Chapter 10: Slutty House
Chapter 10: Slutty House
Hinata was a lot of things. A bitch, a slut, a glorified life support system for some seriously nuclear knockers. She was all that and so much more. She was smart if you could believe it. Which was fine if you didn't because most people couldn't. Conventional wisdom said big boobs signified a stupid woman. A sex-addict with no self-control.
...Okay maybe that last part was true. But she wasn't the only slut in this house.
A long and soft moan wafted down the stairs. Tired but nice and revved up. Hinata smelled milf pussy on the air. And the telltale musk of her man's hard cock.
"Guess they're going at it again." Hinata said to herself with a hungry smile. No way she was going to miss this.
The upper landing was as locked-up as ever. Her room was unlocked. She'd moved in just a few months ago, once her clanmates realized she'd gotten pregnant outside of marriage. Assholes.
Her door stood opposite the loft where Kushina lurked. Bedridden and naked beneath her massive pregnant belly. Rhythmic creaks of bedsprings wafted through the door. And measured thwack thwack thwacks of a metal bedframe on cheap drywall.
Yup, they were fucking all right.
Hinata got down on both knees and squinted through the keyhole. The sights inside elicited a deep moan. Drove her to fondle her hand-sized nipples with her puppet arms. To tug and manipulate and pinch and knead her monster melons with Hiraku-esque lewdness. All while she unbuckled her belt and slipped both hands inside her trademark daisy dukes. To infiltrate, to penetrate, to stir up sticky wet trouble in her preggo-puffy pussy.
"You like that, mom?" Naruto grumbled. His grip firm on his mother's massive pregnant belly.
"Mmm, that's perfect, honey. Mama loves it when her sweet boy humps her belly."
Naruto's smooth footlong lay fat and heavy on Kushina's massive, taut belly. Like always, Kushina was on her back. Bedbound and lazy like any good preggo. She hung her whole lower half off the mattress. Toes balanced on the rough floor. Legs spread to admit passage to her only son.
Slickened by belly oil, he twitched and grunted as he gently rubbed his big cock up and down on his mother's stomach. While she whimpered and flushed, her fingers locked with his midair. Undercut by the meaty slaps of his orange-sized testicles on her plush milf pussy. Occasionally she would yelp and her belly would pull tight. Her precious cargo would slither inside. Enough to rub her popped-out belly button on the sensitive spot just under Naruto's cockhead.
When this happened, they massaged her mammoth stomach together. To comfort the babies until they calmed down. A reassurance that, yes, mom and dad were both here. And they both loved them very much.
"Fuck me that's some good foreplay. Wish I'd thought of that." Hinata whispered.
She worked her hot little fuckbutton until it slid out to play. Swollen and ready to get flicked. Or spanked by a fat set of nuts. Whichever. But she held off, pushed back the fizzy fluid pop in her groin. And pinched her nipples to keep her milk back. She didn't want to finish until they really got going.
So she waited. And watched Kushina give her own child a ponderous, loving bumpjob.
And waited...
And waited...
And waited...
And motherfucking waited!
"Fuck this feels good." Naruto groaned.
Kushina hummed musically. "I know. It's a nice change from all the rough sex. I love Hinata but she's a bit much sometimes."
Naruto nodded in agreement. Off in preggy heaven, while he leaked precum in lazy sheafs all over her stomach.
"Do you think she's compensating for something?" She asked.
Hinata's eyes narrowed. Oh, this bitch did not just—
"Yeah, probably. I think it's cause she was so innocent for such a long time." Naruto nodded sagely.
Hinata's eye twitched. Did he just fucking agree with her? Okay that was it. First boring sex and now they were shit talking her behind her back? (Well, not really shit-talking, but she was too sexually frustrated to care.) These two sluts were way out of line.
Mama needed to lay the law down.
Hinata kicked the door clear open. Naruto and Kushina jumped so far out of their skins you'd swear they banged their heads on the ceiling. Wide-eyed they stared at the intruder. While Naruto's big cock sputted a clear shot onto his mother's massive belly.
"Uh, hi?" Naruto said weakly.
"What's up bitches! Oh shit!" Off balance on one foot, her monster melons sloshed up and smacked her in the face. She almost ate shit right there. Stupid megatits.
"I gotcha!"
Naruto pretty much dove to her aid. He tried to reach her before she faceplanted. And only managed to halve the space between them when she caught herself on the doorframe. Bent backwards and balanced on one foot.
