Chapter 113 - Battle for Tickets

Chapter 113 - Battle for Tickets

Gossip Forum

Topic: Sharing A Really Strange Dream I Had

Building Owner: This is what happened. In the past few weeks, I kept having the same nightmare over and over again. In my nightmare, someone asked me to lend them years of my life so they could extend their own lifespan. The dream seemed super realistic – the kind that you can still remember very clearly even after waking up. At first, I found it very strange, so didn’t agree. And then, a few days ago, I honestly couldn’t take it anymore. I finally agreed to the other party’s request. Immediately after, that person suddenly pulled out a contract and told me to sign it. I thought that since I had already agreed, it would be pretty embarrassing to go back on my word. Thus, I signed it. However, after I woke up, the more I thought about it, the more scared I got. It was really too realistic. I worried that I would continue having nightmares, so I found the Internet famous CEO’s store and bought a jade stone from them.

Floor 1: This dream truly sounds very strange.

Floor 2: Isn’t Building Owner worrying about the wrong thing? Even though it was just a dream, that person told you to lend them years of your life??? And you actually dared to agree to such a request? And now you’re only worried that you’re going to continue having nightmares?

Floor 3: What an unlucky dream. However, it was only a dream. Building Owner doesn’t need to be too worried.

Building Owner: Um, the strange dream I was talking about wasn’t this one. I was talking about the dream I had after buying CEO’s jade stone. While buying the jade, I told the customer service representative about my dreams. Then, the customer service representative gifted me a “nightmare rescue” service. At the time, I thought that she had been joking and didn’t take it to heart at all. Unexpectedly, after receiving the jade, I had an even stranger dream.

Building Owner: I dreamt that someone in a suit asked me what the person who borrowed years of life from me was called. Mysteriously, I somehow remembered, so I told him. After saying the name, a bunch of other people appeared too. They caught both the person who got me to sign the contract and the person who was borrowing years of life from me and made them take the contract out again. Those two people were unwilling to, which resulted in them getting beaten up by that group of strange people……

Floor 35: The plots of Building Owner’s dreams are so connected!

Floor 36: I actually believe Building Owner?

Building Owner: I’m not making anything up ah, it’s all real _(:3∠)_ Additionally, the later development became even weirder……

Those two people who asked to borrow years of life from me were initially unwilling to give up the contract, even after getting beaten up. The person in the suit handed me an eye mask and earplugs and told me to temporarily stop watching and listening. But I was curious, so I snuck a secret peek. After, I felt very regretful. Very, very regretful……

Floor 88: What did Building Owner see?

Building Owner: Ao! I saw that group of strange people transform!!!! The person in the suit took his own head off and put it in front of those two people. He threatened them by saying that if they didn’t hand over the contract, he would yank their heads off. Someone else also started stabbing watermelon knives into himself; he kept doing this, saying that he would move onto them after finishing with himself……There were a bunch of other people too. Basically, it was really, really gory. I honestly got scared to death, but I also didn’t dare to scream out loud. At that time, I really wanted to instantly wake up. However, no matter what I did, I couldn’t wake up. I was starting to suspect that I would become the first person to get scared to death by their own dream.

Eventually, those two people ultimately couldn’t take it anymore and handed the contract over. The person in the suit put his head back on and told me to burn the contract. He also provided a lighter and a bucket to burn the contract in. Additionally, he reminded me to be careful and not throw my trash away carelessly……

Building Owner: In all honesty, even though it was just a dream, I still felt a bit anxious about the fact that I had signed the contract previously. After burning the contract, I feel much more at ease. Also, I really haven’t had another nightmare since then.

Floor 120: ……Building Owner’s dream???

Floor 121: Building Owner really isn’t making stuff up?

Floor 122: What has Building Owner actually experienced? Why did you have such a dream?

Floor 123: Though it sounds very fake, in case it’s actually real, I’m heaving a sigh of relief after hearing that Building Owner burned the contract.

Floor 124: Let’s first disregard Building Owner’s dream. I want to tell everyone that extending one’s lifespan truly does exist. As a warning, never agree to anybody’s request to borrow years of life from you, no matter the circumstance!!! Not even in your dreams!

Floor 125: Wait. So this was the nightmare rescue service provided by CEO’s shop? An advertorial?

Floor 126: I’m sputtering, okay. That service is too thoughtful. Providing an eye mask, earplugs, and lighter?

Building Owner: Oh, right. Before I woke up, those people also begged me to leave them a five star review……

Floor 456: ??? So did Building Owner leave them a five star review?

Building Owner: I left CEO’s shop a five star review, so technically yes?

