Chapter 1036 Good luck

  Chapter 1036 Form a good relationship

This lama is very interesting. From him, Li Mo saw the shadow of his teacher drawing big cakes for them when he was a student. The 15-eyed dzi beads and the 12-eyed dzi beads may only be buried in a corner of the Daxue Mountain. Even if it is there, it is almost impossible to find it.

He didn't even see the shadows of the two most precious dzi beads, so he actually put his mind on those city altars. Although he didn't express his real intention, the meaning is that once you find those two dzi beads, out of courtesy, it's It's not that those mandalas should be returned to the Potala Palace to be enshrined.

   "Master, do you have any clearer clues?"

   "No, Buddhism talks about the word 'fate'. If you have a fate, you will meet two treasures no matter how deeply they are buried. If you don't have a fate, even if they are in front of you, you will miss them."

   Speaking of this, it seems that it is time to leave.

  Li Mo drank the boiled water in the glass, got up and said with a smile: "Master, if there is nothing else, I will take my leave first."

   "Mr. Li has nothing else to do, how about another drink?"

  Is it still plain water?

   Li Mo secretly laughed in his heart, why did he suddenly feel that he was quite funny.

   "Master, let's have another drink."

  The Lama smiled slightly, and poured him a second cup with the pot.

   "Mr. Li, it seems that we also have fate."

   "What do you mean by that?"

The lama took a dzi bead from his left wrist and put it gently beside the teacup: "The first cup of tea is regarded as our acquaintance. If you leave, it can only mean that we have no destiny. But if you stay for the second cup of tea, then It means that there is a predestined relationship between us. This is the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead that has been passed down for two generations, and I will give it to Mr. Li to form a good relationship."

   Li Mo was stunned for a moment, this lama really knows how to play, and drinking a glass of boiled water can still have such a magical fate.

  He looked at the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead close in front of him, feeling the strong magical energy emanating from it, and his mind became extraordinarily peaceful, without any distractions.

   Legend has it that the nine eyes refer to the collection of the merits of the nine vehicles, the growth of compassion, the prominent authority, and the meaning of happiness from suffering. With the supreme and noble aura, all the careers in the world can be achieved quickly, and it is the top grade among the dzi beads, which can avoid all disasters. The Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead is used to exorcise evil spirits, and can turn bad luck into auspiciousness for people. It also has the function of protection, eliminates chronic viruses, and prevents deterioration. It has incredible skills.

  Li Mo couldn't see through the meaning of the lama in front of him. After all, the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead is the most sacred object in Buddhism in the snow area. It was as if he had a Nine-Dragon Sword of the Qing Emperor Qianlong in his hand, anyway, he was reluctant to give it to someone he had just met for the first time.

   "Master, I deserve it."

  Li Mo is a little embarrassed, he is considering whether to donate a few hundred million himself.

   "Mr. Li doesn't need to refuse. If there is a cause today, there will be a result in the future."

Li Mo couldn't comprehend that kind of state, he drank the second cup of cold boiled water, then held the nine-eyed dzi that has been passed down for two generations with both hands, bowed to the lama and said: "Today's cause, tomorrow's fruit , I will take my leave first."

   "Not far away."

  Li Mo walked out of the attic, and the little lama at the door watched in shock as Li Mo put on the nine-eyed dzi in front of him. It was a Buddhist sacred object in the snow area, and it was actually given to Li Mo by the person upstairs.

   "I will trouble you to take me out of here."

  The little lama immediately saluted slightly and sent him away the same way.

  Chen Xiaoyan and Brown Bear stayed where they were and waited for Li Mo. Seeing that he had returned safely, they could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Here, they feel that everything is mysterious, and they always feel that there is something wrong, but they can't tell.

   "Little uncle, who did you go to see?"

   "An expert." Li Mo didn't say much, he already knew the identity of that expert, and looked at the people around him, "If you have all finished shopping, then let's go."

   "Uncle, didn't you ask for a nine-eyed dzi?"

  Fu Liang looked at the time. In fact, they didn't come in for a long time, and they didn't go shopping just now. Why did he leave as soon as he came out.

  Li Mo raised his left hand, and everyone saw the dzi bead worn on his wrist. Chen Xiaoyan and the others didn't respond, but Duoji, who was beside him, immediately knelt down devoutly.

   "Let's go."

A group of people left the Potala Palace very quickly. They thought it would be very difficult to get a nine-eyed dzi this time, but they just drank two cups of plain water, and for such a big event, they gave themselves a dzi bead that has been handed down for two generations. Nine-eyed dzi.

