005 Lightly mounted power arm


Hela exhaled, and her pink fist exploded vigorously, slamming into Han Xiao's chest like a bullet, making a crackling air burst.

Han Xiao took a hard punch, enduring the suffocation of his chest, grabbed the neckline of Hela's combat uniform with his big hands, twisted his waist, and threw Hela to the other side with a shoulder.

Heila didn't panic, supporting the ground with his palms, turning over lightly, and easily resolved this shoulder fall.

Han Xiao didn't chase after seeing this, standing still rubbing his chest.

"You only have so much progress?" Hela looked dissatisfied.

Han Xiao didn't say a word. He deliberately hid himself. Based on his own performance, the organization should have given up on him. However, for the past six months, Hela has continued to train him every day, and he is working hard today.

Hela didn't expect Han Xiao to speak, she knew that Number Zero was taciturn, like a robot without emotion. Although she is the supervisor, she is actually very leisurely. She has nothing to do in the base every day. Training Han Xiao is one of her activities. After learning that the leader wanted to hand Han Xiao to Lin Weixian, Hela felt very complicated.

Although the two almost never communicate, they will always feel different when they get along for half a year. Even if they are commonly used things, they will be missed, let alone people. Maybe it is a trace of nostalgia, and Hela can't bear it. I saw Han Xiao being dismembered into hundreds of pieces of minced meat on the scumbag of Lin Weixian.

How many times, those familiar faces disappeared on a certain ordinary day and never appeared again.

The organization's cold style has made her lose many friends.

And... Sister, Hela is surprised.

If the zero can show the talent in combat at the last minute, perhaps the leader will change her mind, so she is only working hard to train Han Xiao today.

It is a pity that miracles are not so easy to appear.

"The leader agrees to Lin Weixian's dissection and study of you..." Hela sighed.

Strictly speaking, this is the first sentence Hela said to zero that has nothing to do with training.

Hela didn't notice, Han Xiao's eyes sharpened for an instant, and then disappeared.

"This day really came..." Han Xiao had long expected that his performance would lead to this kind of result sooner or later. For the budding organization, useless people are junk stocks that need to be sold quickly to save their investment as soon as possible.

But he does not regret it at all, because the degree of attention is linked to the degree of surveillance. If he shows extraordinary things in a high-profile manner, he will only be squeezed more violently. His identity cannot enter the core layer of the budding organization and will always be used as a tool. Many are just easy to use or not, otherwise, Han Xiao really doesn't mind working for Budding.

Han Xiao suddenly caught a glimpse of a photo on the ground, which seemed to have fallen out of Hela's pocket when he fell over his shoulder just now, and he bent over and picked it up.

This is a group photo, the background of the photo is the blue sea and blue sky, the sea and the sky are surrounded by a sunset, and the two little girls standing side by side are the protagonists of the photo, one is Hela when she was a child, smiling bright and lively, and the other girl It looks a bit similar to Hela, but the hair is white, gentle and well-behaved.

Hela's face changed and he snapped back the photo. Seeing that the photo was undamaged, he breathed a sigh of relief and solemnly put the photo close to his body, took a deep look at Han Xiao, and turned to leave the training ground.

A message suddenly popped up on the panel.

[You trigger the D-level task [Night Owl Project], accept/give up? ]

Han Xiao's eyes flickered slightly, this was the first time he triggered a mission in six months.

There is nothing to hesitate, accept!

[Task reminder: The dark and **** rise of the budding organization has always been a secretive mystery of the six seablue stars. Hela has an unknown past. Is she really loyal to the budding organization? You have grasped a trace of clues, if you keep track of it, you may be able to obtain unexpected gains, or it may be unexpected...Danger! Of course, you can also provide this clue to some interested people in exchange for reward, or you can put the clue in your stomach. In any case, the choice is yours. ]

The task was obviously triggered by the photo. It just so happened that Han Xiao happened to recognize the white-haired girl who was Hela's sister, Aurora.

