Chapter 126 Brother, you biochemical crew went to the wrong set, right?

Chapter 126: Brother, did your biochemical crew go to the wrong set?

Seeing that Fang Mingyue's eyes were filled with three parts doubt, three parts expectation, four parts seriousness and ninety percent admiration, Shen Ge knew that what the Paramecium had just said was really without any malicious intent. He was obviously convinced that he could see through the use of this instrument.

Shen Ge sighed and suppressed the words "Are you kidding me?"

This instrument is only the size of a fist and looks like an alien phone commonly seen in movies. It has a sense of technology and is somewhat similar to a treacherous energy detector.

Shen Ge picked it up and looked at it, and found that there was a cover on the back that looked like a toy battery.

“Does this thing need a battery?” Shen Ge opened the lid and took a look. Inside was a piece of strange flesh and blood the size of two fingers, wrapped in various coils.

 Good guys, energy is the first energy source, right?

Shen Ge tried pressing the button on the front of the instrument, but there was no response. Then he saw a disc on the side, which slid.

At this time, a wisp of strange black mist slowly emitted from the front of the instrument, drifting towards the left front.

“Huh?” This instrument is used to decipher overlapping spaces. Needless to say, this wisp of mysterious black mist is obviously guiding the direction.

 “Let’s go over and have a look.” Shen Ge said to Fang Mingyue.

Fang Mingyue, on the other hand, had an admiring expression on her face, "I knew Shen Tan could see through how to use this instrument at a glance," which really made Shen Ge a little embarrassed.

This girl is so unfathomable that even I can't see through her brain!

Shen BuCuan and Fang Xiaomei followed the direction guided by the instrument and bypassed the business district. On the road between Haicheng Park and the snack street, they saw a strange thing eating human corpses.

This weird creature is about one meter long and half a meter tall. It has a rat head and a layer of dark brown scales on its body. It looks like a "pangolin".

It was lying in front of a headless corpse, gnawing at its belly. Even though its internal organs had been eviscerated, it was still burying its head in the belly of the corpse and gnawing.

Fang Mingyue was about to step forward and use the bone stick to control the weirdness, but Shen Ge pulled her back and whispered to her: "Wait here, don't rush yet."

 After Shen Ge finished speaking, he slowed down and moved towards Weiyi.

Fang Mingyue felt a little helpless when she saw Shen Ge's actions. Shen Tan must have realized that this weird thing was difficult to deal with and was worried about getting hurt, so she decided to do it herself.

Fang Mingyue bit her lip, clenched her fists and secretly determined to work hard to become stronger, and couldn't keep holding Shen Tan back like this!

Shen Ge cautiously approached the brown armored rat, his brows furrowed, and he visually estimated that the intensity of this strange energy was only level 2. Naturally, what worried him was not the intensity of the strangeness, but...this was such a close distance, and the system was actually Didn't come out to show off my presence!

Before meeting Fang Mingyue, Shen Ge also solved several strange creatures, including a level 2 strange creature. In addition to the giant strange creature he encountered before, the system did not give any prompts.

 In fact, Shen Ge had already noticed something was wrong when he came out of the complex, otherwise he wouldn't have been trapped in the overlapping space for more than ten hours.

This is not the first time that this situation has occurred. Since the system swallowed "invisible", every time it swallowed the system with strange characteristics, it would "crash" for a period of time.

 Shen Ge now has five characteristics in total, namely "silent", "immovable", "invisible", "not coming out" and "non-burning".

After devouring the problem of "invisible" and "not coming out" and causing a crash, Shen Ge also carefully thought about whether there was anything special about this problem.

 If the Devouring feature will cause a crash, then why the Devouring "Silent" and "Moveless" didn't crash?

 At first, Shen Ge thought that the reason why the system did not crash after devouring "Silent" was because the system had just awakened. Later, he thought that it was to kill the system activated by "Silent", and that swallowing happened after awakening.

There was no crash after devouring "Motionless". Although Shen Ge had not paid attention to the problem of crashes at that time, it was still a "weird event every day" situation at that time. After swallowing "Motionless", there were strange cars and strange things. Incidents of rats and cats happened one after another, and it was obvious that the system did not "crash".