   Li Mo still doesn't believe there is any real fate. He would only think that the lama was very extraordinary, and he couldn't see through it, as if he had really practiced the Mahayana and possessed incredible abilities.

   "Boss, how should we arrange the itinerary next?"

"Shibin's team is stationed very far away, about 1,500 miles away, and they are confronting Ah San. I heard that there has been constant conflicts over there, and there are conflicts from time to time. I took this opportunity to go and have a look. He, the province's uncle and aunt are worried."

   "Okay, then I will buy some supplies this afternoon and go there early tomorrow morning."


A few cars parked in front of the hotel, and Li Mo felt strange after getting off the car. Could it be that this five-star hotel has a tour group? There are many tourists with suitcases standing in the lobby on the first floor, and they are all waiting to register. Check in.

   "The business here is okay."

  When Li Mo was about to enter the hall, someone suddenly pointed at him and shouted: "Professor Li is back, it's really Professor Li."

  The atmosphere in the lobby suddenly became lively, and tourists who had not yet registered surrounded him one after another, reaching out their hands to shake him.

   "Hello, Professor Li."

   "Mr. Li, we all support you."

  Li Mo was a little confused, but he still reached out and shook hands with everyone one by one. After finally squeezing out from the crowd and walking into the elevator, everyone breathed a sigh of relief until the elevator doors closed.

   "What's going on, how do they know I live here?"

Chen Xiaoyan took out her mobile phone to look at it, and immediately said with a smile: "Little uncle, your comment on social software has become a hot search. The five-star hotel where we lived before has become the enemy of the whole people. Let's retreat." After the room, other tourists who stayed also checked out after seeing the trending search. They thought that even a big man like you would suffer there, and if they had something to do, they would definitely not get any help from the hotel."

  Li Mo took her mobile phone and looked at it, then curled his lips and said, "It's not my fault."

   "Boss, it looks like we can't go downstairs to eat. What do you want to eat, we can order directly in the room."

   "Let's order Dorji, he knows the specialties here best, we just wait and eat."

   Li Mo heard someone knocking on the door within a few minutes of returning to the room. He wiped his face with a hot towel and walked over to open the door. A professional woman in her forties stood at the door, and Dorji and several waiters stood beside her. Hearing the movement here, Chen Xiaoyan and the others also came out of the room.

   "Professor Li, on behalf of the hotel, I welcome you to stay. I am your exclusive account manager, and I am at your service 24 hours a day."


   "Then I won't bother you anymore, please feel free to contact me if you need anything."

  Chen Xiaoyan came over and said, "Little uncle, we can only stay in the hotel this afternoon, and we will be surrounded as soon as we show up."

   "Then stay in the hotel and get a good night's sleep. That's fine, everyone go back first, and wait for the hotel to deliver the food before eating together."

  No matter how noisy the outside world is, Li Mo has always been calm. He stayed in the hotel and carefully studied the nine-eyed dzi to see if he could solve the mystery. It's a pity that the energy of the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead can't be fused with the energy of his different pupils, so he didn't make much progress after studying it for a long time.

   the next day.

  Li Mo and the others left very early. It is too far from here to the place where Shibin is stationed. If you drive, it will be very good if you can get there before dark. Along the way, everyone also saw the vastness and magnificence of the snow area. They also encountered several other off-road vehicles on the way, and it seemed that they were heading in the same direction.

   When it was almost noon, the car stopped at a service area, and Li Mo and the others were going to have a full stomach before taking a rest.

   "Boss, there seems to be Ah San over there." The brown bear whispered, "There are also a few people who should be from the snow area. How could they get mixed up?"

  Li Mo also discovered that group of people, but he didn't think much about it. Ah San must be doing business here, it can't be that he is here for tourism. However, the brown bear reminded him so emphatically, he just looked over in his spare time, and his brows were furrowed when he saw it.

   "Brown bear, those threes are wrong. There are guns hidden in the car. It was only a short while, and they glanced at us a few times, intentionally or unintentionally, and they were probably aiming at us."

  The only ones sitting at the same table with Li Mo are Brown Bear, Chen Xiaoyan and Fu Liang. His voice was low, the brown bear was fine, but Chen Xiaoyan and Fu Liang looked at each other in blank dismay. The cars of that group of people were quite far away, no matter how the uncle looked at them, he concluded that there were guns in the car.

