Chapter 120 - Becoming a Demon Scientifically

Chapter 120 - Becoming a Demon Scientifically

Gossip Forum of Fu City’s Technology Institute

Title: Let’s Talk About the Famous Scum Girl of Fu City’s National Civil Servant Exam Group Chat

Building Owner: Holy shit! Have you guys heard of Miss Hu from the national civil servant exam group chat? The scum girl of a lifetime. I was so shocked!!

Building Owner: This is what happened. I have a bro who’s taking the national civil servant exam this year. He joined the local exam group chat; a super pretty girl in the chat suddenly added him and even took the initiative to pursue him. Not long after, they got together. My bro loved her so much. He was even preparing to propose to her after passing the civil servant exam. Unexpectedly, a few days ago, the girl suddenly broke up with him in a way that offered no room for any other options. My bro was so depressed that he asked the other people in the group chat if they had any news about her. As soon as he did so, he found out that his girlfriend had actually been simultaneously dating several of the guys in the group chat!!!

Floor 3: So badass?

Floor 4: I know what Building Owner is talking about too? I want to say that she wasn’t dating just “several” of the guys. She was flirting with all the guys in the group chat. My bro was a victim too. Recently, he got dumped. Now, he’s completely lost his will and has directly given up on the civil servant exam.

Floor 5: Too scummy?!

Floor 6: A professional scammer? Did Building Owner’s bro get scammed out of anything?

Floor 11: Us too. A guy in our class was in the same situation. Now, he’s drowning his sorrows with alcohol everyday……

Floor 12: All the guys in the group chat? My point is, you men are too easily……?

Building Owner: The mysterious thing about this case is that apparently, not only is this girl beautiful, she’s also extremely gentle and kind. She didn’t cause any drama and didn’t have ulterior motives. She never asked for anything. When my bro proactively gave her gifts, she would even coax him out of wasting money and tell him to save his money to develop his career after the exam. She was this way right up to the point they broke up!

Floor 66: ??? There’s such a scum girl? Then what was her actual goal?

Floor 67: Yes, I heard about this too. We originally all thought that this girl was trying to scam people out of money, but it seems that none of the guys she has dated have lost anything. They just got compassion and care from her…… And so I’m bewildered.

Floor 68: It’s just very strange. What’s stranger is that the victim I know is still hung up over her now. He even told us that as long as she’s willing to get back together with him, he can forgive her.

Floor 77: Emmm, not only does my bro want to reconcile with her, he also refuses to allow us to badmouth her……

Floor 101: Isn’t she a female central AC unit?

Floor 122: Building Owner is being a bit too mean! Aside from kind of being a player, she hasn’t done anything else. Why are you guys exposing her? It’s not like she harmed you guys! She’s really very, very nice!

Floor 123: Upstairs is a victim who’s speaking from personal experience?

After Hu Xiaoyue got caught and arrested, she was forced to break up with her numerous boyfriends. In the period of time after, many similar posts appeared. Scumbag Miss Hu also became a permanent wound in the hearts of this generation of examinees.

Unlike what people were saying in the post, rather than being furious about being cheated on, most of the examinees were more reluctant to let Miss Hu go. They were also nostalgic about their time together. Even Zhao Shuxin, who knew that Hu Xiaoyue was actually a fox demon, couldn’t stop thinking about her for the longest time. He incessantly used Luofeng’s Customer Service Representative Little Tiantian as a messenger to relay his feelings of longing towards Hu Xiaoyue.

The pitiful thing was, Hu Xiaoyue was only purely enjoying the process of being in a relationship. After getting taken to Luofeng, she completely forgot about her former partners.

Fortunately, Luofeng’s customer service was top tier. Though he couldn’t get a response from Hu Xiaoyue, Zhao Shuxin received Customer Service Representative Little Tiantian’s patient coaxing and comforting. He felt a family-like warmth.

Under Little Tiantian’s guidance, Zhao Shuxin finally slowly recovered from his emotional injury. Eventually, he couldn’t help sending Little Tiantian a message.

Shuxin:【Little Tiantian, you really are a very cute and gentle girl.】

Shuxin:【May I ask you out for a drink?】

Shuxin:【I’m not trying to do anything else. I just want to properly thank you】

Customer Service Representative Little Tiantian:【I’m sorry, but no oh, Dear】

Shuxin:&#k3010;Why’s that?&#k3011;

Customer Service Representative Little Tiantian:&#k3010;Because I’m a manly man, Dear&#k3011;

Shuxin:&#k3010;&#k2026;&#k2026;My apologies&#k3011;

Civil servant scholar Zhao Shuxin, traumatized*2.