Aurora also has abilities, but her abilities are at the extremes of Hela. Hela is extremely aggressive, and Aurora's blood has powerful healing powers, and can even extend life and bring back to life. Regarding his crime, Aurora was controlled by Germination, not only using her abilities, but also using it as a threat, causing Hela to do a lot of **** work for Germination.

The only thing Hela cares about is her sister.

At the end of the 1.0 version, the war between the Six Kingdoms and Budding entered a white-hot stage. The war was tight. Budding dismembered Aurora and used her flesh and blood to make countless healing potions that were comparable to "Second Life". Hela, who won a big victory and was on the front line, didn't know what happened until a few months later.

Hela completely collapsed. The budding organization had already guessed her reaction, and immediately sent a large number of masters to capture Hela and imprison him. Hela suffered inhuman torture in the prison, and her deep-seated hatred gave her terrible resilience, endured all the torture, and finally found a chance to escape.

Since then, Hela has become cold-blooded and brutal, using countless lives to develop abilities, becoming stronger by unscrupulous means, and completely reduced to the evil camp, and finally become the "death goddess" of Broken Star.

Although the current Hela is indifferent, compared with the future goddess of death who sees thousands of creatures as dust and destroys civilizations, she is 10,000 times kind. If there is a chance, Han Xiao would like to help her and change Hella’s tragic future. It was not out of pity, but to avoid trouble. Hela in the previous life was simply a mad woman. Whoever caught and killed, Han Xiao was unlucky enough for Shanghai to pull more than ten times, all of which were destroyed by battleships and suffered huge losses.

To change the future of Hela, the key point lies in Aurora.

But for now, Han Xiao does not have this ability, and escape is the top priority.

Every two months, Hela will leave the laboratory on a regular basis, and there are two days when Hela will leave again, and he has enough experience reserves.

The opportunity came.


Back in his mechanical modification room, Han Xiao exhaled the panel. He now has three occupations, civilian, agent, and mechanical beginner.

The civilian occupation can be ignored, and the other two are his capital for escaping from the laboratory.

Among the five major professional systems, the mechanical department is relatively weak in the early stage, but he does not regret it at all. The mechanical department is his best profession.

In the early stage of the mechanical department, it was biased towards logistics and life professions, but after the high-end knowledge of the professional knowledge tree was opened up in version 3.0, the combat effectiveness of the mechanical department soared and gradually became popular, even fighting against the martial arts department with the most players.

In the later stage, a high-level mechanic is an interstellar army!

The mechanics are well-known for their skills. Every blueprint invention is equal to one skill. There are thousands of blueprints for the mechanics, so the potential for later development is very high. Different skills match countless combat modes, trap streams, Position flow, heavy artillery flow, sniper flow, legion flow, mech flow, etc...

But the disadvantages are also obvious. If you want to train a master of the mechanics, you need more experience than other professions.

After thinking about it, Han Xiao put his experience into the profession of mechanical beginners, rushing to the level crazily.

[[Mechanical beginner] upgrade to lv3, vigor +10, intelligence +1, endurance +1, gain 2 free attribute points, gain 1 potential point]


[[Mechanical Beginner] Upgrade to lv10 (max), vigor +30, intelligence +1, endurance +1, gain 2 free attribute points and 1 potential point. ]

The upper limit of most occupations is level ten, and you can only continue to upgrade after changing your job.

A total of 130,000 experience is spent, and the [Mechanical Beginner] is raised from level 2 to the upper limit of level 10. It provides 8 stamina, 8 intelligence, 100 vigor, 16 free attribute points, 8 potential points, and the total level changes. It is level 12.

The main profession usually has the highest priority to promote, gaining strength, and the most cost-effective.

[Mechanical Beginner] After reaching the upper limit of level 10, Han Xiao could not meet the transfer requirements for the time being. He had anticipated this and put it aside temporarily.

Han Xiao upgraded [Agent] to level 9, consuming 80,000 experience. [Agent] A total of occupations allow him to gain strength +12, agility +9, charm +3, 9 potential points and 9 free attribute points.

The total level reaches level 20.

