Chapter 128 - Ship Confounded By Ghosts

Chapter 128 - Ship Confounded By Ghosts

After eating lunch at a random restaurant in the mall, Yu Zhengdu and Shang Que went home with the Nuo mask.

Though what he had seen through the mask had been a bit blurry, the fear and unease brought by the memories continued to plague Yu Zhengdu. This caused him to occasionally feel like he was running out of energy.

“Ah, so tired.” Yu Zhengdu sprawled out on the sofa. He tilted his body and fell into Shang Que’s arms.

Their legs were spread out on the sofa, intertwined together. Yu Zhengdu used his toes to rub against Shang Que’s calves. “Give me a shoulder massage.”

Thus, the Great Ghost King really started giving him a shoulder massage.

Yu Zhengdu was still fiddling around with the mask. He couldn’t help feeling perplexed. “Why was I able to see those things?”

Shang Que briefly paused in his motions. He seemed unable to figure it out either. “It is a bit strange.”

Even if the Nuo mask had temporarily gained godly powers because of the Nuo dance ritual, normal mortals’ eyes still wouldn’t be able to see anything through it. Just like the young god of fortune dance performer. The mask was actually his, but he hadn’t seen anything strange at all.

During official Nuo rituals, only the person representing the god, or the person chosen by the god, could possess the power to see abnormal things.

Shang Que reached for the mask and took a close look at it. He still couldn’t notice anything strange.

If this was only a normal mask, that could only mean that the person who had looked through it wasn’t normal.

Several thoughts flashed through Shang Que’s mind. Ultimately, though, he didn’t say anything. He only reached a hand out and gently caressed Yu Zhengdu’s cheek.

Yu Zhengdu shifted his head so that it was even closer to Shang Que’s hand. He asked, “What’s wrong?”

Shang Que seriously replied, “I suddenly developed a very strong desire to start telling stories.”

Yu Zhengdu thought about it before criticizing, “I bet it wasn’t sudden at all!”

Shang Que made a noise of acknowledgement, then buried his face in Yu Zhengdu’s neck. He nuzzled around a bit. Yu Zhengdu turned over to kiss him. His entire person was extremely relaxed. “I don’t want to move anymore. Let’s just stay on the couch.”


Though Shang Que had said that the Ghost Emperor wouldn’t be able to bring back the Ghost City of Fengdu alone, Yu Zhengdu still felt a bit uneasy in his heart. Especially because the fear caused by seeing the strange scenes through the Nuo mask still refused to go away.

Thus, the evening before the blessing ceremony, Yu Zhengdu debated with himself over and over before ultimately deciding to discuss the situation with Shang Que again. Even if they weren’t working with the Ghost Emperor, it would still be best to go to Impasse Mountain and see everything for themselves.

However, before he could say anything, Shang Que came looking for him first. His expression was calm. “Let’s go to Impasse Mountain tomorrow.”

Yu Zhengdu stared at him. Ultimately, he didn’t ask anything.

He wanted to go to Impasse Mountain because he feared that the Ghost Emperor would have other goals. But Shang Que…… No matter how nonchalant he acted, he probably ultimately still wanted to know what was actually going on in the Ghost City of Fengdu right now.

Impasse Mountain was along the border between Fu City and Ledu. From Shang Que’s neighborhood, it was a trip that was a little over an hour by car. As such, neither of them were very worried. They decided to head out the next morning.

But before day broke, Yu Zhengdu suddenly received a call from Ming Peiran. “Boss Yu, do you and Boss Shang have time right now?”

Yu Zhengdu was bleary with sleep. “What’s wrong?”

Ming Peiran’s voice was slightly agitated. “A ship suddenly disappeared from Nuhai Port. The rescue team suspects that this is a supernatural incident……”

Yu Zhengdu was instantly much more awake. “What do you mean?”

Ming Peiran hurriedly gave a brief summary of what had happened.

Nuhai Port was Nuhai City’s sea port. Nuhai City was a seaside city and also neighbors with Fu City and Ledu. The three of them formed a triangle. Because of ideal berth depths and weather conditions, Nuhai Port had always been the most important general and foreign trade port for these nearby provinces. Each year, innumerable ships and goods passed through it. Enormous cargo ships, weighing over ten thousand tons, constantly visited and left its waters.

