Chapter 27 dead place

  Chapter 27 Dead Land

   "Honestly, I don't think that's a good idea."

  Driving a carriage on a desolate and remote path, the elf scout's tone was full of helplessness. Right now they are walking in a wilderness, looking around, there doesn't seem to be any sign of life here. The forest in the distance has long since withered, and the land that used to be farmland is left with only a dark and barren area.

   This is the land of the dead.

  A long time ago, this place used to be the fiefdom of a nobleman. At that time, the earl was facing a crisis of succession. He had only one daughter and no son, and his brother was eyeing his title and land. At this time, a handsome young man took the initiative to find the earl. He claimed that he was an aristocrat from a distant country and hoped to marry the earl's daughter.

Perhaps it was based on the principle of "Ning and allies are not slaves", the old earl agreed to the young man's request, so the other party married the earl's daughter, and successfully inherited the title of earl, and the old earl also passed away after that Human world.

   But in fact, that young man is not a nobleman, but a vampire. After that, the rest of the Earl's family either "accidentally" died or disappeared, or became servants of that vampire. Soon, vampires took control of the land and became a powerful terror.

   At that time, the empire was experiencing civil strife. To put it simply, history was repeating itself. The emperor passed away, and everyone was fighting endlessly to become the next emperor. Three of the princes decided to become kings on their own—this shows that history has not changed at all.

Seizing this opportunity, the vampire finally showed his fangs. On a dark and stormy night, he killed all the people in the territory, turned them all into undead under his control, and formed an army of undead. The army launched an attack on the empire.

  Facing the attack from the vampire legion, the empire that was in the midst of the civil war finally temporarily abandoned its previous suspicions and made a concerted effort to speak out. After all, everyone just wanted to be emperor, not slaves of vampires. So under the premise of a united front, the empire also began to resist the attacks of vampires.

  But that vampire is really powerful. With the power of a certain magical ring, he is not afraid of any harm at all. Whether it is beheaded or the heart is blown, this vampire can be resurrected in a short time and fight back-well, the blood-locked resurrection belongs to it.

   Just like that, the army of vampires advanced all the way, and came under the Emperor City.

  However, unforeseen circumstances happened, and just when the vampire was about to take over the royal city in one fell swoop, his magical ring suddenly "mysteriously" disappeared. The vampire who lost his own blood-locking resurrection pendant was very annoyed, and attacked Wangcheng again. But this time, he failed to succeed, but was completely defeated by the empire, and then he was finished.

  As soon as the commander died, the vampire army fell apart immediately, and was beaten so hard by the chasing empire that even my mother didn't know it. And just after this war, the civil strife in the empire ended, and everyone elected the prince who contributed the most and the most powerful in the vampire war to be the next emperor.

  In order to end the civil strife in the empire, a vampire traveled thousands of miles to take the initiative to give away the head. What kind of self-sacrifice is this.

After that, this territory became a cursed land of death and silence. At the beginning, some nobles who were not afraid of death tried to inherit this fief, but after several nobles died here in a row, everyone also Everyone pays respect to this place.

  After this, this place has become a place of death. It is rumored that those who were once killed by vampires and turned into undead are still wandering in this land, killing everyone who dares to invade this land.

  Hmm... Judging from the scene in front of me, it can't be said that this rumor is groundless.

  By the way, undead and vampires are actually different races. Even in the soul card, undead and vampires are separated. The wraiths and ghosts that Duanmuhuai summoned before are all undead, but vampires are undead creatures. To put it bluntly, vampires are more like species that "do not die naturally". After all, they still need to eat and maintain by sucking blood. It looks like a dead person on the surface, but just needing to **** blood to maintain and improve itself is a kind of survival behavior of life.

   Therefore, when facing the **** of filth, vampires are not "invulnerable to all poisons" like undead, but can only be regarded as [higher resistance].

   Conversely, when facing the undead, believers of the **** of filth are helpless—viruses and diseases cannot infect bones and ghosts.

  Similarly, because of the hatred for life, the dead and undead will frantically attack any life that dares to step into their territory.

That's right, although the believers of the **** of filth are swollen all over their bodies, they are covered with sputum-like rashes all over their bodies, they exude a rancid and disgusting smell, and there are even parasites crawling around in their bodies , happy like mice swimming in cheese, but they are still "alive", "fresh" and "life forms".

   This is why Duanmu Huai chose this route.