"Don't play all gentlemen with me mister." Hinata tried to sound intimidating, but with her boobs in the way, well, it sort of ruined the effect. She looked like a talking pair of tits.
Naruto blinked. "...Eh?"
He was a bit slow on the uptake, what with him having no blood in his brain and all. Hinata seized her husband's collar with her toes and hauled herself upright. Graceful as any ballerina.
"You heard me, you big sexy tease. I've been sitting on my ass out there for, like, twenty minutes waiting for you two to get to the good stuff." She groused; a vein bulged in her forehead.
"Uh, Hina. Baby? Why don't we talk about this?"
Naruto put up his hands and backed up. Hinata stumped after him, leading with her finger as she jabbed him in the chest. ...And also stabbed him with her nipples.
"Do you have any idea how bad you just blue-balled me? I've got needs too dammit."
Naruto looked to his mother for backup, but she'd drifted off into preggo-dreamland again. All those hormones kept the once-terrifying woman well and truly pacified. He wouldn't be getting any help from her.
Backed into a corner and stuck in a confrontation. He felt a switch inside him flip. Jekyll began to give way to Hyde. Redness overtook his blue eyes. The pupils slit. The marks on his cheeks thickened and his nails poked out into claws. But that was just the beginning. He began to grow. Muscle bulged inside his orange jacket. The heavy material stretched and groaned. A seam in the shoulder popped. Unable to contain how much broader he became.
Now he loomed over her. A great hulk of muscle. When he grabbed her upper arms, he enclosed them with ease. He pinned her back against the wall. His steamy breath clouded her eyes. And his raging cock pushed hard against her swollen, denim-clad muff. Rose with such erective force that she had to stand on her tippy-toes. Thick veins sprouted across the shaft in a rugged labyrinth.
Denim creaked, and Hinata felt her inseam pop a thread.
Ow ow ow. Shit. Shit! Front wedgie!
"I could impale you, right now. Through your shorts." He growled.
Any normal woman would have lost her nerve in that moment. Cowed into submission. Hinata was not most women. She matched his bared teeth with a grin.
"Sounds fun, stud. But don't get tunnel vision on me yet. Your mom still needs all this liquid love." She found his left nut sizzling against her thigh. She gave it an affectionate pinch.
It didn't hurt him like it would a lesser man. But boy did it ever make his thick root throb.
"Ghhh... You're not helping your case." He growled.
"How about a deal then. Once you're done dumping these spunk tanks into that belly. You can clog my throat with the leftovers. See if you can shut me up for awhile. If you have any left."
Naruto regarded her with those red eyes for several seconds. Then he slowly set her down.
Hinata guided him into position. Helped him to slip off his jacket and shirt at long last. So that he stood naked in the sweaty air. He went to stroke his thick lever but she slapped his hands away. She'd do it for him. It took both hands to cover half his shaft, and she couldn't quite get her fingers around it.
"Mmm... Nice and meaty, just how I like 'em." Hinata purred in his ear. "You've got a fucking perfect cock. You know that?"
"Yeah... I know. You tell me every day."
"Well you still don't hear it enough."
Hinata pushed Naruto's hips with her own. She was the devil on his shoulder. And the colossal airbags smothering his back. All the way from his shoulders to his waist. Kushina's prize bloomed before him. Torturous milimeters from his purplish missile head. He could feel the heat of her. The wetness of his own mother. Pregnancy had darkened the flesh of her mons. Puffed it up like leavened dough. But even then it still looked tiny beneath her belly. A minuscule entrance to an endless dome of ecstasy.
One little push from Hinata sealed the act of incest. Young stud-cock met motherly pink petals. The mushroom head smushed and slipped a little. Kushina's entrance was tight. Courtesy of all the belly crushing down on it. But she guided his spear true. Two hands on the shaft, it would not waver.
Dark flesh and pinkness parted. Slick already, Kushina's molten center gagged on her son's obese limb. Involuntary muscle ripples pushed out. Fought to expel the too-thick intruder. More slickness spat upon the slick knob.
Kushina mewed kittenish and out of her mind. Soft blue eyes all a-flutter as her firstborn son returned from whence he came.
