Chapter 65: A surname

Chapter 65

Shao ChengZe went into the leader's office as usual in the morning to report on work and hand over a delivery to the leader that he had signed for.

Cheng Jinlan glanced at the delivery - it was sent by Jiang Meng. She had said yesterday that she was sending her something nice and asked what it was, but didn't say, only telling her to see for herself. From her mysterious tone, Cheng Jinlan knew it wouldn't be anything good. She first put the delivery aside and asked Shao ChengZe how preparations for the upcoming meeting were going.

Today there was an investment forum being held in Lanzhou, and all the attendees were industry big shots, so they couldn't afford any mistakes.

Shao ChengZe replied, "I just went downstairs to check, people are entering the venue, everything is going smoothly."

Cheng Jinlan nodded, that's good then.

Shao ChengZe walked to the office door, glanced around, then turned back and said, "Manager Cheng, I saw President Shao when I came up earlier. He's speaking second today."

Cheng Jinlan looked up from her documents with a faint smile.

Shao ChengZe heh-heh'ed twice, quickly exited the office, and even closed the door for his boss. As assistants, they had to be able to guess what their bosses were thinking - not that he needed to guess, he also knew his boss was currently in a honeymoon period of love. Although Manager Cheng didn't show it overtly on her face, the occasional smile that escaped from the corners of her eyes and lips when she answered the phone gave it away.

Recently, there had been endless gossip circulating outside that the Cheng and Shao families were going to collaborate on a development project in Nancheng. If this was true, it would truly be a historic reconciliation, some said. Others said it was more than just the two families collaborating - the real historic reconciliation was that the two families were going to become in-laws! The Cheng family's second daughter and the Shao Group's President were about to get married! The two already had history, the second daughter's own father was none other than the Shao Group's President. Back then the two had parted because of misunderstandings, but now with the misunderstandings resolved, the broken mirror was whole again, and the decade-long opposition between the two families had also eased as a result, leading to the collaboration in Nancheng. Everyone was shocked - this was a perfect happy ending like Romeo and Juliet!

Once love was involved, anything would be cloaked in a veil of mystery and romance. Although neither family had formally responded to any of the rumors, which may or may not be true, just these elusive snippets were enough to bring unprecedented attention to the Nancheng project, and both companies' share prices kept soaring, unstoppable.

Hmm... Shao ChengZe had also bought shares in both companies, more in Shao's company. His thinking was simple - make a small profit, pay off his housing loan, then lie flat for the rest of his life. His boss's love life affected the collaboration between the two companies, which in turn affected whether he could lie flat in the second half of his life, so he had to unconditionally support it.

Cheng Jinlan tapped the tabletop with her fingers and glanced at the time - the meeting should have started. She knew he was coming to attend today, under the identity of QiongMiao Group's President. He had left her home this morning too, but it had only been a little over two hours since they last met, and she still had a pile of things to handle, so there was no need to go downstairs. She came up with all kinds of excuses, but in the end still got up.

When she entered the meeting hall, he had just gone on stage. Shao ChengZe's gaze swept over the crowded room, landing on the figure standing by the door, and the outer corners of his eyes tilted up as he loosened his tie seemingly unconsciously. Cheng Jinlan's face grew hot - he was doing it deliberately. The tie around his neck was the one she had tied for him herself this morning. She had tied it very tight to cover up the bite mark left on his neck.

Across the length of the meeting hall, Cheng Jinlan mouthed "Rogue" at the man on stage.

Shao ChengZe had excellent vision - he clearly made out what she had said. Even if he couldn't see clearly, he could guess. His dark eyes brimmed with laughter that spilled onto his face, stunning the audience below.

This Shao Group President had a romantic face, yet a cold personality. Although young, he carried himself steadily and prudently. Few had seen him smile like this. Even those elders who often collaborated with Shao and could call him nephew rarely got more than a polite, respectful attitude from him. A smile that could melt millennia of icebergs was probably once in ten thousand years.

