Chapter 140 Twelve earthly branches, Yinhu!

Chapter 140 Twelve Earthly Branches, Yinhu!

 After the branch alarm sounded, non-combat departments such as the Research Department and Logistics Department responded immediately, especially "key protection targets" like Li Xiang. Safe rooms were prepared for them in each laboratory.

As soon as the alarm sounded, Li Xiang immediately sealed up the strange corpse he was studying, and then rushed into the safe room with the researchers and assistants in the laboratory.

The last time the Special Policy Department was attacked, Deng Yuqi immediately ordered the construction of safe houses throughout the department in order to ensure the safety of researchers and non-combatants.

  The door of the safe room is made of special material and cannot be opened by ordinary artillery shells. The room is equipped with power generation, air purification and other devices, and the food reserves are enough for 3-5 people to survive for seven days.

But just as Shen Ge guessed, the target of the Twelve Branch was indeed the research building. At this time, some people outside dragged the war department to prevent the rescue, and many Twelve Branch members seized the opportunity to enter the building.

Just when he was about to go on a killing spree, a red shadow passed through the corridor. The sneaky boots in Shen Ge's "red mist form" allowed him to concentrate his power on his feet, reaching a speed like a cannonball. .

With the momentum, the butcher knife in Shen Singer flashed with cold light and directly chopped off a "Ke" with his head and hands.

  【The host is brave and invincible, kills level 2 weirdos (characteristics: two heads and four arms), rewards system points x100, and random F-level supplies x1. 】

These twelve minions are as simple as mowing grass to Shen Ge in the "red mist form". They are just here to deliver system points and supplies.

 600% of the guile energy can last for about 30 minutes when the state is fully activated. Not to mention these "moments", even a few more characters and captains are not enough to kill Shen Ge.

 According to Tu Doupi, these twelve detachments seemed to have figured out the patrol route and time, and happened to miss the patrol team.

 Cheng Shengnan compiled the report and reported it, but the statistical results surprised everyone present.

The meeting lasted until 11 o'clock. Deng Yuqi asked the others to leave first, leaving Shen Ge alone. After all, the two of them were still discussing the "system" issue before, and before they finished talking, they called twelve times.

Shen Ge said: "After the members of the twelve teams who sneaked in first were discovered, they smashed all the lighting devices on the right side, and then the others teleported. From the combat video, we can see that the twelve teams headed by Lao Wang... and 'Si' are That's when it emerged from the shadows."

 Hearing Shen Ge's voice, the researcher and the assistants immediately felt a lot more at ease, and rushed into the safe house with the help of the little girl whose legs were weak from fear.

The head of the Ministry of Information sounded very confident, because this system was developed for three years and tested for a year. Top hacker teams in the world were invited to try to break through, and finally achieved perfect results.

 In a simple sentence, the attack plan proposed by Shen Ge is absolutely feasible as long as it has the ability to teleport from the shadows.

"It's not that simple. Have you forgotten that the twelve groups invaded the headquarters two months ago? They can even hack the headquarters' system, not to mention our monitoring system. Judging from Xiao Dou's story, I always feel... they deliberately let us find out "." The speaker was none other than Shen Ge, who had the highest number of kills in this battle.

Shen Ge raised his arms, and formed a round shield on each of his left and right arms to expand the bullet-blocking area. While blocking the "engraved" gun line, he stepped down -

Double kill!

Shen Ge glanced at him and asked, "Did you watch the combat video just now?"

If someone else had said this, there would have been objections in the conference room, but it was Shen Ge who spoke, and even the leaders of the war department who wanted to "take credit" fell silent.

Yeah, Luo Baoguo showed up at the bar, and Lu Xianze and others were in a den of snakes and rats, and these people had the support of "12" behind them, so it was difficult to ensure that the information was not leaked.

Shen Ge fought from the laboratory to the entrance of the research building again, killing all the intruders, and the battle outside the building was coming to an end.