The ship that Ming Peiran was talking about was one of these enormous cargo ships. Originally, it should’ve moored in the early morning. Its entire trip had passed by smoothly. Unexpectedly, when it was only a little over two hundred nautical miles away from the entrance of the port, it suddenly disappeared.

Yu Zhengdu furrowed his brows. “Suddenly disappeared?”

“Yes, vanished into thin air.” Ming Peiran’s tone was rather grave. According to his explanation, the crew on that ship had originally still been contacting the port’s staff when suddenly, the entire ship had disappeared. The rescue team had already departed and had also checked the waters that the cargo ship had passed through. Yet, they hadn’t been able to find any traces of that ship. “Even their radar signals completely vanished. We can’t get in contact with anyone on the ship either…… It’s almost as if the ship never even existed.”

Because things had happened too quickly and were too unimaginable, the cargo company and port officials were both bewildered. If not for the fact that previously, many employees had contacted the cargo ship and confirmed that they were traveling along the right path, it would be easy to believe that all of this was an illusion.

If such a big ship had had an accident, it definitely wouldn’t have been undetectable, especially because the ship was already quite close to the entrance of the port. A second earlier, they had still been communicating with the port workers. A second later, they completely went off the grid. In such circumstances, the rescue team couldn’t not think of other possibilities.

The higher-ups of the rescue team had a contact in the special department. Ming Peiran very quickly received this news. Originally, according to protocol, the special department should have arranged for religious masters to participate in the rescue operation. But unfortunately, at this time, almost all of the religious masters who collaborated with the special department were gathered at Impasse Mountain and preparing for the blessing ceremony tomorrow.

Though Ming Peiran hadn’t explicitly said anything, from what he was implying, it wasn’t hard to determine that the relevant department valued the blessing ceremony far more than anything else. It would be impossible for them to make the religious masters leave Impasse Mountain at this time to go anywhere else. Thus, Ming Peiran was forced to turn around and ask Luofeng for help.

Yu Zhengdu wondered what the Ghost Emperor had actually seen and relayed to everyone else to have all these relevant employees value the blessing ceremony to this degree.

Yu Zhengdu muttered to himself, almost blurted out something that would’ve exposed the Ghost Emperor.

However, he ultimately held himself back. He only turned around to ask for Shang Que’s opinion.

Shang Que glanced at the time. His expression was nonchalant. “We’ll go to Nuhai Port first.”

Yu Zhengdu instantly understood his plan. There was still quite some time before the start of the ceremony. There was enough time for them to go to Nuhai Port first, then head to Impasse Mountain. The two cities weren’t far away from each other. Given Shang Que’s abilities, it was entirely possible to instantly teleport there.

Yu Zhengdu nodded and told Ming Peiran, “Captain Ming, you can send the address over. Shang Que and I will head over right now.”

But Ming Peiran fell silent on the other end of the line. A moment later, he asked a completely unrelated question, “You live with Boss Shang?”

He had originally thought that he would have to ask them individually.

Yu Zhengdu laughed. “He’s my boyfriend.”

Ming Peiran: “……Ah?” At least let me mentally prepare myself first!

However, Ming Peiran had witnessed a lot of things in the past. In his eyes, homosexuality was no big deal. The most important thing was that Yu Zhengdu and Shang Que had displayed very impressive prowess at Si Mountain Ridge. This made him think that perhaps asking them to take care of this problem would result in even faster resolvement.

Very quickly, Ming Peiran sent the address and a phone number over. He added:&#k3010;This is the captain of the rescue team’s phone number. When you get there, you can directly contact her. Her name is Ceng Xin.&#k3011;

Yu Zhengdu and Shang Que changed, then grabbed their laptops and other commonly used equipment. Shang Que wrapped an arm around Yu Zhengdu and held the palm of his other hand up in the air, making a spellcasting move.

“Wait a moment,” Yu Zhengdu suddenly said. His gaze fell on the Nuo mask resting on the table. The fear that the mask brought him hadn’t completely dissipated yet. Subconsciously, he felt that this probably wasn’t just a coincidence. After going to Nuhai Port this time, they would be directly heading to Impasse Mountain. Perhaps it would be best to bring the mask along too.

Shang Que didn’t mind. After waiting for him to grab the mask and confirming that there was nothing else to do, he told Yu Zhengdu to close his eyes. Then, he used his hand to gently tap a spot in midair.

