Chapter 649 justice and responsibility

   Chapter 649 Justice and Responsibility

After that, Emilia and the others resupplied in the city of the underground gnomes, and then went on the road again—fortunately, with the guidance of the underground gnomes, at least they would no longer be confused about the Underdark, and the other party They were also given a map of the neighborhood. So Amelia and the others cleaned up and embarked on the journey to find Master Kelben's nephew again.

   "How long are we from our destination?"

  Kasim clenched the long sword in his hand, looked at Emilia and asked, of course they didn't run around like headless chickens. After all, finding someone in the dark area without any clues is like finding a needle in a haystack. Fortunately, Master Kelben also knew this. He gave Emilia a magic compass, which would point out the location of Kelben's nephew, and the closer it was, the compass would start to tremble slightly. The closer it is, the faster it trembles.

  Before they relied on this compass to find someone, but... they didn't find the person, but encountered a lot of trouble.

   "I think it should be soon."

  Emilia is also vigilantly holding the long sword, and at the same time holding the compass on her waist with one hand, she can feel the compass trembling slightly, indicating that they are heading in the right direction.

But at the same time, the three of them were also very nervous, because according to the map given to them by the subterranean gnomes, this place is already close to the city limits of the drow elves. Although according to the subterranean gnomes, the city has been destroyed, but... Considering Duanmuhuai's previous warning, they should be more careful.


The more they walked forward, the more the compass trembled, which cheered up the three of them. They looked around cautiously. Fortunately, the luminous moss in this area illuminated the surrounding scenery, so that the three of them didn't need to Take the risk to light the torch and you can clearly see the surrounding scene.

"right here."

  At the entrance of a cave, Emilia also took a deep breath, and whispered to the two of them, then she poked her head out cautiously, and looked into the cave.

Under the light of the fluorescent moss, Emilia could clearly see a flowing stream in the cave, and there were some huge underground mushrooms beside it, but soon Emilia noticed that beside the stream, there were no In a clearing in the distance, there is a tent and a campfire that has been extinguished. It is obvious that someone has lived here.

   "Is there?"

   "Let's go and see."

  Although she saw the tent, Emilia felt a little strange, because no one was watching the night nearby, and it seemed that everyone was sleeping in the tent, which was obviously not right. That's fine on the ground, but since going deep into the Underdark Region, when Amelia and the others are resting, they always change guards in turns, and they have never dared to do so.

  But there no one?

  But obviously the mark points to this place...

  While thinking, Emilia led Kassim and Roxia cautiously approaching the camp, then she stretched out her long sword and slammed at the tent!


Perhaps it was Emilia's luck. At this moment, Emilia noticed a shadow appearing behind them, and saw Emilia hastily turned around and swung her sword, which just blocked the attack from behind. attack. At the same time, she also saw the true face of the assailant clearly - he was completely black, wearing a strange leather armor, holding a rapier, with white hair and red eyes...

   "It's a drow, be careful!"

Emilia was shocked. She yelled to remind the two of them, and swung away the attack of the drow elves. At the same time, Kasim and Roxia also took out their weapons. Cassie Mu pulled out his long sword and swung it forward. The whistling sword energy swept across the entire camp, forcing the other two drow back. Soon, several figures appeared from all directions and surrounded the three of them. .


Seeing the drow elves surrounding her, Emilia gritted her teeth. She didn't expect to meet the most notorious guys in the Underdark... There were nine of them, and there were only three on her side, but... ...

   "In the name of Tyre, I will never fall here! Die, evil drow! The light of justice will destroy you completely!"

As she spoke, Emilia held her long sword high. The next moment, a dazzling light erupted from her sword, and this sudden strong light shocked the drow elves. They lived underground and feared it the most. It is the strong light, and the holy light emanating from Emilia at this moment has a layer of sacred power, making these drows cover their eyes in pain and back away, while Emilia took the opportunity to hold them tightly. The long sword rushed towards the enemy in front of me...!

"Wait a moment!"

   At this moment, a man suddenly appeared in front of Emilia and stopped her action.

   "I don't know who you are, but it's a misunderstanding!"


Hearing the man's words, Emilia paused for a moment, but she did not put down her long sword, but stared vigilantly at the man who suddenly appeared in front of her—he was not a drow elf. He is an adventurer from the surface, but this man is dressed in a mess, has a big beard, and the leather armor on his body is tattered...

  At this moment, the strong light dissipated, and Kasim and Roxia also resumed their fighting postures, surrounding Emilia vigilantly.

