Chapter 124 Twelve moves!

Chapter 124 Twelve moves!


  The Molotov cocktail was smashed on the large Weird one, and exploded with a bang. The flames spread to all directions, and even the two smaller Weird ones were instantly swallowed up by the flames.

However, it seems strange that the flames have swallowed up the tuba, but in fact there seems to be an invisible wall around its body to protect it and isolate it from the flames.

 It is not flammable, it is really "incombustible".

The "non-combustible" body could not be burned. Shen Ge tried to throw a few more Molotov cocktails. While throwing them, he retreated to avoid the attacks of the two little weird ones.

Although the system warning indicates that "non-combustible" is a level 4 weirdness, Shen Ge's visual inspection shows that the weirdness is a little more than level 2, and it is obviously a level 4 4 years later.

 Two small ones, they should have just been alienated.

 It is not difficult for Shen Ge to deal with two level 1s and one level 2.

Several incendiary bottles were smashed down in succession, and the small Weirdness turned into a fireball. The big Weirdness chased Shen Ge without any effect, curling and stabbing him with its tentacles, and at the same time opened its big blood-red mouth to bite him.

 Shen Ge raised his hand and slapped the "invisible" sneaky eye on the forehead of "Bulian", and then pulled out the butcher's knife to kill the two trumpets first.

 After solving the problem, for the sake of safety, I put on the full-body attachment armor with a snap of my fingers, and then started to fight the strange "non-burning" game.

In fact, with Shen Ge's current strength, level 2 weirdness can be easily solved, but he will definitely choose to devour the "non-combustible" feature, so he wanted to take the opportunity to test the "non-burning" fire resistance on Weiyi first. After all, there are always After you can't get the characteristics on your own, pour gasoline on yourself to test it.

 After the Molotov cocktail, there are explosive grenades and fragmentation grenades. The explosion damage and fragmentation damage to the weird "non-combustible" are very low, and they are basically resolved by the weird black mist.

ˆ means "non-combustible", then there will be no burning damage caused by the explosion.

This is the only information that can be tested for the time being. Any more information can only be tested after it is devoured. What's more, each time a characteristic is devoured, the system will convert it into a "skill", that is, in a way that is more suitable for your own use. Perform fusion.

Thinking of this, Shen Ge decided to deal with this weird thing directly. After all, judging from the appearance alone, apart from being very cute, I really don’t know what its original shape is.


Shen Ge raised his hand and stretched out toward the strange "non-combustible", unfolding the invisible realm. The next second, the strange and cute creature fell downwards. Then Shen Ge quickly released the invisible realm, and most of the strange and cute body was embedded in the cement. What's left is the cute and cute head spitting out the black mist of strange energy and the tentacles waving randomly.

Shen Ge stepped forward with the butcher's knife and cut off the tentacles with two swipes. Then he raised his hand and took off the "invisible eye" from Ju Meng Meng's forehead.

  Then he stabbed Juimengmeng's forehead with a sharp knife, held the handle of the knife with both hands and slashed, directly cutting open Juimengmeng's head.

 Then draw your sword and chop!

 Poof! puff! puff!

Black blood splattered, and Shen Ge became more and more skilled at chopping meat. If one day the incident came to light and he was fired from the Special Policy Department, he could even find a job in the slaughterhouse.

Of course, this is just a joke. After all, even if the current special policy department is disbanded, it is impossible to fire Shen Ge, the first pair of tricksters.

  【The host kills level 4 weirdness (characteristic: non-combustible), and can sell the weird corpse, or let the system swallow it to extract "characteristics". 】

 【Weird (Characteristic: Incombustible)—worth 3,000 system points. 】

  【Swallowing strange things, you can extract characteristics. 】


  【Level 4 weirdness (characteristic: non-combustible) was successfully swallowed, and the characteristic "non-combustible" was extracted. This characteristic will be "fused" in a form more suitable for the host, and the host attribute panel has been updated. 】

“Successfully captured Boruto, let’s take a look at the effect first.” Shen Ge said, opening the properties panel.

  【Non-combustible: After turning on the characteristic, you can enter the "non-combustible" state, and any burning damage during the characteristic maintenance phase will be "invalidated". Consumes 1% of energy per second and can be turned on at the same time as other features. 】

 Make yourself incombustible and immune to any burning damage... Darling, this doesn't mean that Ah San only dares to go up to the sun at night. Once this feature is turned on, he can also go to bathe in the sun during the day?