When Yu Zhengdu opened his eyes again, they were already standing at the dock of Nuhai Port. In front of them was the vicious midnight ocean. The sea breeze was strong, rendering him almost unable to open his eyes.

Yu Zhengdu pulled out his phone and called the captain of the rescue team, Ceng Xin. Ceng Xin hadn’t expected for them to arrive so soon. She actually suffered quite a fright. However, at this time, the rescue operation was the top priority. She didn’t have any time to waste on worrying about these small trivialities. She only notified the dock workers to pick them up and take them to the area where the cargo ship had disappeared by speedboat.

The area that the cargo ship had disappeared was almost three hundred nautical miles away from the port. The speedboat was on its fastest setting; in less than an hour, they reached their destination. There was a small passenger ship scouring the ocean there. Other rescue speedboats could be faintly seen around them. There was also the hum of helicopter blades from in the air. Rescue spotlights incessantly scanned over the surface of the ocean.

The speedboat stopped next to the miniature passenger boat. Yu Zhengdu and Shang Que climbed on deck. A tall, valiant woman greeted them, saying, “Hello. I’m the captain of the rescue team, Ceng Xin.”

“Hello, Captain Ceng,” Yu Zhengdu politely replied. Then, he cut straight to the chase. “How are things now?”

Ceng Xin shook her head and smiled helplessly. “Better than nothing, I guess.”

According to Ceng Xin’s summary, the rescue team had already tested every possible solution. However, there wasn’t even a single clue left in these waters.

Yu Zhengdu didn’t really have much of an understanding of their rescue methods. The other definitely hadn’t asked them to come because they believed that Luofeng had more advanced technology, though. After understanding this, Yu Zhengdu turned his gaze onto Shang Que.

Shang Que stood on the edge of the deck. He looked far into the distance.

The ocean seemed terrifying and eerie at night. The wind howled, creating enormous waves as it blew past the water’s surface. The little passenger boat had a shallow draft. It incessantly wobbled around with the waves. Occasionally, a strong gust of wind would blow past, causing Yu Zhengdu – who rarely ever travelled by boat – to lose his balance.

But Shang Que didn’t even sway around at all. He looked like he was standing on rock solid ground. The wind couldn’t shift him in the slightest. Only his hair and clothes were affected.

Ceng Xin was incredibly surprised. “Boss Shang is standing a bit too steadily, right?”

Yu Zhengdu only smiled. He didn’t actually answer.

The passenger ship slowly traveled along the planned route. Rescue spotlights continued to scan over the black surface of the ocean. However, they found nothing.

Shang Que lifted his hand and gently pointed at the ocean surface.

She didn’t know if it was a hallucination on her part, but Ceng Xin felt like something had erupted in the ocean breeze. This caused her to uncontrollably take a step back. She instinctively rubbed her face, but there was nothing on it.

A moment later, Shang Que suddenly turned around. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed. “I didn’t find them.”

Ceng Xin froze. “What’s going on?”

Yu Zhengdu explained to her, “We couldn’t find the ship either.”

Ceng Xin fell silent for a moment. “I meant, you’re already done looking?”

Yu Zhengdu instantly realized that they had acted too quickly and without a sense of ceremony. Ceng Xin probably hadn’t even understood what was going on.

As expected, Ceng Xin’s next question was, “Don’t you guys need to cast spells? Burn incense or throw yellow paper around or something?”

“Uh, no.” Yu Zhengdu sweatdropped. Why would he know how to cast spells? And Shang Que was an entity who others asked to borrow power from to cast spells. However, this was a bit difficult to explain to Ceng Xin. He could only vaguely say, “We’re a tech company. We also use GPS satellites to find people.”

Ceng Xin: “……Captain Ming is joking with me?”

Their rescue team already had the most advanced rescue technology. If everyone was using GPS satellites, why would they need to specially ask for reinforcements?

Yu Zhengdu put on the calm appearance he used when facing clients. “The principles of our technology are a bit different.”

Ceng Xin fell silent once more. Obvious disbelief could be seen in her eyes. She wasn’t to be blamed, though. She had been performing rescue operations for many years and often used GPS technology. Could there be any principles that she didn’t know about?

At this time, Shang Que walked over. In a rare occurrence, he looked a bit puzzled. “This should be a ship confounded by ghosts……”

“Ship confounded by ghosts?” Ceng Xin didn’t understand. “What’s that?”