After taking care of the follow-up work for Si Mountain Ridge and scheduling everything for the new year, Yu Zhengdu called his parents. He was preparing to head home to bring Peppa back to their company—— This was honestly because he had no other choice. These past few days, the programmers in the subsidiary company had already gone so crazy that they had set a gif of Peppa as the bootup program for their company’s computers. Aside from the computers of the executives, as long as the other employees turned on their computers, a Peppa would pop up on their screens, flapping her wings and staring at them. The caption next to this was: Where has Peppa gone?

Their coworkers at the design department had also made a set of Peppa stickers. Each day, they furiously sent geese into the group chat, giving Yu Zhengdu various hints.

Yu Zhengdu lamented: Peppa is probably going to have to start clocking in to work at the company very soon. And at such a young age. Truly difficult.

Yu Zhengdu had originally thought that his parents would come up with an excuse to drag the time out for a bit longer. Unexpectedly, they actually very easily agreed. Additionally, they passionately expressed that they were going to personally bring Peppa to Fu City; they would also stay in Fu City for a few days.

Yu Zhengdu found this a bit strange. His parents were the type who didn’t like troubling their child. After Yu Zhengdu had started working, he had mentioned bringing them to Fu City for vacation a few times. However, they knew that Yu Zhengdu was normally busy with work, thus had never agreed for fear of delaying his work. How come they were taking the initiative to come this time? Peppa’s appeal was so strong?

Yu Zhengdu felt confused in his heart. Thus, he asked a few extra questions. Only to hear Mother Yu mysteriously ask from the other end of the phone, “Zhengdu, don’t you work in the field of computer technology? You must be really good at fighting for tickets too, right?”

Yu Zhengdu was completely lost. “What’s wrong? You don’t want me to become a scalper, right?”

“No.” Somewhat embarrassedly, Mother Yu admitted, “There’s a rock band that’s going to hold a concert in Fu City soon. Those tickets are so hard to fight for. I want to ask you to get two for me and your dad.”

“Huh?” Yu Zhengdu was in disbelief. “So you and Dad aren’t coming to Fu City to see me? You’re only here to be fans?”

And you’re fans of a rock band? So exhilarating?

“Of course not. We’re here mainly to visit you while also being fans,” Mother Yu placated rather sincerely. Then, she continued to ask, “So? Can you get the tickets?”

Yu Zhengdu: = = Can’t moms be more sincere while lying to their sons?

Speechless, he asked, “Which band?”

Mother Yu: “They’re called Sagittarius Band and make rock Sanskrit music.”

Yu Zhengdu: “Pft——”

On the other end of the line, Mother Yu furrowed her brows. “What’s wrong?”

Yu Zhengdu: “I think they’re artists signed to our company……”

Mother Yu: “Ah?”

The kinnaras hadn’t started their jobs in the entertainment industry for too long. Additionally, a professional management company was taking care of them. Yu Zhengdu was busy with work. He also didn’t understand these things. As such, he normally didn’t really pay attention to what they were doing. After suddenly hearing that his parents were actually coming to Fu City to attend their concert, he truly did jump in fright.

Only now did Yu Zhengdu remember that previously, the employee in charge of managing the kinnaras had reported that the kinnaras were going to release their first digital album soon. Because the production time had been a bit short, they were releasing a mini album. In total, they had only recorded five songs.

Yu Zhengdu had guessed that given the kinnaras’ talent, their music definitely wouldn’t get overlooked. However, the album was only a few songs. In addition to the fact that they hadn’t been released for too long, he actually hadn’t had the time to pay attention to them. But they had already successfully turned his parents into fans?

Yu Zhengdu sent Shang Que a question:【The kinnaras are going to hold a concert?】

Story King:【I think so. Star Path Management specially gave me a few VIP tickets a few days ago】

Yu Zhengdu:【Ah, you have tickets? Great, save two for me】

Story King:【You want to go watch?】

Yu Zhengdu:【No, my parents want to go watch】

Story King:【Then let’s go together.】

Yu Zhengdu:【There’s no need……】

Story King:【No. Father and mother in law want to watch a concert. How could their little son in law not accompany them?!】

Yu Zhengdu was shocked by the usage of the terms “father in law”, “mother in law”, and “little son in law”:【0.0 Okay then……】

He asked again:【What’s up with the kinnaras now? Even my parents want to come watch their concert?】

Story King:【Their album got released. I think it sold pretty well too】

As Shang Que typed, he directly sent Yu Zhengdu the sales data that Star Path Management had sent him.

When Yu Zhengdu opened the file, he immediately went: !!!!!

Was this “pretty well”? This had already broken several records?

Yu Zhengdu couldn’t help starting to mentally calculate how much money Luofeng could get based on their agreement from before……

Yu Zhengdu:【Earning money in the entertainment industry is really too fast!】

Yu Zhengdu:【Boss, do you want to debut?】

Story King:【……】

Story King:【No thanks. I have PTSD from the trending topics fiasco】

After finishing his conversation with Shang Que, Yu Zhengdu rushed off to hold a meeting with the programmers. However, after finishing the meeting, Liu Wei suddenly mysteriously hailed him down. “Leader, am I your favorite programmer?”

