Chapter 132 Red Mist Territory

Chapter 132 The Red Mist Territory

This man's four heads are facing the four directions: front, back, left and right. There are two young faces of a man and a woman on the front and two middle-aged faces of a man and a woman on the left and right.

The eight arms all grow on the sides of the body, but four of them are like arms facing normally, and the remaining four are with the back of the body facing the front, like the hands of two people growing back to back.

Two of the hands were holding a Gatling gun and a large ammunition box in both hands, facing the strange red burst that was suppressed by the collapsed wall.

Of the remaining four hands, two held a black bone knife more than one meter long in their hands, and the remaining two held a white bone shield on the left and right.

 Gatling's firepower was very fierce, but the bullets disappeared without a trace after being shot into the strange red body. Shen Ge visually judged that the strangeness was level 2, and it was obvious that the gun was useless.

Taking advantage of the "four heads and eight arms" to deal with the weird, Shen Ge used the "invisible + silent" to touch behind the opponent. When he was about to raise the weird-killing revolver to blow up the monster's four heads, his eyes suddenly noticed the collapsed wall. What’s happening on the other side.

In the spacious and chaotic laboratory, low-level weird corpses can be seen everywhere, including hard-shell weird things like crabs and shrimps, and "carrion" weird things like worms, cats and dogs, but no matter what kind, they are corpses at this time. It was a miserable sight to be separated and torn into pieces. There were at least seven or eight of them, and there was a thick layer of blood on the floor.

In addition to the strange corpses, there are also a large number of corpses of alienated parasites and large worms. This place has experienced a fierce battle.

 Obviously, this man also fought all the way here.

 Shen Ge Advanced Experimental Area sold all the weird corpses that could be sold on the ground, and then stood at the entrance of the collapsed cave to observe the "four heads and eight arms" fighting the weird.

However, it wasn’t that he didn’t want to get out of the sea of ​​fire, but that Shen Ge didn’t give him a chance at all. Seeing that he was about to escape from the hole in the wall that had collapsed before, Shen Ge couldn’t use the mysterious realm to block the hole. If he builds another wall with four heads and eight arms, he will bet on another wall, and he is determined to bbq here together!

Who would have thought that as soon as the front and back heads were shot, "Four Heads and Eight Arms" squatted down and dodged the remaining bullets. At the same time, he raised his shield to block half of his body, and no longer cared about the strange corpses and bullets on the ground. , one leaned forward and hid behind the metal cabinet where the instruments were stored.

Two minutes later, a head with four heads and eight arms had already stretched out from the red mist, as well as hands holding various weapons. Only the body was still hidden in the red mist.

 There was a "dang" sound, like metal colliding, and Shen Ge was directly knocked out by the huge force.

three minutes.

 Then, Shen Ge gnawed a spiritual apple in two mouthfuls, and activated three characteristics at the same time - invisible, soundless, and incombustible, fighting with four heads and eight arms in the fire.

A few minutes later, the red weird was hacked to death by "four heads and eight arms". He used a black bone knife to cut open the weird carapace and the black weird flesh. With a crisp "ding, ding, ding" sound, The bullets that were driven into the strange body fell to the ground.

Shen Ge wants to see how long this guy can last in the fire!



The first bullet penetrated the metal cabinet, but with a "bang" sound, it seemed to be blocked by a bone shield. In the next second, "four heads and eight arms" had rushed out, with both arms clasped on the table of the test bench and slammed With one lift, a test bench weighing dozens of kilograms was overturned.

In the "silent" state, the black sly energy bullets of the slaying revolver flew out quietly, and with a "pop" sound, they penetrated the brows of the young woman's face facing the back, and then passed through the brows of the man's face in the front. fly out.

Although Shen Ge thought this man's behavior of collecting bullet casings was strange, he had gained an understanding of the "four heads and eight arms" combat effectiveness in the past few minutes of observation. After confirming the information he wanted to confirm, he had no intention of leaving anyone alive.

 Two minutes.

 Shen Ge raised his hand as he rushed forward, trapping the "four heads and eight arms" without leaving the realm of mystery. At the same time, he retracted his revolver, holding a black bone dagger in one hand and a butcher's knife in the other and rushed forward.

“Four Heads and Eight Arms” was very strong and extremely agile, but he was not wearing the twelve unique black sweatshirts. Shen Ge didn’t know which of the twelve fonts he belonged to.

