Chapter 226: 222: Heirs and Transactions

Chapter 226: 222: Heirs and Transactions

I apologize for updates... It's my third year it's been busy. I have a 6 month long compulsory internship coming up... Might get busier.


The ongoing war between Kumo and Konoha continued and it was getting more and more intense. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kirigakure was prioritized their recovery, tending to their recent wounds.

Suna and Iwa are merely observers, with no intention to intervene. Suna in particular currently faced logistical supply problems. Even though they started it, they gained little and suffered a lot of losses in the third ninja world war.

Additionally, the newly appointed Fourth Kazekage, Rasa, was focused on Suna's development. He personally intervened to deal with the water scarcity, fund shortages, and negotiations with the Land of Wind's daimyo.

They had already experienced Konoha's power in the previous wars. Despite Kumo's aggression, Rasa thought that, even with Konoha's loss of the Fourth Hokage he doubted Kumo's ability to defeat Konoha on a frontal battle.

Rasa understood the horror of Konoha precisely because he was their opponent. As for Iwa, it was simply because of their limited manpower. The Third Tsuchikage's also showed concern about Konoha's strength and he was getting older. Which has lead him to prioritize finding a suitable Fourth Tsuchikage more important than assisting Kumo against Konoha.

There was no need to intervene in the disputes between the five major countries, this held through for the Land of Demons at this time. Focus on training the younger generation, creating effective technology, and continuing to enhance the development of the military and civilian development were the crucial priorities.

As December concluded, the snowy and icy winter arrived in Oni City. Moreover it was night currently, the streets were sparsely populated., In a fireplace dissipating heat which filled the room with warmth.

"How's your body?" Shiraishi asked Ayane, lying on the bed.

Ayane, with a reassuring smile,, "Don't worry about me. I'm a kunoivho after all, I'm not as weak as an ordinary woman."

Shiraishi accepted her words without question. yane's physique had always been better his and Ruri's. In a direct confrontation, even the Raikage would struggle to match her strength.

Beside her, there was a newborn baby, whose eyes were barely open, hesitantly moving his limbs as if trying to understand the surroundings. Limited by his lack of knowledge, he relied solely on his vision to explore this world, which appeared both fascinating and overwhelming to him.

Ayane had given birth to a healthy boy, his potential to become an exceptional ninja remained uncertain. After all, 'monsters' like Kazuhime were rare occurrences, and the likelihood of such an extraordinary child being born again was slim. While there was no surprise like Kazuhime, the child being normal reassured him.

However, Asuka's honest nature often left him feeling helpless. Fortunately, Kazuhime wasn't so vicious as to cheat Asuka his birthday present. Time for giving them their new years's money was approaching, he hoped Asuka could grow up faster.

"What's on your mind?"

"I'm thinking about Asuka. I'll be giving him money for the new year's soon."

"So... what's wrong?"

"I feel like he will be cheated by Kazuhime again. She'll probably try to flaunt their sibling bond to him again with some cheap goods' in exchange for his money."

Ayane laughed.

"Kazuhime is certainly different, but I don't think Asuka is bad either. He will become an excellent man when he grows up." Ayane said with certainty.

"You like him that much?" Shiraishi paused, this was something he hadn't expected.

But after pondering, it wasn't too surprising. This year, Ayane has basically raised the children while at home, so she had spent more time with them. Akso, Asuka was more approachable than Kazuhime, so it made sense she has bonded with him.

On the contrary, if Kazuhime and Ayane had a close relationship, it would be more surprising. Because Kazuhime and Ruri were too alike in character - domineering, fierce, and beneath their stoic appearance was a wildness beyond ordinary people.

"Isn't that a good thing for him to be able to grow up freely under the sky like an unfettered bird? Ayane said.

Shiraishi remained silent but looked at the baby next to Ayane.

Ayane looked at him too. Although she hadn't fully recovered her strength after childbirth, her complexion was worse than usual. But the fatigue couldn't conceal the persistent smile on her face.

"I feel I can no longer be as reckless i used to be in the future." Ayane expressed with a hint of complaint in her tone.

Looking at the child, she felt a peculiar sense of responsibility inexplicably. In the past, obligations weighed on her, reminding her of unpleasant memories. But now this 'burden' didn't trouble her. Perhaps family duties and the duties of motherhood were different things. Rather than a load, it was more like an inspiration and growth.