“No,” Yu Zhengdu coldly replied. “What do you want to do?”

Liu Wei didn’t feel defeated following his failed attempt at acting cute, though. Instead, he tried even harder. “Even if I’m not your favorite programmer, I’m still technically your trusted subordinate, right?”

Yu Zhengdu thought about it. “If I really have to think about it, you’re the trusted……thorn in my side!”

Liu Wei: “……”

Upon failing to make use of their relationship, he could only honestly admit, “I heard that the newly debuted Sagittarius Band are headquarter’s employees?”

Prior to their debut, the kinnaras had technically been serving out their sentence at Luofeng. They hadn’t really revealed themselves too much. None of the employees at the subsidiary company had ever seen them. After, they had debuted as artists under Star Path. In addition to the fact that headquarters dabbled in many varying fields, most people at the subsidiary company didn’t even know that headquarters also had an entertainment business, not to mention knowing who the artists signed to headquarters were.

Of course, Luofeng actually hadn’t purposefully tried to hide anything. It was still possible to find out if you were truly interested in finding out.

Liu Wei was obviously someone who had truly been interested in finding out.

Yu Zhengdu looked at him, surprised. “Could it be that you’re also Sagittarius Band’s fan?”

“I am.” Liu Wei admitted this very easily. He ingratiatingly asked, “Leader, isn’t Sagittarius Band holding a concert in a few days? Can you help me get a ticket?”

Yu Zhengdu stated in disdain, “No matter what, you’re still one of our programmers. Don’t you know how to make a web accelerator to get the tickets?”

“Do you know how many web accelerators are battling for their tickets?” Liu Wei asked. “My accelerator was extremely exceptional. I managed to get two tickets at least. However, it’s already been blocked.”

Yu Zhengdu: “……So don’t you already have two tickets?”

Liu Wei pitifully said, “My mom and dad stole those two tickets from me. If I refused to give them up, they would call me really unfilial. Now I don’t have a ticket for myself.”

Yu Zhengdu was a bit shocked. “Your parents were fighting for tickets too?”

Liu Wei asked, “Leader, you don’t know yet? Sagittarius Band appeals to the young and the old. Right now, their fans have to fight for tickets for themselves and tickets for their parents. Some slightly less filial children have already gotten into arguments with their parents……”

Yu Zhengdu was even more confused. “Doesn’t Sagittarius Band make Sanskrit music? They make such Buddhist music, but their fans don’t sound Buddhist at all.”

“They are very Buddhist, but also very rock.” Liu Wei held his hands out. “There’s no contradiction.”

Yu Zhengdu actually had nothing to say in response to this. Upon seeing how pitiful Liu Wei looked, he asked if Shang Que had any remaining tickets. After learning that there were no extra tickets, he thought about it and directly got in contact with someone from Star Path.

Star Path’s reply came very quickly. They didn’t have any more tickets either.

Only now did Yu Zhengdu find out that this concert had been scheduled before the album had been released. At the time, they hadn’t expected that Sagittarius Band would be able to become so popular. Thus, they hadn’t rented a very large venue; Star Path insiders hadn’t kept very many tickets either. Eventually, though, a lot of very important people had actually used their connections to come asking for tickets.

How could Star Path dare to mistreat these people? Almost immediately, they had run out of tickets.

Yu Zhengdu regretfully patted Liu Wei’s shoulder. “Better keep relying on technology.”

The kinnaras had become popular faster than everyone had anticipated. Very quickly, even supermarkets were playing the kinnaras’ songs. The favored songs for public square dancing had rapidly updated too. Sagittarius Band’s music conquered a majority of recreational places.

Magically – even though the favored songs for public square dancing and bars were usually different – this time, many bars had added Sagittarius Band to their playlists too.

Star Path, who had signed a management contract with the kinnaras, earned a fortune. During this period of time, their boss had become much more attentive too. Several times, he invited Shang Que out for gatherings. However, all these times, he got emotionlessly rejected by Shang Que.

Yu Zhengdu also finally learned that Sagittarius Band’s genre was actually……rock. They mainly focused on rock Sanskrit and the title song for their first album was named《Blissful Rock》.

Yu Zhengdu after seeing the list of songs: “……”

It had to be said that the male kinnara really did look quite rock-esque with a horse head and leather jacket on.

It was still those who had once been gods who were ultimately the most coquettish.

On the day that Father and Mother Yu arrived in Fu City, Yu Zhengdu and Shang Que both went to the public square near Yu Zhengdu’s neighborhood to pick them up. Because they were bringing a goose along, it wasn’t convenient to take public transportation. Thus, Yu Zhengdu specially helped arrange for a car to drive them directly from his hometown to Fu City.