A character can have an unlimited number of occupations, but every 20 levels is a bottleneck. You need to complete advanced tasks before you can continue to upgrade. The total level upper limit will be unlocked with the version update. The total level upper limit of version 1.0 is 60.

Hundreds of professions in "Xinghai" provide players with countless combinations. In the late game, personalization is very important. There is no fixed growth strategy, and each role is different in order to remain attractive.

But Han Xiao found that his panel did not display the upper limit of the total level, which means that he can have power beyond the player version.

In version 1.0 and version 2.0, players’ activity areas are basically novice planets. In the depths of the universe, those large-scale interstellar forces have always existed, but players cannot access them. Therefore, the version is a restriction on players, and he is now an NPC. Naturally, there is no such shackle.

[Level 20 advanced task: learn an advanced knowledge of mechanics. ]

The prerequisite for advanced knowledge requires learning a branch of five basic knowledge, the armed branch professional knowledge in the base is not complete, he has no way of this.

To consume another 150,000 experience, upgrade the [Simple Repair] and [Simple Strengthening Modification] to lv10 full level and obtain two potential points, which is related to the follow-up plan.

Expends 10,000 experience, [Elementary Mechanical Affinity] is upgraded to lv3.

Based on his familiarity with "Xinghai", Han Xiao spent 60,000 experience to upgrade the [Basic Fighting] [Basic Shooting] to lv6, and successfully obtained two new skills, [Grabbing] and [Precise Shooting].

The last 170,000 experience left, this is the reserve used by Han Xiao to "betting on blueprints".

Inventing drawings is the most important ability of the mechanical department.

After the professional knowledge of the mechanical department is upgraded, the drawings will be automatically obtained. This is the first method to obtain drawings.

The second type is obtained from missions and special NPCs, which belong to special drawings and are generally rare.

The third is to dismantle the machinery and work out the drawings in reverse, but the conditions are harsh and it takes a lot of experience!

The fourth type is the most important "knowledge fusion", which combines two or more professional knowledge. If the combination is correct, new drawings can be developed, and each fusion requires experience.

There are countless combinations of 60 kinds of knowledge, each of which hides many kinds of drawings, but each fusion will only develop one of them, and even some drawings have hidden prerequisites, so it is difficult to figure out a combination. How many kinds of drawings can be developed.

The fusion experience of the same combination will continue to stack up, and even if no new blueprint is developed, the experience will not be returned, so it is also called "gambling blueprint".

This is the characteristic of the mechanical system, which has created the changeable fighting style of the mechanical system, and is also the root of the powerful in the later period, and it is also a bottomless pit of experience.

Before he crossed, the players found thousands of combinations. With more than ten years of experience, Han Xiao had an impression of 80 to 90% of them. Choosing the mechanical system has a huge advantage and can minimize the early weakness of the mechanical system. , There are so few rare drawings, but the artifacts of the early mechanical department!

Of course, there is a function that is rarely used-free creation, creating a machine according to the player's idea, but there is a 99% chance that what is made is a pile of broken copper and broken iron. The success rate depends on the rationality of the idea, the quality of the materials, the level of professional knowledge, expertise, tools, etc., until the version before Han Xiao crossed, no players developed and perfected their own functions, even if they occasionally created their own machinery, The effect is not as good as the paper machine, this function has always been regarded as tasteless.

The career upgrade gave him 19 potential points, and the two skills at full level gave him 2 points, a total of 21 potential points.

Han Xiao took out the professional knowledge book he had prepared long ago from the bookshelf, took a deep breath, and invested his potential.

[Whether to spend 1 potential point to learn the armed branch [Basic Mechanical Engineering]? ]

[Whether to consume 1 potential point to learn armed branch [Basic Bionics]? ]


A large amount of knowledge was instilled into his mind, Han Xiao's head rose, overloaded with operation, as if he was about to explode, the pain made his face twitch, and it took ten minutes to relieve.

The mechanical knowledge that I had never understood before was deeply imprinted in my mind.