Asana was just joking, but with the characteristic "non-burning", Shen Ge could really go to the sun and take a sunbath for nearly seven minutes.

 If nothing else, next time he sets fire to the house, Shen Ge won't have to run far away, and he can even observe the art of burning up close.

  Shen Ge conveniently sold two strange corpses of level 1, and suddenly thought of a question...

The burn marks on the metal door of the stairwell on the 15th floor of the building, as well as the charred footprints left on the stairs, compared with the strange "non-combustible" figure, are obviously not left by "non-combustible".

Logically speaking, Shen Ge searched all the way up. If it was a "burning type" weird thing, it would leave traces on every floor. Not on the 15th floor, not on the rooftop, so where else could he hide?

 Has it been swallowed up by "non-burning"?

To be honest, instead of the "non-combustible" attribute, Shen Ge would like to have the "combustible", "casual burning", and "bibo burning" attributes to improve his arson technology tree.

  After all, for most weirdness, "fire" is still very effective.

Shen Ge searched around the rooftop again, looked at the time, and saw that there were still 52 hours until the counterattack organization from another country entered, so he decided to search along the floors.

  If there is such a thing as "combustible", then the combination with "non-combustible" is equivalent to the active aggressive "invisible + silent", and Shen Ge will naturally not miss it.

Shen Ge searched all the way down and came to the 31st floor.

Although there is a relatively "mild" method of unlocking the door, Shen Ge clearly didn't want to waste time and blasted the door open with a blast grenade.

The corridor was pitch dark and nothing could be seen. When the flashlight was scanned, there was no weak ghost energy floating around, as if everything was normal.

 But when the demolition grenade blew open the door lock, he heard subtle movement deep in the corridor.


 Still weird?

 No matter what it is, in line with the trick of "come and come", Shen Ge naturally wants to go in and find out. He did not attach a full-body battle armor, but just put the treacherous shield on his right arm, and activated the treacherous arm armor on his left arm, ready to expand out of the treacherous realm at any time and "simmer" the hidden weirdness.

The silence in the gloomy corridor was eerie. Shen Ge was carrying a lot of things on his back, but there was almost no sound when he stepped on the carpeted corridor.

 It's so quiet and depressing that an ordinary person would be so frightened that his heartbeat would slow down by half a beat.

Shen Ge asked the hotel manager on the 27th floor. The 27th to 33rd floors were all the same hotel, and the 31st to 33rd floors were the hotel's "luxury suites", so even the corridors were carpeted.



At this time, a small swallowing sound came from a room in front. It was different from the weird swallowing sound like a drum. It was like chewing and swallowing during ordinary eating, but it seemed extra special in this silent environment. It's just obvious.

Shen Ge slowed down and walked toward the place where the sound came from. The closer he got to the room that made the strange noise, the more subtle sounds he could hear.

For example, the sound of "tick-tick" water is like a "hissing" sound of tearing skin and flesh.

 With Shen Ge's psychological quality, it was obvious that he would not be frightened by this movement.

Following the sound, he walked to the room. The door was open, and he cautiously walked in. The sound came from this spacious luxury suite.

There was no power or lights in the room, and it was foggy outside the building. Not only did the light from the floor-to-ceiling windows not have much effect, it actually added a bit of depression and terror to the room.

Shen Ge raised a pistol with a flashlight and swept towards the room. He saw a rabbit at least one meter long on the big bed with a white dust blanket in the middle. There was a faint black smoke coming from the body, and it was chewed beyond recognition. , internal organs and blood were scattered all over the bed, and large areas of the white sheets were dyed blood red.

There were five people, four men and one woman, gathered around the big bed. Two of them were leaning on the rabbit carcass, gnawing on the raw meat. One was holding a large pile of offal and devouring it, and another had his head inserted into the rabbit's vagina. There was a disgusting and terrifying gnawing sound in his stomach.

The last one was lying on the bedside, tilting his head up and opening his mouth to catch the blood dripping from the rabbit's feet. But whether it was because the light was not good enough to see clearly or for some other reason, he didn't take much in his mouth at all. His face and body were stained bright red with rabbit blood.

For a moment, Shen Ge had the illusion that he was watching the walking dead, as if what these people were eating was not a huge rabbit, but a person.

 In terms of disgusting and terrifying levels, it is even worse.