Because they were unfamiliar with the city, he told them to get out of the car in a public square nearby and wait for him to come.

At the public square, Yu Zhengdu felt that the time was about right. However, he still couldn’t see his parents. Just as he was about to call his mom, he noticed that a crowd was slowly forming nearby. A big goose could faintly be seen among them.


Yu Zhengdu hurriedly pulled Shang Que along and ran over. He parted the crowd, only to see the Yu parents and Peppa in the middle of a standoff with a woman. There was also a man and a little girl next to that woman. They were probably a family of three.

Mother Yu angrily said, “You’re too unreasonable. How come you’re so unrelenting?”

That woman put her hands on her hips. Her voice was much louder than Mother Yu’s. “Isn’t that because you guys aren’t socially responsible at all? You’ve brought a goose out with you. It’s noisy and stinky, and even scared our child. If you guys don’t take care of this goose right here and right now, we’re not ending this.”

Mother Yu: “Quit spouting nonsense. Our Peppa is very obedient. You’re clearly the one with a problem.”

Woman: “Yoyoyo, ‘Peppa’ ‘Peppa’. This goose even has a name!”

Yu Zhengdu could largely guess what had happened. He hurriedly took a step forward and asked, “What’s wrong?”

As soon as the goose saw him, she immediately charged over and pitifully used her wings to pat his thighs.

Yu Zhengdu quickly caressed her head. He lowly placated, “Peppa’s very well-behaved.”

That woman noticed that the newcomer was young. She worried about being at a disadvantage, so instantly yelled, “What? You have more people so you’re bullying me?”

Shang Que took a step forward and coldly replied, “Yes. So what?”

Woman: “……”

With Shang Que’s addition, it was now truly the side with more people bullying the side with less people. Additionally, the other side had two strong young adults.

Especially because Shang Que was completely disregarding etiquette. It didn’t look like he intended on being polite at all. That woman took a step back. She no longer seemed as arrogant as before.

Only now did Yu Zhengdu get the opportunity to get the full story.

It turned out that the Yu parents had originally been waiting for Yu Zhengdu at the public square with Peppa. Probably because she was about to see Yu Zhengdu and Shang Que, Peppa had been slightly excited. Occasionally, she would flap her wings and screech. Coincidentally, this couple had passed by with their child. Because of the Yu parents’ diligent feeding, Peppa was currently a huge goose the size of a child. That kid had probably never seen such a large bird. Thus, she had immediately started crying out of fear.

That woman had instantly started cussing out the Yu parents. Mother and Father Yu had originally already apologized. Peppa had also lowered her head, not daring to make a peep. However, the child had probably been spoiled at home. Upon noticing how obedient Peppa looked, she stupidly reached out to twist Peppa’s wing. How could Peppa be the type to allow someone else to bully her? She very quickly pecked the little girl back.

That was unacceptable. The kid started throwing a tantrum; the woman was even more unrelenting. She kept saying that this goose was a dangerous animal and was adamant about them “taking care” of it.

Though the Yu parents didn’t have terrible tempers, they also weren’t pushovers. This clearly wasn’t their problem. How could they let others order them around? Unexpectedly, this woman was very shameless. She had even garnered the attention of a lot of passersby.

After explaining everything, the woman immediately propped her hands on her hips and loudly asked first, “Everyone help make a judgement. Aren’t they the ones who have been uncultured in bringing a goose out?!”

The onlookers pointed fingers, but didn’t actually say anything. At the end of the day, there were many people who walked their cats and dogs. It wasn’t much of a problem at all that someone had brought a goose out. This woman mainly just thought that Mother and Father Yu were villagers, so looked down on them.

Of course, this huge goose was truly of a shocking size.

Yu Zhengdu calmly said, “There are no public security management rules restricting us from taking a goose out with us. Thus, we haven’t broken any rules.”

Woman: “So what if it isn’t restricted? It’s still uncultured. Don’t you know that it’s affecting others?”

She tugged the kid next to her over. “My child originally was going to attend her extracurricular ballet class. Now, she’s been scared by your goose. She’s going to be late and won’t be able to practice today either. How are you guys going to compensate for this loss?”

Mother Yu angrily said, “Isn’t that because you guys bullied Peppa first? You guys should be the ones apologizing to Peppa!”

“Why do you keep saying ‘Peppa’ ‘Peppa’?!” The woman loudly yelled. “Isn’t she just a goose? What? You’re really raising a goose as a child? Your goose can be compared to my child?”

“Why not?” Shang Que asked coldly from off to the side. He gazed at the woman. “Peppa’s much smarter than your child.”

“You guys must be crazy!” The woman started laughing out of anger. “A goose is smarter than my child? Can you make your goose do ballet?”

Shang Que proudly said, “Yes.”

The author has something to say:

Peppa: I, ballet goose!

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