'So... do i learn how to move with dignity and elegance?' Ayane contemplated such thoughts.

"Why not? You can always however want." Shiraishi replied, indifferent to the idea.

"No, I feel several of my past actions were childish."

"Living in the way you like. Wasn't that your future desire?" Shiraishi asked curiously.

"I used to think that way, but life feels different after having this child. I feel Shiraishi-kun's comfort isn't necessary anymore." Ayane added with a sly smile in her eyes.

Shiraishi smiled wryly. "What? Have I been abandoned?"

"Just kidding. After all, I don't want to lose to her in this regard." Ayane suddenly became more motivated, her face becoming energetic.

"What?" freewebnove

"Second child."


"Isn't the Land of Demons encouraging families to have two children? I'm answering the call."

"You want a second child?"

"It depends on the situation. Since she gave birth to Asuka and Kazuhime at once, I don't want to lose to her."

"You can't compare these things."

"If I don't want to lose, I just won't. Think about it; how many times have I lost to her? I've basically never won when we fought before. Her genjutsu is too strong, even stronger than the normal ll genjutsu."

Because Ruri's real genjutsu wasn't activated by her Sharingan but by touch. It was even possible to host the genjutsu in tools like shurikens, tricking the enemy without direct physical contact. Presently, Ruri has matured her use of this genjutsu.

Shiraishi wanted to say that such matters are "subject to fate." as he also ended up here by chance as well. However, considering Ayane's personality, she likely wouldn't bow down to Ruri in her lifetime.

"But, I'm better than her. So, for the second child, you have to work harder. I can't do it alone." Ayane stated with a smile.

"We'll discuss it later." Shiraishi shook his head.

Ayane gently picked up the baby beside her and looked at Shiraishi. "Shiraishi-kun, what kind of person do you think he will become in the future?"

"What kind of person? What kind of person do you want him to be?"

Things of the future were vague and uncertain, even good things may change due to unforeseen accidents.

"Well... I can't think about it for the time being. The situation of the Hyuga clan is a bit complicated, and we still haven't found an opportunity to deal with the Konoha problem. But I wouldn't want to burden my children with such a heavy mission."

"Just do what you want then."

"That's right. But, isn't she planning to do something about Konoha's Uchiha?" Ayane set the baby down and looked at Shiraishi.

"She probably doesn't have any plan. After all, there were some unpleasant things in the past. Unlike you, after she left, she severed all ties with the Uchiha. Moreover, the Uchiha's issues are more complicated than those of the Hyuga, and getting involved isn't easy."

Concerning the issues with the Uchiha, Kakashi can only touch on superficial parts, the deeper matters have been blocked by Konoha's higher-ups, and even the Anbu wasn't qualified to intervene. Thus, the internal situation set up by Konoha's senior management within the Uchiha was a mystery. However, this doesn't concern the Land of Demons.

Konoha's higher-ups made a misjudgment by targeting the Uchiha clan, believing there was an internal spy, driving them to the edge of the village. Before Ruri left, she took all her associates and left no hidden secrets within the Uchiha, making it challenging to monitor them. Regarding information from the Uchiha, it has remained unchanged on the Land of Demons' side for a long time.

On the contrary, in Konoha's more stable and responsible Hyuga coan, Ayane strategically placed people there. Some were planted in advance, while others were added through later interactions. When necessary, they will be able deliver a fatal blow to Konoha. The clan had infiltrated by Ayane to the point of being riddled with holes. After all, freedom was intoxicating.

"Okay, I'm leaving first. You can rest here. Call me if you need anything."

Shiraishi left the room.


"Congratulations, Shiraishi-senpai. I heard that Ayane-senpai gave birth to a boy, and both of them are safe."

In the lab, Rin who uas been collaborating with Shiraishi on the tailed beast experiment congratulated. Living in the Land of Demons for an extended period, she had become accustomed to the lifestyle. Her current role involved logistics, focusing on medical treatment and research, like her previous life in Konoha.

"Thanks." Shiraishi acknowledged, nodding. He approached a cabinet, opened it, retrieved a sterilized white coat, putting it on.

The lab stored the limbs of the Zero Tail, One Tail, Two Tails, and other tailed beasts. With the exception of the complete Zero Tail, the other tailed beasts had evolved from free chakra forms into part of their physical bodies.

