Chapter 665 employees only

  Chapter 665 No entry for idlers

   "Okay, folks, we all know what we're here for."

  The warrior stared at the crowd in front of him with a serious and serious expression.

   "There was an unknown explosion in the Lost Land, and we are going to investigate what happened there now. I think everyone is very clear."

"The stone is on the top, the explosion buried our clan's old nest! Now my clan is still digging rocks, if you let me know who did it, I will smash his head! Let him know How terrible is the wrath of the dwarves!"

  The dwarf waved his battle ax angrily, complaining loudly. His movements were so big that the other people around him all moved away from this crazy dwarf, for fear that the other's ax would accidentally hit him.

   "I must find out who did such a crazy thing!"

   "According to the information we have obtained, it is a tall steel demon wearing terrifying armor."

  The elf ranger standing on the other side whispered, she clenched the longbow in her hand with a serious expression.

   "If the intelligence is true, then we may face unimaginable danger."

   "Are you talking about a crisis like Hellgate Castle?"

  The mage next to her interjected, and the elf looked a little embarrassed, but she still nodded slightly.

Hellgate Castle can be regarded as one of the biggest black histories of the Highest Forest, and it starts from the year when the Highest Forest was completely the territory of elves, and these elves were far from being as pure and arrogant as humans imagined. Like their distant relatives, the Aeldari, they do whatever they want, in short, they do it, no matter what race they are in, they do it day and night, no matter where they are—otherwise you think that the people all over the continent Where did so many half-elves come from?

   Could it be that it popped out from a crack in the rock?

  The half-elves are almost becoming a race, whose fault is this?

  If the giant is not too big to deal with, this group of **** elves may even make a half-elf giant out!

The result of being unscrupulous is that some devils turned into human forms and mixed in, and held a silver party with the elves, and then a race called demon elves was born. This race is not like half elves, although they have devils in their bodies blood, but the appearance looks no different from ordinary elves. Moreover, these demon-born elves knew their own destiny from birth, so while disguising themselves as ordinary elves, they desecrated the forest according to the request of their father who was far away in hell.

In the end, they took advantage of an elf festival to open a portal to Baator Hell in a fortress. A large number of demons came out of the portal and raged wildly. This disaster almost affected the entire Northland. Later, everyone worked together Only then did the group of devils be driven back to Bator Hell, and at the same time, the Gate of Hell was completely sealed.

  After that, the demon-born elves were exiled, and the number of elves was greatly reduced due to the Battle of Hell Gate Fortress. They finally understood the dangers of being cold and cold, and began to retreat to close relatives.

Of course, with the passage of time, most of the short-lived races have long forgotten how the elves were so dissolute and wrecked, and most of the legends only record that some elves were lured by the devil to fall and then opened the portal to create disasters ——As for how he fell, he never mentioned it.

  Only the elves themselves still remember that tragic black history, which is why the elves are now as ascetic as the nuns in the monastery in the outside world.

Anyway, in case someone asks, "Didn't you elves do it with a glass of wine like Zhanjie Bichi in the past?", you can hold the rosary in your hand and proclaim the Buddha's name "Amitabha, monks don't tell lies, and I can't hear what the donor is saying." Understand……"

  Well, at least you can pretend, right?

Of course, for the elves, this is an unbearable black history, so even if other people don't know, as long as the other party mentions that period of history, they will reflexively... Well, well, a kind of self-psychological defense, It's as if the Congliang woman sitting on the table intends to delete all the previous contacts in her mobile phone to show that nothing happened, which is understandable.

   "Everyone who came here, I think everyone is familiar with it."

  The warrior glanced at everyone.

   "Everyone is a well-known adventurer in the Northland. Oh, yes, there are these four...they are the heroes who saved Neverwinter, and the strong ones who just returned from the Underdark!"

  While speaking, the soldier stretched out his hand and pointed to the four people beside him. They were Emilia, Kasim, Roxia...and Luo Qixi.

   "Hey, good guys, I didn't expect you to come too."

Seeing the four of them, the other adventurers were quite surprised. They are all well-known adventurers, but there are still a few who have saved a city. At this moment, everyone gave warm applause, and Emilia and the others Then he hurriedly returned the gift.

   "Finally, the representative of Waterdeep City, the priest Dolphin from the Temple of Heim..."


  When a man in iron armor and holding a warhammer came up to salute everyone, the lively atmosphere that was originally was turned into silence. Many adventurers looked at Priest Heim in front of them speechlessly, with a look of displeasure. Even Emilia and the others silently took a few steps back at this moment.

  After the incident in Neverwinter, they have a psychological shadow on the followers of Heim.

Other adventurers also don't like Heim believers. Heim is known as the guardian eye. Most of the time on weekdays is mainly responsible for guarding the city, and they rarely go out to take risks. From the perspective of adventurers, these Heim believers are basically rich people. He and the lackeys of the authorities, and Helm believers don't like these adventurers who break the rules at every turn, and the two sides didn't like each other very much.