The Ministry of Information was responsible for the monitoring aspect. Shen Ge obviously didn't believe in the strength of the Ministry of Information. The section chief of the Information Department suddenly couldn't sit still: "Detective Shen, the headquarters system was breached because of an internal agent. We are not strong enough to break into the headquarters system, right? Besides, the system used by our department is also the latest system developed by GF Technology. It is among the best in the world and cannot be broken into in such a short period of time."

Furthermore, the patrol information of the branch is coordinated by the Operations Department and the Information Department, and the route and time are arranged every day. The fact that the twelve troops can avoid Tu Doupi tonight is enough to explain a lot of problems.

"Hurry up and enter the safe house!" Shen Ge heard the rapid footsteps outside and knew that another "moment" was coming, so he asked the researcher hiding by the wall to take the opportunity to enter the safe house.

 Being retorted by Shen Ge, Section Chief Li of the Ministry of Information could only shut up, but after everyone discussed and analyzed it for a long time, no one could tell what the twelve teams were playing.


With the assistance of Deng Yuqi, Lin Yin and others, the War Department easily solved all the intruders and captured three people alive. In the end, only Lao Wang escaped.

 Twelve branches sent a total of one captain named "Si" and 23 ordinary members "Ke" to attack the branch. "Si" was killed by Shen Ge and two of them fled. Eleven of the twenty-three "Ke" died among Shen Ge. The remaining twelve were jointly solved by Deng Yuqi and others, and three were captured alive.

 Fortunately, the branch had strengthened its monitoring equipment and monitored every corner of the department 24/7, only to discover the twelve team members who had sneaked into the research building.

 Huo Yu, the sniper team leader who was named by Shen Ge, nodded in agreement and briefly explained the location of the branch lighting device, as well as the difficulty and time consumed by simultaneous sniping.

 For Shen Ge, it seemed like he was here to give points.

When the alarm sounded at the branch, most of the non-combatants moved to the safe room. Only a few assistants were far away from the safe room and suffered some minor injuries. More than 20 people in the combat department were injured, six seriously, but none were fatal.

A scream came from the laboratory on the right front, and Shen Ge immediately rushed over to follow the sound. He saw two "Kes" with guns rushing in from the main entrance, preparing to shoot several researchers huddled against the wall in front of them. and the assistant, with a bang, the window was opened, and a red shadow appeared in the center of the laboratory.

As soon as these words came out, many people immediately agreed. In their opinion, as long as the damage to our unit is minimized, the invasion of twelve troops is successfully prevented, and three people are captured alive, tonight will be a "big victory."

 After Deng Yuqi arranged for people to carry out the aftermath work, he held an emergency meeting with leaders of various departments to investigate the casualties and damage.

"Then, since they have such ability, why don't they have the team members ambush at the commanding heights around the branch at the beginning, and then knock down all the lighting devices in the branch at the same time, and then teleport separately. Feint to attack the complex building to attract defense forces , and secretly arrange a team to attack the research building?"

"Ke" struggled to get up, but Shen Ge fought with each other. The one on the left was swallowed half of his body by the **** mouth turned into a strange stomach, while the one on the right was slashed from the head to the neck with a butcher's knife.

  When these "moments" heard the sound, they had already fired. There was a sudden burst, and the bullet just hit the person who came.

"What can be done by knocking out a few lighting devices, I believe that even two of the sniper team can do it without Captain Huo taking action, right?"

“Anyway, it’s good to be able to minimize casualties this time. As long as we continue to strengthen information monitoring, we won’t be afraid of them coming again.” said the section chief of the Ministry of Information, Luo Baoguo’s immediate boss.

Just when the two leaders of the Operations Department wanted to say some high-sounding concluding remarks and take credit for the quick response of the Operations Department, someone came up with different opinions.


The floor was cracked by stepping on it, and it turned into a red shadow and rushed towards "Ke". With two bangs, the two shields directly smashed the two people to the ground, one on the left and the other on the right.

 The researchers in the research building are all the "treasures" of the branch. Shen Ge does not dare to make fun of the researchers' lives just to save a little bit of magic power.

“What exactly do these people want to do, raid the research building? Is the target a researcher or to **** treacherous energy equipment?” someone asked.