In other words, if the system will crash according to the swallowing characteristics, this statement is obviously untenable!

 If we want to forcefully find a reason, this problem only occurs after "invisible", so after swallowing "invisible", "not coming out", and "not burning", there is a crash.



 Shen Ge was still thinking about the problem of system crash. The trick rat had noticed the movement behind him, raised his head, and made a creepy swallowing sound from his mouth.

Shen Ge originally wanted to get closer to test whether the system would respond, but was directly interrupted from thinking and testing, and suddenly had the urge to tear it into pieces.

 “Fang Mingyue!” Shen Ge shouted.

 “Here we come!” Fang Mingyue was suddenly called, and she stood up straight in response.

“Control it!” As Shen Ge spoke, the rat rushed out from his side and missed him.

"Yes!" Fang Mingyue immediately took out the bone stick and swung it, turning into a huge skeleton to cover the mouse, shrinking it, and trapping it.

But the strength of the cunning rat was so great that Fang Mingyue was about to lose her grip on one end of the stick. She fell to the side of the telephone pole, then changed the shape of the end of the bone stick she was holding and bent it into a hook. On the telephone pole.

 And this trick rat has no wisdom. It obviously doesn't know that taking a step back in the opposite direction can make the hook fall off the pole. It just keeps pushing forward, so the hook gets tighter and tighter.

Shen Ge walked to the bone cage. The system still didn't respond, so there was no need to continue testing, so he took out the black bone dagger and stabbed it into the rat's eye.


The knife was pierced, and the tip of the knife only penetrated an inch before it was wrapped in the black mist of treacherous energy, and then quickly repaired it. Shen Ge tried to use the dagger to poke the brown carapace of the treacherous rat again. The hardness was quite high, and the black bone dagger stabbed it. Several blows failed to leave any scratches on it.

“Interesting.” Shen Ge walked around the bone cage, trying to find the weak point of the rat.

According to the alienation ladder diagram based on the "uncanny energy content" given by the headquarters, the intensities of the same level of weirdness are also very different.

This is like the weirdness that has just completed alienation and has not yet appeared in the "strange space" is classified as "Level 1". And since Weird's individual strength before alienation will affect its strength after alienation, theoretically speaking, Weird Rat cannot defeat Weird Wolf, Weird Lion, and Weird Tiger.

As the number of weird events gradually increased, researchers from various ministries conducted in-depth research on weirdness and found that after the weirdness undergoes the first alienation and becomes a level 1 weirdness, two types will appear -

 One is the "self-healing type" weirdness that strengthens one's own physical strength; the other is the "special type" weirdness that can derive various abilities.

For example, the trick energy can be "bulletproof", turn into "trick energy tentacles", trick energy "carapace", or swallow and fuse other trick powers, etc.

 Through research, it has been found that "special type" weirdness enters secondary alienation faster than "self-healing type" weirdness, and has a greater chance of becoming a high-level weirdness.

After completing the second alienation, the second-level weirdness will generally appear in a weird space. The "self-healing" weird weird space is generally an ordinary "subspace state", while the "special type" weird weird space will most likely be affected by special... The influence of abilities produces some changes, or special effects.

The trick rat in front of you is obviously a "special type" of trick, and its special feature is that the trick can be fused with brown scales.

"Hardness!" Shen Ge suddenly realized why he couldn't cause damage with the black bone dagger when he first found the "border" of the overlapping space a few hours ago.

It's not that the black bone dagger didn't react, but that this strange space is too "hard" and its strength has exceeded the level that the black bone dagger can destroy.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the telegraph pole with the bone hook hanging on it could not withstand the power of the squirrel, and was pulled down and smashed against the two-story building next to it.

Seeing that Shen Ge was still studying the trick rat, Fang Mingyue quickly clapped her hands, and a bone bar extended from her wrist, instantly attaching a pair of skeleton arm armor to her hands.

Fang Mingyue grabbed the slipping bone stick with one hand and punched the wall on the side with the other hand. With a few soft "click" sounds, the skeleton arm armor turned into a bone claw and was embedded in the wall.