Han Xiao consumes 2 more potential points and upgrades [Basic Mechanical Engineering] and [Basic Bionics] to lv2 respectively to improve the mastery.

"These two two-level basic mechanical knowledge combinations can develop six kinds of drawings. The experience value of the same combination is doubled each time. The first combination of the basic combination is 10,000 experience, and 170,000 experience is enough for me to integrate four times. , These four times must bet that thing out!"

Han Xiao was nervous, with sweat in his palms, and dragged [Basic Mechanical Engineering lv2] and [Basic Bionics lv2] together on the panel.

[Whether to conduct knowledge integration (basic mechanical engineering + basic bionics), this integration will consume 10,000 experience. ]


The brain was dizzy for a moment, and a new invention blueprint appeared out of thin air.

[Successful integration, congratulations on the development of [Yunyan Gliding Wing]! ]

"Not this!" Han Xiao clenched his fists and continued!

[...This integration will consume 20,000 experience. ]

[Successful integration, congratulations on your research and development of [Bionic Prosthesis]! ]

I'll go, the most garbage drawings are out, not this one!

Come again!

[... This integration will consume 4w experience. ]

[Successful fusion, congratulations on your research and development of the [lightly loaded power arm]! ]


Han Xiao slapped the table excitedly, shaking off a screw.

Ha, lightly pack the power arm...this is what I want!

The accumulation of six months was almost a waste.


Name: Han Xiao

Race: Carbon-based human (yellow)

Template: NPC (1.0 public beta countdown 182 days, 8 hours and 23 minutes)

Total level: 20 (not completed advanced)

Experience value: 10w

Deputy occupation: civilian Lv1, agent lv9 (0/25000)

Main occupation: Mechanical beginner Lv10 (max, unfinished job transfer task)

Health value: 320/320

Physical strength: 434/434

Attributes: Strength 21, Agility 17, Endurance 22, Intelligence 15, Mystery 1, Charisma 5, Lucky 1

Free attribute points: 27

Strength: 120【Lv3】

Lv1 (10)-[strength +1, agility +1, endurance +1, upper limit of physical strength +20]

Lv2 (50)-[strength +3, agility +2, endurance +3, upper limit of physical strength +50]

Lv3 (100)-[strength +3, agility +3, endurance +5, upper limit of physical strength +100]

Energy level: 48~55

Rank: F (mortal)

[Compared with the weakest superpower, you are a big ant]

Expertise: High concentration, low-level mental toughness

Well-trained-additional 100 points of base health


——Mechanical Department: Elementary Mechanical Affinity lv3, Simple Repair lv10 (max), Simple Enhanced Modification lv10 (max), Blueprint-Yunyan Glider lv1 (0/5000), Blueprint-Bionic Prosthesis lv1 (0/2000), Drawings-Lightweight Power Arm lv1 (0/10000)

——Agent: Basic Fighting lv6 (0/16000)-Increase unarmed attack power by 6%

Basic shooting lv6 (0/16000)-increase shooting correction by 6%

Grab lv1 (0/3000)-increase 3% parry counterattack rate, 2% unarmed attack power

Precision shooting lv1 (0/3000)-increase 3% shooting correction, 2% long-range crit rate

Potential points: 17

Professional knowledge tree:

——Armed: Basic assembly lv1 (0/1)

Basic Mechanical Engineering lv2 (0/1)

Basic Bionics lv2 (0/1)

[17 unlearned items]

——Energy: [20 unlearned items]

——Control: [20 unlearned items]

Influence: 0

Legend: 0

Equipment: None


After half a year of accumulation, he went straight to level 20 and his combat effectiveness soared!

With a total of 27 free attribute points, Han Xiao spent five points to raise his intelligence to twenty, meeting the manufacturing requirements of the lightly-equipped power arm drawings, and the rest is saved for emergency situations.

The last link is to arm yourself!

Looking at the mechanical parts all over the floor, Han Xiao smiled secretly.

"I will tell you what it means to raise a tiger!"


(Cherish the attribute panel, he will not play for a long time)

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