“I saw it.” The section chief of the Information Department nodded, somewhat confused as to why Shen Ge asked this.

Hence, the firepower was on full fire as soon as he entered the door, and he shot through the entire corridor in the blink of an eye.

Seeing the embarrassment on the face of the information department chief, Shen Ge added, "Besides, Chief Li, have you forgotten that Luo Baoguo is still under internal investigation?"

“I thought of something during the battle just now. When I asked Cheng Zhu to compile a casualty summary, I asked her to contact the headquarters to transfer a file.” Deng Yuqi said and handed a report to Shen Ge.

Shen Ge picked it up and took a look. The report was about the research data on the special equipment of the special strategy department, including some research data on the "cunning eye" he brought back from the headquarters.

Since Shen Ge secretly brought the "Crooked Eye" back, the headquarters thought it had been stolen by the Twelve Eyes, so there was very little research data in the report.

But this is not the point. The point is that in the following "classification research project", there are more than one "cunning eye" related to "eye".

One of the data is that "you will lose your vision after direct contact", which is the key to Deng Yuqi giving this report to Shen Ge.

The effect of this "eye"-like sneaky equipment is exactly "sneaky eye (invisible.

 Shen Ge has a "cunning eye (invisible and only two people in the whole department know about it, one is Li Xiang and the other is Deng Yuqi.

Deng Yuqi had seen the list of treacherous equipment sent from the headquarters when he helped Shen Ge get equipment during the Yuzhou incident, and vaguely remembered that there was such a thing.

Later, after Shen Ge handed over the butcher's knife and the sneaky eye to cooperate with Li Xiang's research, Deng Yuqi didn't think too much when he first heard about the effect of this equipment. After all, it's not surprising for the sneaky equipment to have similar effects, like the sneaky eye. Gloves, bone chopping knife and other standard equipment.

But after Shen Ge revealed part of the system to Deng Yuqi, the two came to the conclusion that "the system cannot create rewards out of thin air, but transfer them from other places", and then they came up with the idea of ​​​​Creepy Eye.

So Deng Yuqi asked Cheng Shengnan to contact the headquarters to retrieve the information. Sure enough, the original "Stolen" column was noted as "Stolen".

At the same time, the report showed that the research on the "Tricky Eye (Invisible was updated a year ago. There was no new progress in the research on this piece of trickery equipment at the headquarters for a long time, so they were transferred to the Yuzhou branch. , and it had been sealed for a year when Shen Ge drew it.

"You mentioned before that when the '****' military vehicle reserve factory was counting tanks, it was confirmed that one tank was missing. Are the tanks counted every day?" Shen Ge asked.

Deng Yuqi shook his head: "Judging from the report, the '****' military vehicle reserve factory should be full of 'defective' products. To put it simply, they are on the verge of maintenance and abandonment. You know that the recent problems with the Special Policy Department , after the adaptation, the training in the past two years has also been reduced. The number of tanks that have been 'eliminated' is also relatively large. And the one you transferred must have been abandoned for a long time."

Shen Ge was silent for a while, and then said: "No wonder both the previous K2 and this time's 99A gave me a weird feeling. They were not equipped with many shells. Most of the equipment I drew before had a strange feeling. 'A sense of age', now it seems that weapons and equipment that have been 'discarded' for a certain period of time will be drawn by me."

Deng Yuqi said solemnly: "What you get in Bangguo is Bangguo's stuff, and what you get in Dajing is 99A... Yuzhou gets the 'Crooked Eye', Dajing gets the 'Crooked Energy Magazine'... I feel like you In addition to being 'discarded', the things drawn also have a certain relationship with 'distance'."

Shen Ge put the butcher's knife on his desk and said, "This is the first piece of treacherous equipment I have ever picked up. Its characteristics are 'not bad' and extremely hard. Li Xiang has tried various methods to melt it into combat." We have failed in both battles. So far in the battle, there has never been any damage.”