 But the "four heads and eight arms" were just the trajectory judged based on the location and impact of the devious energy bullet hitting the bone shield. When he launched an attack in Shen Ge's direction, Shen Ge had already moved to the other side.

Time seemed to be slowed down countless times at this moment. Every second made Quatou Baji and Shen Ge feel extremely difficult, and every second seemed like years!

Four Heads and Eight Arms were also shocked by Shen Ge's self-immolation style. They had no idea that this person would be so cruel as to set fire to the entire experimental area.

The red mist is a mysterious realm?

Shen Ge didn't have time to think too much, because the half-exploded red mist gathered again, and several blood-red arms stretched out from the mist.

Just when the first two bullets hit the young woman's face, Shen Ge thought that the remaining few bullets could successfully hit the left and right sides of the head.

Although the uncanny revolver has strong penetrating power, it couldn't kill "Four Heads and Eight Arms" even after several shots. Shen Ge planned to chop off his four heads first.

 In the flames, experimental equipment continued to explode, and the red mist surrounding the four heads and eight arms gradually decreased as time went by.

However, this is also the first time that Shen Ge's position has been captured twice by the target in the "invisible + silent" state.

 The next second, the original indifferent and indifferent expression on the face of the woman facing Shen Ge was replaced by fear and shock, and then her eyes gradually became hollow, as if she was unwilling to die.

Shen Ge kept changing his position, taking out a few Molotov cocktails from his bloodskin pocket and throwing them around, setting the entire laboratory on fire.

  Raise the gun and aim!

 Fire several shots in a row!

Shen Ge knocked down a row of seats, turned over and got up, and at the same time took out a canister of devious energy from the carrion armor beside his legs, and "sticked" it to the rotten flesh at his neck. While sucking in the devious energy, he used the invisible deception field. "Collapse", trying to bury the four heads and eight arms hidden in the red mist into the ground.


As soon as "collapse" came out, the lower half of the red mist exploded directly. Shen Ge was surprised to see that at this moment, the air seemed to be distorted!

This is...a strange space collision?

 "Four Heads and Eight Arms" bent down to pick up one, held it in front of him, looked at it, and then threw it into the large ammunition box aside.

One minute.

The strange thing is that both the black bone dagger and the butcher knife passed through the red mist, as if the four heads and eight arms were not hidden in the red mist.

The red mist instantly filled the entire rectangular treacherous zone. Shen Ge was already close at this moment. At the moment when the uncanny zone was released, he judged the positions of the chest and head of the four heads and eight arms based on the height of the red mist. In front of the black bone dagger Stab, but the butcher's knife cuts horizontally!

The strange thing is that "Four Heads and Eight Arms" didn't seem to care about doing useless work. It wasn't until a box of bullets was exhausted that he threw down Gatling and the ammunition box, and instead used bone knives and bone shields for melee combat.

 Stay out of the realm of mystery!

"Does this person have fire-proof equipment?" Four Heads and Eight Arms were horrified, but they thought it was unlikely.

The next second, a pitch-black sword slashed out from the red mist. Shen Ge reacted quickly and immediately raised his hand to gather a guile shield to block the black knife.

Shen Ge didn't expect "Four Heads and Eight Arms" to react so quickly, and accurately determine his location based on the first shot, and find a hiding place.

 Holding a sword in one hand and a shield in the other.

 Fortunately, even though Hong Mist is very difficult to deal with, Shen Ge's advantage is that the opponent cannot capture his exact position and spends most of the time typing blindly.

Gatling is just an ordinary Gatling. Although the firepower is fierce, the bullets are poured on the red weird body, which can be easily resolved by the weird energy.

Shen Ge had no intention of letting the opponent go. He rushed forward, stepped on the experimental table, jumped forward, and aimed his gun while flying forward.

Because the special effects of trick energy equipment are based on the consumption of "trick energy", the more unique the trick energy equipment has, the greater the consumption of trick energy. Even if there is a deception armor that can completely prevent fire when worn, it is still based on the consumption of deception energy. He wanted to see how long the guy hidden in the flames could last today!

Shen Ge's energy jar and spirit apple consumed a lot of energy, but seeing that the red mist was decreasing, he didn't intend to just let go.