  If corrupt believers really intend to continue to use crowd tactics to track themselves and others, then they can only venture into this territory and fight the undead here. After all, they are not good at sneaking in secretly, and if there are not enough people, they will not be able to pose a threat to Duanmu Huai and others.

  In contrast, Duanmu Huai and his party had a small number of targets and a small target. If they were lucky enough and cautious, they might be able to sneak past.

  Under the satellite scan of the strategic command room, Duanmuhuai seems to have opened up the whole map, and can clearly see where is more dangerous and where is safer. Therefore, under his leadership, the group went smoothly.

   It's just...

   "I'm really not used to this place."

   Sitting on the carriage, staring around, the elf scout complained dissatisfied. Everything here gives people a deadly atmosphere, even the air you breathe seems to be mixed with biting ice crystals, even if you take a breath, you can feel your whole body trembling. Even the two horses pulling the cart are weak at the moment, they basically can't eat any good forage, they can only eat the withered weeds on the roadside...

   "Okay, time to complain, we might as well think about how to get out of here as soon as possible."

  Duanmuhuai didn't pay much attention, after all, this place is like this, he opened the map and glanced at it, and Kado Knight and Elven Scout also came over.

  To be honest, it's a mess outside now.

  The three princes have already established themselves as kings, and started to fight version 2.0 of the Imperial Civil War, but it is a pity that this time there is no vampire who sent their heads thousands of miles away to unite them again. The City of Silver finally fell, and the entire territory has become a paradise for viruses, plagues, and corrupt believers to have fun, and it is spreading towards the surroundings. A large number of refugees flooded into other nearby territories, and these territories were basically hit by the civil war.

Right now, the route given by the elf scouts is to go through Wessenland, which has been reduced to the wilderness of death, and then find a way to cross the gray mountains in the south to reach Bretonnia - that is a small, but relatively peaceful country . At least there, people can live a peaceful life.

   Well, the premise is not to be a farmer.

Of course, there is no perfect country in this world, and Bretonnia also has problems of one kind or another, but compared to the civil war 2.0 where the people inside the empire are out of their minds and the tyrannical and corrupt believers who are galloping and having fun on the empire's territory, Bretonnia It's already a very good choice.

   Or there is no better choice. After all, if you don’t go to Bretonnia, then everyone will have to go to Cathay through the Ogre Kingdom, or go all the way south across the desert to Arabia...

   In contrast, to go to Bretonnia, you only need to go through the Gray Mountains, and as long as you don't conflict with those dwarves, then it's not a big problem.

   At least better than crossing the ogre kingdom or going to die in the desert.

   "Go ahead, at least it seems that there should be no people in front of you."

  In this dead land, the most dangerous place is not the wilderness, but those villages, towns and even castles. Because of the tyranny of the vampire lord at the beginning, almost all the citizens in this territory—from peasants to nobles were all killed and turned into undead. A bunch of undead creatures.

  So on this road, everyone spent time in the wilderness, and detoured when they saw human towns.

   Otherwise, it might be Silent Hill + Evil Castle + this and that horror game dungeon set.

  Actually, Duanmuhuai didn't really care. After all, the task he received from [Sleeping Beauty] required him to go to five dungeons of necromancer fragments. But considering that there is a large group of people around him, Duanmu Huai did not intend to take any risks. In case something happens, it will be troublesome. It's better to finish the main task first, and then go back and clean up these undead fragments.

   Everyone complained a few words, and then continued to move forward. The elf scouts were driving the carriage, and the old knight was sitting in front of the carriage. Duanmuhuai followed behind with a hammer in his hand. At the beginning, the elf scout deliberately slowed down so that Duanmu Huai could keep up. Later, she realized that although this big man looked to be wearing heavy armor, his speed was not slow at all. Even if he walks with two legs, he can still catch up with the speed of the carriage...

  The weather in the Dead Land is always gloomy and gloomy, with dark clouds covering the sky, almost without sunlight, and the icy cold wind whistling across the wilderness, bringing low groans like the howling of wraiths.

  The horse responsible for pulling the cart did not last long, and finally neighed and died. In desperation, Duanmuhuai had no choice but to volunteer to pull the carriage forward, and the two horses were dismembered by the elf scouts and the old knight and then processed into dry food - after all, there is no food in this land, and everyone from the castle The food they took with them when they escaped was almost enough.

  However, when night fell, a strange thing appeared in front of everyone.

   "If my eyes weren't dazzled, would it be an inn?"