"Speaking of which, how is the progress with you and Obito?" Shiraishi asked while adjusting his white coat.

"Well enough." Rin replied after a brief moment of thought.

"Do you have any thoughts on formalizing your relationship with him?" Shiraishi asked with interest.

"It's not that I don't want to, but I prefer to go with the flow. Besides, we're not that old yet."

"Really? I thought your mind was on Kakashi."

"Kakashi?" Rin tilted her head, thought for a moment,

"That's not right, Shiraishi-senpai. Instead of like, I had more of admiration and respect for Kakashi. Kakashi has always been different from the rest of us since he was a child. Although he played games with us, we couldn't touch his position at all."

"Yeah, he has shouldered a lot of things that shouldn't be carried at his age." Shiraishi sighed.

"In that case, why did you let him stay in Konoha? Wouldn't it be better to bring him here to train him?" Rin didn't quite understand.

"Because of his obsession. It isn't that I didn't want to take him away. It was his choice to stay in Konoha." Shiraishi said, pausing before continuing, "If he can't pass the task he has given himself, he would never forgive himself in his life, nor will he be freed from the shackles of the past."

"It seems that Sakumo-sensei's suicide dealt a great blow to him."

"Of course. Seeing his father die in front of his eyes, even I couldn't understand how heavy the impact had on him at that time. It was then he wanted give up on himself. What supports him to live until now is the accumulating resentment within."

Rin nodded, unsure if she truly understood the depth of it. "Indeed, there are too many regrettable things in this world. The same is true for Minato-sensei. I didn't expect him to pass away suddenly. I wish to go to Konoha to mourn him and Kushina-senpai. It will be very difficult to do so." Rin expressed regretfully.

"There will be a chance, and it won't be too long. But don't you hate me, Rin?" Shiraishi asked. Rin was a former student of Minato, and although Minato didn't die by Shiraishi's hands this time, there was still a connection.

"Hate? That's just something meaningless. I've already died once, and you gave me a second chance to live. Obito and I don't have any hatred towards you. Besides, you only provided the information, someone else actually did it." Rin answered while still focused on he work. For her, Konoha belonged to a special past in her memory.

Moreover, Shiraishi's standpoint made it impossible to show mercy to Konoha. Since she left Konoha, asking Shiraishi to be merciful to Konoha seemed stupid to her. Surviving in this cruel world required an understanding of one's position.

After their chat, it was time to get down to business. Rin held a document and said to Shiraishi:

"Shiraishi-senpai, with our current approach, making a breakthrough in research will be challenging."

The Tailed beast research was an extremely important topic for the Land of Demons' military. Shiraishi, Rin, and researchers from other related departments were exploring ways to use the power of the tailed beasts more extensively.

"Yes....the progress is too concerning. The seemingly simple structure of the life form condensed with chakra is quite difficult to diagnose, let alone being able to use the matured power."

Shiraishi nodded in agreement. He wasn't surprised. If the power of the tailed beast were easy to use, Kumo wouldn't be the only village investing in tailed beast weapons in the previous ninja world wars.

"The key issue is still being uncontrollable." Rin pointed out.

The power of the tailed beast was a double-edged sword, enhancing strength while posing a significant risk to the human body. If the negative effects could be mitigated, the utilization of tailed beast power could be significantly improved. However, this hope seemed extravagant, as no one could use the power without some negative impact and potential life-threatening consequences.

"What's the word from the practical department?"

"The experimental subjects infused with the tailed beast power experience a hazy consciousness. If the infusion duration is too long, they lose self-awareness and become destructive beasts driven solely by the desire to kill."

"Is that really the case? It seems I'll have to ask Yagura for help."

"Yagura? Is that Kirigakure's new Mizukage? I remember he seems to be an ally with you, Shiraishi-senpai." Rin recalled.

Shiraishi had established cooperation with the new Fourth Mizukage Yagura, and this wasn't a secret to Rin.

"That's correct. Not only that, he's currently the Three Tails Jinchuriki and has successfully passed the trial of the Tailed Beast, becoming another perfect Jinchuriki following the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki." Shiraishi explained to Rin.

Rin stared wide-eyed. The concept of a perfect Jinchuriki, let alone a Jinchuriki as a Mizukage, was quite unbelievable.

"Don't look at me like that. I only recently found out that he became the Three Tails Jinchuriki, including mastering control over the tailed beast."

