Chapter 1051 Climb into the royal tomb

  Chapter 1051 Breaking into the Royal Tomb

   "We own this five-star hotel?"

   Li Mo put down his backpack and asked in surprise.

"Millennium Capital, a subsidiary of the Millennium Shengzang Group, invested in it, but it didn't hold 100% of the shares. Other people I knew also participated in a few, and everyone made money." Brown Bear took a hot towel from the bathroom and handed it to Li Mo and continued, "We have invested in the construction of two five-star hotels and three four-star hotels in this county."

"The person in charge seems to be surnamed Qi. The earliest employees of the Millennium Shengzang Group seem to be a year later than Mr. Yu. His hometown is here, so the company sent him to take full charge of management after a comprehensive inspection. Boss, please Want to meet him?"

   "It's okay to be so late, we will meet and talk when we are free during the day. Brown bear, go and order some food, the three of us have a good meal."

   "Okay, then I'll order first."

   tuk tuk tuk —

  Someone was knocking on the door, the brown bear opened the door, looked at it and asked vigilantly, "Who are you looking for?"

   "You are President Xiong, right? My name is Qi Jianjun, and I'm in charge of hotel management."

   "It turned out to be Mr. Qi. I'm sorry, we rarely deal with each other before, please come in." The brown bear turned back and shouted, "Boss, Mr. Qi is here."

  Qi Jianjun is thirty-seven or eighteen years old, wearing a black suit, and looks very energetic.

   "Hi boss, my name is Qi Jianjun, welcome to Tongshan."

Li Mo looked at him and smiled: "Look carefully, I seem to have a little impression of you. Well, I remembered that when our Millennium Shengzang Company was just established, we had a dispute with an entertainment company on the opposite floor. You were the first The one who rushed to fight against them once was recuperating in the hospital for several days later."

  Qi Jianjun hurriedly said embarrassedly: "Boss, I was a little impulsive back then."

   "Hahaha, it doesn't matter if you are impulsive when unanimously external. But you are now an executive. In the past, you would have been a feudal official. You can't be so impulsive anymore."

   "Boss, please rest assured, I will work hard."

   "Don't stand and chat, sit casually, I just have something to ask you."

  Qi Jianjun sat on the sofa a little cautiously, with his legs together and his hands on his knees.

   "How many children are there in the family?"

  Li Mo chatted.

   "Two sons, the elder is ten years old and the younger is five years old."

   "You don't think about having another daughter?"

  Qi Jianjun relaxed a bit, he smiled and said: "My wife has this idea, I'm afraid of having another son, the two at home have already caused me a lot of headaches."

"Don't have any psychological burden, this is fine, if your third child is a boy, I will reward you with a house in Yandu, and bear the living expenses of the child from childhood to adulthood, and education expenses until adulthood. If you wish I gave birth to a little princess, how about I give her a family heirloom as a gift?"

  Qi Jianjun immediately stood up and said, "Boss, my wife and I will work hard to make a baby when we go back tonight."

"Haha, sit down and talk." Li Mo told him to sit down and asked, "I have traveled all the way. Although the county here is far smaller than Yandu, it still has many advantages. For example, the environment is quieter, and the competition for survival The stress is low, and being able to live with my family is better than anything else."

   "That's true. When I first came back, I was a little uncomfortable, but after a month or two, I became more at ease. Now if I'm transferred back to Yandu headquarters, I'm really afraid that I won't be able to adapt to the fast-paced life there."

   "How long have you been back?"

   "Almost almost four years."

  Li Mo opened a bottle of mineral water and drank a couple of sips and said, "How much do you know about the legend of King Li Chuang's treasure on Jiugong Mountain? It doesn't matter, just say what you know."

"I do know a little about the legend about the treasure of King Li Chuang. At the foot of Mang Mountain, there is a Tiantang Village. For hundreds of years, there has been a formula full of mystery handed down from mouth to mouth: Shi Yanchong, three bridges, walking slowly and walking a hundred steps, three kilns of gold."

"It is said that whoever can decipher the mystery hidden in this formula will get a huge amount of wealth, which was brought to Mangshan by Li Zicheng, the leader of the peasant uprising army in the late Ming Dynasty. The source of this formula has been There is no way to verify it, but there are not a few people who believe this."

   Fu Liang brought over the brewed tea and poured a cup for each of them.