Fang Mingyue was pulling the rat hard, but Shen Ge was calmly poking the black bone dagger here and there, as if he was studying something, and finally inserted the black bone dagger into the eye of the rat and stepped back. step.

The skeleton gauntlet made a harsh friction sound as it scraped against the wall. Just when Fang Mingyue was about to lose his grip, she suddenly realized that with a light touch of her hand, the rat seemed to have stopped moving.

Fang Mingyue was still confused, but heard Shen Ge say: "Control the skeleton and turn this guy over. Pangolins always have no scales on their abdomen. Use this strange dagger to do more damage to strange people. If you stab the heart... you have 10 seconds." Time, move faster.”

"Yes!" Although Fang Mingyue didn't understand why the squirrel that was struggling just now suddenly stopped moving, she still followed Shen Ge's order and immediately stepped forward to pull out the dagger stuck in the squirrel's eye and controlled the skeletal stick. He turned the cage over and stabbed the rat into the heart with a knife.

 The next second, the rat struggled violently.

Fang Mingyue pressed her left hand towards the rat's neck, and the front end of the skeleton arm armor immediately turned into bone claws and pierced into the rat's neck, "nailing" it in place.

His right hand was about to pull out the dagger and strike a few more blows at the squirrel, but he saw Shen Ge pull out the Heigu dagger first and stab the squirrel's abdomen into a honeycomb with a few blows.

 “Unlock the bone cage.” Shen Ge said.

Fang Mingyue immediately followed the instructions. Shen Ge pressed the black bone dagger into the body of the rat, then took out the butcher knife and "dissected" it on the spot, peeling off the brown scales on the rat's back.

  【The host successfully kills the Level 2 weirdo, and will be rewarded with system points x100 and a random F-level recovery item x1. 】


Shen Ge shook the scales, shook off the black blood on them, rolled them up and put them in his backpack. Even the black bone dagger cannot pierce this scale armor, so it is suitable for making a piece of armor.

At this time, the black mist of mysterious energy emitted from the front end of the mysterious space cracking instrument wrapped in the carrion of the left arm slowly floated towards the corpse of the mysterious rat on the ground, and merged with the mysterious energy of the mysterious rat.

 After the two strands of treacherous energy merged, the instrument seemed to begin to "absorb" the treacherous energy of the rat.




  A black mist of strange energy suddenly gathered on the "signal line" as thick as a little finger at the front of the instrument, and then turned into a black light and shot into the air with a "whoosh" sound.

With a "pop", a ripple appeared in the sky, and then a transparent "glass" appeared not far away from Shen Ge and the two of them.

  Originally completely transparent glass is difficult to find, but the traces of reflection on it are very obvious, and it is easy to spot if you look closely.

Shen Ge took a closer look and found that the glass was not one layer, but composed of several intersecting and overlapping layers, and one of the layers had cracks and was falling off and collapsing.

Shen Ge suddenly thought of a possibility: "Is this making the strange space 'reveal'? The collapsed layer of strange space is the strange space of the rat?"

Fang Mingyue said: "It turns out that this instrument can make the strange space 'reveal' as long as it absorbs the strange energy that creates the strange space. As expected of Shen Tan, he can see through the use of the instrument at a glance!"


 If you say yes, then so be it!

Shen Ge walked to the transparent glass barrier with the black bone dagger and took a closer look. Apart from the layer of broken rats, there were three layers left. In other words, this was a four-layered overlapping layer of strange space.

Judging from the number of floors alone, it is not as good as the six or seven floors of the Dongyu Village Incident, and there are no high-level weird "sitting in", so it should not be difficult to crack.

Shen Ge tried to poke it with the black bone dagger, and sure enough, it left a small mark on the glass barrier.

According to the method first proposed by the Special Strategy Department to crack the mysterious space, in addition to letting people trapped in the mysterious space find out the weaknesses and rules of the mysterious space, the most direct way is to use strange energy equipment to cause collisions in the mysterious space to cause distortion.

In the past, this method "treats the symptoms but not the root cause". The biggest reason is that the distortion caused by strange space collision can only be achieved externally, with a success rate of more than 70%, and multiple attempts can be made.

Once you enter the interior and want to cause a strange space collision, after testing, only those with a higher level of weird energy than the one who uses the weird space will have a success rate of less than 30%.