And while all the national civil servant examinees were being depressed over Hu Xiaoyue, Hu Xiaoyue had long since thrown them out of her mind. She was in the middle of obediently serving out her sentence at Luofeng.

After bringing Hu Xiaoyue back to Luofeng and interrogating her in detail, Yu Zhengdu discovered that aside from putting green hats on varying male students, in all seriousness, Hu Xiaoyue hadn’t actually done anything extremely harmful or unreasonable. According to Luofeng’s current rules, as long as she promised to never make the same mistakes, she would be able to be set free after being kept in custody for fifteen days.

Rather, Yu Zhengdu was more interested in how Hu Xiaoyue had become a demon. Given Shang Que’s explanation, after the Heavens and Hell had collapsed, the magical energy in the mortal realm had sharply decreased. Not being allowed to become a demon after the formation of the new state wasn’t just a joke: in actuality, the conditions were no longer sufficient for animals to become demons.

Thus, after the discipline department confirmed Hu Xiaoyue’s sentence, Yu Zhengdu and Shang Que had a discussion. They then called her into the office to get a better understanding of the situation.

Hu Xiaoyue was very cooperative. She immediately started explaining, “Actually, I had already started cultivating before the formation of the new nation. However, I was never able to make the breakthrough that would allow me to take a human form until the reform and opening up of the country. Huaxia’s economy started developing and I finally received a one in a million opportunity……”

Yu Zhengdu hadn’t thought that Hu Xiaoyue’s demonization would actually be related to the reform and opening of the country. He was instantly extremely shocked. “Economical development can speed up cultivation?”

“Oh, no. It’s because after the economy started developing, more people started taking vacations.” While speaking, Hu Xiaoyue pulled out a very old Nokia phone. “And then, a visitor dropped a phone in the mountains that I happened to pick up. Through this phone, I opened up the doors to a whole new world.”

According to Hu Xiaoyue, she had picked up the phone when the Internet had just started becoming prevalent. And because she had started cultivating from an early age and had even wandered throughout human society, she understood the written language of humans. Thus, she very quickly learned how to use the phone to surf the Internet. Additionally, she used the Internet to dissect and understand this brand new society, learning information that she had never known about before. Rapid technological advancements also offered her deeper insights. The questions she encountered during cultivation could often be answered by the Internet too.

It became extremely easy to gain knowledge off of the Internet. This also allowed her to finally make that last breakthrough. She was able to take human form.

Of course, this was also heavily related to their nation’s great infrastructures, which allowed her to sneak into nearby villages in the middle of the night to charge her phone.

“For example, most foxes know to worship the moon during cultivation, but as for the details of how to do so, they can only figure that out themselves. However, through looking up records from predecessors on the Internet, I learned that there are actually many formalities for worshipping the moon. The timing, location, posture, tricks, and incantations must all be perfect. After learning about all that, my speed in worshipping the moon sped up by at least a hundredfold.”

“Another example is cultivation location. Everyone knows that a place with plentiful magical energy and that is hidden from the wind can help increase the rate of cultivation. Yet, how could normal, natural animals know which places are ideal for cultivation? Even those with talent and spiritual roots have to slowly figure it out themselves. Using the Internet, though, I learned the art of fengshui from humans. I could use geological veins, mountain shapes, water flow, and directions to accurately find good cultivation spots. This was much more efficient than relying on an animal’s sixth sense.”

“Summed up in one phrase: knowledge is power!”

Yu Zhengdu watched as a fox demon preached the importance of knowledge. He kept feeling like something was a bit off, but it had to be said that she was absolutely right.

Even when magical energy had been abundant between the Heavens and Hell, there were still very, very few animals who could become demons. The most important reason wasn’t because they weren’t intelligent enough – instead, it was because they didn’t live long enough. Under the conditions of having to figure everything out themselves, many animals needed to spend a long amount of time figuring out the way to start cultivation. Oftentimes, before they could see any results from cultivation, they had already passed away. This was also why it was easier for animals who had received advice from enlightened religious masters to become demons. Basically, they had learned a more advanced way of cultivation.

“Look.” Hu Xiaoyue turned on the extremely outdated Symbian OS and showed Yu Zhengdu the links she had saved. She then opened up the notepad in the phone. “These are all the learning materials that I collected.”

Yu Zhengdu looked over Hu Xiaoyue’s list of saved links. The headlines were all sorted into categories, making them easy to view at a glance. There were links about the moon worshipping method she had mentioned, geomancy, cultivation incantations, etc. There were also links to the varying official websites of religious sects.