Three of the four-headed and eight-armed hands grabbed a blood-red arm and squeezed it violently. Then there was a "bang" sound, and the blood-red arm turned into a thick red mist, which instantly enveloped the four-headed and eight-armed person. Live, just like those strange things that are wrapped in the black mist of strange energy after alienation.

The strange thing is that the two heads that were killed by the Revolver have now disappeared from the bullet holes in their foreheads, and their expressions have returned to their previous indifferent and indifferent appearance.

“This red mist still has healing power?” Shen Ge was shocked, but the movements of his hands did not slow down. He walked around behind the four heads and eight arms, and slashed at the young woman’s face with the butcher’s knife.

The butcher's knife slashed down vertically, and half of the blade was cut into the opponent's head. Shen Gesong used force and cut open the head.

 However, there is no brain or flesh in the chopped head, but it is a red mist!

 The next second, four heads, eight arms, and two hands reached out, and with the help of the knife, Shen Ge's position was determined, and he firmly grabbed his hand to prevent Shen Ge from running away.

At the same time, he held a black bone sword and slashed horizontally, intending to cut Shen Ge in half. when!

Shen Ge couldn't help but form an invisible barrier around him, and the black bone sword was blocked by this barrier.

However, before Shen Ge could breathe a sigh of relief, the black bone broadsword seemed to have released a smoke bomb, exploding a red mist that spread around.

The space around Shen Ge and the four-headed and eight-armed body was violently distorted. The collision between the two mysterious realms ended with the red mist prevailing, turning into a large net and covering Shen Ge.

With four heads and eight arms under the protection of the red mist, he had the upper hand with the advantage of having more hands. Just as he grabbed Shen Ge's knife-holding hand with two arms, one arm clasped the opponent's shoulder, and he attacked with the knife with two arms, leaving the remaining two arms They held white bone shields one after the other, protecting themselves like scallops.

I thought this would be foolproof, but I didn't want Shen Ge to use "Collapse" directly on him and himself. Even though the invisible realm attacking the four heads and eight arms was resolved by the red mist realm, Shen Ge's body was falling downwards. Four heads and eight arms grabbed him, and he was pulled down together.

The four-headed and eight-armed man was about to let go of his hand, but Shen Ge would not give him a chance. He wore a cunning glove and grabbed the opponent's wrist "without letting go" and pulled it downwards.

At this time, most of the red mist around the four-headed and eight-armed body has dissipated. The three heads and three faces all showed shocked expressions. In the next second, another hand was crushed.

Seeing that his four heads and eight arms were about to be enveloped by the swelling red mist again, Shen Ge swung the butcher knife fiercely on the way down, slashing at the head and neck of the woman who was cut in half.


The moment the red mist exploded, the neck of the head was almost cut off by Shen Ge. He pulled the woman's head by the hair and pulled the head out of the red mist.

Shen Ge's mental energy was very low. According to the standard of four heads, eight arms, and one hand, the opponent could still use Red Mist at least six times.

He didn't intend to continue to fight with the opponent, so he lifted his head to break free of the restraints and landed on the ground, continuing to use "collapse" to the lower level.

He tried to catch his head with four heads and eight arms, but the next second he hit the closed floor.

 “Asshole! Give me your head back!” The four heads and eight arms roared angrily.

At the moment when the invisible realm disappeared, all the four heads and eight arms heard was the provocative voice from below: "You should come down and get it!"

After Shen Ge fell to the bottom, he immediately ate another mental apple in two or three bites to restore his mental power to full, and continued to use "Collapse" to go down.

 Looking at the woman's head in his hand, he saw that he had chopped it open from the forehead to the nose with a butcher's knife, and there was still red mist floating out from inside.

Shen Ge thought for a moment, then poured out "Xu"'s head, grenades, Molotov cocktails and other items from the blood-skin backpack, and then put the woman's head inside.

 Then he rummaged around in the office and found several waste disposal bags, put them together, and put "Xu"'s head in them.

Then he threw the waste bag on his back. Xiao Qi immediately stretched out several carrion tentacles and stuck the waste bag to his back like a strap.

There were no weird people around for the time being, so Shen Ge stopped activating the characteristics. The canister of weird energy was exhausted, and there were still two spirit apples left.

Those four heads and eight arms will obviously not let him take the head away easily. Before replenishing the canister, he must save as much magic energy as possible.

“Xiao Qi, where am I now? Where is the mission target given by the minister, and where is the place to store the equipment?” Shen Ge asked.