"Who are you?"

   Emilia stared at the man and asked, and the latter saluted her respectfully.

   "Hello, Paladin of Tyre, I am Danilo Sarn, a harpist."


  Hearing the man's words, Emilia was taken aback for a moment.

   "You are Danilo Sarn? Master Kelben's nephew?"


  Danilo nodded to Emilia.

   "Since you know my identity, you must not have come here by chance..."

   "I won't answer your question, especially if you shelter the drow."

  Emilia clenched her long sword again. She is not the kind of paladin who sticks to the rules. Taking a step back, even if the opponent is really Danilo Sarn, why does he want to protect the drow? Could it be that he was controlled by the drow elves? manipulated? Brainwashed? Or had he degenerated to become a lackey of the drow?

  If it is the latter, then Emilia has no choice but to uphold her responsibilities as a Paladin of Tyre and eradicate **** and evil.

  After all... When Master Kelben gave him the commission, he didn't say that he must be alive.

   It should be fine to bring the head back.

   "They are indeed drow, but not evil drow."


  Hearing Danilo's answer, everyone became more and more puzzled, and at this moment, one of the drow elves stepped forward.

   "We are not drow who believe in the evil spider god, we believe in the dark girl Eilistraee, so we are not your enemies."

   "But that's not what you said just now."

   Of course Emilia would not be so stupid that she would let her guard down just because the other party said a few words, not to mention that the attacks of these drow elves were dangerous in themselves.

   "Because we thought you were Mr. Danilo's enemies, we took action to restrain you."

"I don't understand you."

   "Let me explain."

   At this time, Danilo also hurriedly spoke, and then he explained the cause and effect of the matter to Emilia.

  It turned out that the drow elves discovered Amelia and the others a few days ago. At that time, they thought it was just a coincidence, so they just watched them secretly. But soon they discovered that Amelia and the others were obviously heading for Danilo, and no matter how they changed direction, Amelia and the others would catch up.

   As I said before, as one of the masked lords of Waterdeep City, the nephew of Kelben Blackstick, he also has certain political value. So at that time Danilo suspected that the person who came was trying to hunt him down, so they specially designed this trap, and then lured Emilia and others over.

The reason why Danilo jumped out to stop it was because he saw the holy light emitted by Emilia—that is a powerful power that only a knight of the gods can have, not to mention that Emilia is still a follower of Tyre. Danilo is not a very criminal person. Obviously, it is impossible for Amelia and others to come here to hunt him down, so he dared to show up to stop him.

   "But you still haven't explained why you are with a group of drow."

  Although Danilo said so, Emilia still won't let her guard down so easily.

   "It's a long story...but let me explain it to you."

  Danilo smiled bitterly, and then began to explain to Emilia.

At the very beginning, they sneaked into the Underdark just for the sake of adventure, but then they were attacked by the drow elves, and Danilo's adventure team was almost wiped out. Only a few survived and were captured and sent to the drow City of elves.

  Danilo thought he was going to die at the time, but on the way, another group of drow suddenly attacked the team and rescued Danilo and the other two adventurers. Only then did Danilo know that the drow who attacked the slave trade team was a follower of the dark girl Eilistraee—she was also the **** of the drow, but she protected those kind drow who resisted the spider queen. elf.

After that, Danilo acted with them. Originally, Danilo wanted to return to the surface immediately, but after learning about the civil strife caused by the drow elves, he decided to stay with these drow elves Investigating this matter, as a harpist, Danilo instinctively felt that something was not quite right about this matter.

   That's why they came to this destroyed drow city to see if they could find any useful clues, but they ran into Emilia and the others...

"I see."

  Emilia put down her long sword. She had already cast the magical spell of "detecting lies" on Danilo just now, but there was no change, which means that what Danilo said was true.

   "Then we don't have to hide it. In fact, we came to the Underdark Region to look for you in the name of Master Kelben. Master Kelben even gave me a compass..."

"I see."

  Seeing the compass in Emilia's hand, Danilo was speechless.

   "No wonder he finds me wherever I go..."

  While muttering to himself, Danilo sighed, then he raised his head and stared at Emilia seriously.

"I am very grateful to everyone who is willing to take the risk to go deep into the dark region to save me, but sorry, I can't leave now. The civil strife of the drow elves is unexpected, and there must be some secrets that we have not yet known, maybe This will also pose a threat to the deep water city and the human world on the surface, and I must investigate."