"I can confirm that the Rong City Branch's founding department has never seen this piece of treacherous energy equipment. However, the treacherous energy equipment you draw may not necessarily be produced by the Special Strategy Department. Don't forget, the Twelve Branch also researches treacherous energy equipment. What's more, if your father is one of the first researchers to study the weird, it would be reasonable to bury a bunch of weird equipment in a place where you have lived for decades?" Deng Yuqi said.

Shen Ge said: "It is possible, but what I want to say is not whether the butcher knife comes from Rong City, but what I want to say is that combined with the fact that the things drawn must have been ignored for a long time, abandoned, etc., and there is a certain distance, then …How about I save some system points and go have a round near the Haiya Research Institute?"

“This is a good idea.” Deng Yuqi sighed in her mind that Shen Ge always had the right idea every time he had a “whim.”

“So how many system points have you accumulated now?” Deng Yuqi asked.

Shen Ge said: "2753, 1100 of them were given by the twelve "engraved" ones just now."

“Is there a reward for killing them?” Deng Yuqi asked in surprise.

Shen Ge nodded: "Kill one for 100 system points, sell a corpse for 500 system points, plus a special recovery product."

 Speaking, Shen Ge took out the "Internal Injury Healing Pill".

"Wait a minute, this thing isn't..." Deng Yuqi suddenly felt that the internal injury healing pill looked familiar. After thinking about it for a moment, she remembered where she had seen it.

"You're right. This is what I first gave to Li Xiang to research. Later, he successfully completed the research and development using self-healing rat bugs." Shen Ge briefly explained the research process between him and Li Xiang, as well as his own understanding of the system. The idea of ​​"overdrafting" the future told Deng Yuqi.

Deng Yuqi suddenly felt that her CPU was not enough. She received too much information tonight, and the "system" alone was enough for her to investigate for a long time.

Deng Yuqi thought about it and felt that the future rewards of "overdraft" were a bit mysterious, but since things like the system were already available, it was nothing.

Deng Yuqi rubbed his forehead. He felt that his brain was running out. He waved his hands and said, "Let's not talk about it for now. Did you just say that killing the members of the twelve branches is also considered a reward?"

"Yes, in the system's judgment, although the members of the twelve branches are 'man-made weird', they are also considered weird. 'Engraved' is level 2, and the reward for level 2 is 100 kills and 500 sales; and those font sizes are It was determined to be level 5 by the system. Oh, by the way, this determination also involves a time difference."

 Shen Ge was afraid that Deng Yuqi would not understand why the captain of the twelve branches was at level 5, but his strength was not even as strong as those at levels 3 and 4, so he explained the time difference by the way.

At this time, Deng Yuqi's brain is really not enough.

“I feel like you’ve added ten years of work to me in one night. How long will it take for me to investigate?” Deng Yuqi felt helpless.

"It's okay. Anyway, you are either working overtime or on the way to work overtime. Whether I increase your workload or not, you have to work overtime, it doesn't make any difference." Shen Ge said calmly.

“Go away! Don’t force me to drag you along to work overtime!” Deng Yuqi was angry.

Shen Ge quickly ran away. After running out of the office, he popped his head in and said, "By the way, I'm investigating the twelve branches and '12'. I always feel that things are not simple tonight."


Shen Ge responded with the smashed archives and Deng Yuqi's roaring voice: "Am I the minister or are you the minister? Why did you arrange work for me? Come back and work overtime. You are now responsible for the investigation of the 12th Branch!"

 “Okay!” Shen Ge agreed readily.

  After all, for him, solving the "Twelve Branches" is the number one problem.

But what puzzled Shen Ge the most was the "motivation" of the twelve teams' raid tonight. It felt like it didn't make much sense other than giving away points.

They have the ability to infiltrate, but they "fight" with great fanfare. Even if they are here to find out, there is no need to lose so many people.

Shen Ge thought about it over and over but couldn't figure it out, so he simply gave up.

Going back to the dormitory and taking a shower, Cheng Shengnan came back from work when it was almost 12 o'clock. She now works overtime in the Special Policy Department more frequently than Shen Ge.