Guttural breeding growls echoed in his barrel chest. Last vestiges of sexual morality subsumed in The Rut. Callused hands seized Kushina's plush pale thighs. Handgrips to exert greater leverage. His woman braced her own legs, to add her own force to the thrust. Her breasts simmered hot against his entire back. Everything from his shoulders to his ribcage's base. The rest below that balanced on her own tastefully swollen stomach. It's subtly rounded pooch the perfect swoop to fit the curve of his lower back.
"Go on you damn dirty monster stud. Fuck your own mother. Breed her. Shoot another baby into that belly." Hinata whispered in her bull's ear.
Red chakra subsumed his eyes. The marks on his cheeks thickened, and his nails pointed out sharp. To stab stinging indents in her soft thighs. Male instinct took over, and he thrust forward. Into wetness and heat and pink slippery folds.
"Oooohhh...!" Kushina's lovely eyes snapped open and rolled back. Her son's cock was like crack to her.
"Hey wait up!" Hinata hurried to get her own hips into position.
Naruto barely got an inch into her mother's super-snug silk purse. Hinata's hips pushed him past the tipping point. Another inch of molten heaven yielded to him. The forbidden fruit opened, and Naruto drank deep.
Another growl vibrated in his chest, rose in pitch to almost a roar. Pussy warred with cock and lost on every front. Pinkness yielded to ruddy male flesh. Bit by laborious bit they worked his tumescent pillar into her. Until they just about passed the halfway mark. And the top of Hinata's right hand was kissed by Kushina's dark muff.
"Fuuuuuccccckkkk! Aooohhhh shit fuck shit fuck..." Kushina half-moaned and half-sobbed. Tears flowed down her cheeks.
Superhuman crotch-muscles clenched tight on his shaft. Red chakra moted swirled in the air. Kushina hair began to wave with it, weightless under its own power. A seal blossomed on her belly, a ring of twisting ink characters to ring her bellybutton.
"Don't stop now, please." Kushina moaned, eyes half-lidded with a succubus' whine. "Mommy missed your naughty penis so much."
Kushina opened her arms to him. Spread them wide, lovely face aglow with a mother's love. All while her well-trained kunoichi cunt squeezed and reversed its vaginal force. Loathe to push him out, she pulled him in.
"You're— Mmm<3! halfway there, Naruto baby. Come home. Come to mommy."
Naruto's left hand fell onto the navel peak of her semen-slicked stomach. The tummy-mountain was slippery, and his palm slid off slowly. He hand to hold on tight. His right hand pressed into the side. To hold it in place.
They pushed together. All at once. There was no gentleness or consideration for their demon-vessel lover. Hinata got her other hand out of the way and gripped his ass vice-tight. Another meaty squelch resounded as six inches of thick dick split Kushina wide open.
"NYYYYYAAAAHHH...!" Kushina let out a squeal like a bred sow. Tongue lolling out and eyes glazed. A perfect ahegao face. Lost in the animal rut of it all.
Naruto lost himself inside pink heaven. Home! He was finally home. Warm and wet and soft and warm. Deep and old memories of being in the womb breached his memory's surface. Safety, protection. A place nobody could hurt him. It was hard to overstate how much he'd lacked such a thing.
Hinata guided his thrusts but it was just as much him as her. Something inside her fiancé snapped. He'd fucked Kushina plenty of times before but never like this. While pregnant she just glowed with maternal warmth. Softened around the edges, unlike her normal fiery self, embers dimmed to a comforting glow. Ready for him, missing him. Begging him to come to mommy.
How could he refuse?
Naruto gripped her stomach and fucked it hard. Rutted inside his own mother like a Viagra-addicted bull. Kushina squealed and whined with every thrust. Her fat stomach bounced just like Hinata had promised. Shifted back and forward and back and forward. A subtle slide beneath her tight skin.
He couldn't keep a grip on it. He slipped and almost fell on it. So he punished her slutty sex gut with a mighty slap. Kushina keened and bucked her hips against his. Lit alight all bright and squirty by the pain. He set a rapid pace. Hungry for her, greedy for her. Desperate to lose it all. To leave it all behind between his mother's thighs.
Fat nuts swung all sloshy with slimy seed. And spanked her tight little pink asshole with every thrust. All while Kushina found her bearings in the brutal thrusts. Roused by the rhythmic wham wham whams! Of the headboard on the back wall.