Some noticed Cheng Jinlan standing at the back of the hall, and the sharper-eyed ones saw that both wore simple wedding bands on their left ring fingers - whether matched or not was unclear. But combined with the endless gossip flying around outside, perhaps some things were not baseless speculation. So discussions broke out in twos and threes, with some shouting out loudly despite all being titans of industry, "President Shao, are you about to have good news soon?" The previously silent conference hall grew rowdy again, seemingly about to spiral out of control.

The MC was supposed to take control of the situation, but he was a seasoned pro who could tell that President Shao did not seem impatient. On the contrary, his expression could even be described as sunny and genial. This kind of meeting was boring and dull to begin with, and he was tired of MC'ing them. With all the big shots below sitting solemn and proper, he couldn't liven up the atmosphere even if he tried. Now a little distraction had fallen into his lap, saving him from dire straits. Not only was the venue already heating up, but he was a gossip at heart too.

Cheng Jinlan also hadn't expected that just popping over on a whim would cause such a scene. Now she couldn't leave even if she wanted to, because half the room was staring at her and the other half at Shao ChengZe.

Wedding dates are joyous affairs, but Shao ChengZe and Cheng Shanhe differed in their understanding of "coming soon". The date had just been set yesterday - Fei Zuhui and Lu Siwei had jointly decided on the 18th day of the sixth lunar month next year. There was still almost a full year before that date. Shao ChengZe privately felt it was set too far in the future. According to his plans, it would be no later than end of this year, but he also knew this was probably the earliest date father-in-law could agree to.

If it were up to Cheng Shanhe, next year would be too rushed - it should be at least three years later. But his wife unceremoniously kicked him, so his opinion didn't matter that much.

Shao ChengZe and Cheng Jinlan exchanged a look across the distance. He bent towards the mic, and Cheng Jinlan could guess what he was about to say. She took the chance while everyone's attention was on him to quietly and swiftly slip out the door. She didn't have skin as thick as his, so it was best to leave him to handle this scene alone. Whatever he said, he could certainly deal with it smoothly.

Shao ChengZe's clear voice sounded over the speakers, "It's true there is good news, but not until next year. I hope everyone here will honor us with your presence then to drink to our happiness." 𝑓𝘳ℯℯ𝔀ℯ𝓫𝑛𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓵.𝘤𝘰𝓶

An uproar immediately ensued below.

Someone shouted loudly, "Is it good news with Manager Cheng?"

Another turned and looked towards the back of the hall, "Hey, where did Manager Cheng go?"

Shao ChengZe gently replied, "She is on the shy side."

With this, he had both declared ownership and shown affection. The pot, already boiling, exploded into fireworks as some even whistled. This was no meeting, it was livelier than the hottest party.

The Lanzhou staff were also extremely excited. They knew General Manager Cheng and President Shao were dating - after all, President Shao came to pick up the General Manager frequently, sometimes even bringing little princess along. Romance is hard to conceal if it develops in earnest. They just didn't expect the wedding date to be already set, President Shao sure worked fast.

But President Shao said General Manager Cheng was on the shy side - that didn't seem to match the General Manager Cheng they knew. They had never imagined the word shy would be associated with her. They wondered what a shy General Manager Cheng was like.

Tang Yicheng, who had been lurking in the group chat for a while, couldn't help but chime in - a shy General Manager Cheng can only be seen by President Shao, don't even think about it. His seemingly calm words concealed his agitated mood - his dream was about to come true, he was about to lie flat for the second half of his life, he had to shout long live for the boss's shy yet beautiful love!

Cheng Jinlan had fled from the conference hall, but during the tea break, she had some extra sweets and fruit delivered over, which were clearly for someone's benefit. The bosses didn't choke on the sweetness of the desserts, but they did choke on the overt yet implicit sweetness of this budding romance, and couldn't help but tease Shao Chengze about it again.

Shao Chengze was in an exceptionally good mood today, and took all of the joking and teasing in stride. In between conversations, he even sent a message out: [Want to have lunch together?]

After a few minutes, the reply came back: [It's too hot and sunny outside, don't want to go out. Come to my office after you're done.]


Cheng Jinlan put down her phone and started concentrating on work again. When she was focused, time always went by quickly. Before she knew it, it was almost 11 o'clock. She stretched her neck and back, and her phone screen lit up with incoming messages from Jiang Meng, not just one, but several in a row, all asking if she had received the package.