“You’ve been busy all day, are you tired?” Shen Ge sat on the edge of the bed holding Cheng Shengnan, who was wiping her hair after taking a shower, and asked in her ear.

"Actually, it's okay. Now I don't have to do many things myself. It's easier than before to review files, retrieve information and make arrangements." Cheng Shengnan replied.

"Before the problem of the Twelve Branches is completely resolved, there will be many situations like today. We must rush to the safe room as soon as possible, understand?" Shen Ge warned.

  Cheng Shengnan nodded, threw the towel for wiping his hair on the chair, and said calmly: "Don't move your hands when you say something like this next time, I will be more moved."

 “Huh, impossible.”

 “Heh, man.”

“By the way, what are you going to do for your rest tomorrow?” Shen Ge asked.

Cheng Shengnan replied: "The research department has produced a batch of new standard equipment, and the logistics department needs to hold a distribution meeting. It is expected that a meeting will be held."


Shen Ge said with a sullen face: "Resign immediately, your leader is too disrespectful."

Cheng Shengnan smiled and said: "Just now a certain leader was complaining to me. Originally, she could go back to bed at 1 o'clock. Thanks to a certain agent, she had to work all night. It is said that you have increased her workload for a year. .”

"It's not such an exaggeration, three to five months at most. Forget it, let's not talk about the unscrupulous leader, let's talk about business." Shen Ge said, rolling towards the bed with Cheng Shengnan in his arms.

 “Hey, my hair isn’t dry yet.”

“It’s okay, I have to go to the bathroom later.”

"Son of a bitch!" …


The two of them worked "overtime" until 3 o'clock before going to bed. Cheng Shengnan was so tired that her whole body ached and she didn't even want to move a finger, so she fell asleep in Shen Ge's arms.

  Shen Ge exercised for two hours and not only did he not feel sleepy, but he was also very energetic. He was still thinking about "12" and the twelve troops' raid on the Rong City branch last night.

After the disaster in Beijing, the Twelve Branch quietly lurked in Rong City to create the "12". In just two months, they colluded with Lu Xianze and others. Shen Ge always felt that there should be some connection between the two.

 The wanted list found in the "12" database even made him feel that Twelve was looking for an opportunity to retaliate against him.

 This is not what Shen Ge is boasting about. If the Twelve Branches really get rid of this "hidden danger", then the difficulty of dealing with the Rongshi branch can be reduced by half.

“What do they want to do?” Shen Ge lay with his eyes closed, tapping his fingers on his forehead, trying to connect the clues he had at hand.

Lu Xianze's attempt to win over him might be a feint to lower his defenses, or he might actually choose to cooperate with them and achieve the goal of twelve weapons.

  But as far as the current situation is concerned, there is no need for Shen Ge to abandon the near and far away and give up the Special Policy Department, which can be said to have "absolute right to speak", to choose to cooperate with Lu Xianze.

The Special Policy Department is superior to Lu Xianze and others in terms of power and strength. As for Shen Ge, there is a minister above him... There is no need to worry about this. Deng Yuqi is on Shen Ge's side most of the time.

Deng Yuqi knew that Shen Ge had many secrets, and that there were also many things that were hidden from the Special Policy Department, but according to her principle of "discussing deeds, regardless of heart", no matter what Shen Ge was thinking, as long as what he was doing now was to serve the country and the people , then it deserves her unconditional support.

 It is precisely because of the past six months of getting along and Deng Yuqi's behavior of exchanging sincerity for sincerity that Shen Ge chose to show her some of his trump cards in order to seek deeper "cooperation".

Therefore, given Shen Ge's relationship with Deng Yuqi and his prestige in the Special Policy Department, it would be really troublesome for him to be attracted by Lu Xianze at this time.

 Then knowing that Shen Ge would not agree to cooperate and that it was very likely that Lu Xianze would be killed in one fell swoop, wouldn't the people at the drinking party "self-destruct"?

 What good does this do to the twelve branches?

“The branch has started a thorough investigation of those people at the liquor store. After the minister reported it to the headquarters, a task force was also set up, and the higher ups are also working on the issue of manpower deployment.”