 The point is that the rabbit has obviously undergone alienation. As they gnawed, the flesh tissue at the broken parts of the body's flesh and blood was squirming like worms. It was obviously the most common "self-healing type" of weirdness.

At this time, perhaps he felt the light. The man who was holding the offal and feasting suddenly raised his head and saw Shen Ge stunned for about a second, and then a ferocious smile appeared on his face.



"Officer, do you want to eat? I can't finish it, I can't finish it at all... Just eat when you're hungry, you're welcome, come on, eat!" The man held the internal organs dripping with blood and walked towards Shen Ge step by step.

 “Thank you, no need, I have no appetite.” Shen Ge raised his gun and refused decisively.

But faced with Shen Ge's rejection, the ferocious expression on the man's face did not change at all, and he continued to approach as if he had not heard his words.

"Eat, you're welcome. Have you been hungry for a long time? Eat, you can't finish it, you can't finish it, hey, hey." The man approached with a grin.


 “Stop where you are!”

Shen Ge warned twice, but the man still didn't respond and walked towards him clutching his **** internal organs.



Shen Ge decisively aimed at the man's knees and shot. However, the man just knelt on the ground with a "thud" and then continued to "crawl" towards Shen Ge, repeating the words asking him to eat.

This scene is almost no different from the zombies in those zombie movies who only have the desire to eat.

At the same time, the four people who were eating strange rabbits on the bed heard the commotion here. They also walked towards Shen Ge holding **** flesh and blood, repeating the same words in their mouths.

Shen Ge was about to shoot when the light of the flashlight suddenly caught sight of the woman. She was holding a lump of flesh and blood, and the blood couldn't stop dripping down.

What’s terrifying is that the lump of flesh and blood is like a bunch of worms gathered together. Even after eating the woman’s palms and arms and biting the bleeding holes, the worms burrowed into her body.

Shen Ge took two steps back and glanced at the others with his flashlight. He found that it was not only the women, but the other four men, whether they were holding flesh or viscera, looked like red blood worms clustered together, and then Eat their bodies, burrow into their bodies.

 Bang, bang, bang!

Shen Ge fired several shots in succession, this time aiming at the head. With his shooting skills at such a close distance, the bullets hit the eyebrows of the five people without exception.

Generally speaking, a normal person would have a **** hole in his head from a bullet and would still be standing at the gate of the underworld if he didn't die on the spot. However, these five people still kept their ferocious smiles and "persuaded them to eat".

"Good guy, Plaka is a parasite, right?" Shen Ge fired a few more shots, and then he noticed that there were blood-red bugs squirming around the wound of the person he injured, as if they were "repairing" the wound.

Although these five people have not shown strong aggression yet, their terrifying appearance and the parasites that can make people "zombie-like" made Shen Ge feel bad.

He took a step forward, raised his hand to grab the arm of the person closest to him, and pulled him out of the room with a strong force, then closed the door and locked the other four in the room.

The person he dragged out of the room wanted to struggle to get up, but Shen Ge raised his foot and stepped on it, pushing him to the ground. Then he took out a Molotov cocktail, poured the flammable liquid inside on the man at his feet, then took out a black bone dagger, cut off a small piece of flesh from the man's face, stuffed it into the bottle, and used the dagger to pick out some flesh-and-blood bugs. And put it into a bottle, seal the bottle and put it into the bloodskin backpack.


Shen Ge raised his foot and kicked open the door. He kicked the people who rushed towards the door back to the room. Then he took out a Molotov cocktail and threw it at the door.


The moment the Molotov cocktail exploded, Shen Ge's "non-combustible" feature was turned on, and the flames engulfed the five people who were infected by the parasitic strangeness.

 “Eat, it’s delicious.”

 “Eat, ah, ah, ah, ah, eat.”

 “You’re welcome, let’s eat.”

 “Have you been hungry for a long time? Eat.”

 “Can’t finish it, can’t finish it, hey, hey hey.”

The people who were completely engulfed by the flames were still shouting the same words. Gradually, their voices became smaller and smaller, and they were burned and huddled together.

  Shen Ge raised his hand to cast out the magic field, and controlled the flames to extinguish them together to prevent the fire from getting bigger and igniting the entire building.

If the fire spreads, all the survivors on the 27th floor will probably die.

 After dealing with the five people, Shen Ge took out a canister of canisters and sucked it, walked towards the room, and took a closer look at the dodgy rabbit.