Only then did Cheng Jinlan remember the box sitting in the corner of her desk. She reached for it and took out a box cutter, curious what Jiang Meng had sent that had gotten her so excited.

There was a knock at the door. Cheng Jinlan didn't think much of it and called out, "Come in." The door opened halfway and she saw what was inside the package Jiang Meng had sent. Before she could say anything more, she hurriedly shoved the contents back in the box, cursing Jiang Meng in her heart. What nonsense was she sending to the office!

She put some files on top of the box, thinking it was Tang Yicheng at the door. Seeing who it actually was, she pressed down harder on the files.

"You're done already?" She thought it was supposed to go until noon.

"Not yet, but there's nothing important left, so I slipped out early."

Cheng Jinlan tapped at her keyboard, "I've still got some things to finish up. Let me know what you want for lunch, I'll just have the tomato pasta."

Shao Chengze shut the door behind him and kept walking in. "Tang's not at his desk, probably went to the bathroom. I'll ask him when he gets back."

"Have a seat on the couch while you wait, get yourself a drink if you want." Cheng Jinlan didn't want to leave her desk or let him get too close.

Clearly Shao Chengze didn't understand what she really meant. He tossed his suit jacket onto the couch and sat in the chair right next to her desk, facing her. Cheng Jinlan kept her eyes on her computer screen but her attention was completely on him as she typed out a string of gibberish she couldn't even read herself. Finally she looked over at him, "What are you staring at me for?"

Shao Chengze leaned back casually in the chair. "Just thinking the boss looks really attractive when she's hard at work."

Cheng Jinlan rolled her eyes at him. "If you're so free, go make me a coffee, then go see if Tang is back yet. I'm starving, if he's not back yet, just go down to the cafe and bring something up."

"My pleasure to serve the boss." Shao Chengze got up, draping his tie over the chair back and unbuttoning the top two buttons of his shirt before taking her coffee cup.

Cheng Jinlan watched his prominent Adam's apple and the faint bite mark just below it and changed her mind. "Never mind, just make the coffee. I'll call down to the cafe to have them send food up."

She didn't need him parading around the hotel with that hickey on display if she wanted to keep her reputation as his boss.

Shao Chengze smiled meaningfully. "Got it."

While his back was turned filling up the water, Cheng Jinlan shoved the box farther under her desk.

Shao Chengze came back with the coffee and noticed the emptier desk. There was an imperceptible glint in his eyes as he set the coffee near her. But instead of sitting back down in the chair or on the couch, he sat right on her desk where she had just tucked away the box.

Cheng Jinlan finished her call to the cafe and looked up at him. "Did you have something to say?"

Shao Chengze hooked the legs of her chair with his own long legs and pulled her up close between his legs and the chair. He braced his hands on the chair arms, trapping her between him and the chair. "Where do you want to have the wedding?" he asked seriously.

Cheng Jinlan considered the question just as seriously. "Maybe a beach wedding, simple ceremony on the sand, nothing too complicated. I want the wedding to be relaxed and happy, don't want to be too worn out setting everything up. What do you think?"

Shao Chengze brushed back the hair falling across her cheek and tucked it behind her ear. "I think that sounds perfect."

They gazed into each other's eyes, the lingering look turning sensual.

They were leaning in closer when there was a sudden knock at the door. Cheng Jinlan's shoulders tensed and she pressed her forehead to his, not letting his lips come any closer. "That's probably the food."

Shao Chengze's eyes were dark with desire, his voice husky. "I'll get it."

Cheng Jinlan held his arm back and leaned in to button his shirt all the way up to the collar. She smoothed down his collar for him too. "There, go ahead now."

Shao Chengze touched his lips to hers lightly, then again, wanting more but Cheng Jinlan nudged his leg with her foot. "Hurry up, I'm hungry."

"What a coincidence, so am I," Shao Chengze said, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and nibbling her lips, sucking her tongue. Finally satisfied, he got up to answer the door.