"If the Twelve Branches, Lu Xianze and others are cooperating sincerely, there is no need to expose them." In Shen Ge's view, at least Lu Xianze and Luo Baoguo are very valuable, and there is no need to appear at the drinking party.

 “Why do they believe they can buy me off with just tens of millions?”

“…Wait a minute, if Lu Xianze is dismissed, if the person assigned to take over this position is from the Twelve Branches, wouldn’t he be able to use this as a breakthrough to seek cooperation with the Rong City branch and conduct investigations?”

 “No, the most important thing is the position of Luo Baoguo!”

"The Rong City branch was built by the minister, and everyone with some power has at least four or five years of seniority. If it hadn't been for this strange exposure, which caused the status of the Special Policy Department to rise, Luo Baoguo would not have been shaken. And even if he was shaken, , and he’s not stupid enough to expose all the information he has.”

“If Luo Baoguo is dismissed, the headquarters will most likely take this opportunity to send someone to replace him instead of letting the minister be directly promoted from the ministry.”

"So, the headquarters has probably been infiltrated by the Twelve Branches, but this person has a relatively high status and is hidden deep. This time the disaster in Dajing failed to uncover him!"

"Ah! I understand!" Shen Ge thought of this, and suddenly felt that all the clues seemed to be connected together, and he seemed to have seen through Twelve Branches' thoughts.

Because he was too excited, Cheng Shengnan raised his hand and patted his chest, murmuring: "What are you mumbling about in the middle of the night? Aren't you tired?"

Shen Ge was stunned when he heard this. He was busy all night investigating "12" the night before yesterday, and he seemed to have only slept for an hour or two that night.

 He investigated for a whole day during the day and responded to twelve raids at night. As for the physical exertion of the two hours in the early morning, although it was negligible... But it was almost two days, how could he still be so energetic?

Looking back now, Shen Ge also noticed changes in his body. It's not that he couldn't sleep, he could sleep as long as he wanted to.

 But as long as you focus on something, it’s okay even if you don’t sleep.

"Tsk, isn't your mental power high? Are you really energetic?" Shen Ge's daily rewards and free points drawn in the past few days have also been added to his mental power. Now his mental power has reached 613%, reaching 613%. The degree of weirdness at level 3 is indeed not low.

Shen Ge felt a rare feeling of worry. After all, it was confirmed that the system had something to do with the weirdness, or even the weirdness...

Don't devour too much of this weird corpse, "feed" a weird king out of your body, that will be exciting!



The investigation about the people in the wine bureau lasted for three days. The Rong City branch cooperated with the investigation of the task force and quickly found out the background of Lu Xianze and others, and also found out all the people who secretly colluded with them.

However, after listening to Shen Ge’s “inference”, Deng Yuqi persuaded the task force to “close the net” later by saying that there would be big fish behind.

 She and Shen Ge need to spend this period of time investigating those who are about to take over and uncover twelve hidden mines.

In this investigation, two were actually found.

 One of them is the important person who came to replace Lu Xianze.

After confirming the target, the Rong City branch held an emergency meeting. According to Deng Yuqi's idea, Lu Xianze's position could be assigned from above. After all, no matter how long the Special Strategy Department's hands were, they would not be able to reach out to the central government. However, Luo Baoguo's position must be promoted within the ministry and he refuses to be transferred by the headquarters.

 Deng Yuqi once again quarreled with the headquarters over this issue. The headquarters felt that Deng Yuqi wanted to dominate the Rong City branch and cultivate personal power.

This issue has been quarreling for another two days, and the headquarters is obviously unwilling to give up such an important position as the deputy information section chief of the Rong City branch.

Of course, it is not clear whether the headquarters is unwilling to give up or the twelve infiltrated members are unwilling to give up.

However, Mr. Fang's investigation has made some progress. According to Mr. Fang's wishes, Deng Yuqi delayed it a little longer to buy them some time.

  After Fang Lao patted his chest and promised, "If the twelve people who have infiltrated the headquarters cannot be found, then he will personally arrange for a trustworthy person to take over." Deng Yuqi finally agreed.