And the key point is that the duration of the distorted space and the entry position are uncertain, which makes it very difficult to find the "glass barrier" inside.

Now with the detection instrument and the black bone dagger, these two problems have been perfectly solved, thus greatly improving the success rate of directly destroying the uncanny space from inside the uncanny space.

 Shen Ge took the black bone dagger and tried it hard. Judging from the degree of damage, the strange space rating of two layers was both level 2, and the black bone dagger could be destroyed directly.



With a few cuts, the second layer of mysterious space was destroyed.

 Then comes the third level.

The last layer of black bone daggers cannot be destroyed directly, which means that the weirdness rating of this layer of weird space is above level 2.

However, being able to solve three layers of strange spaces at once and turn the overlapping space into one layer has greatly reduced Shen Ge's search time.

After all, the entire Haicheng District is not small. Just completing the search on the streets will take a lot of time, let alone entering those buildings to search for strange things.

“There is only one level 2 or above weirdo left, find it and deal with it, then we can leave this place.” Shen Ge turned back to Fang Mingyue and said.

Fang Mingyue looked at the rat corpse on the ground and asked, "Do you want to take this part of the corpse with you?"

Even after Wei Yi dies, the corpse will continue to produce Wei Yi, and Wei Yi will not "completely" die until the Wei Yi energy is completely dissipated. This is why Yi Wei has a certain chance of being "resurrected".

Although Shen Ge found a reason to send Fang Mingyue away and sell the corpse to get rid of it once and for all, he was very interested in the scales of the trick rat and wanted to take it back and ask Li Xiang to help build defensive trick equipment. And even if the body on the ground is sold, the scales will disappear.

Hence Shen Ge did not choose to sell it, but the strange energy of the strange corpses on the ground was drained by the detection equipment, and it would take some time to recover.

For safety's sake, Shen Ge raised his hand to activate the magic gauntlet and sprayed out black flames to burn the corpse of the magic rat, turning it into coke, which increased the recovery time a lot.

 “Let’s go, that’s enough.” Shen Ge said.

Fang Mingyue had no objections or doubts about Shen Ge's judgment. She nodded, and after putting away the weird equipment, the two continued to search for the weirdness that maintained the weird space in the direction guided by the detection instrument.

Late at night, Shen Ge was tired from operating in the blockade area for more than ten hours, so he and Fang Mingyue found a small supermarket to rest.

The two of them had something to eat and chatted for a while about the disaster in Dajing and the situation of the Twelve Branches. Shen Ge asked Fang Mingyue to rest first, and he would stay overnight while Fang Mingyue stayed overnight.

Although Fang Mingyue has long been accustomed to Shen Ge's noble character of fearless sacrifice but understatement, she is also very touched by Shen Ge's care in her heart, but thinking that Shen Ge is the key to solving this strange disaster in the capital, it should be more Get enough rest, and don’t hesitate to rest yourself first no matter what.

 In the end, Shen Ge forced her to sleep without saying a few words. Seeing that Shen Ge looked very unhappy, Fang Mingyue could only compromise.

Shen Ge glanced at Fang Mingyue who was trying to force himself to sleep, snorted coldly, and said to himself: "Just let me sleep, don't talk so much nonsense, it will delay my update."

 In fact, Xiao Qi's classmate warned that Shen Ge could sleep together, but he wanted to stay up until midnight to check the latest [Log].

 The intangible in the future has been successfully transformed into level 7 weirdness. Whether the future self is successful in dealing with the intangible can provide Shen Ge with certain information.

Yesterday's "April 13" diary mentioned that Shen Ge discussed with Luo Chenguang in the future and decided to explore the area around Tom Mall first.

Although the Tom Mall was completely destroyed by the "anti-deception missile", which also caused the invisible deception field to go out of control and made most of Banyan City transparent, the specific terrain still needs to be detected before strategic deployment can be arranged.

 The detection method is also very simple. UAVs and small detection robots are directly sent to scan, and then AI is used to reshape the terrain map, and the terrain conditions can be roughly inferred.

Shen Ge waited these two hours to see the reshaping results of the terrain map.