  Hearing Danilo's answer, Emilia was speechless for a moment. Of course, she had heard of the mysterious organization of the Harpers. It was rumored that they were always active in secret, eliminating all evil threats. However, there are also many people who do not have a good opinion of the harpers, because the harpers are not as disciplined as the paladins of Tyre. They often act on their own initiative, so that leaders in many places hate these elusive guy.

  As a Paladin of Tyre, there is no grudge between Emilia and the Harpist, and strictly speaking, they are both fighting for justice. Logically, Emilia should also join in the investigation, but...

   "Regarding this drow civil strife, someone once gave us advice, asking us to stay away as much as possible."


  Hearing this, the expressions of Danilo and the drow all changed.

   "Where did you hear that?"

   "It can be said that it is our companion... We still have great trust in him. Since he asked us to stay as far away as possible, I think it is better for us... not to continue participating."

Emilia still has a high degree of trust in Duanmuhuai, just like in Neverwinter, he saw that there was something wrong with Deszel at the first sight, and Emilia and Erebeth didn't take it seriously at the time , it turns out he was right. But this time in the Underdark Region, since he had already sent someone to deliver the message, then... Amelia decided to act according to Duanmuhuai's request.

  Although she didn't know what was wrong with Drow, since Duanmuhuai said it's best not to get close, then...

   "Sorry, could you please clarify? This is very important to us."

   "Even if you want me to explain..."

  Looking at the eager drow, Emilia also frowned.

   "I just got such a message, as for the specific situation, I don't know..."

   "If possible, we hope to have a talk with that friend of yours. This is related to the survival of the drow family..."


  However, just as the drow finished speaking, suddenly, a sigh sounded.

   "Really, why is it so troublesome, why don't you just leave here obediently?"

  The next moment, two petite figures descended from the sky and appeared in front of everyone. They were two girls with long silver-white hair and wearing black dresses.

   "Miss Augis?!"


  Augis nodded to Emilia.

   "I think you should have heard the master's message from Yanwei."

   "Ah, yes..."

   "Please wait a moment, miss."

  At this time Danilo stood up again and looked at Augis and Yanwei. The former was expressionless, while the latter stared at him unhappily.

   "Do you know what happened? Please tell me..."


  Augis was silent for a moment, then nodded.

   "The master allows you to talk to him."

  While speaking, Augis stretched out her arm and tapped it lightly, and soon everyone saw a strange rectangular screen appear, and Duanmuhuai's armor appeared inside.

   "Hey, Emilia, Kasim, Roxia, are you still alive, how does the Underdark feel?"

  Duanmuhuai waved to the three of them as a greeting.

   "It's really dangerous... By the way, Mr. Duanmu, why did you leave us?"

   "Sorry, didn't I just say, is it a little urgent? But it's good to see that you are all right... Then, who is looking for me?"

   "Hello, I'm Danilo Sann."

  Danilo took a step forward and looked at the image of Duanmuhuai.

   "About the recent drow civil war, may I ask..."

   "Oh, I did it."


  Perhaps Duanmu Huai answered so freely that a group of people didn't react at all.


   "That's right, drow are just like cockroaches, isn't it a disaster to keep them? So I thought of a way to kill them all and it's over. Now I'm busy cleaning up the four evils."

   "You, how could you do this!"

  Hearing this, the drow behind couldn't help but reprimanded.

  "Even if most drows follow the evil teachings of the Spider Queen, there are still some drows who are pure..."

   "What does this have to do with me?"

  But before the drow finished speaking, Duanmuhuai interrupted him coldly.

"I think you may not understand that our Tribunal never fights for justice, we fight to protect human beings. Any demons, heretics and aliens that threaten human beings will be wiped out by the Tribunal. Since the drows dare to swagger The attack on the Upper Deep Water City shows that the drow race has posed a threat to humans. As for whether there are innocent, kind, and just drow among them, the Inquisition Court doesn’t care or care. As long as it poses a threat to humans, it doesn’t matter Whether it's drow, illithids, dwarves, or even elves or angels, we can kill them all."

   "You... what did you say..."

  At this moment, even Danilo's complexion changed drastically.

"It is our responsibility to eliminate the aliens that threaten human beings, not to mention the existence of Drow, who is like a street rat. I advise you to stop here. If you are stupid enough to continue to get involved, then...don't blame me for not reminding you .”

   After saying this, Duanmuhuai directly cut off the communication.

   But at the moment in the camp, everyone was dumbfounded and completely speechless.

  (end of this chapter)

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