  Looking at the buildings on the roadside in front of him, Duanmuhuai made complaints, and the elf scouts nodded.

   "The door is still open."

That's right, as the elf scouts said, this inn is not only open, but also brightly lit, it looks like a lively roadside inn... Well, if it didn't appear in this deserted and dead place , then it is quite normal.

"let's go."

  Of course Duanmuhuai would not be so stupid as to be fooled. He had heard too many similar ghost stories in Liaozhai, so he also pulled the carriage and continued to move forward. At the same time, Duanmuhuai glanced at the task in front of him.

  【Trigger mission "Midnight Hotel"】

  【Mission Objective: Get out of trouble】

  【The unmanned hotel that appeared in the wilderness at midnight, why does it exist? 】

  If Duanmuhuai was the only one here, then he would definitely get in, but considering that there are still a bunch of old and weak behind him, he decided to leave it alone for the time being.

   Then walk, walk, walk...

   "To be honest, I'm not surprised at all."

  Looking at the hotel that appeared in front of him again, Duanmu Huai felt no wavering in his heart.

"What should we do now?"

  The elf scouts were also speechless, even Alisa and the others were looking out the window curiously at the moment, no wonder they were so calm. After all, since entering the dead land, what kind of ghosts, ghosts, screams, cries... have experienced it all, and the more they see it, the more they become numb.

   "We don't have priests and bishops to exorcise evil spirits."

  The old knight Kado stroked his beard, said with a wry smile, while Duanmuhuai waved his hand.

"let me try."

  While speaking, Duanmu Huai turned to the hotel and took a deep breath.


   "I'm CNZZNMSLFNMDCGP......!!"

   Swearing at the hotel, Duanmuhuai pulled up the carriage again and walked forward.

  The others were all stunned when faced with Duanmuhuai's vulgar words.

"what do you mean?"

  The elf scout looked at Duanmuhuai suspiciously, and asked.

   "Oh, this is the custom in my hometown. When you meet a ghost, you will swear dirty words. Because ghosts are afraid of evil people, so as long as you behave fiercely, the ghost will run away..."

   "Is there still such a saying?"

  Hearing Duanmu Huai's answer, everyone was speechless for a while, but... Facts have proved that superstition is superstition.

   "It seems useless."

  The same road, the same inn, appeared in the same location.

   "I don't believe in this evil anymore, you are courting death, right?"

  At this moment, Duanmu Huai was also angry from his heart, and turned to his gallbladder. He took off his helmet and strode towards the hotel.

   "I want to see what the **** is going on with this shit!"

  However, just as Duanmuhuai stretched out his hand, intending to open the door of the hotel, suddenly, a sudden change occurred.

The hotel in front of me suddenly began to distort and deform, followed by a burst of heart-piercing screams. The next moment, the hotel turned into countless snow-white ghosts, and disappeared into the night like a fly. .



  The cold wind is howling.

  Everyone stared wide-eyed, looking at the deserted wilderness, completely unaware of what was going on.

  Only Duanmu Huai looked at the system prompt in front of him, speechless.

  【You used deterrence on the ghost hotel】

  【The ghost hotel tried to resist... The resistance failed】

  【The ghost hotel is in a state of panic】

  【The ghost hotel dissipates】

  【Mission "Midnight Inn" completed】

  【Mission Evaluation: Unbelievable】

  【Those who subdue the enemy's soldiers without fighting are the ones who are kind and good】

  【Get 1000 experience, extra 700 experience, upgrade to level 21, extra soul card +2】

  【Deterrence increased to LV3】【"Sleeping Girl" progress +1】

  【Ghost dog at the hotel (Bronze)】

  【Consumption: 1】

  【Attack: 1】

  【Defense: 1】

  【Must Kill】【(Entrance Song): If Burial has been activated, draw a card】

  【Soul Spirit Phenomenon (Silver)】

  【Consumption: 3】

  【Summon 2 resentful spirits to play】【(Explosive spirit enhancement: 4) Give all your cards the effect of ‘When this follower disappears, it will be destroyed’]

   Damn, this **** is playing with me!

   Duanmuhuai was speechless, then turned around, put on his helmet, and returned to the carriage. At this moment, the elf scouts were looking at him with a smile.

   "I said, don't wear a helmet at all, so that no ghosts dare to approach us."


  Hearing this, Duanmuhuai silently gave the elf scout a middle finger.

   Apart from a sentence of MMP, he doesn't want to say anything now.

  (end of this chapter)

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