Zhao Meng's smile, he was discouraged again, and she said helplessly:

   "Grandfather, this thing is useless to you, why do you want to **** it?"

  (end of this chapter)

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