  【Congratulations to the host for surviving another day in a world full of weirdness. The reward is 1% of freely distributed points and 10 system points. 】

 On April 14, 2028, after the area near Tom's Supermarket was completely blown up by anti-aircraft missiles, the terrain became extremely complex. The movement of the detection robot was greatly hindered, and terrain reshaping became more difficult than imagined. However, the drone was attacked during the detection, and based on technologies such as image and sound wave reconstruction, it was determined to be from "invisible" transparent tentacles. 】

[The Special Policy Department changed its strategy, narrowed the search point, and identified the "moving" invisible tentacles, and used technologies such as sound wave detection and AI reconstruction. However, the reconstructed picture was shocking... The entire neighborhood had long been covered by invisible "tentacles" Covered, its size is beyond imagination. 】

  【The staff of the detection team worked hard all day, but could not find the "end" of the invisible body. ]    Shen Ge rubbed his forehead. He didn't expect that the "invisibility" in the future would become so difficult. As expected, he had to nip the weirdness in the cradle before it grew up.

However, Shen Ge read the [Log] from beginning to end again, and he discovered a key problem. Although the frequency of strange events is increasing day by day, it is still within the "control scope" of the strange organization.

 As for the twelve "artificial weirdness" mastered, in addition to having a few more hands to hold guns and two more heads to "save lives," the weird hands are also equivalent to weird equipment.

Even if they still have the means to "accelerate the alienation" of Weirdness, can they really bring the world to an end in two and a half years with such combat power?

After all, judging from the [Log], the streets are full of weird things. Humans can only survive in the base and have to go out regularly to find resources.

Even the central city of a large country like Sakura Country, "Takuchi City", was completely destroyed, let alone those that had almost no effect on the evil forces.

The key point is that once Level 4 weirdness appears, it will definitely cause a disaster. Currently, there are only a handful of Level 4 weird events in the world.

Although Weirds can achieve rapid alienation effects by devouring each other, the number required to devour each other increases exponentially.

 Once it grows to level 7 like "Intangible", there is no way to hide its giant body.

Then the question is—

 Two and a half years later, where did a level 8 monster come out and swallow up Tuokou City?

Shen Ge even wondered if it would be similar to the setting of a certain monster universe. There are many hollow worlds inside the earth, and many behemoths sleep in them.

 Level 7, Level 8, Level 9, or even Level 10 Guilty King! Once certain conditions are met, these powerful weirdos will wake up directly and destroy the world?

Shen Ge quickly rejected this speculation. He could now see the strange energy with the naked eye. Is there really such a powerful strange energy that "can't help but rise to the sky"?

 There is another possibility!

Shen Ge thought of the humans controlled by parasitic weirdness that he had seen in the past few days. According to the weird rating standards, these were also level 1 weirdos that had completed an alienation. If eating them would be considered as eating a level 1 weird, then Used to feed Weirdness, the speed is amazing!

“It seems that we still have to find a way to uproot the twelve branches and put them in one pot.” Shen Ge thought about it. Two and a half years before the end of the world, the biggest change was still in the twelve branches.

 Weirdness can be strangled in the cradle when it is still a cub, and these twelve can do the same!

“I don’t know if the next time the twelve teleporters are teleported, if I pounce directly on them, they can teleport with me.” Shen Ge thought wildly.

Of course, this kind of idea can only be thought of. Shen Ge is not crazy enough to risk his own life to test the other party's teleportation function.

 But no matter what, twelve teams are already on his must-kill list.

Shen Ge was really tired, so he didn’t think much about it. He asked Xiao Qi to be on guard and fell asleep leaning on the shelf.


I don’t know how long I slept for, but Shen Ge was suddenly awakened by a crisp slap. Xiao Qi’s lack of warning meant that he was not in danger.

Shen Ge opened his eyes and saw Fang Mingyue sitting on the ground, with a bright red palm mark on his face and biting his lip in annoyance, as if he had gotten into trouble.

"Paramecium, what are you doing?" Shen Ge's brain was still on, and he directly expressed his thoughts to Fang Mingyue.

 A tendon, a single cell.