   As for mages...


  The mage who was still smiling just now looked at Priest Haim, and suddenly his expression changed, and he snorted coldly.

  They haven't forgotten who killed the goddess of magic.

"lets go."

  Although it was cold, but what should be done is still to be done, so the group set off in a hurry, heading towards the lost land.

   Walking at the end of the line, Kasim and Roxia quietly approached Emilia.

   "Miss Amelia, that should be the judge, right?"

   "I should be?"

That's right, that's why they joined this adventure. Originally, Emilia and the others planned to stay in Baldur's Gate for a while to see if Duanmu Huai would come back, but they encountered Lost Land After the big bang, Baldur's Gate issued a reward, hoping that someone could go to the Lost Lands to investigate. When Emilia and others learned that this incident was probably related to a tall steel demon wearing black armor... ...well, they'll know who to turn to.

   "What is he doing in the Lost Land? Still making such a big commotion?"

Kasim looked puzzled. The others didn't know how powerful the Inquisition was, but they did. Just kidding. He chased the drow in the Underdark and wiped them out. Even Rose, the Queen of the Spider, was killed. How about blowing up an open space? up?

  Others can't do it, but Duanmuhuai... Well, maybe he can really do it.

   "If it's really the judge, I think it might be worse."

  Kasim secretly glanced at Priest Heim who was walking ahead, and complained in a low voice. They are no longer fledgling boys, at least after leaving Neverwinter, they have traveled to many places, knowing that Heim's followers are really stubborn and disgusting, and Emilia is Tyre's A paladin, so those followers of Heim gave her some face, but for ordinary adventurers, followers of Heim... are really unbearable.

  Stubborn, rigid, with eyes over the top, like a loyal watchdog barking at everything but wagging its tail at its master.

   "If this stupid priest of Helm says something, I think we'll have to think about how to report to the Temple of Helm why their priest's head is stuck on the wall."


  As witnesses who witnessed how Duanmuhuai dealt with Deszel, Emilia and Luo Xia nodded their heads.


Emilia also sighed tiredly, Tyre and Heim are not in the same camp, Tyre is lawful and good, and Heim is lawful and neutral—but at least both of them can barely be regarded as colleagues. If this matter were to fall on her, Emilia would be in 10,000 despair.

   As for stopping Duanmuhuai? Well, Emilia thinks she can only do her best...

  Of course, the most desperate thing is...

   "Why should I come with you!"

  Following behind the three of them, Luo Qixi almost cried to death. Now she finally understands why Duanmuhuai said "Sometimes you are unlucky" at the beginning. Indeed, as the hero who saved Neverwinter, Luo Qixi ate well, slept well, had fun in Neverwinter, and earned a large sum of money. The lord's mage consultant salary can be received, and the lord also promises that she can build her own mage tower!

   Now Luo Qixi only feels that she is living a life that even gods would not change.

   The result—just as she was wallowing in her comfort life, the Lost Lands exploded with a bang.

  Then, as a "hero who once saved Neverwinter", shouldn't you take the lead and go to see the situation?

  Now Luo Qixi finally understands that not a single gold coin of the salary she receives is for nothing!

   This money is really hot!

Luo Qixi regretted it, but it was too late. Fortunately, when she packed her bags and came to Silvermoon City, she saw the figure of her companion—when she saw Amelia and the others, Luo Qixi almost cried .

  I knew that she would also follow Kasim and Roxia, wouldn't it be better to ask for a lot of money to fly far away?

  It's a pity, there is no medicine for regret in this world.

   Just like that, a team of elite adventurers from various cities set off from Silvermoon City, marched along the Adventurer's Avenue, and walked towards the Lost Land. They didn't encounter too many enemies along the way. After all, most people would definitely avoid such an elite team when they saw such an elite team. However, in the end, their progress was blocked.

   By a huge iron gate.

"What is this???"

  Everyone in the expedition team looked at the iron gate in front of them in bewilderment, while Priest Heim was holding the holy emblem tightly, with a serious and livid face.

   "This is blasphemy!"


Looking at the gate in front of them, Emilia and the others were speechless for a while. The steel gate in front of them was completely black, and the golden trim made it look somewhat artistic, but in the center of the gate was embedded a huge The pattern of a pure white skull, and a warhammer erected behind it, this symbol is no stranger to Emilia and the others. They have seen similar decorations in Duanmuhuai's mage's mansion - that is the symbol of the Tribunal.

   After all, this logo is so distinctive that people can't forget it at a glance.

   Well, but Emilia also has to admit that if someone who doesn't know the truth sees this thing, he will definitely think that it is some kind of terrible organization that worships evil gods.