"Yeah! That's it! You deserve every bounce of mommy's round, thick belly on your wonderful dick. Just for taking such good care of us preggosluts like the breederstud you are. If I had my way you'd have every fat ass, huge set of tits, and thick baby belly in this godforsaken village bumping and grinding on you all day every day. Just so you can churn more slut-choking sperm jelly to breed the goddamn world with." Hinata taunted Naruto. In high gear now.
"Oh god yes! My sweet boy is the best man I've ever had!" Her dirty talk cut off into a guttural groan of near-demonic depth. "Gaaaaahhhhhdddffffuuuccckkk you're so much bigger than your father. He never got this deep inside me."
"Ha! You hear that, Naruto-kun? You've surpassed your own dad. But I'm sure as shit surprised. He was just a hokage. You can be so much more than that."
Naruto was insensate to the world. Lost to The Rut as he drove the nail inside the woman who gave birth to him. Over and over again. Kushina responded in kind. Teasing him as best she could with the belly he loved so much.
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First she sucked it in. So far that most of it disappeared inside her torso, and her son's crimson eyes sparkled in wonder. Then she blew it out. All that way to as far and tight as it could go. Seeming to grow before his very eyes. Kushina showed off like a belly dancer in a strip club. She pumped her belly in and out. Kept it under perfect control even while Naruto bounced it like an NBA basketball.
And when his rhythm slipped from Hinata fingering the sensitive fold in his crotch, between his balls and his anus, Kushina changed up the rhythm again. She rolled her massive pregnant belly. Worked it in skillful ripples. Years of overzealous core exercises had given her godlike control of her stomach.
Hinata laid on the praise thick. "You could be a fucking king, Naruto-kun. It's only right that you get treated like one after all the shit you've put up with. You should be the king stud. You've got the firepower for it. Listen to those big fat balls you've got. Going all plap plap plap against your mommy's fat milf ass. Those are a fucking god's balls. Mnh~ If only every woman in the world could taste your seed."
But her megalomaniacal dirty talk barely penetrated his mind. Kushina had mesmerized him with her belly-tricks.
Bit by bit, his grip on her stomach slackened. His bed-shaking thrusts turned mechanical. Distracted by such a glorious show of abdominal excess. Even Hinata was entranced. Chin on her husband's shoulder, open-mouthed as she watched the older woman play.
"God damn, look at her go.... Mmm! You're one nasty baby factory, aren't ya?"
"Mmmmmyes..." Kushina whined.
"You like being your son's dick socket, don't ya?"
Kushina nodded and then yelped from Naruto's umpteenth belly-shaking thrust.
"Mmmmooohhhh god yes..." She whined. "He's so close to my womb, I can almost feel him touch my cervix. If only he could get just a little deeper."
Hinata raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Deeper huh? I think we can make that happen."
She slapped him on the back. Enough to drag out a bestial, quizzical grunt. She had his attention.
"Wanna try a little cowgirl, stud?"
Naruto nodded rapidly, still bouncing Kushina's belly of his abs. But then he stopped and shook his head no. Which struck Hinata as weird. He never said no to her.
"Something wrong?" She asked.
"I... I can't stop..." Naruto snarled and spiked Kushina's weeping slit abyssal deep. "I can't switch it off. You'll have to drag me out."
Hinata grinned. "No problem, stud. Kushina, you know what to do."
Kushina gave her mistress a weak thumbs-up. Chakra chains whipped from the shadows beneath the bed. Cobra fast they snared his wrists and ankles. He was a heavy man when hyde seized control, but Kushina's signature jutsu didn't care.
Kushina pulled back on her son's mighty limbs. Stud muscle warred with ninjutsu. It was a close contest, but not close enough. Naruto lost ground inside her vagina. Kushina worked him out of her inch by slurpy, snuggly inch. Lavished every square centimeter of studflesh with squeezy love. Until his fat head popped free. And he raged in the cold, empty air. Clenched, he huffed steam and humped the air. Eyes red as his muscles bulked more and his transformation progressed.
Flat on her back, Kushina tried to roll upright at first. But her massive midsection bore down hard, and she fell back to the sheets with an 'oof!'. Muttering, she tried from the side this time. Rolled over and fought gravity's hold on her twitching baby-gut that way. Pushed up by her arms. She kissed the sheets again.
"Oh, darn it. These boobs keep getting in the way." Kushina remembered her breasts. And her eyes sparkled. "Ooh... boobies. My big milky boobies..."