 【Whether to sell the level 1 weird corpse, price: 200 system points. 】

Although Shen Ge really wanted Li Xiang to study this thing, he always felt that it might have something to do with the weird parasites used by the twelve guys, but he couldn't leave this corpse here, in case there were other survivors. If someone is infected and then spreads, it will be a biochemical crisis.

Even if Shen Ge cuts off a small piece of flesh and sells the body to the system, the flesh and blood related to the strange rabbit will also be recycled.

 After much thought, Shen Ge still felt that it would be safer to sell.

 “For sale.”

The 200 system points were received, and the flesh-and-blood worms that he had picked up with the black bone dagger to put in the bottle disappeared with a ray of white light, leaving only a small piece of flesh cut off the man's face.

Shen Ge checked the corpses of the five people. From the outside, there were no strange blood worms. As for whether there were any in the body... the blood worms in the bottle disappeared when the corpse of the strange rabbit was sold, so there should be no blood worms in the body, right?

 If there was, Shen Ge had no other choice. After all, he couldn't bring five corpses with him to ensure the safety of the survivors downstairs, right? Shen Ge decided to find a location with a better signal to contact Zhang Wei or other combat teams and ask them to deal with the survivors on the 27th floor and "contain" the corpses and take them back for study.



At this time, Shen Ge heard a huge vibration coming from outside the building. He quickly walked to the window and looked outside. He saw a group of "briquettes" in the distance that was nearly ten stories high and completely wrapped in the dark mist of the mysterious energy. It is moving towards the distance, and every time it "takes" a step, it will make a loud noise.

 Shen Ge stood in front of the window and observed for a while. The opponent's entire body was hidden in the black mist of the mysterious energy. Visually, it looked like it was almost level 3.

“Level 3 is so big? It doesn’t have any characteristics?” Shen Ge thought as he observed the giant monster.



Suddenly, there was a burst of gunfire downstairs, mixed with screams. It was obvious that something happened on the 27th floor.

Looking at the giant monster disappearing in the distance, although Shen Ge had no intention of letting go of the "3000 system points", it was impossible for him to jump directly from the 30th floor.



 A few minutes ago, on the 27th floor.

There was a sudden explosion upstairs, which made the people hiding on the 27th floor feel inexplicably nervous. Some people speculated that the special police who went upstairs were in danger.

Wang Shufang’s husband struggled to stand up, held a submachine gun, took a breath, gritted his teeth and walked towards the door as if he had made up his mind.

 “Hey, Lao Zhang, where are you going?” A person traveling with him grabbed him and asked.

Lao Zhang sighed: "Go upstairs and have a look. The SWAT brother found us food and guns. If it weren't for him, we might have starved to death here. There is no way to repay such kindness, so we can only risk it." Go up there and see if you can help. You stay here while I go take a look."

 “Lao Zhang, I’m going with you.”

"I am coming too."

 A few more people stood up.

Wang Shufang was in the room counting food and making distribution plans with the hotel manager when she heard the noise and ran out quickly.

"Lao Zhang, you want to go out? Are you crazy? Didn't the police officer tell us to stay here and wait for rescue? There is no shortage of food now, why are you going out?" Wang Shufang asked anxiously.

Lao Zhang said: "I don't know which floor there was an explosion. I guess the SWAT brothers may be in trouble and are going to go up and have a look."

 “You? You! You’re crazy! You’ve been injured, and you’re still going to do something like this? No, you’re not allowed to go!” Wang Shufang grabbed Lao Zhang tightly.

Lao Zhang scolded: "Let go, I was also in the army back then. How can I watch others go through life and death for us, while I stay here?"

"Yes, we have guns now, maybe we can help." A man next to him also had a bandage on his face agreed.

 A woman also said: "I also think it's better to go and take a look. After all...others helped us regardless of the danger. It's really not good to just ignore it."

 Some people agree, and naturally some people oppose it.

Some rudely scolded Lao Zhang for not having any self-awareness, and just ran up to him and others failed to save him, but got himself in instead.

Wang Shufang was also dragging Lao Zhang to prevent him from leaving. At this moment, a "dong-dong-dong" knocking sound was heard from the stairwell on the 27th floor.

 Judging from the intensity of the impact, it was obviously not as simple as someone smashing the door.

 “Quiet!” Lao Zhang yelled.

Everyone quickly covered their mouths. Listening to the louder and louder banging on the door, some people were so frightened that they couldn't stop shaking and shed tears.