Cheng Jinlan was a little annoyed and threw her shark paper clip at him. She didn't throw it too hard and it arced gently through the air before landing on the ground, not hurting him at all. But just then the door opened and Tang Yicheng saw the paperclip clatter to the floor. His heart skipped a beat as he handed the food to Shao Chengze and wondered if he should ask if they were fighting. But Shao Chengze didn't seem upset at all. Tang reassured himself that it was just a little lover's tiff, bickering means caring after all.

Shao Chengze didn't know about the tumultuous imaginings in Tang Yicheng's mind. He took the food with a thanks and shut the door behind him, locking it too.

Cheng Jinlan was still trying to shove the box farther under her desk and didn't hear the lock turn.

Shao Chengze picked up the shark clip off the floor and set the food on the coffee table. He fiddled with the remote and the glass wall dimmed, blocking out the sky and sunlight.

"Come eat," he called to her.


Cheng Jinlan gave the box one last kick, satisfied with its current position. Just as she was about to get up, her leg suddenly cramped. In the summer when she sat too long in the air conditioning, her legs would cramp up if she moved too quickly. Some of those cramps could be excruciating. She braced against the desk, unable to hold back a pained whine.

Shao Chengze noticed something was off and hurried over. "What's wrong? Where does it hurt?"

"Leg cramp," Cheng Jinlan managed to say.

Shao Chengze knelt down and squeezed her calf. "Here?"

Cheng Jinlan nodded.

Shao Chengze massaged firmly up and down the tense muscle. Slowly the agonizing knot eased up.

"Better now, not sore anymore." She tweaked his earlobe. "Get up, don't kneel too long or your legs will go numb."

But Shao Chengze didn't get up. His eyes went to the box under her desk. "What's this? It was on your desk before, now it's here."

"Nothing, just some garbage to throw out."

"Let me toss it for you then." Shao Chengze reached for the box.

"Shao Chengze!" Cheng Jinlan stopped him sharply.

Shao Chengze looked up at her. "What's wrong, still sore?" She sat in the chair above him as he half-knelt on the floor. Cheng Jinlan cupped his face and leaned down to kiss him. She had just wanted to distract him at first, but things escalated rapidly.

He pulled her off the chair into his lap, holding her tight against his chest. She couldn't keep up with his pace or steal a proper breath from his lips. She grabbed handfuls of his hair, wrenching them apart a little. "Let me go."

"First tell me what's in the box," he insisted, nibbling her lips.

"Garbage," Cheng Jinlan nipped his lips right back.

Shao Chengze easily grabbed the box with one long arm. "What if it's not garbage?"

"I said it's garbage so it's garbage." Cheng Jinlan tried to wrestle the box from him.

As a result, she used too much force and directly pushed Shao ChengZe to the ground. The boxes inside the parcel spilled out, with clothes falling all over the floor. Both of them were a little dumbfounded. Cheng Jinlan thought what she saw when unboxing the parcel earlier was already over the top, but she didn't expect there to be even more outrageous contents at the very bottom. Could these even be considered clothes? They were barely scraps of fabric.

Shao ChengZe hadn't originally planned to do anything. As soon as he entered the room, he noticed her attention was captivated by the parcel, so he figured there must be something inside the box. He only meant to tease her a little, and didn't expect a pleasant surprise like this.

"You bought these to wear for me?" Shao ChengZe whispered hotly into her ear.

"I didn't buy them." Cheng Jinlan buried her face into his chest, not wanting to get up and face everything.

Shao ChengZe stroked her hair with one hand, and flipped through the clothes on the floor with the other. Some packets fell out of the boxes containing the clothes. To show gratitude for the big spender, the shop had thoughtfully included some small gifts, of various flavors.

The suppressed fire in Shao ChengZe's eyes instantly erupted. He flipped them over so she was pinned under him.

Right as he started work that afternoon, Tang Yicheng received a message from Boss Cheng, even three in a row, telling him to notify security to strictly prohibit Shao ChengZe from entering Australis in the future.

Tang Yicheng's milk tea instantly lost its sweetness. What was going on here? Just now during lunch, he was silently listening to his colleagues passionately and enthusiastically gossiping about the boss's love affair. The more he listened, the more hopeful he felt about the future. How could it look like the two were about to break up after just a lunch break? Would his dream of coasting along ever be realized now?!!!

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