In the next few days, Deng Yuqi focused her investigation on several issues mentioned by Shen Ge, while Shen Ge continued to investigate the twelve branches.

At 1 o'clock in the morning, Deng Yuqi, who was immersed in reading the report, was interrupted by a knock on the door.

 “Come in.” Deng Yuqi put down the pen and said.

 The office door was pushed open, and Cheng Shengnan, dressed in professional attire, walked into the office holding a stack of documents.

Deng Yuqi subconsciously glanced at the time displayed on her phone and said with some surprise: "Hey, it's so late and you haven't gotten off work yet?"

Cheng Shengnan replied: "I just finished a meeting with the headquarters at 11 o'clock, and later I had a meeting with Mr. Fang's investigation team. The investigation team encountered some troubles. In order to avoid alerting the snake, Mr. Fang decided to follow what I discussed with you before. The plan is to first send a 'trustworthy' person to take over the position of Deputy Chief of Information. This is the information of that person, Mr. Fang said he is your 'acquaintance'."

Deng Yuqi took a look at the report and immediately frowned.

The person on the file is her "relative" who she doesn't deal with very well. She was injured in the disaster in Beijing and temporarily transferred to civilian countermeasures agent Liu Jiayi.

Although the two of them had some disagreements in private, Deng Yuqi had to admit that at this juncture, Liu Jiayi was indeed very suitable to take over the position of deputy information section chief of the Rong City branch.

"Okay, I will contact her tomorrow." Deng Yuqi put the file away.

 Cheng Shengnan nodded, stood up and prepared to leave: "Minister, is there anything else you need my help with?"

 “No, you can get off work first.”

 “Okay, you should also go to bed early.”


 Cheng Shengnan came out of Deng Yuqi's office. Apart from the patrol team, there were basically no staff in sight in the complex.

However, Cheng Shengnan was already used to working overtime. He walked to the elevator with ease, went down to the first floor, and came out of the building.

The night air was chilly, and Cheng Shengnan subconsciously stretched her arms. She thought she would be busy until two or three o'clock, so Shen Ge said that while she was waiting for her, she simply asked her to go back to the dormitory to prepare for midnight snacks.

Thinking of midnight snacks, Cheng Shengnan felt a little hungry. The complex was right in front of the dormitory area. It only took ten minutes to go around it, so it wasn't too far away.

 Cheng Shengnan had just stepped down the stairs outside the complex building when he suddenly realized something was wrong. It was too quiet outside the entire Juineng Building.

Even if there were no vehicles or pedestrians in the surrounding blocks and no sound could be heard, it was not like the patrol team could not be seen. Cheng Shengnan suddenly became alert.

 She hesitated for a second, then immediately ran towards the complex. It takes ten minutes to run back to the dormitory area, but it only takes two or three minutes to run to Deng Yuqi's office.

Shen Ge told her that if something was wrong and he was not around, she must find the minister and Lin Yin as soon as possible.

 Cheng Shengnan had always kept Shen Ge's words in mind, so it was a safer plan. As soon as she returned to the building, she didn't hesitate to sound the alarm at the door.




 In an instant, the Rong City branch's piercing alarm sounded.

Cheng Shengnan raised his feet and threw off his high heels, and rushed directly to the elevator barefoot. At this moment, the lights in the corridor went out one by one with a "pop, pop, pop" sound.

At this moment, Cheng Shengnan saw a faint figure flashing in the dark corridor. Before she had time to think about it, she turned around and ran towards the stairwell.



Cheng Shengnan tried to call Deng Yuqi while running up.

 Bang, bang, bang!

 Bang, bang, bang!

At this time, gunshots were heard from upstairs and downstairs, especially the gunfire outside the complex was the most obvious. It didn’t take much to know that the twelve guns were shot again.

Cheng Shengnan's heart tightened, thinking that Shen Ge had been saying in the past few days that he thought there was something fishy about the raid of the Twelve Branch that night, as if he was rushing to die.

This style was obviously not like that of the Twelve Branches, so he asked the people from the detection department to cooperate with him and turned the area where they had fought before to see if those guys had planted hidden mines.