"Later, some people actually discovered many relics related to King Li Chuang. The officials developed there on the basis of this and built King Chuang's tomb. Now it is a hot spot for tourism, with hundreds of thousands of people visiting it every year. Chinese and foreign tourists come to pay their respects."

   "Tomorrow we will also go for a walk, if you are free, we will go together."

   "Yes, I will arrange the work at hand first, and arrange a car to pick you up tomorrow."

  Brown Bear ordered several hard dishes, and the back kitchen quickly delivered the meals.

   "Boss Qi, let's eat together."

  Qi Jianjun hurriedly said: "I have had a working meal a long time ago. The boss, Mr. Xiong, I will arrange work first. When I arrive at Tongshan, please contact me at any time."

   "OK, keep in touch."

   After Qi Jianjun left, Li Mo poured himself a glass of beer, took a sip and said, "This President Qi is not bad."

"I heard Mr. Chen said that he was originally focused on training him to stay at the headquarters. Later, his parents had a car accident and needed a year or two of recuperation, so he planned to resign and come back. From the establishment of the company to the current scale , He has been growing up with him. Mr. Chen felt that it was a pity to let him resign like this, so after discussing, he was arranged to take charge of the management of a hotel here. Last year, he was promoted to the general manager of five hotels. The reviews are very good.”

   "Such people need to be cultivated well. Besides the hotel business, do you have any business here?"

   Li Mo asked while eating.

   "Yes, such as chain travel companies, chain green souvenir shopping stores, chain restaurants. In short, as long as the cities that are popular for tourism are our key investment targets."

   "Then who is in charge here?"

  “There is no such arrangement at present. Different companies are directly managed by different departments of the headquarters and operated independently. Cross-comprehensive management has not been considered for the time being.”

   "Okay, brown bear, you're saying it all in one way now."

   "I always listen to what Mr. Chen said."

  I’m tired after a day’s driving in the car today. Everyone has a full stomach and goes back to rest early. Tomorrow we will go to Jiugong Mountain to visit the royal tomb. "

  The next day, after Li Mo finished washing, he saw Qi Jianjun already waiting for him in the corridor outside. The brown bear and Fu Liang were whispering something to him.

   "Boss, breakfast is ready, let's go to the private room to eat."

   "Okay, is there any special local food here?"

   "I prepared two local specialties this morning. One is Tongshan buns, and the other is a lamb chop and a seasoning soup made from Tongshan black-bone goat. I can taste the taste later."

  Tongshan buns were so-so, but the meat and soup of the black-bone goat made Li Mo eat a little more.

   "Mr. Qi, this black-bone goat will be shipped to Yandu for me, and everyone will taste it separately. I personally think that the braised and stewed goats are not bad."

   "It's easy, anytime."

  Qi Jianjun saw Li Mo very satisfied, and thought that this matter should be arranged immediately. According to the speed of the heart, it can be refrigerated and shipped out today.

   Jiugongshan tourism is very popular, and there is almost no off-season here. On weekends or long holidays, tourists here are very popular.

   "Mr. Qi, have you found anything about the tourism supporting services of Jiugong Mountain Scenic Area?"

Qi Jianjun said while climbing with tourists: "The Jiugong Mountain Scenic Spot has been developed for nearly 30 years, and the supporting facilities and services are relatively mature in every aspect. However, there is a private car pick-up service here. Simply put, it is provided by the official Lead the organization to provide pick-up and drop-off services for those tourists who travel freely. Every private car has been officially registered, and each order is also assigned by the government. If there are five consecutive complaints, then this person Will never be allowed to participate in the pick-up."

"We in Yandu have been trying to provide similar services a few years ago, but we didn't do it as a serious thing. After the Buddhist pilgrimage site and Xia Yu's altar for offering sacrifices to heaven were opened to the public, more and more Many tourists will have this demand. However, the situation in Yandu and Tongshan County is different. We cannot organize private private cars to provide large-scale pick-up and drop-off services. Brown bear, please submit this matter to my senior sister and let them study it Discuss, quickly come up with a practical plan, and then prepare a company to operate such a thing."

   "Yes, boss."

  Jiugong Mountain is a national nature reserve and a national geological park. More than 60,000 mu of forest emits more than 30 million tons of water vapor into the air every year, making Jiugong Mountain full of fountains and waterfalls, flowing continuously in all seasons. The temperature here, even in July, the average temperature is only 22-3 degrees. There is a saying that "the three volts are steaming and people are dying, and the coolness will become a fairy here." It is definitely a good place to escape the summer heat. One of the main reasons for the development of tourism in Jiugong Mountain.