Shang Que made a noise of acknowledgement, but he turned his gaze onto Yu Zhengdu. “A type of ghost hitting wall.”

A lot of people had heard of ghost hitting walls. When people walked around at night in the suburbs, they would suddenly find themselves very confused and unable to discern directions. As a result, they would continuously walk around in circles. These situations were called “ghost hitting walls.”

Most instances of ghost hitting walls were actually natural phenomena, because the instinctive movement tendency for animals were circular movement patterns. They needed to rely on signals and icons to reorientate themselves, but in the suburbs at night, it was very easy for these signature items to seem fake. Thus, the phenomenon of continuously walking in circles would appear.

However, some ghost hitting walls were really and truly the result of someone being confounded by an evil ghost or Underworld creature, resulting in a loss of consciousness and judgment.

What a lot of people didn’t know, though, was that ships at sea, especially ships travelling at night, would occasionally encounter ghost hitting walls too. These were called ships confounded by ghosts.

Shang Que explained to Yu Zhengdu that under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for such an enormous cargo ship to suddenly disappear. The only explanation was that the ship had been confounded by ghosts.

There were innumerable monsters and spirits in the deep sea, enough to form an illusion that could cause a gigantic ship to be confounded. If the illusion was strong enough, it could also blind the eyes of anyone else who entered this area of sea and disrupt all natural signals.

If this was the situation, he should absolutely have the power to find that cargo ship.

But the current situation was – he couldn’t find that cargo ship either. This didn’t make sense.

Shang Que’s explanation about a ship confounded by ghosts allowed Ceng Xin to slightly regain some trust in them. But upon hearing them say that they couldn’t find the ship, she became agitated once more. She knew that these things couldn’t be forced, so only inhaled deeply. “If you really can’t do anything, I’ll just submit a request to strengthen our search and rescue efforts.”

Yu Zhengdu fell into deep thought. A while later, he finally looked up at Shang Que. “If the ship is still in this area, under what circumstances would even you be unable to find it?”

Shang Que’s gaze darkened. “If they’ve gone to a different world.”

“A different world?” Yu Zhengdu didn’t understand.

Shang Que patiently explained to him that in the past, there were also several small worlds outside of the Heavens, Hell, and mortal realm. Under certain, special circumstances, a point of connection would form between different worlds. If someone just so happened to pass through at such a time, they would be able to enter these different worlds.

If one used modern science to explain it, it would probably be similar to the concept of spaces.

For example, the Hungry Ghost Path was one such world. Though it overlapped with the mortal realm, it wasn’t the mortal realm. When Yu Zhengdu had been abducted to the Hungry Ghost Path by King Qinguang, Shang Que had been unable to find him.

But this was something that had only happened when the magical energy between the Heavens and Hell had still been abundant. After the Heavens and Hell had collapsed, these little worlds had also disappeared. Under these circumstances, it was impossible for the cargo ship to enter a different world.

“Perhaps right now, what we’re encountering isn’t a normal situation.” Yu Zhengdu stared out at the dark ocean surface.

During this past period of time, too many things that shouldn’t have happened during this era had already happened.

Yu Zhengdu couldn’t help suspecting the Ghost Emperor. “Could it be him pulling the strings behind the scenes?”

“No, he doesn’t have the power to,” Shang Que answered. If the Ghost Emperor was so capable, he wouldn’t have come looking for Shang Que to collaborate.

“What a pity that they don’t know how to use your magical seal,” Yu Zhengdu sighed. When in the Hungry Ghost Path, he had used Shang Que’s magical seal to summon the other. However, this cargo ship obviously didn’t have the same ability to do so.

Shang Que looked at him in exasperation. “You think my magical seal is so easy to use?”

At this time, a fierce gust of wind blew past. The passenger boat shook violently. Yu Zhengdu lost his balance and almost fell over. Fortunately, Shang Que caught him before anything could happen. However, the object in his hands didn’t have the same good luck. Yu Zhengdu’s bag fell onto the floor.

“What’s this?” Ceng Xin picked up the Nuo mask. She had just finished giving orders to her team and was offhandedly picking Yu Zhengdu’s bag up for him. However, she suffered quite a fright upon seeing the mask in the bag.

It had to be said that on such a silent, dark night, the Zhong Kui mask was quite imposing.

Yu Zhengdu had an epiphany. He accepted the mask and held it up in front of Shang Que. “How about, we try this?”