Lao Zhang opened Wang Shufang's hand and asked her to stay where she was. Then he carefully moved towards the stairs with his submachine gun.

Followed by a man and two women, also holding guns.

 “Could it be a monster?” someone asked.

 Lao Zhang's face was solemn and his whole body was tense. He did not answer the man behind him because he had to concentrate on paying attention to the movement at the door.

The route from the lobby to the stairwell is not long. On the contrary, it is only about ten meters. However, he feels that time seems to have slowed down in this short distance of more than ten meters. The depressing atmosphere coupled with the "dong dong dong" sound of impact makes people breathless. gas.


Suddenly, with a loud noise, the metal door of the stairwell was knocked open from the outside by a huge force, and then a black shadow jumped in.

 A black, dog-like, bear-like five-legged monster rushed in.



Weiwei made a swallowing sound like a drum, and his blood-red eyes swept across the four people in the corridor. The two women standing behind him suddenly lost their feet and fell to the ground in fright.

The man following Lao Zhang was not much better. He was leaning against the wall, his body shaking uncontrollably, and he could no longer hold the gun in his hand.

Only Lao Zhang still maintained a trace of calmness and rationality. He held a gun and pointed at the strange group of people, and shouted: "What are you doing standing still? Let them retreat into the room quickly!"

 Lao Zhang was fighting and retreating. When he saw the woman behind him still in a daze, he grabbed her arm and walked towards the hall. The frightened man came back to his senses and fired at Weiyi with his gun.





Hearing the sound of gunshots in the lobby, and following the light to see the huge monster, he was immediately frightened and panicked.

Many people who had been assigned weapons braved their arms and came to the entrance of the corridor with their guns in hand, and started shooting strangely with Lao Wang.

However, these people had not received much training, and their ability to shoot or not was second to none. Some of those with weak arms shot to the ceiling, almost accidentally injuring their companions.

The whole restaurant was in chaos. Weirdly, he ran into the restaurant with his head open and opened his **** mouth, swallowing half of the person in one go. The **** scene scared many people to the point of fainting.

"Old Zhang! It's up to you here!" At this time, a man with a broken arm rushed towards Weiyi with several grenades in his hand, roared, and bit off the pull ring with his teeth. .

Obviously, biting off the pull tab in reality is not as easy as in the movie, but the man didn’t want to live at all, he bit it with all his strength, and then jumped towards Weirdness.

He was the first to put his hand into Weiyi's mouth, and with a "pop" sound, Weiyi bit him off, including his head and hands.



The bomb that the man had inserted into his clothes and under his arm was detonated by the grenade, and a huge fire instantly illuminated the restaurant.

However, Wei Wei only had half of his mouth blown open. Black Wei energy spurted out from the mouth and covered the blasted wound. The flesh and blood was actually healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

 “Old Zhao!!” Lao Zhang roared, regardless of the pain, he gritted his teeth, held the gun and fired at Weird.

 This strange rat is not only a "healing type", it is also similar to the "high-speed healing type" strange rat that Shen Ge first caught. In addition, before the alienation, it was a more ferocious animal, and its combat power far exceeded that of the strange rat.

Except for Lao Zhang, the people present had a little experience with guns, and the rest were almost "free". Seeing that the strange mouth was about to complete its healing...

 “Enter the room! Come into the room quickly!” Lao Zhang shouted.

In fact, even the metal door in the stairwell can't block this weird thing, and the chance that the wooden door in the room can block it is also very low.

 But at this time, Lao Zhang had no other choice but to let them escape.

 It is one thing to know that you want to escape, but it is another thing to have the strength to escape.

Most of the survivors here have only seen strange things through the windows, and have never gone out to find food. Now that they see these monsters that are more terrifying than lions and tigers, how can they still have the energy to escape?

 Despair, screams, wailing, crying... Some people even forgot that they could still escape, and sat slumped on the ground watching the monster finish step by step, opening its **** mouth——


Just when everyone was filled with despair, they suddenly heard a soft "pop" sound, as if something was sticking to Weiyi's body.

Weiwei was originally opening his mouth to devour the person in front of him, but he froze in place. At the same time, a figure rushed towards the stairwell.

 “Ceasefire! Back away!”

 The people in the restaurant recognized this voice. It was the young special police officer, the young man!