“In the past, when I wanted to learn some mantras or incantations, I had to hide in the corners of temples to eavesdrop. Now, though? All large temples have their own official websites. If you want to learn the mantras, the websites have explanations for them. It’s much more convenient compared to before.” Hu Xiaoyue smiled, pleased. “For things that you can’t find online or don’t understand, you can also private message those monks and Daoists to directly ask them. If this were in the real world, I would be lucky if those Daoists didn’t beat me to death.”

Yu Zhengdu broke out in cold sweat after hearing this. He remembered a classic quote from the Internet: “On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.”

In Hu Xiaoyue’s situation, this saying ought to be: “On the Internet, no monk knows that they’re facing a fox.”

After the whole spiel, it had to be said that Hu Xiaoyue’s desire and attitude towards learning was much better than that of many humans. Even Yu Zhengdu couldn’t help expressing his praise. He said, “Reflect well while you’re in custody. Work hard to become a classy demon who doesn’t have poor taste. We won’t make things difficult for you either. I trust that you will be able to become better.”

“I know. I will diligently reform myself and become a better demon.” Hu Xiaoyue’s eyes darted around. She politely bowed at Yu Zhengdu. “Boss Yu, after I finish my punishment, can you help me find a job?”

Yu Zhengdu hadn’t thought that she would suddenly make such a request. He was temporarily a bit confused.

As a motivated and smart fox demon, Hu Xiaoyue had long since figured out her own situation the moment that she had been caught.

As of now, she already had a record at Luofeng. It was impossible for her to keep living as a demon like she had in the past. If she wanted to continue living in the city, she could only act like a normal human and find a down to earth job and go to work.

Yu Zhengdu hadn’t expected that surviving in the city would be so difficult for demons. He momentarily felt like sighing. However, Hu Xiaoyue was truly quite gifted. After brief thought, he simply decided to call Lu Lingxi in. He told the other to lead Hu Xiaoyue over to take a professional skills assessment. While at it, if there was a suitable opening in the company, she could also interview Hu Xiaoyue for it.

After all, as a demon, if Hu Xiaoyue were really to go to work, Luofeng would probably be the most suitable choice. Yu Zhengdu truly didn’t dare to recommend a demon into a normal human company.

After Lu Lingxi led Hu Xiaoyue away, Yu Zhengdu finally asked Shang Que, “What do you think about Hu Xiaoyue’s situation?”

Shang Que removed his gaze from his phone. His tone was a bit meaningful. “Hu Xiaoyue is pretty smart. However, she’s still just an ordinary demon. There are many things she doesn’t understand at all.”

Yu Zhengdu, confused: “For example?”

Shang Que said, “She managed to make her breakthrough and become human because she received important knowledge and advanced cultivation methods. This isn’t wrong.”

“However, the proper method can only reduce the cultivation time. To reach the level that other animals might need tens or hundreds of years for, she only needs a few years. Yet, the most basic thing is……she needs enough magical energy.”

An old saying said that “even the best cook can’t make good food if there’s no rice.” The same held true for the cultivation process of demons. No matter how advanced Hu Xiaoyue’s cultivation method was, without enough magical energy, the results would be equally dismal.

Yu Zhengdu furrowed his brows. “Didn’t you say that after the collapse of the Heavens and Hell, the magical energy in the mortal realm was no longer enough for animals to become demons?”

Shang Que’s gaze was heavy. “Think again. Hu Xiaoyue wasn’t the only one who became a demon.”

Yu Zhengdu reached an epiphany. “The drought demon.”

More accurately speaking, the drought demon wasn’t even an exception. There were also the numerous skeletons and zombies dotting the mountainsides of Si Mountain Ridge.

Shang Que propped his chin up on one hand. “The magical energy of the mortal realm is recovering.”

Various thoughts flashed through Yu Zhengdu’s mind. “Could it be related to the Great Emperor of Fengdu?”

“Not sure. Perhaps, perhaps not. Or perhaps……” Shang Que seemed to have thought of something. “He’s making these things relate to him.”

The atmosphere suddenly became a bit serious.

Shang Que stroked the back of Yu Zhengdu’s hand. “But that doesn’t matter. I’m here.”

Yu Zhengdu smiled. His tensed muscles finally slightly relaxed.

A while later, Lu Lingxi led Hu Xiaoyue back to the office. Lu Lingxi’s expression looked pretty bright. With a smile, she said, “Miss Hu has a fairly good grasp of professional work skills. Coincidentally, we were preparing to hire an administrative assistant. I just interviewed her. There should be no problem if she takes the job.”

Because of the fact that they were planning on changing offices, Luofeng’s administrative department had gotten an increased workload recently. There was an emergency need to enlarge the department. Lu Lingxi had been stressing out about this; unexpectedly, a fox demon had fallen from the sky and casually solved her problem. She was naturally in a great mood.