Nuo masks could see different worlds. Perhaps it could also see that cargo ship? Mainly, they had no other ideas at this time. Even if there was only a million in one chance, they still needed to try, at least.

Shang Que naturally wasn’t willing for Yu Zhengdu to become submerged in such a helpless situation again. However, he also knew that he wouldn’t be able to stop Yu Zhengdu at such a time. He could only remind the other, “You can’t see anything out of the mask right now, right?”

“Hehe.” Yu Zhengdu unlocked his phone and handed it over. “I downloaded this.”

Shang Que took a look: “……”

On the phone screen was a step by step tutorial for how to perform the god of fortune dance.

“Fine.” Shang Que, who never admitted defeat, surrendered on the spot. He thought about it, then reached a hand out and tapped the spot between Yu Zhengdu’s eyebrows. “I’ll guard you as you work.”

After this tap, Yu Zhengdu felt like his soul was suddenly surrounded by clarity. He inhaled deeply and started reading the tutorial.

Ceng Xin watched, curious. She poked her head over. “Boss Yu is?”

“Learning how to cast a spell,” Yu Zhengdu casually replied.

“Right now?” Ceng Xin sputtered out. Her gaze gradually became terrified. Could these two actually be trusted or not?

She couldn’t help asking again, “How long is learning going to take?”

“I’m done.” Yu Zhengdu put his phone away.

Ceng Xin silently took out her own phone and started preparing her request to increase the number of rescue teams.

Yu Zhengdu put on the mask. Accompanied by the fierce winds, he slowly started moving as if drunk.

The god of fortune dance ritual wasn’t really very complicated. Only, to do each move accurately, one needed to practice. Additionally, no one on the boat knew if Yu Zhengdu was being accurate or not. They only stared at him, slightly speechless.

And right now, the scene that Yu Zhengdu was seeing had already changed.

In the blink of an eye, the black ocean had disappeared. In its stead was a boundless sea of red. The sticky blood surged forward. Where the eye could see, everything was red.

The suffocating sensation instantly appeared again. This time, though, with Shang Que’s magic protecting him, Yu Zhengdu wasn’t completely motionless anymore. His eyes slowly moved. Then, he saw an enormous ship.

That enormous ship was travelling through the ocean of blood. The deck was full of crew members. Everyone leaned against the railing, looking at their surroundings. Their eyes were full of terror and their mouths were wide open.

Yu Zhengdu couldn’t hear anything. However, he could somewhat guess what they were saying from their lip movements.

“Where is this place?”

“Have you found the direction?”

“Where are we?”

“Is there still no signal?”

Immediately after, Yu Zhengdu’s breathing suddenly hitched. His entire being once again teetered on the edge of an ice cold sensation.

Just as he was about to fall again, a familiar palm pressed down on his shoulder. The power of Luofeng Mountain enveloped him. Immediately after, he heard Shang Que’s voice. “What happened?”

“I saw it,” Yu Zhengdu said.

“What did you see?”

“A red ocean. And……many ghost hands.”

Only to see that under the enormous ship, where the waterline was, innumerous ghost hands reached out from under the ocean surface. They scratched at the bottom of the ship nonstop, almost as if they wanted to crawl up it. It also looked like they wanted to drag the enormous ship down into the ocean with them.

Those hands were everywhere. Feelings of endless despair and negativity emanated off of them, causing Yu Zhengdu’s entire body to feel cold.

However, the ship’s crew seemed unable to notice this. They were still incessantly asking each other questions.

“The ship is shaking so much. What’s going on?”

“The waves aren’t even that big. What’s the situation?”

They couldn’t see these strange things.

Following Yu Zhengdu’s descriptions, Shang Que’s gaze gradually became more serious. He asked, “What else?”

“Nothing,” Yu Zhengdu said while holding back his discomfort. Everything he could see was just a sea of blood red. He couldn’t see any other identifiable items at all.

Immediately after, the scene before his eyes changed. The mask had already been removed by Shang Que. “Then let’s stop looking for now.”

As the mask got removed, Yu Zhengdu finally couldn’t hold it in anymore. He instantly vomited all over the deck, then immediately apologized to Ceng Xin: “I’m sorry. I couldn’t stop myself.”

“Don’t worry.” Ceng Xin waved her hands around. She was still preoccupied with that enormous ship. “What’s going on right now?”