"It's all my fault that I slept for so long. I asked Shen Tan to stay overnight and even fell asleep from exhaustion." Fang Mingyue woke up and saw Shen Ge sleeping on the shelf. She subconsciously looked at the time and saw that it was almost six o'clock. , in other words, I slept for almost seven hours.

Although Fang Mingyue had not had a good rest for several days and had managed to sleep for a few hours due to her injury, she entered the blockade area non-stop to deliver the detector to Shen Ge.

 Physically and mentally, she has already reached the limit. If it were not for the influence of Shen Ge's will (?), she would not be able to hold on any longer. It was not unusual for his body to sleep for seven hours due to extreme exhaustion.

But Fang Mingyue couldn't tolerate herself making such a low-level mistake and letting Dajing's future hope guard her all night!

 This is blasphemy against Shen Tan!

 After listening to Fang Mingyue’s “explanation”, Shen Ge’s expression looked like this→-_-

The phrase "Actually, I fell asleep not long after you fell asleep" I couldn't say it for a while, as if I was blaspheming myself if I said it.


 Helping to kill, definitely to kill!

"Ahem, Detective Fang, your body is the capital of revolution. If you have been working so overloaded, your body will eventually be unable to bear it. What's more, you have only just been injured. If you hold on, you will not only not be able to help, but will also be a hindrance. You are the big one. Jing’s agents are more familiar with the situation here, and there will be many areas where your efforts will be needed in the future, so it’s okay to recharge your batteries and rest more.”

"Furthermore, I put Xiao Qi on alert when I was sleeping. Once something strange approaches, Xiao Qi will be locked on, so there will be no danger. In fact, I took a rest not long after you fell asleep, so I didn't keep watch. I've been so exaggerated about you all night. Don't take it to heart." Shen Ge said.

Fang Mingyue was deeply moved when she heard this. In order to make me feel at ease, Tan Tan erased all his efforts and hard work. How noble this is.


 I have to work hard to cheer up!

 Just as Tan Shen said, Dajing is my battlefield. I must play my role and cannot hide under Tan Tan's wings all the time!

"Yes! Detective Shen, I understand! I will definitely not let you down for your hard work, don't worry!" Fang Mingyue stared at Shen Ge and said confidently.

  Shen Ge:?


 What pains?

Shen Ge was about to ask the doubts in his heart, but he heard Fang Mingyue speak first: "Tan Shen, just now I didn't understand why you called me 'paramecium', but now I understand, you want me to be like a paramecium" They also yearn for the sunshine and are not affected by the strange effects of darkness, purifying the world just like paramecium can purify sewage!"

“…”Sister, are you doing reading comprehension here?

 You are such a paramecium!

"What's wrong?" Fang Mingyue couldn't help but ask when she saw the subtle expression on Shen Ge's face.

Shen Ge held it in for a long time, and finally said: "No... nothing. As long as you are happy."

"Well! Don't worry, Detective Shen, I will try my best to cheer myself up and maintain a good attitude no matter what desperate situation I find myself in!" Fang Mingyue said seriously.

Shen Ge slapped his forehead and couldn't talk anymore.

At this time, it was already dark. After eating something and taking a short rest, the two left the shop and continued to look for the last weirdo in the overlapping space in the direction guided by the weird energy emitted by the detection instrument.

There were originally four layers of overlapping spaces. Yesterday, Shen Ge used a detection instrument to find the trick rat. Using the instrument and the black bone dagger, he successfully eliminated the three levels of 2-level trick spaces, leaving the last level 2 and above trick space.

The overlap of strange spaces is not the perfect overlapping of several regions of the same shape, but the overlapping of strange spaces of various regions with different shapes, which is equivalent to the concept of "set" in mathematics. As the overlapping uncanny space is destroyed, the scope of action in the uncanny realm will also change.

For example, the previous maximum action area was a block two blocks away from Haicheng Park. Now that the three-layered mystery zone has been destroyed, the range has increased a lot.

Without the detection instrument, it would be very difficult for Shen Ge to find the weirdness that maintains this weird space. Now under the guidance of the instrument, the two of them went all the way to the center of Haicheng Park, met on a wide grassland, and found the weirdness that maintained this weird space. The culprit—

 A monster that is nearly five meters tall and is made up of green tentacles. But if you look closely, you can see that the tentacles are made up of thumb-sized worms.