Xiao Qi replied: "Reporting to the master, you are now on the -3 floor of area A of the headquarters experimental area. The mission target is on the lowest level of area a, a-7. There are three areas in the headquarters experimental area, area a is the research area, and area b Area A is connected to Area A and is an area for containing strange things. Area C is a comprehensive area, and the combat department and equipment room are both in Area C."

 “How to get from area a to area c?” Shen Ge asked again.

Xiao Qi said: "Through the passage on the first floor, the two areas are about 800 meters apart, with the Dajing Military Base above."

 The mission target is at A-7, and the place where the deception equipment is stored is in Area C. This undoubtedly ruins Shen Ge's plan to replenish the deception tanks.

If the four heads and eight arms were not so difficult to deal with, maybe Shen Ge would consider going to Area C to loot first and then come back to complete the task.

But this thing is obviously aimed at area A-7. Compared with the canisters and equipment, the human experiment files are obviously more important.



 At this time, there were loud noises from above.

"Is this guy planning to directly collapse the floor?" Shen Ge's expression became a little weird. Judging from the mental energy consumption of "collapse", the "floor" between each layer was at least several meters thick. And it's reinforced, can it be broken open?

Three heads can’t put together a brain, right?


Before Shen Ge could finish his rant, a loud noise suddenly came from the upper level, as if something exploded. It seemed that the other party was trying to blast a way out.

The abilities of Shen Ge and the four heads and eight arms are unpredictable to each other, with no rules or rules. It is the first time for the four heads and eight arms to fight against someone who is invisible, silent and not afraid of fire. It is also the first time for Shen Ge. Once he fought against someone who shrouded him in a "dangerous realm".

 In a short period of time, no one can do anything to anyone.

“If all twelve of those ‘three heads and six arms’ guys can be alienated again and master this ‘red mist’ ability, it will be difficult.”

 One "four heads and eight arms" is so difficult to deal with, how can we deal with a few more?

 But after thinking about it, I saw that there were quite a few "two heads and four arms" in front of me, and "three heads and six arms" were only about ten according to the font size. These "four heads and eight arms" were most likely the leader.

Even if he is not the leader, he is definitely the second-in-command like the left and right arms.

Thinking of this, Shen Ge suddenly felt that the woman's head in the blood-skin backpack was very important. He had to take it back and let Li Xiang study it and find a way to deal with the red mist.

As the sound of explosions came from above, Shen Ge no longer hesitated and directly expanded the invisible realm and used "Collapse" to quickly go down, directly to the -7th floor.

A-5 is connected to the containment area. It is also the most severely affected area. Weirdly made a huge hole in the ceiling.

There are corpses of headquarters researchers and soldiers everywhere, and there are several weirdos wandering around, including a level 3 weirdo.

This strange thing is red all over, with tentacles growing on its body, and is at least three to five meters tall. When Shen Ge found it, the red monster was grabbing the black bugs and swallowing them.

Shen Ge used his "invisible" stealth ability to avoid the strangeness and found the monitoring room on the -5th floor, allowing Xiao Qi to connect to the monitoring system of the underground research institute.

Through monitoring, Shen Ge determined that the red mist on his body had dissipated from the four heads and eight arms, but the body only had three heads and six and a half hands.

“Is the arm a ‘container’ for storing red mist? Can the unused one be recycled?” Shen Ge remembered that the half hand was the second hand that was pinched off by the four heads and eight arms.

 In other words, the opponent used half a hand's worth of red mist magic realm to destroy Shen Ge's remaining four magic jars and two spirit apples.

However, Shen Ge was unscathed, with four heads and eight arms and one head missing.

 Shen Ge opened the blood-skin backpack and took a look. His head was still the same as before. The red mist gathered in his head, and it was about one centimeter smaller than before.

“It seems that the red mist will continue to decrease, we must hurry up!” Shen Ge was currently on the -5th floor, and his four heads and eight arms were on the -2nd floor.


 Shen Ge continues downward.

When we arrived at the target A-7, all that was left was for Xiaoqi to control the console and search for information related to the strangeness of deep-sea humanoids from numerous files and materials.

While Xiao Qi was checking the research files, Shen Ge was not idle. He searched from laboratory to laboratory. He wanted to see what the headquarters was researching, but in a closed laboratory, he found a An eyeball similar to the "Tricky Eye (Invisible.

 (End of this chapter)

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