Upon hearing this, Yu Zhengdu looked into the situation and discovered that Hu Xiaoyue was truly passionate about learning. Not only was she great at cultivation, she could also familiarly use all the different Office softwares. In addition, her determination to encourage examinees to pass their exams while dating in the past technically counted as experience in administrative work. Surprisingly, she was really quite a good fit.

As soon as Hu Xiaoyue heard that she had passed her interview, she was immediately beyond excited. She truly hadn’t thought that a tiny fox demon such as herself would get the opportunity to become an official employee of Hell. If this were prior to the collapse of the Heavens and Hell, it could be said that she was reaching the peak of her demonic life!

The more Hu Xiaoyue thought about it, the more excited she became. She instantly announced that she could start on the spot.

Shang Que saw that Lu Lingxi and Yu Zhengdu were both very pleased. Naturally, he didn’t have any objections. Thus, he told Lu Lingxi to take Hu Xiaoyue to sign the contract.

Upon noticing Hu Xiaoyue’s eager expression, Yu Zhengdu couldn’t help feeling a bit amused. Thus, he kindly reminded, “Hu Xiaoyue, if you sign a contract with Luofeng, you can’t break the contract until the deadline. Shouldn’t you get a better understanding of things first?”

Hu Xiaoyue didn’t think that she needed to get an understanding at all. This was a contract with Hell after all.

However, she glanced at Yu Zhengdu. Another idea struck. Speaking of, the reason she was able to somehow get her hands on this contract was thanks to Yu Zhengdu.

And, Yu Zhengdu was good looking and gentle. His attitude towards her was completely different from what she had expected someone’s attitude towards a criminal demon to be. It seemed that his status in Luofeng was very extraordinary too.

Hu Xiaoyue’s fox demon instincts couldn’t help being tempted. She leaned forward slightly and blinked her long, narrow eyes at Yu Zhengdu. “Then can I ask if Boss Yu currently has a girlfriend?”

Lu Lingxi’s eye twitched from off to the side.

Yu Zhengdu: “……No.”

Hu Xiaoyue’s eyes were sparkling. Just as she was about to say something, she heard Yu Zhengdu immediately follow up with, “However, I have a boyfriend.”

The corners of Hu Xiaoyue’s mouth twitched. Her fox eyes widened as her entire foxly being withered in disappointment. “What a pity. Such a good looking little gege. How come you have a boyfriend……”

Shang Que calmly interrupted from off to the side, “I’m his boyfriend.”

Hu Xiaoyue instantly returned to her true form. She shrunk herself into a little ball and curled up on the ground. “Great King, please don’t beat my cultivation away!”

“I’ll definitely purify my heart and become a better person in the future. I’ll become a brand new fox!”

“I’ll never flirt with men again!”

“I didn’t think you would dare to anyways.” Shang Que finally scoffed. He glanced at Lu Lingxi. “Take her to sign the contract.”

Hu Xiaoyue hadn’t expected that Shang Que would still be willing to let her sign the contract. She was instantly ecstatic. Her two front paws came together as she bowed. “Thank you G-Great Boss. I will definitely work diligently in the future!”

Yu Zhengdu was very surprised too. The petty Ghost King was actually being so generous this time. Just as he was about to ask, he heard Shang Que hrmph. The other told Hu Xiaoyue, “When no outsiders are watching, you can only work in your true form in front of my boyfriend.”

Yu Zhengdu: “……” He knew that his boyfriend wouldn’t be capable of being so generous!

Hu Xiaoyue: “……Okay.”

As such, the employees at Luofeng’s headquarters could occasionally see a white fox walking around on two feet like a human. Her two front paws would be holding piles of documents and meeting files as she walked to and fro.

It had to be said, though, that this fox, who had helped numerous examinees study for their exams, was quite exceptional at her work.

The Underworld spirits adjusted rather well. However, Luofeng’s two other mortal employees, Zhao Ruola and Zheng Yan, both felt like their minds had been heavily polluted.

Especially Zheng Yan. As a human being whose courage had never fully developed, he once again felt pained because of his shattered worldview. He ran over to complain to Yu Zhengdu, “Didn’t you say that the new employee is a fox demon? She absolutely doesn’t look like the fox demons in my imagination!”

Yu Zhengdu could only regretfully tell him, “She used to look like the fox demons in your imagination.”

Zheng Yan: “……”

The author has something to say:

Every time Hu Xiaoyue, the implicated fox, brought up the past, she always felt extremely regretful. No wonder the clan ancestors often reminded their successors in their notes that as demons, the most important thing was to control their instincts. She had ended up like this all because she hadn’t been able to completely control her instincts.

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