"No, I just found it incredibly unbelievable. A Mizukage, one of the Five Kages, being a Jinchuriki is surely surprising."

In the past, a Jinchuriki becoming one of the Kag3 was unprecedented. Jinchuriki has always been regarded as a symbol of ninja village's military strength, but due to their immense power and instability, they were rejected and closely monitored.

"Rules exist to be broken, and he seems to be one not to follow them."

"Having said that, I still find it a bit crazy. But, even if it's true, will he be willing to share his experience?"

This knowledge held immeasurable value as a method for increasing a village's strength.. Even in Kiri, it would likely be top-secret information, inaccessible to outsiders.

"We'll have to exchange with something of equivalent value. I believe Yagura won't refuse."

While they've formed an alliance with Yagura, certain information cannot be shared freely. Maintaining a pragmatic approach, they negotiate the details at the table to protect their respective interests.

Just as Yagura sent people to the Land of Demons for inspection and study, Shiraishi didn't provide this service for free. Such exchanges were crucial to sustaining the long-term alliance. Both parties understood this well. Even though it sounds incredible, constant attempts to exploit each other would make the alliance incredibly fragile.

"Equivalent?" Rin thought, realizing that they might be in for huge amount of losses. What they had gained from Kirigakure so far could potentially be devoured all at once.


"A way to control the tailed beast?"

Shiraishi's letter, expressing his desire to acquire HIS method of controlling he tailed beast, reached Yagura in less than two days through a secret channel.

Considering Shiraishi's request, Yagura contemplated about it

Controlling a tailed beast was a highly sensitive research for the Five Great Nations' Ninja Villages. Only the five villages were qualified to delve into these top-secret. Besides them, only Takigakure had a tailed beast, but it was reported that the Seven-Tails had been lost in an accident more than two years ago. The Seven Tails was currently missing.

Shiraishi's interest in obtaining this method suggested that the Land of Demons might possess a tailed beast as well. If they didn't, acquiring the method would be meaningless. Shiraishi wouldn't engage in such an impossible loss-making exchange. If they did possess tailed beats, it changed the situation.

"So, the Seven-Tails is very likely to be in the Land of Demons. It's clever obtaining it without causing a stir."

Yagura sighed, understanding Shiraishi's decision to keep the Seven-Tails discreet. It seems Shiraishi also kept details that he was the Three Tails Jinchuriki hidden, including becoming a perfect Jinchuriki. Before fighting the Third Mizukage, he and Shiraishi were quite similar in secrecy. freew(e)bnovel

As for Shiraishi learning the Tailed Beast Control method, Yagura didn't have much opposition. As long as Shiraishi offers satisfactory price, selling his experience was possible. However, the negotiation requires careful consideration beforehand. He hasn't yet decided what to ask of Shiraishi yet. After careful deliberation, it won't be too late for the negotiations.

At that moment, a knock on the door interrupted Yagura's thoughts.

"Come in."

After Yagura spoke, the doorknob turned and a tall man entered.

Short black hair, no eyebrows, a cross-shaped scar on the right cheek symbolizing meritorious deeds, and a over two-meter long sword on his back. He exuded a sharp abd dangerous aura.

Upon entering, seeing Yagura at the desk, he grinned, baring sharp teeth. "I didn't expect you to become the Fourth Mizukage after all, Yagura. Seems that idiot Fuguki finally died."

"I'm the Mizukage now, show me some respect... Juzo."

"Already starting to use your identity as Mizukage to command so quickly?"

"Do you really want me to lock you up? I don't mind finding a new owner for your sword. Many excellent ninjas within the village were eyeing your sword already."

The man named 'Juzo,' didn't seem pleased. "I see, Mizukage-sama. Please forgive me for being rude just now. However, I'm one of the only two remaining ninja swordsmen, can you show some dignity?"

Hearing the request Yagura stood up, responding earnestly.

"No, as the Mizukage, dignity is more important to me."

"No chance of leniency in the future, it seems.' Juzo sighed inwardly.

Yagura was unlike the retired Third Mizukage. Ambition and determination blazed in his eyes. The path the new Mizukage drove would steer Kirigakure even he could not predict.

"Since you've returned, come with me."

"Where?" Juzo asked curiously.

Yagura paused and dropped a bombshell, "The Severe Punishment Room."

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