 Shen Ge quickly rushed towards Weiyi and then swooped behind Weiyi. With a "poof" slash of his butcher knife, he slashed into the back of Weiyi's neck.

Then Shen Ge fell to the left, held the knife in both hands and cut open Weird's neck with a "puff", then stood up and struck again with the knife.

Weirdness was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, but he couldn't withstand the speed of Shen Ge's swing of the knife. He slashed several times and cut off Weirdness's head.

  【The host successfully kills the level 1 weirdo, and is rewarded with 50 system points x50! 】

He was shot at by everyone for a long time, and even at a heavy cost, his bones were not injured, so he was easily solved by Shen Ge.

Shen Ge stood next to the strange corpse with a butcher's knife that was still dripping with black blood, like a **** of murder. Many people were so scared that they covered their mouths tightly, fearing that he would look at them next time he slashed.

Shen Ge looked at Lao Zhang and said, "Let them retreat to the room now, and I will deal with this monster, quickly!"

Seeing the black mist floating around Weiyi's body, everyone thought that this thing was not dead yet, so they quickly helped each other and retreated to the kitchen behind the restaurant.

 After everyone had withdrawn, Shen Ge sold the body to the system and waited for two minutes before following him in.

 “Brother SWAT, that monster...” Lao Zhang asked.

Shen Ge replied: "After cutting off the head, the possibility of resurrection is not high, but we cannot take it lightly. I threw it out of the window of the stairwell."

"You saved us again, thanks to you, otherwise... we wouldn't be able to deal with that monster even if we had guns." Lao Zhang said gratefully.

Shen Ge said: "There are still many such monsters hiding here. I have confirmed that there are no survivors upstairs, and I am going to try to go out to contact rescue. I will try my best to deal with the monsters hidden in the building for you along the way, but the most important thing for you is It’s better to block the stairwell and wait for rescue.”

"Understood. We will stay in the kitchen and not go anywhere." Lao Zhang said.

Shen Ge gave a few more instructions, and the siblings he rescued before ran over and bowed to him to thank him: "Uncle policeman, thank you."

"Thank you."

Shen Ge raised his hand and rubbed their heads, and warned: "Stay here well and try not to make too much noise, so that monsters will not come here."

 “Well, we get it.”

 “We won’t make any noise.”

Although these siblings are not very old, they are bolder than some of the adults present. At least they could keep calm just now and drag their mother back to the kitchen without shouting in the restaurant.

 Shen Ge pulled the door shut when he left the 27th floor, then "bited" the door lock with his weird stomach, and used the fire from his weird arm armor to corrode and melt the seams in the door, and "weld" the door shut.

 Then, Shen Ge went downstairs to clean up. While looking for the burning weirdness, I also cleared away all the weirdness in the building.

With 43 hours left before the International Anti-Terrorist Organization entered, Shen Ge returned to the lobby on the first floor of the complex and found only 3 level 1 weirdos. The system points had reached 3503 points again, but no trace of the burning weirdness was found.

Shen Ge could only give up looking for the strange thing, got in the car and asked Xiao Qi to drive in the direction where the giant strange thing left.

Xiaoqi's classmate can not only drive a car, but can also branch out carrion tentacles to control the communicator, trying to establish contact with the people guarding the blockade.

 However, with the appearance of the giant strange thing, it seems that this place is affected by overlapping spaces and cannot connect to the outside world at all.

The most bizarre thing is that Shen Ge was obviously driving towards the location of the north headquarters, but after driving for more than ten minutes, he returned to the original location.

This situation is very similar to the mysterious car incident and the overlapping mysterious space in Dongyu Village.

Just when Shen Ge was debating whether to let Xiao Qi continue to drive around the neighborhood a few times to look for clues, or whether to get out of the car and walk into the surrounding shops and buildings to search, he suddenly heard a faint sound of "gunshots" not far away, and then The car window glass exploded with a bang.



Several sniper bullets penetrated the glass and accurately hit Shen Ge's temple. With a "pop", it seemed as if a black flower of blood exploded.

Shen Ge's body suddenly tilted and fell on the car seat.


There was a loud noise, and the black car lost control and crashed into the store in front, knocking over a row of shelves. The falling shelves instantly deformed the driver's seat, and the goods also buried most of the car.

At this time, a man wearing a black sweatshirt and hood stood on the roof of a three-story building in the distance. He jumped from the roof with a sniper rifle, and then chased towards the store where Shen Ge crashed.

 (End of this chapter)

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