"There are fifteen people on the other side, and there are ten people on our side. If we don't use guns, we can completely crush them with our hands. Boss, why don't we act first. Just find the guns hidden in their car , even if we beat them all to death, we are justified."

   "Be safe and don't be impatient, we will leave immediately after eating."

  Li Mo remained calm, and the ten people continued to move forward after eating their stomachs. According to the current speed, it will be about six or seven o'clock in the evening to reach the goal. The two convoys kept a distance, and at around 6:00 pm, the following convoy separated from another expressway.

   "Boss, they are gone, they shouldn't be here for us."

   Brown Bear said through the rearview mirror.

"No, they are coming towards us. I have already sensed their murderous intentions. It's just that they still can't figure out our details. I'm afraid we also carry stronger firepower in the car, and it's still early before dark. , They have no chance to make a move." Li Mo said calmly, and crossed his fingers on his lower abdomen, "Besides, if we go forward, we will soon reach the army station, and even if they have ten thousand courage, they will not make a move here."

  The brown bear looked indifferent. Since the boss said so, that group of people must have murdered the boss. When they came to the snow area, the only one who had a problem with it was that Ji Ao, but he had the guts to attack the boss?

   "Boss, let's get to the army station as soon as possible, and then I will arrange someone to find out about them."

   "Don't panic for now, as long as they approach, I can sense it in advance."


  The car drove forward again, and encountered some military vehicles one after another. At around 6:40 in the evening, the convoy stopped on the side of the road, and the troops would be stationed ahead. Li Mo got out of the car and walked towards the gate. When he was about ten meters away, he heard a soldier standing guard say: "It is an important military area, outsiders are not allowed to enter."

   "My name is Li Mo, and I'm looking for Shibin."

   "Li Mo?"

  The soldier looked at Li Mo carefully, and then said uncertainly: "I'll make a phone call, please wait a moment."

   Not long after finishing the call, I saw Shibin running out of the camp with two people.

   "Brother, why are you here?"

Shibin rushed up and gave him a big hug happily, then patted him on the shoulder and said, "Good guy, it was really satisfying for you to fight against those island country Kendo Federation. I told the people in the army that you belonged to my aunt's family." Cousin, no one believes it. Let’s go, I will grandly introduce you to that group of people today.”

   "A total of ten people have come, is it convenient to enter the station?"

   "Why is it inconvenient, you can still come empty-handed."

   "You really hit the spot. Look at the last small truck, which is loaded with all kinds of vegetables, beef and mutton, pork, noodles, etc."

  Li Mo pointed backwards.

"Hahaha, this is a family of soldiers and civilians. Let's go and invite everyone to come in. Come on, move all the things in the truck to the back kitchen and warehouse. If you don't have time to eat a big meal today, tell the back kitchen, and I will add it to everyone tomorrow." meal."


   A group of soldiers cheered.

   "Brother Bin, you haven't been in the snow area for two years, why are you so tanned? Your skin is dark and rough. If I didn't hear your voice, I might pass by me. I might not be able to be sure it's you."

Shibin put his arms around his shoulders and walked towards the station, laughing loudly as he walked: "If you have the ability, you can stay here for ten and a half months, and you will definitely change. I still remember the way you looked when you came back from that isolated island in the Indian Ocean. , It’s not much better than I am now. By the way, I haven’t had dinner yet, I’ll ask the kitchen to prepare a few dishes, how about a drink or two with my brother?”

   "Okay, when it comes to you, you have the final say."

   "That's what I like to hear the most. You didn't come to the snow area to see me, did you?"

  Shibin didn't know anything about the family affairs. Obviously, grandpa and uncle didn't want to distract him, so they didn't mention anything to him. Li Mo smiled when he thought of this: "When will you pinch your fingers and forget it?"

   "What the fuck, tell me quickly."

  Li Mo rubbed his shoulders on purpose and said, "I'm here to hunt for treasure, otherwise why would I have traveled all the way here to bask in the sun?"

   "I guess it's the same." Shibin then said doubtfully, "I haven't heard that there is any treasure here?"

   "You will know in the future. I am just dropping by to visit you this time. I won't be here for long. I guess I will leave tomorrow afternoon."

"What's the hurry, it's rare to come here, tomorrow I will take you around. This is the intersection of Kunlun Mountain and the Himalayas. You are used to seeing gardens and wetlands in the plains. It will be completely different if you look at these mountains. Feelings are two extremes of beauty.”

  (end of this chapter)

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