 Crawled all over the body, this large and strange body, which can reach level 3 according to visual inspection, is squirming slowly and is very disgusting.

Around this large green strange body, there are many small strange ones of level 1 gathered together, and they are also covered with disgusting worms.

Among these weirdos are the "weird rabbits" that Shen Ge had seen before, and others are of the same type as the green weirdos, which are also made of worms.

It seems that this is the birthplace of the kind of parasite that can turn humans into monsters.

Besides being weird, this spacious grassland is filled with unconscious humans, and in some places there are so many that they pile up into a hill.

The large green strange thing is stretching out its green tentacles, rolling up a human from the ground and stuffing it into its mouth like a buffet.

Those low-level weirdos were not idle either, pounced on the corpses and gnawed on them.

As these low-level weird gnawing, the creeping movements on their bodies slowly transferred to humans, gnawing on their flesh and blood, internal organs, and burrowing into their bodies.

"Detective Shen, this..." Fang Mingyue was shocked and speechless when she saw the scene in front of her. Even though she had experienced many strange events, she had never seen such a terrifying scene as before!

Even the strange incident in Dongyu Village was not this weird!

There were so many unconscious people on the grass that they were so crowded that it felt like a fishing boat had cast out a net full of fish and thrown them on the deck.

Shen Ge frowned and said, "Look carefully at the parts of the unconscious people exposed outside their clothes, especially their faces... They are the same as the parasitized people we saw in the building."

Fang Mingyue took a closer look after hearing this and found that the face and body of the person lying on the grass had varying degrees of parasitic worms squirming.

"I guess that green guy is this kind of 'parasitic weird' mother body that can control humans. It spreads parasites to other weird bodies through some method and spreads to Haicheng District. And those humans infected by the parasite are affected by it' Summon', gather here." Shen Ge analyzed.

If not, according to the normal choice after a strange event occurs, panicked people will generally choose a closed area to escape.

For example, residences, shops, and supermarkets cannot be gathered in such empty places.

So this large green strange thing must have the means to control the parasites, gather them here, and let it eat the buffet.

This can also explain why Shen Ge and Fang Mingyue met very few humans along the way, whether in the building or on the street.

 Haicheng District has a population of one million. It is abnormal not to see people. Now we finally found the reason!

"Tan Shen, I'm afraid there are thousands of people here. If this strange thing is not stopped, at the speed it spreads, it won't be long before the entire Haicheng District citizens will be parasitized!" Fang Mingyue said.

"That's not all. Look at the artificial lake in front of you and the small forest. There are unconscious people everywhere. I'm afraid there are tens of thousands here." Shen Ge said.

Fang Mingyue looked in the direction pointed by Shen Ge. Sure enough, the artificial lake was full of people, and the fish in the lake were constantly eating the corpses.

 In the woods, and on the forest road in the distance, there were many people lying on the ground, and there were quite a few of them.

It’s okay to have a large number of people. The important point is that judging from previous experiences, these people can’t be saved. It’s not an exaggeration to call them “dead people”.

The thought of tens of thousands of people was so gone, Fang Mingyue was also sad in his heart. He couldn't wait to peel the green giant strangely peeling and dismantle his bones, unload eight pieces!



Suddenly, hundreds of tentacles on the large green strange body pointed to the sky at the same time, making a thunderous swallowing sound. As the sound came out, the worms on those tentacles also shook.

"What is it doing? Has it discovered us?" Fang Mingyue looked around with vigilance. Except for the large green strange thing and the surrounding level 1 weird things, she and Shen Ge found no strange traces near her.

 It seems that the large green strange thing is not calling for his younger brother to attack Shen Ge and the other two.

“Look!” Shen Ge patted Fang Mingyue on the shoulder and raised his hand to point in the distance.

Fang Mingyue picked up the tactical binoculars and looked in the direction, and saw a group of people slowly walking out of the woods. They were holding **** things in their hands. They were not moving fast, and they seemed to be muttering something. Hundreds or thousands The voices gathered together, buzzing like mosquitoes.