   Like murdering Prince Cyric or something...

   "This must be the work of Cyric's Church!"

   Sure enough, the next moment Priest Haim shouted in a fit of madness.

   Well, that's not out of the question considering the holy symbol of Prince Murder is a glowing skull.

   "But that doesn't look like a sign of Cyric."

  As Haim's eternal enemy—meaning an enemy who will never stop unless he is killed once, the mage quickly gave different opinions.

   "Cyric's holy emblem doesn't look like this, and they don't have a hammer on the back of their emblem."

   "So you mean that it's not Cyric's sinister and cunning disciples who are hiding behind this door, but a group of savages?"

The priests of Heim scoffed at the mage's remarks—they had no guilt about the fact that their gods killed the goddess of magic, and even passed it on as a model: Look, even the goddess of magic died in the sea where she did her duty. Mu's sword, which shows that the power of guardianship is unstoppable!

   Well, the Mage Association was lucky that they didn't directly blow up the Temple of Helm.

  But this does not mean that they will not attack a Helm priest face to face.

   "Aha, I guess you are as narrow-minded as that stupid idiot you believe in, so you can't see the vastness of this world."

  The mage sneered.

"In fact, the savages in the wilderness are far smarter than you idiots who only know how to hide behind the city wall and beg Heim to show mercy to help you pin your feet. Although they are dangerous, they are not stupid. And you... hehe………"

   "What did you say? How dare you insult Heim?"

   "Come here if you're not afraid of death? I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

  The mage raised his staff, the priest of Heim raised his staff, and everyone else took a step back.

  To be honest, they had no intention of stepping forward to stop them. They just hoped that this boring quarrel would end as soon as possible, or that if the mage accidentally slipped his hands and did something, they could just pretend they didn't see it.

  Only Emilia hesitated. As a Paladin of Tyre, it seems that she shouldn't be watching the show now...

   Fortunately, at this moment, the steel gate opened slowly, preventing this boring fight. Everyone turned their heads, and then they were astonished——behind the Iron Gate, several tall steel warriors holding strange saws were standing there. Their eyes were shining with scarlet light, and each of them was full of killing intent. .

   "Well, I'm sure they are definitely not followers of Cyric."

   At this time, the elf ranger also took a step back, nervously clenched the longbow, and whispered to himself at the same time. Cyric is the **** of murder, but his followers are not the straight-up army. This is more like the subordinates of Bane, the **** of tyranny. These adventurers can tell at a glance that the steel warriors in front of them have strict military discipline and are well-versed in advancing and retreating. They are not comparable to Cyric's group of lunatic killers.

That kind of discipline, iron blood and fearless spirit and killing intent, even if there are only a few dozen fighters, gave them an illusion as if they were standing in front of thousands of troops, as if there were only a few of them now, and they were going to fight with bare hands. Like an entire armed army, almost everyone felt some kind of unimaginable terrible pressure.

   But no matter what, when you see dozens of terrifying existences wearing black steel armor, inlaid with golden skull logos, holding mechanical saws, and looking as tall as giants, it's hard not to get nervous.


  The black iron warrior's attire obviously irritated the priest of Haim, he turned his head and stared fiercely at the target in front of him.

   "You followers of Cyric! How dare you be so rampant in this northern land! In the name of Holy Helm, I..."


However, before Priest Haim finished speaking, there was a deafening bang, and the next moment everyone saw that Priest Haim's upper body exploded, and his waist and above were completely collapsed, and flesh and blood were flying and scattered all over the ground. At this scene, the others clenched their weapons and stepped back. At the same time, the black iron warrior who started the action looked at them.

   "The trial court does not allow any questioning and hostile behavior. Who are you and what are you doing here?"

   "I, we are..."

   Facing these steel giants, the soldiers in charge of leading the team stuttered for a while, not knowing what to say. He single-handedly confronted the leader of a tribe of frost giants and slew him while surrounded. But looking at the steel warrior in front of him, he suddenly felt that the leader of the frost giant he faced before was as docile as a kitten.

   Fortunately, someone still stood up at this time.

   "We are the special investigation team organized by Ms. Elastre."

Emilia stepped forward in a hurry. Although she was not familiar with these steel warriors, referring to Duanmuhuai's temper and their previous actions of killing Priest Heim mercilessly, Emilia almost guessed that they would continue like this It won't be a good thing to go down.

   "We came here because there was a violent explosion in the Lost Lands, and we got some bad news, so... Is Mr. Duanmuhuai there? Do we want to talk to him?"


  Hearing Emilia's words, the Iron Warriors were silent for a moment, and then the leader turned to look at her.

   "The Grand Inquisitor is waiting for you, please follow me."


  At this moment, Emilia finally breathed a sigh of relief.

   Anyway, at least they can avoid the fate of being smashed to pieces.

  (end of this chapter)

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