 After searching to no avail, Shen Ge was still worried. He didn't go out much in the past few days and spent most of his time at the Rong City branch.

 Unexpectedly, the Twelve Branches took action again!

Cheng Shengnan had just rushed out of the stairwell and returned to the corridor. Before he could say the word "minister", he saw a member of the Twelve Branches walking out of the shadows of the corridor.



Cheng Shengnan felt something bad in her heart. She had no strength and could not possibly be the opponent of the captains of the twelve font sizes. However, she obviously did not intend to sit still and wait for death. She ran towards Deng Yuqi's office as fast as she could.

"Yin" was obviously faster and was about to catch up with Cheng Shengnan when suddenly there was a "bang" gunshot. Deng Yuqi stood at the door of the office with a gun raised and shot the word "Yin" on the hood.

Cheng Shengnan was relieved when she saw Deng Yuqi appear at the door. Her legs were almost weak, but she didn't dare to give up at this time, at least she had to run to Deng Yuqi's side.

As soon as you enter the office, you can hide in the safe house.




Deng Yuqi was also running in the direction of Cheng Shengnan, shooting while running. Her superb marksmanship allowed her to accurately hit "Yin" in the head with every shot.

"Yin"'s head would tilt back every time he was shot, but that was all, and it could not stop his sprinting speed at all.

Deng Yuqi emptied the magazine, threw the gun away, raised his hand and patted his left shoulder. He heard two mechanical sounds of "click", and his left arm was wrapped in a mechanical glove.

Then, Deng Yuqi grabbed Cheng Shengnan with her right hand, pushed her head down to avoid "Yin"'s reaching hand, and punched out with her left arm wearing a mechanical arm armor.


Deng Yuqi punched out with all his strength under the power of the mechanical arm armor. The punch on an ordinary person was no different from being hit by a car, but the punch on "Yin"'s abdomen was like hitting a sponge, and he was instantly removed. force.

 Looking again, the flesh on "Yin"'s abdomen seemed to be squirming, and then swelled up, wrapping Deng Yuqi's arms inside.

Deng Yuqi's expression changed, and she was trying to pull out her hand, but she didn't expect another hand to grow on Yin's body and hit her shoulder.

Deng Yuqi felt a huge force hit her, and she flew backwards, hitting Cheng Shengnan who was running towards the office behind her.


 The two of them collided and rolled to the ground.

 Cheng Shengnan was used as a meat mat, and it felt like his bones were falling apart. Deng Yuqi's physical fitness is much stronger than hers. Even if she was hit in the front, she got up first.

Deng Yuqi tried hard to help Cheng Shengnan up, but "Yin" attacked again and turned into "three heads and six arms".

When Deng Yuqi saw this, she didn’t have time to think too much and pushed Cheng Shengnan away: “Go to the safe house!”

  Then, he bent down to dodge "Yin"'s attack, took out the sneaky gloves from his pocket, put them on, and punched "Yin" several times sideways.

Deng Yuqi made a strong attack. Even though "Yin" had six hands, he was beaten back steadily. In the blink of an eye, the two exchanged more than ten moves, which also bought Cheng Shengnan time to enter the office.

 “Close the door!” Deng Yuqi shouted.

 Cheng Shengnan gritted his teeth and closed the door. When he went to press the safe house switch on the wall, he took out his cell phone to contact Shen Ge.



The office door was knocked open, and Deng Yuqi fell directly upside down and fell in.

And that "Yin" appeared at the door again, his appearance had undergone earth-shaking changes, he was at least three meters tall, his three heads seemed to have been assimilated with evil spirits, and his face was twisted and hideous.

The whole thing looks like a strange alienated head, with a raised part on the forehead, like a bulging bone, condensed into the character "王".

And his six arms are as thick as thighs. They are completely different from those seen before. They look like a muscular monster. The whole thing looks like it has three weird heads on top, and the body is like a black muscular version of the Hulk. .

 “Three heads and six arms” strange form, Yinhu!

 (End of this chapter)

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