And the faces of those people showed the same ferocious smiles as those of the parasitized people in the building. They walked towards the large green strange thing like this. Even if they were "blocked" by corpses on the ground, they would crawl and turn over without hesitation, as if nothing could stop them. Block their steps toward the big green weirdo.

“Tsk, you are not satisfied with eating dead food, but you also need to add fresh food?” Shen Ge’s face became very ugly when he saw the large green strange thing using its tentacles to bring the living people into its mouth one by one.

 Normally, people treat animals and seafood as a buffet. This sudden change of stance shocked even Shen Ge's will.

“Tan Shen!” Fang Mingyue suddenly pointed to the distance with a nervous expression. Shen Ge looked sideways and saw many “living people” appearing on the left and right.

"Let's go!" Shen Ge stood up and was about to leave, but found that there were parasites walking in this direction from all directions in the park.

There were thousands of them, and even some parasitized people appeared in the direction where the two came from, but it seemed that they must have gathered from both sides of the park gate.

As for Shen Ge and Fang Mingyue's location, they happened to be near the grassland. It was as if they were surrounded. Only by fighting all the way in the direction from which they came could they break through the encirclement.

“Tan Shen, what should we do now?” Fang Mingyue asked.

If Shen Ge hadn't been around, facing the siege, she might have tried to attack the large green strange creature. After all, only by solving the source could the parasitic incident be completely resolved.

But if the opponent's body is a "worm", her method is more inclined to deal with the overall weirdness, and may have little effect on dealing with worm aggregates.

Although Fang Mingyue insists on justice in her heart, under the influence of Shen Ge, she understands that only by living can she realize her own value more, and she is obviously not stupid enough to risk death.

Shen Ge thought for a while and said: "Now that we have found the source, let's try to find some explosives to blow all the way over. These parasites have no attack power. Let's kill them in the weaker areas and then consider the long term."

Shen Ge thought of the simplest plan, which was to find a quiet place and fire a wave. It would be better to fire a tank and some high-explosive bombs, and then go directly in and blast out a path.

 “Okay!” Fang Mingyue nodded.

Then, the two stood up and rushed in the direction they came from. Shen Ge took out the butcher knife and the black bone dagger, while Fang Mingyue took out the bone stick, preparing to carve out a **** path with minimal movement.

When these ugly and ferocious parasites saw Shen Ge and Fang Mingyue running towards them, they suddenly had ferocious smiles on their faces.

 “Eat, eat! It’s delicious!”

 “It is a delicacy given by God.”


 “Come and have some, you won’t be hungry anymore.”

 “This is the most delicious food.”


These parasitized people hold in their hands piles of flesh and viscera that are still dripping with blood, but if you look closely, you will find that the flesh, flesh and viscera are all made up of worms.




Just when the first few parasitized people were still four or five meters away from Shen Ge and Fang Mingyue, their heads suddenly exploded like watermelons. While their flesh and blood spattered, giant strange strips protruded from their bodies.

“Damn it! Brother, did you, the biochemical crew, go to the wrong set?” Seeing the alienated parasitized person in front of him, Shen Ge couldn’t stand it anymore.

This guy is really a Plaka parasite, right?

Before he could think too much, Shen Ge raised his knife and slashed with a few swipes, cutting off the strange parasites protruding from the necks of the parasites.

At the same time, Fang Mingyue was not idle. Seeing that more and more parasites were gathering, she directly attached the bone arm armor to her hands, and at the same time extended the bone stick, and directly swept a large area with the stick.

The two of them cooperated with each other to kill forward, but the speed at which they killed Weiyi was far less than the speed at which the parasites were gathering towards them.

Shen Ge simply put on the full-body attachment armor with a snap of his fingers, tucked Fang Mingyue under his arm, and jumped into the distance on his sneaky boots.



This is the sound of the parasitized person's head being shot and growing strangely, and the sound of Shen Ge crushing their heads directly is also the sound of it.

 Shen Ge and Fang Mingyue had just jumped to the exit of the park, when suddenly the shocking sound of swallowing sounded in the distance again!



As this sound sounded, all the parasites in the park turned around and looked in the direction of Shen Ge and Fang Mingyue!

 (End of this chapter)

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