Yu Zhengdu’s face was ghastly pale. He temporarily didn’t know how to explain, so could only turn to look at Shang Que.

Shang Que lowered his gaze. His voice was ice cold. “It’s the Great Netherworld Sea.”

“The Great Netherworld Sea?” Yu Zhengdu froze.

He knew about the Great Netherworld Sea. While in the Hungry Ghost Path, he had once heard the Torch-Throated Hungry Ghost mention it.

Apparently, the Great Netherworld Sea was at the end of the Hungry Ghost Path’s black lake. It was an ocean of blood that dissolved the malintent and vengeance of the Underworld. Innumerous evil ghosts suffered and were stuck in it. It was an extremely dangerous place.

Nobody had thought that the enormous ship had actually crossed into the Great Netherworld Sea. If not for the fact that modern cargo ships were rather sturdy, it might have already been dragged into the water by the ghosts in the sea.

However, they finally had a location now. Yu Zhengdu seemed slightly more energetic. “Can we bring them back?”

But Shang Que shook his head. “No.”

“Why?” Yu Zhengdu froze once more

Shang Que was short and to the point: “It’s too big.”

The Great Netherworld Sea was similar to the oceans of the mortal realm; it was endless. Unlike the oceans of the mortal realm, though, it had no coordinates. Simply knowing that the cargo ship was in the Great Netherworld Sea was completely useless, because they didn’t know its exact location.

Ceng Xin couldn’t really understand their conversation, but could more or less guess some things. Upon noticing that the atmosphere seemed off, she couldn’t help furrowing her brows too. “You guys don’t have a solution either?”

“Perhaps we do,” Yu Zhengdu suddenly said.

Shang Que stared at him. Ceng Xin asked curiously, “Do you have another badass spell?”

“We’re just grasping at straws now.” Yu Zhengdu inhaled deeply, then, under the other two’s gazes……pulled out another phone.

Ceng Xin: ???

Shang Que was a bit confused too. He did recognize the phone – it wasn’t a phone from the mortal realm. It was the Underworld version.

“I’ll ask Ghost Mother,” Yu Zhengdu explained while opening WeChat. “We’ve built so many things in the Hungry Ghost Path. Can’t let all that go to waste.”

Shang Que: “……”

He had almost forgotten. Ever since they had gained control of the Hungry Ghost Path, they had started building lots of basic infrastructures in it. They had even set up a few signal towers. These days, the Hungry Ghost Path was connected to the Luofeng system too.

And the Great Netherworld Sea was at the end of the Hungry Ghost Path’s black lake. Theoretically, it was also a part of the Hungry Ghost Path.

Only, the Great Netherworld Sea was boundless. Even if that ship was lucky and happened to be in an area that had signal, they still didn’t have any Underworld communication devices. They wouldn’t be able to track the ship’s location at all……

Shang Que hadn’t even finished going through his thoughts, only to see that Yu Zhengdu had already played a voice message he had received.

Needlepoint-Throated Hungry Ghost’s voice was sharp and thin. It was also filled with complaints. “Milk Tea Didi! I was just about to contact you! A few moments ago, I discovered that someone secretly connected to our wifi. Hurry and teach me how to cut off his signal!”

Shang Que: “……?”

Yu Zhengdu was instantly alert. He hurriedly replied, “Don’t. No matter what you do, don’t cut off his wifi. Wait for me.”

While speaking, he started furiously pressing at his phone.

Ceng Xin was completely bewildered. “Boss Yu, you’re……going to learn another spell on the spot?”

“No, I’m tracking their location,” Yu Zhengdu replied.

The corners of Ceng Xin’s mouth twitched. “If that were possible, we would’ve done it long ago……”

“I got it!” Yu Zhengdu interrupted.

“What?” Ceng Xin’s eyes widened. She stared at Yu Zhengdu’s phone screen.

Only to see that there was an unfamiliar map on the screen. On the map, a tiny red dot was continuously moving.

Ceng Xin hadn’t processed everything yet. “What’s this?”

“Someone on the ship. Their phone’s ID is ‘Even if I Die, I Have to Surf the Internet,’” Yu Zhengdu replied.

A staff member that the cargo company had sent over immediately replied with excitement upon hearing this: “That’s my coworker’s account!”

Ceng Xin: ???

The author has something to say:

His ID reveals everything……

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