The place Li Mo and the others are going to is one of the six and a half blocks of Jiugong Mountain with its own characteristics. Chuangwang Tomb Tourist Area is the first stop of his trip, and the second and third stops are also the main points of his trip. The destination will also be mentioned in the clues to King Chuang’s treasure. If King Chuang really took away eighteen shipments of gold, silver and jewels from the capital, then the most likely place where the treasure is buried is the second and first stop of this trip. three stops.

   "Uncle, I feel that people who come here spend money to pay for their sins. I'm afraid that going back and forth on such a high mountain will probably be exhausting."

  Fu Liang wiped the sweat from his face while climbing the mountain and said.

   "The university you studied in Jinling, there are mountains everywhere, have you never climbed it?"

   Li Mo turned to look at him, and asked with a little contempt.

   "No, I don't think mountain climbing is interesting. My favorite thing is to practice swordsmanship."

"You're really boring. I'm not hitting you. I think you and Xiaoyan can't form a complementary relationship in character. I'm afraid it will be difficult to make a couple. If you can make it, either you change or Xiaoyan does it. Make no changes, otherwise you will only be able to fight with swords and sticks every day."

  Fu Liang's face suddenly collapsed. When others said him, he would definitely reply with more than a dozen sentences, but Li Mo said so about him, and he was really at a loss at the moment. This is the second time Li Mo reminded him, indicating that he is actually not very optimistic about the further development of the relationship between the two.

   "Fu Liang, it's all about human effort. You can't lose confidence after being hit by a few words from the boss. No matter whether your own character can please Xiaoyan or not, at least you have to persevere."

  The brown bear patted him on the shoulder and said a few words of comfort.

   "But I still want to remind you again, are you ready to be abused?"

  Fu Liang replied angrily: "I was almost moved by your comfort."

  Hahaha, both Li Mo and the brown bear laughed. Qi Jianjun wanted to laugh but couldn't hold back his face. After all, Fu Liang was the boss' nephew.

  There is a rumor circulating within the Millennium Shengzang Group that the boss has the strongest combat effectiveness and has few opponents. Then there is a girl named Chen Xiaoyan, who has mastered the goro gossip stick technique, and her combat effectiveness is also extremely high. She can compete with the five hundred catty wild boar king and kill it with just one stick. Then there is Fu Liang who is a little discouraged in front of him. It is said that the boss's Miao Dao skills were learned from his father.

   "Okay, you have to work hard yourself."

The three of them finally arrived at the Chuangwang Tomb Tourist Area. Many tourists had arrived before them and were taking pictures. This is probably something that everyone who goes out for fun likes to do, so as to prove that they have been here before. .

  There is a striking tombstone standing here, with the inscription "Tomb of Li Zicheng", which was inscribed by Mr. Guo Moruo. Behind the tomb stands the Xiama Pavilion, and nearby are Luoyindang, Guizhanpo and other ruins. The waves are rippling, the trees on the banks are covered by the haze, and the scenery is unique.

  The whole building of King Chuang's Mausoleum is backed by the old cliff of the Jiugong, next to the stream flowing to the west, facing south and north, covering an area of ​​more than 200 mu. The main buildings include gate towers, tombs, and exhibition halls. Surrounded by stone walls and ancillary buildings similar to a small Great Wall, the whole building is built against the mountain and is magnificent.

  Li Mo watched all the way, and finally stepped into the exhibition hall. The museum houses many precious cultural relics such as Li Zicheng's gold-plated stirrups and historical documents of different eras. He looked around and was very disappointed. He didn't expect that there were so few antiquities found in the treasure of King Chuang in Jiugong Mountain. He really suspected that the construction of King Chuang's tomb was not justified.

   "Mr. Qi, are there any other museums about King Chuang's treasure?"

   "No." Qi Jianjun shook his head, "The first time I came to play, the main thing was to come for the treasure of King Chuang that I had found, but it turned out to be a big disappointment, and I was in a very bad mood.

   "Boss, I also saw a lot of historical documents from other dynasties. They should have brought them here to make up the numbers."

  Brown Bear’s voice was a bit loud, and suddenly a dozen eyes looked at him, and even a commentator not far away gave him a dissatisfied look.

   "Did I say something wrong?"

  Li Mo said lightly: "You are right, it's just that the place and time of speaking are wrong."

  (end of this chapter)

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